1010 Addendum and revision of the listing of approved speed-timing devices and appointment of maintenance and calibration stations
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Addendum and Revision of the Listing of Approved Speed-Timing Devices and Appointment of Maintenance and Calibration Stations [32 Pa.B. 2828] The Department of Transportation (Department), Bureau of Motor Vehicles, under the authority of 75 Pa.C.S. § 3368 (relating to sped timing devices), published at 31 Pa.B. 7078 (December 29, 2001) a notice of approved speed-timing devices and maintenance and calibration stations for use until the next comprehensive list is published.
Change of Address
As an addendum to the listing of approved official maintenance and calibration stations, the Department hereby gives notice of the change of address of station numbers EL18 and EM12:
Mahramus Specialty Auto Service, R. D. 3 Box 85, Canonsburg, Washington County, PA 15317.
The new station address will be:
Mahramus Specialty Auto Service, 286 Muse Bishop Road, Canonsburg, Washington County, PA 15317.
Comments, suggestions or questions may be directed to Peter Gertz, Manager, Admin/Tech Support Section, Vehicle Inspection Division, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Third Floor, Riverfront Office Center, 1101 South Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104, (717) 783-7016.
Other approved speed-timing devices and appointment of maintenance and calibration stations appear at 31 Pa.B. 7078 and addenda at 32 Pa.B. 669 (February 2, 2002), 32 Pa.B. 1145 (February 23, 2002), 32 Pa.B. 1589 (March 23, 2002), 32 Pa.B. 1778 (April 6, 2002) and 32 Pa.B. 2170 (April 27, 2002).
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-1010. Filed for public inspection June 7, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]