FISH AND BOAT COMMISSION Proposed Special Regulation Designations [38 Pa.B. 2744]
[Saturday, June 7, 2008]The Fish and Boat Commission (Commission) has approved guidelines with regard to encouraging public participation on possible changes to the designation of streams, stream sections or lakes for special regulation programs. Under 58 Pa. Code Chapter 65 (relating to special fishing regulations), the Commission designates certain streams, stream sections and lakes as being subject to special fishing regulations. These designations are effective after Commission approval when they are posted at the site and a notice is published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Under the Commission's guidelines, a notice concerning the proposed designation or redesignation of a stream, stream section or lake under special regulations ordinarily will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin before the matter is reviewed by the Commissioners.
At the next Commission meeting on July 14 and 15, 2008, the Commission will consider taking the following actions with respect to streams, stream sections and lakes as waters subject to special fishing regulations under 58 Pa. Code Chapter 65, effective January 1, 2009:
58 Pa. Code § 65.6. Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only (DHALO) Areas
The Commission will consider the removal of the following water as a DHALO Area regulated and managed under 58 Pa. Code § 65.6:
County Water on which located Description Wayne Butternut Creek From Butternut Road (SR 3002) downstream to mouth, a distance of 2.1 miles 58 Pa. Code § 65.9. Big Bass Special Regulations
The Commission will consider adding the following waters to its list of ''Big Bass Regulation'' waters regulated and managed under 58 Pa. Code § 65.9:
County Water Monroe Bradys Lake Monroe Gouldsboro Lake 58 Pa. Code § 65.11. Panfish Enhancement Special Regulations
The Commission will consider adding the following waters to its list of ''Panfish Enhancement Special Regulation'' waters regulated and managed under 58 Pa. Code § 65.11:
County Water Monroe Bradys Lake Monroe Gouldsboro Lake 58 Pa. Code § 65.19. Approved Trout Waters Open to Year-Round Fishing
The Commission recently proposed and sought public comments on a new § 65.19 (relating to approved trout waters open to year-round fishing) through a notice of proposed rulemaking that was published at 38 Pa.B. 1588 (April 5, 2008). At its meeting on July 14 and 15, 2008, the Commission will consider the final adoption of § 65.19. If adopted on final-form rulemaking, this section will go into effect on January 1, 2009. The Commission will consider designating the following waters as part of the Approved Trout Waters Open to Year-Round Fishing Program:
County Water Armstrong Mahoning Creek (from Mahoning Creek Dam outflow downstream to the confluence of Pine Run) Bedford Koon Lake Berks Tulpehocken Creek (from covered bridge at T-921 downstream to the mouth) Berks Kaercher Creek Dam Bradford Mountain Lake Bradford Sugar Run Cameron West Creek Clearfield Laurel Run (Parker Dam State Park) Cumberland Mountain Creek (from Adams County line downstream to the backwaters of Laurel Lake) Dauphin/
LebanonStony Creek (from .4-mile upstream of Cold Spring Road downstream to State Game Lands No. 211 gate) Elk West Creek (from SR 1008 at Rathbun downstream to SR 3001 at Howard Siding) Elk Straight Creek Forest Tionesta Creek (from Tionesta Dam outflow downstream) Indiana Cummins Reservoir (Blue Spruce Lake) Lawrence Cascade Quarry Lebanon Lakeside Quarry Luzerne Frances Slocum Lake Luzerne Upper Ice Pond Luzerne Sylvan Lake Luzerne/Sullivan Lake Jean McKean Meade Run Northampton Minsi Lake Perry Holman Lake (Little Buffalo State Park) Schuylkill Tuscarora Lake Somerset Blue Hole Run (from confluence with Garys Run downstream to mouth) Somerset Fall Creek (from confluence with Ansell Run downstream to mouth) Wayne Duck Harbor Pond Wyoming Mehoopany Creek (from confluence with Kasson Brook downstream to confluence of North Fork Mehoopany Creek) York South Branch Codorus Creek (from SR 0616 in Centerville downstream to T-527) York Glatco Lake York Lake Marburg At this time, the Commission is soliciting public input concerning the designations. Persons with comments, objections or suggestions concerning the designations are invited to submit comments in writing to Executive Director, Fish and Boat Commission, P. O. Box 67000, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000, within 30 days after publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Comments submitted by facsimile will not be accepted. Comments also may be submitted electronically by completing the form at If an acknowledgment of electronic comments is not received by the sender within 2 working days, the comments should be retransmitted to ensure receipt. Electronic comments submitted in any other manner will not be accepted.
Executive Director[Pa.B. Doc. No. 08-1075. Filed for public inspection June 6, 2008, 9:00 a.m.]