1017 Approval of resolutions regarding the highly qualified teacher requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001  


    Approval of Resolutions Regarding the Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

    [36 Pa.B. 2785]
    [Saturday, June 3, 2006]

       On May 18, 2006, at a regular public meeting of the State Board of Education (Board), the Board approved two resolutions that address the highly qualified teacher requirements of the Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The first resolution establishes a high objective uniform State standard of evaluation process (HOUSSE) for teachers who received their certificate in elementary education before 1988. The second resolution establishes a HOUSSE process for experienced Commonwealth teachers or new special education teachers who teach multiple core academic subjects in middle and secondary school settings. The resolutions follow.

    Executive Director


       WHEREAS, in enacting the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) (P. L. 107-110, 115 Stat. 1425), the Congress of the United States imposed upon the States certain requirements that they must meet as a condition of receiving Federal funds in support of primary and secondary education; and

       WHEREAS, NCLB requires all teachers teaching in core academic subjects to be highly qualified by the end of the 2005-2006 school year; and

       WHEREAS, as part of its monitoring responsibilities under NCLB, the United States Department of Education (USDE) reviewed Pennsylvania's implementation of the highly qualified teacher provisions of NCLB; and

       WHEREAS, USDE issued findings as part of a monitoring report relating to Pennsylvania's implementation of the highly qualified provisions of NCLB; and

       WHEREAS, one finding USDE in its monitoring report states that Pennsylvania has not demonstrated that its Elementary teachers certified prior to the implementation of testing requirements are highly qualified under NCLB; and

       WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) filed a response to USDE's monitoring report on April 5, 2006; and

       WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania State Board of Education (State Board) reviewed and considered PDE's response to USDE's preliminary findings; and

       WHEREAS, the response documented that Pennsylvania's Elementary Teachers certified prior to the implementation of testing requirements in 1988 are highly qualified; and

       WHEREAS, through its response, PDE established a State-level high objective state standard of evaluation (HOUSSE) detailing the following pieces of evidence, which demonstrate that Elementary teachers certified prior to Pennsylvania's implementation of teacher testing requirements have demonstrated subject matter competency and are highly qualified as required by NCLB:

       *  Pennsylvania has a long and rich tradition of preparing highly qualified teachers.

       *  Pennsylvania's rigorous teacher training programs require teachers to demonstrate grade appropriate subject matter knowledge and teaching skills.

       *  All teachers are evaluated annually using a statewide assessment tool which measures, in part, an educator's mastery of his or her content area.

       *  All teachers have been required to demonstrate satisfactory teaching performance before obtaining a Level II certificate.

       *  All teachers must satisfy professional development requirements in their areas of certification or assignment to maintain certification.

       *  Pennsylvania's teacher preparation program standards are aligned with student academic achievement standards.

       NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED:  The State Board of Education concurs in the statements made in the Pennsylvania Department of Education's response to the findings of the U. S. Department of Educations related to the quality of Pennsylvania's Elementary teachers certified prior to Pennsylvania's implementation of teacher testing requirements and specifically recognizes that Pennsylvania's teachers have satisfied Pennsylvania's State-level high objective uniform state standard of evaluation, have demonstrated subject matter competency and, therefore, are highly qualified under NCLB.


       WHEREAS, in enacting the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) (P. L. 107-110, 115 Stat. 1425), the Congress of the United States imposed upon the States certain requirements that they must meet as a condition of receiving Federal funds in support of primary and secondary education; and

       WHEREAS, NCLB requires all teachers teaching in core academic subjects to be highly qualified by the end of the 2005-2006 school year; and

       WHEREAS, as part of its monitoring responsibilities under NCLB, the United States Department of Education (USDE) reviewed Pennsylvania's planned implementation of the highly qualified teacher provisions of NCLB; and

       WHEREAS, USDE issued findings as part of a monitoring report relating to Pennsylvania's implementation of the highly qualified provisions of NCLB; and

       WHEREAS, one finding by USDE in its monitoring report states that Pennsylvania's Bridge II program is not rigorous enough to provide a high objective state standard of evaluation by which teachers could become highly qualified; and

       WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) filed a response to USDE's monitoring report on April 5, 2006; and

       WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania State Board of Education (State Board) reviewed and considered PDE's response to USDE's preliminary findings; and

       WHEREAS, in the response to the finding made by USDE in its monitoring report, PDE agreed to discontinue the Bridge II program; and

       WHEREAS, PDE's Bridge I program will expire July 30, 2006; and

       WHEREAS, PDE, with assistance from the State Board, developed a new high objective state standard of evaluation (HOUSSE) program to replace the Bridge II program; and

       WHEREAS, the new HOUSSE program is a high objective state standard of evaluation; and

       WHEREAS, the new HOUSSE program provides that experienced Pennsylvania teachers or new special education teachers who teach multiple core academic subjects in middle and secondary settings and who qualify for the additional flexibility under IDEA may demonstrate subject matter competency and be designated as ''highly qualified'' upon the obtainment of 100 points, documented through achievements in the following areas:

       *  Satisfactory teaching experience in the core academic subject area.

       *  College and graduate coursework in the core academic subject area.

       *  Professional education courses in the core academic subject area.

       *  Advanced degree in teaching, curriculum, instruction, or assessment related to the core academic subject area.

       *  Academic scholarship and awards related to the core academic subject area.

       *  Pennsylvania Instructional II Special Education certification.

       NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED:  Teachers successfully completing Pennsylvania's HOUSSE program by documenting 100 points in the above categories have demonstrated subject matter competency through Pennsylvania's high objective state standard of evaluation and are highly qualified under NCLB.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-1017. Filed for public inspection June 2, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]

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