INDEPENDENT REGULATORY REVIEW COMMISSION Actions Taken by the Commission [36 Pa.B. 3391]
[Saturday, July 1, 2006]The Independent Regulatory Review Commission met publicly at 10:30 a.m., Thursday, June 15, 2006, and announced the following:
Regulations Deemed Approved under section 5(g) of the Regulatory Review Act--Effective June 14, 2006
Insurance Department #11-227: Credit Life Insurance and Credit Accident and Health Insurance (amends 31 Pa. Code Chapter 73)
Insurance Department #11-228: Minimum Reserve Standards for Individual and Group Health and Accident Insurance Contracts (amends 31 Pa. Code Chapter 84a)
Chairperson[Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-1228. Filed for public inspection June 30, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]