1359 Availability of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Grant funds to support TBI education and public awareness of the causes and consequences of TBI
Availability of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Grant Funds to Support TBI Education and Public Awareness of the Causes and Consequences of TBI [44 Pa.B. 4032]
[Saturday, June 28, 2014]The Bureau of Family Health's (Bureau) Division of Child and Adult Health Services is accepting applications for funding for schools, community sports programs and providers of recreational opportunities for youth, to support education and awareness of the causes and consequences of concussion and mild to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in youth. Funding for up to $5,000 is available to develop trainings and materials to reach the identified population. Funded activities will expand or develop programs, or both, for the targeted audience about the risks and consequences of TBI. This training and education improves knowledge and awareness of TBI and increases state and local capacity for treatment and intervention.
Funding will be used to develop trainings, materials, and education and awareness activities that target professionals (for example, practitioners, teachers, athletic trainers, coaches and school nurses), community sports programs, community members and/or providers of recreational opportunities which could result in physical injury and should teach appropriate intervention strategies in the event an individual sustains an injury which could result in TBI in the identified population of school aged youth.
For the purpose of this funding opportunity, a TBI is defined as an insult to the brain, not of a degenerative or congenital nature, caused by an external physical force that may produce a diminished or altered state of consciousness, which results in impairment of cognitive abilities or physical functioning or in the disturbance of behavioral or emotional functioning. These impairments may be either temporary or permanent and cause partial or total functional disability or psychosocial maladjustment.
Youth with concussions/mild head injury often do not receive intervention because the extent of the injury is not recognized. Currently, approximately 200 high schools and colleges in this Commonwealth are utilizing preplay neuropsychological testing to develop a ''baseline'' or ''benchmark'' of an athlete's level of cognitive functioning in the event that the youth has a concussion while participating in sports. Additional screening tools are also available that can be utilized after a youth sustains a concussion/head injury to determine if further evaluation or action is needed. While attention to the causes and consequences of concussion and TBI in youth has grown dramatically over the past 5 years, the majority of State high schools are not using any kind of concussion management program and junior high/middle schools and recreational programs have been particularly under-served.
The learning objectives of the proposed education and awareness activities must incorporate education on TBI, not just concussion, and should include the following:
1. How to recognize the warning signs that indicate a concussion/mild head injury has occurred.
2. How to manage concussions/mild head injuries.
3. How to intervene in the event that a concussion/mild head injury is suspected.
Project funds must be used to reimburse purchases and activities occurring prior to January 17, 2015.
Eligible applicants are public and private organizations, community-based programs and agencies in this Commonwealth. Entities must have a Federal Tax ID number. Individuals may not apply. Informal groups without Federal Tax ID numbers are encouraged to partner with a sponsor organization who may apply on behalf of the group. For-profit organizations may apply. However, no applicant may take a profit from these funds.
Eligible applicants may include but are not limited to: sports organizations (such as football, baseball, cheerleading, hockey and soccer); schools; recreation providers; community organizations; park and recreation centers; camps; and parent groups and organizations. Individual athletic directors, coaches, trainers or school nurses interested in these grants are encouraged to partner with an eligible sponsor organization.
To apply for funding, a complete application must be postmarked and mailed to the Department no later than September 15, 2014. Applications may be mailed or hand-delivered. Applications may not be faxed. Late applications will not be accepted regardless of the reason. The Department expects to notify all applicants of award status by October 1, 2014. It is anticipated that nine awards of up to $5,000 or less will be made. This is a reimbursement program. Grantees must spend their own funds first and then be reimbursed by the Department.
Application Process: Complete Attachment A ''FY 2014-2015 APPLICATION'' and attach a clear and concise narrative of no more than five typewritten pages single spaced that includes the following information, labeled by section:
1. The organization's justified need for the awareness and educational activity in their particular program or community.
2. The identified target audience for the training.
3. A description of the awareness and education activities that address the learning objectives under the Purpose section of this funding opportunity, including who will do the training and the training content (any training/educational material used must be described).
4. A description of how funds will be expended.
5. How the proposed activity will be evaluated or measured for a change in awareness and education on head injury and TBI, specifically.
