1324 Administrative order relative to amendment of rules of civil procedure; no. 98-8009 prothonotary; no. 1-MD-2005 clerk of courts
Title 255--LOCAL
COURT RULESBERKS COUNTY Administrative Order Relative to Amendment of Rules of Civil Procedure; No. 98-8009 Prothonotary; No. 1-MD-2005 Clerk of Courts [35 Pa.B. 3921] Order And Now, this 18th day of May, 2005, as a result of the approval and adoption of the Berks County Rules Of Civil Procedure Governing Petition And Motion And Practice, and the subsequent amendment thereto by Order entered on January 4, 2005, which follows, it is hereby Ordered that Berks County Rules Of Civil Procedure 206.5(d), 206.7(d), 207, 208, 1028(a) and 1028(c), are Rescinded in their entirety and made null and void effective this date, but no rights acquired thereunder shall be disturbed.
The District Court Administrator of Berks County is further Ordered and Directed to do the following:
1. File ten (10) certified copies of this Order with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts for distribution in accordance with Pa.R.J.A. 103(c);
2. File two (2) certified copies of this Order with the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin;
3. File one (1) certified copy of this Order with the Civil Procedural Rules Committee of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania;
4. File one (1) certified copy of this order with the Berks County Law Library; and
5. Have other, non-certified copies of this Order continually available for public inspection and copying.
By the Court
President JudgeAdministrative Order Adopting and Establishing Effective Date for Rules of Court Governing Petition and Motion Practice; No. 98-8009 Prothonotary; No. 1-MD-2005 Clerk of Courts Order And Now, this 4th day of January, 2005, it is hereby Ordered that Rule 208.3(b)(1) of the Berks County Rules Of Civil Court Governing Petition And Motion Practice, as adopted and approved by the 23rd Judicial District on June 15, 2004, is amended to read as follows:
(1) motions which do not involve disputed facts for which a record must be developed shall proceed in accordance with B.R.C.P. 211.1 through 211.7, inclusive, which can be found at the Berks County Website, www.co.berks.pa.us/courts.
By the Court
President Judge[Pa.B. Doc. No. 05-1324. Filed for public inspection July 15, 2005, 9:00 a.m.]