WESTMORELAND COUNTY Adopting Rule W1910.11; No. 3 of 2005 [35 Pa.B. 3922] Order And Now, this 29th day of June, 2005, It Is Hereby Ordered that Westmoreland County Rule of Civil Procedure W1910.11 is adopted.
By the Court
President JudgeW 1910.11 Office Conference.
(a) The noncustodial parent should be prepared to pay the accumulated support due (arrearages) at the time of the conference.
(1) All accumulated support due from the entry of the complaint is due immediately upon entry of the temporary or consent support order.
(2) Upon verification, credit towards accumulated support due may be given to the defendant for direct payments to the plaintiff made prior to or at the conference.
(3) If an order is not entered at the time of the conference, payment of accumulated support due up to the date the order is received is due immediately upon receipt of the order.
(b) The filing of a Petition for a de novo proceeding before a hearing officer shall not stay payment of accumulated support due or payments pursuant to the temporary order.
(c) When a wage withholding order is issued, the defendant shall make payments to the State Collection and Disbursement Unit (SCDU) until payroll deductions begin.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 05-1326. Filed for public inspection July 15, 2005, 9:00 a.m.]