DEPARTMENT OF BANKING Action on Applications [36 Pa.B. 3285]
[Saturday, July 1, 2006]The Department of Banking (Department), under the authority contained in the act of November 30, 1965 (P. L. 847, No. 356), known as the Banking Code of 1965, the act of December 14, 1967 (P. L. 746, No. 345), known as the Savings Association Code of 1967, the act of May 15, 1933 (P. L. 565, No. 111), known as the Department of Banking Code; and the act of December 9, 2002 (P. L. 1572, No. 207), known as the Credit Union Code, has taken the following action on applications received for the week ending June 20, 2006.
BANKING INSTITUTIONS Holding Company Acquisitions Date Name of Corporation Location Action 6-14-06 Allegheny Valley Bancorp, Inc., Pittsburgh, parent company of Allegheny Valley Bank of Pittsburgh, to acquire 100% of RSV Bancorp, Inc., Pittsburgh, parent company of Mt. Troy Bank, Pittsburgh, a Federal Savings Bank Pittsburgh Filed Consolidations, Mergers and Absorptions Date Name of Bank Location Action 6-14-06 Allegheny Valley Bank of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, and
Mt. Troy Bank, Pittsburgh
Surviving Institution--
Allegheny Valley Bank
of Pittsburgh, PittsburghPittsburgh Filed 6-14-06 The Juniata Valley Bank
Juniata CountyMifflintown Filed Purchase of assets/assumption of liabilities of one branch of Mifflinburg Bank and Trust Company, Mifflinburg
Located at:Main Street
Juniata CountyBranch Applications Date Name of Bank Location Action 6-14-06 Graystone Bank
Lancaster County1276 North Atherton Street
State College
Centre CountyWithdrawn 6-16-06 The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Bryn Mawr
Montgomery County849 Paoli Pike
West Chester
Chester CountyFiled 6-19-06 Lafayette Ambassador Bank
Northampton County1127 Chestnut Street
Lehigh CountyOpened Branch Discontinuances Date Name of Bank Location Action 6-9-06 Orrstown Bank
Cumberland County13 Center Square
Franklin CountyEffective 6-13-06 First Commonwealth Bank
Indiana CountyLogan Valley Mall
West Plank Road
Logan Township
Blair County
(Drive-Up Facility)Filed SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS No activity. CREDIT UNIONS Consolidations, Mergers and Absorptions Date Name of Credit Union Location Action 6-16-06 Freedom Credit Union, Philadelphia, and SE Family Federal Credit Union, Philadelphia
Surviving Institution--
Feedom Credit Union, PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Filed The Department's website at includes public notices for more recently filed applications.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-1213. Filed for public inspection June 30, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]