991 Extension of general NPDES permit for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities (PAG-3)
Extension of General NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (PAG-3) [32 Pa.B. 2814] Under the authority of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001) and sections 1905-A, 1917-A and 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. §§ 510-5, 510-17 and 510-20), the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) by this notice issues a 9 month time extension of the terms of its current General NPDES Permit for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities (PAG-3). The current general permit is scheduled to expire June 4, 2002. The terms of the current permit are extended until March 4, 2003. The extension will be effective on June 5, 2002, and will expire March 4, 2003. The DEP will continue to grant coverage under the existing general permit and enforce permit compliance in accordance with existing requirements until the general permit is reissued following the public review process.
The extension permit documents package will continue to be available from the DEP's central and regional offices until it is replaced or updated. The permit documents package is on file at Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Supply and Wastewater Management, 11th Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P. O. Box 8467, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8467.
The package is also available on the DEP's website at http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/watermgt/wqp/Forms/Forms_Home.htm#NPDES_PAGs.
The package can also be obtained by contacting Trudy Troutman at (717) 783-3795 or by e-mail at trutroutma@state.pa.us.
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Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-991. Filed for public inspection June 7, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]