1131 Availability of Workforce Investment Act, Title II, Section 223 funds for State leadership activities for the period July 1, 2000--June 30, 2001  


    Availability of Workforce Investment Act, Title II, Section 223 Funds for State Leadership Activities for the period July 1, 2000--June 30, 2001

    [30 Pa.B. 3272]

       These services are designed to strengthen the Pennsylvania Adult Literacy and Basic Education programs operated by the Department of Education (Department), Bureau of Adult Basic and Literacy Education by providing Statewide support for leadership activities in Title II of the Workforce Investment Act described in the Unified State Plan 1999-2005.

    I.  Authorization

       A.  Title II of The Workforce Investment Act of 1998, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, provides funds to local eligible provider agencies through the Department for the establishment of adult education and family literacy programs that will:

       1.  Assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency;

       2.  Assist adults who are parents to obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children, and;

       3.  Assist adults in the completion of a secondary school education.

       B.  Eligible applicants include local education agencies and public or private nonprofit agencies, organizations and institutions. A for-profit agency is eligible to participate in the program only if it is part of a consortium with a local education agency or other eligible sponsor, with the nonprofit agency acting as fiscal agent. A for-profit organization must also have the capability and capacity to augment significantly the adult education services of such a consortium.

       Consistent with the purpose of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, for Program Year 1999-2000, the Department will give primary consideration to programs for the educationally disadvantaged.

       The Federal share of a grant will be 75% of the total cost of the program. The applicant must provide 25% match of the total cost of the program. The local match may be in kind. Other Federal funds may not be used for the local match unless specifically identified as eligible for use as matching funds.

       C.  Restrictions placed upon the Department by the United States Department of Education on the administration of the grant include:

       1.  Not more than 12.5% of the State's allotment shall be used for State Leadership Activities.

       2.  Not more than 5% of a local applicant's grant may be used for administrative costs, unless a higher percent is approved in advance by the Bureau of Adult Basic and Literacy Education, Department of Education.

       Application due:  August 4, 2000

       Note:  The Bureau reserves the right to consider proposals received after the deadlines and, if appropriate, to approve them if and when funds become available.

       II.  Application Procedures and Program Guidelines. Applications for State Leadership funds must be completed on-line and submitted by the e-grant website at http://www.e-grants.ed.state.pa.us to the Bureau of Adult Basic and Literacy Education, Department of Education. Instructions and the Application Guidelines are available by ABLEsite at www.paadulted.org and by the e-grant sites.

       III.  Funds for State Leadership Activities are made available under section 222(a)(2) for one or more of the following activities:

       1.  The establishment or operation of professional development programs to improve the quality of instruction provided under local activities required under section 231(b).

       2.  The provision of technical assistance to eligible providers of adult education and literacy activities.

       3.  The provision of technology assistance, including staff training, to eligible providers of adult education and literacy activities to enable the eligible providers to improve the quality of such activities.

       4.  The support of State or regional networks of literacy resource centers.

       5.  The monitoring and evaluation of the quality of, and improvement in, adult education and literacy activities.

       6.  Incentives for a) program coordination and integration; and b) performance awards.

       7.  Developing and disseminating curricula.

       8.  Other activities of Statewide significance that promote the purpose of this title.

       9.  Coordination with existing support services, such as transportation, child care, and other assistance designed to increase rates of enrollment in, and successful completion of, adult education and literacy activities, to adults enrolled in such activities.

       10.  Integration of literacy instruction and occupational skill training and promoting linkages with employers.

       11.  Linkages with postsecondary educational institutions.

    Adult Education Newsletter

       Provision of a general adult basic education newsletter to be published a minimum of six times at a length of eight pages or more to disseminate information in areas of interest to adult basic education practitioners and program supporters in Pennsylvania. The areas may include but are not limited to professional development, program areas such as GED, ABE, ESL, Workplace, and Family Literacy and include adult education theory, best practices and awareness information. Applicant must establish an editorial review board and plan for a circulation of approximately 4,000 copies across the Commonwealth with distribution as requested by the Department.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 00-1131. Filed for public inspection June 30, 2000, 9:00 a.m.]

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