An authorized official of the organization who can bind the organization to the contents of the application must sign and date Attachment A. Submit an original and three complete copies of the application, which includes Attachment A, a narrative addressing the five points previously listed, and any supporting documentation. Applications should be page-numbered and unbound. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Eligible Costs: The maximum cumulative award to any one applicant (as identified by Federal Tax ID number) is $5,000 per fiscal year. Funds may be used for reimbursement of the costs incurred prior to January 17, 2015. The budget section of the application must include a budget narrative detailing by line item how project funds will be used. Expenses eligible for reimbursement under this project include, but are not limited to:
1. Purchase of a concussion screening program.
2. Purchase of educational materials.
3. Fees paid to consultants with expertise to provide training regarding TBI.
4. Post-training consultation with the training consultant for the program after the initial training.
5. Training costs.
Ineligible Costs: The following costs are not eligible for reimbursement under this project:
1. Administrative/indirect costs.
2. Purchases/activities mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
3. New building construction or structural renovation of an existing space.
4. Capital expenses or equipment.
Summary Report and Invoice Procedures: To receive reimbursement of approved expenses, awardees must submit the following documentation, found in Attachment B, to the Bureau no later than February 16, 2015:
1. A summary report of activities and evaluation of increased knowledge as a result of such training activities.
2. Attendance list, including person's position and involvement with youth.
3. Plan for continuing TBI awareness and education.
4. Invoice with expense documentation supporting line item amounts.
Funding decisions are contingent upon the availability of Fiscal Year 2014-2015 funds and Department approval. The approval will be based upon preestablished criteria, including:
1. Does the applicant justify the need for the awareness and educational program in their particular program or community.
2. Is the audience for the proposed activity within the intended target audience.
3. Do the proposed awareness and education activities meet the learning objectives.
4. Are the proposed expenditures/purchases eligible for reimbursement and an efficient use of Department funds.
5. Can the proposed evaluation method demonstrate a change in awareness and knowledge.
6. Will the activity proposed provide an ongoing benefit to the community.
Applications should be mailed to Attention: Julie Hohney, Public Health Program Administrator, Department of Health, Bureau of Family Health, Division of Child and Adult Health Services, Health and Welfare Building, 7th Floor, East Wing, 625 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120, (717) 772-2762, TDD (717) 783-6514, jhohney@pa.gov with additional questions or to request application materials.
Persons with a disability who require an alternative format of this document (for example, large print, audiotape, Braille) should contact Julie Hohney, Division of Child and Adult Health Services, 7th Floor East Wing, Health and Welfare Building, 625 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120, (717) 772-2762, or for speech and/or hearing impaired persons V/TT (717) 783-6514, or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.
SecretaryAttachment A Pennsylvania Department of Health—Bureau of Family Health
October 1, 2014—January 16, 2015
FY 2014-2015 Funding Application Request: Traumatic Brain Injury Education and AwarenessApplicant Information:
• Name of Organization: __________
• FID Number: __________
• Complete Mailing Address: ____________________
• Contact Person: __________
• Telephone Number: (______) ______ Fax Number: (______) __________
• E-mail Address: __________
• SAP #: __________
Itemized Budget:
Itemized Activity Expenses #1: ___________________________ = $ ______ #2: ___________________________ = $ ______ #3: ___________________________ = $ ______ #4: ___________________________ = $ ______ #5: ___________________________ = $ ______ #6: ___________________________ = $ ______ #7: ___________________________ = $ ______ (attach additional sheets, if necessary) TOTAL
= $ ______ *May not exceed $5,000.00 Provide a brief written description of what will be purchased with the money:
Attach copies of the proof of cost for every expense proposed within your itemized budget.
Authorized Applicant Signature/Title: __________
Printed Name: __________
Attachment B Pennsylvania Department of Health—Bureau of Family Health
October 1, 2014—January 16, 2015
Traumatic Brain Injury Education and AwarenessAwardee Information Name of Organization: __________ FID number: __________ Complete Mailing Address: __________ __________ Contact Person: __________ Telephone Number: (______) ______ Fax Number: (______) __________ E-mail Address: __________ SAP#: __________ Please attach the following: • A written narrative that includes a summary report of activities and evaluative efforts, • Attendance list(s), including person's position in relation to youth, • Plan for continuing traumatic brain injury awareness and education, and • Expense documentation supporting line item amounts. Invoice Itemized Expenses #1: _________________ = $ ______ #2: _________________ = $ ______ #3: _________________ = $ ______ #4: _________________ = $ ______ #5: _________________ = $ ______ #6: _________________ = $ ______ #7: _________________ = $ ______ #8: _________________ = $ ______ #9: _________________ = $ ______ TOTAL
= $ ______ *May not exceed $5,000.00 Awardee authorized signature/title: ___________________________ Awardee printed name and title: ___________________________ DOH Use Only: Approved for Payment: Date: [Pa.B. Doc. No. 14-1359. Filed for public inspection June 27, 2014, 9:00 a.m.]