Title 58—RECREATION GAME COMMISSION [ 58 PA. CODE CH. 147 ] Corrective Amendment to 58 Pa. Code § 147.673 [45 Pa.B. 3362]
[Saturday, June 27, 2015]The Game Commission (Commission) has discovered a discrepancy between the agency text of 58 Pa. Code § 147.673 (relating to eligibility and application for DMAP) as deposited with the Legislative Reference Bureau and published at 41 Pa.B. 1766 (April 2, 2011), the official text published in the Pennsylvania Code Reporter (Master Transmittal Sheet No. 439) and as currently appearing in the Pennsylvania Code. The amendments made by the Commission at 41 Pa.B. 1766 were codified incorrectly.
Therefore, under 45 Pa.C.S. § 901: the Commission has deposited with the Legislative Reference Bureau a corrective amendment to 58 Pa. Code § 147.673. The corrective amendment to 58 Pa. Code § 147.673 is effective as of June 4, 2011, the date the defective official text was announced in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
The correct version of 58 Pa. Code § 147.673 appears in Annex A.
(a) Owners or lessees of private land, hunting clubs or authorized officers or employees of political subdivisions or government agencies shall apply for the DMAP on a form provided by the Commission.
(1) Applications shall be submitted to a regional office by May 1 immediately preceding the first fall deer season and include the name of the owner, lessee, political subdivision or government agency that is applying for the DMAP and the name and address of the contact person for the DMAP as well as other information required on the application.
(2) One DMAP harvest permit will be allocated for every 5 acres of land enrolled in the DMAP where material destruction of cultivated crops, fruit trees or vegetables by deer has been or can be documented. One DMAP harvest permit will be allocated for every 50 acres of land enrolled in the DMAP for all other lands. Additional DMAP harvest permits may be allocated dependent on current conditions relative to goals and objectives outlined in a Commission-approved management plan.
(3) Applications will not be accepted for the following areas without an approved management plan:
(i) Areas within 1 air mile of another DMAP area that is owned, leased or controlled by the same person, political subdivision or governmental agency.
(ii) Areas owned or leased by a Federal agency, State agency or municipal political subdivision.
(iii) Areas with less than 5 acres of cultivated crops, fruit trees or vegetables, or less than 50 acres of other lands.
(b) Management plans must include at least the following information:
(1) A map showing the location and boundaries of the area and the county, township and Commission wildlife management unit the site is located in.
(2) A description of the management area delineated on the map in paragraph (1) including the size in acres, cover types (forested or nonforested), principle land uses, huntable areas and safety zones.
(3) An explanation of the deer management goals and objectives for the area.
(4) An explanation to substantiate why the person in control of the land wants to increase the harvest of antlerless deer by allowing the use of DMAP in the area. Area specific information shall be provided that supports the deer management goals and objectives.
(c) Upon approval of the application, the location and boundaries of the area shall be designated in a manner approved by the Commission.
(d) Approved applicants will receive one coupon for each DMAP permit the DMAP area is entitled to. In DMAP areas designated by the Director, DMAP harvest permits may be made available directly through authorized issuing agents without coupons being issued.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 15-1203. Filed for public inspection June 26, 2015, 9:00 a.m.]