1039 Service of notice of motor carrier applications  


    Service of Notice of Motor Carrier Applications

    [29 Pa.B. 3279]

       The following temporary authority and/or permanent authority applications for the right to render service as a common carrier or contract carrier in this Commonwealth have been filed with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. Publication of this notice shall be considered as sufficient notice to all carriers holding authority from this Commission. Applications will be considered without hearing in the absence of protests to the application. Protests to the applications published herein are due on or before July 19, 1999, as set forth at 52 Pa. Code § 3.381 (relating to applications for transportation of property and persons). The protests shall also indicate whether it applies to the temporary authority application or the permanent application or both.

    Applications of the following for amendment to the certificate of public convenience approving the operation of motor vehicles as common carriers for transportation of persons as described under each application.

       A-00108503, Folder 1, Am-D. Gary L. Arndt, t/d/b/a A Limousine Service (30 Prager Street, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA 15215)--persons, in limousine service, from points in the county of Allegheny, to points in the counties of Fayette, Somerset, Washington and Westmoreland, and return: So as to permit the transportation of persons in limousine service: (1) between points in the county of Westmoreland, and from points in said county, to points in Pennsylvania, and return; and (2) from points in the county of Allegheny, to points in Pennsylvania, and return. Attorney:  John A. Pillar, 1106 Frick Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.


    June 14, 1999

    Provost Transport Inc., 7887 Grenache St., Anjou Quebec CD HIJ1C4; A-00112606C9701, A-00112606

       On October 22, 1997, the Bureau of Transportation and Safety instituted a complaint against Provost Transport, Inc., respondent, alleging failure to maintain proper evidence of current insurance in violation of the Public Utility Code. The respondent was duly notified that if acceptable evidence of insurance or an answer was not filed, the Bureau would request that the Secretary of the Commission revoke the certificate of public convenience issued to the respondent at A-00112606.

       The complaint and notice were published in the December 26, 1998, issue of the Pennsylvania Bulletin, after unsuccessfully attempting to serve respondent by certified mail; to date, more than 20 days later, neither evidence of insurance nor an answer to the complaint has been filed. Therefore, the allegation in the complaint is deemed to be admitted.

       The complaint at A-00112606C9701 is hereby sustained and the rights and the certificate of public convenience issued to the respondent at A-00112606 be and are hereby revoked; and the respondent has no other operating authority. The respondent is hereby notified to cease and desist from providing service previously authorized under the certificate of public convenience.


    June 14, 1999

    Samuel R. Snader, 538 E 28th Division Highway, Lititz, PA 17543; A-00113683C9801, A-00113683

       On June 20, 1998, the Bureau of Transportation and Safety instituted a complaint against Samuel R. Snader, respondent, alleging failure to maintain proper evidence of current insurance in violation of the Public Utility Code. The respondent was duly notified that if acceptable evidence of insurance or an answer was not filed, the Bureau would request that the Secretary of the Commission revoke the certificate of public convenience issued to the respondent at A-00113683.

       The complaint and notice were published in the December 26, 1998, issue of the Pennsylvania Bulletin, after unsuccessfully attempting to serve respondent by certified mail; to date, more than 20 days later, neither evidence of insurance nor an answer to the complaint has been filed. Therefore, the allegation in the complaint is deemed to be admitted.

       The complaint at A-00113683C9801 is hereby sustained and the rights and the certificate of public convenience issued to the respondent at A-00113683 be and are hereby revoked; and the respondent has no other operating authority. The respondent is hereby notified to cease and desist from providing service previously authorized under the certificate of public convenience.


    June 14, 1999

    Pottle's Transportation Inc., P. O. Box 877, Oldin Road, Bangor, Maine 04401; A-00108574C9701, A-00108574

       On May 28, 1997, the Bureau of Transportation and Safety instituted a complaint against Pottle's Transportation, Inc., respondent, alleging failure to maintain proper evidence of current insurance in violation of the Public Utility Code. The respondent was duly notified that if acceptable evidence of insurance or an answer was not filed, the Bureau would request that the Secretary of the Commission revoke the certificate of public convenience issued to the respondent at A-00108574.

       The complaint and notice were published in the December 26, 1998, issue of the Pennsylvania Bulletin, after unsuccessfully attempting to serve respondent by certified mail; to date, more than 20 days later, neither evidence of insurance nor an answer to the complaint has been filed. Therefore, the allegation in the complaint is deemed to be admitted.

       The complaint at A-00108574C9701 is hereby sustained and the rights and the certificate of public convenience issued to the respondent at A-00108574 be and are hereby revoked; and the respondent has no other operating authority. The respondent is hereby notified to cease and desist from providing service previously authorized under the certificate of public convenience.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-1039. Filed for public inspection June 25, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]

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