HISTORICAL AND MUSEUM COMMISSION Division of Archival and Records Management Services; Notice of Availability [26 Pa.B. 3053] The Historical and Museum Commission issues records schedules for county offices as promulgated by the County Records Committee in accordance with the County Records Act (16 P. S. §§ 13001--13006).
The Commission wishes to provide public notice that a new edition of the County Records Manual will be printed and mailed directly to all Common Pleas Court Prothonotaries, Clerks of Courts, Registers of Wills and Clerks of the Orphans' Courts, Sheriffs, District Attorneys, Jury Commissioners and Coroners and to all County Commissioners, Controllers, Treasurers and Recorders of Deeds. This new edition includes several schedule revisions, revised microfilm standards for county records which must be included as part of the requirements in all microfilm service contracts, revised policy and guidelines for the retention and disposition of original county records copied onto optical imaging systems and county records stored on optical disks, and new standards and procedures for electronic records.
Information on the Manual and the County Records Program is available from the following office: Historical and Museum Commission, Division of Archival and Records Management Services, P. O. Box 1026, Harrisburg, PA 17108-1026, (717) 787-3913 or (717) 783-9874.
Executive Director[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-1063. Filed for public inspection June 28, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]