1094 New prequalification codes of approval to per- form intelligent transportation systems (ITS) work
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION New Prequalification Codes for Approval to Perform Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Work [30 Pa.B. 3232] The Department of Transportation (Department), acting through its Bureau of Construction and Materials, Contract Management Division (Division), has added seven new categories of work to its list of classifications for prequalification of potential bidders under Pennsylvania Code Section 457.5, Classification. The Department added these new work codes for contractors who desire to bid and construct Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects in Pennsylvania.
The Department gives this notice pursuant to the authority in Title 67 Pa. Code § 457.5(c), which permits the Division to add new classifications for ''additional types of specialties generated with expanded programs.'' The Department established the new codes as a result of a business process re-engineering effort for the Department's construction activities, with consideration given to concerns with the development and execution of bid proposals for the developing field of ITS work in Pennsylvania.
The Department currently has a general classification--Code P--for contractors who wish to perform highway/sign lighting and traffic signal control work, including the installation of electrical distribution systems. The Division has further defined Code P work with the addition of seven specific categories of advanced ITS construction codes, identified as P1 through P7. These seven new categories are listed at the end of this notice.
The Department will now accept contractor applications for prequalification in these seven new work codes. All requests will be evaluated in accordance with the Department's established prequalification review and approval process. If interested, please contact Fred Starasinic, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Construction and Materials, Prequalification Office, P. O. Box 2773, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2773, telephone (717) 787-3733.
WORK CLASSIFICATION P1: Camera Monitoring Systems (CCTV) DESCRIPTION: Furnishing and installing a complete and fully operational closed circuit television (CCTV) system, including roadside camera assemblies able to accommodate the varying light conditions to be encountered, all weather camera enclosures, lightning protection, and outdoor control cabinet assemblies, as well as necessary central equipment.
WORK CLASSIFICATION P2: Highway Advisory Radio Systems (HAR) DESCRIPTION: Furnishing and installing a complete and fully operational highway advisory radio (HAR) system, which includes a vertical whip antenna, FCC licensed transmitter, radial or triad grounding system on either a dial up or fiber-optic connection, and all necessary documentation and permits.
WORK CLASSIFICATION P3: Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) DESCRIPTION: Furnishing and installing a complete and fully operational dynamic message sign (DMS) system.
WORK CLASSIFICATION P4: Integrated Communication Systems DESCRIPTION: Furnishing and installing a complete and fully operational communication system which allows for the transfer of surveillance data and control commands between field devices and the control center through use of land line (i.e. fiber-optic, coaxial, twisted pair) and wireless (i.e. area-wide network, terrestrial microwave links, spread spectrum radio, satellite) transmission, as well as developing and installing network management software for monitoring network performance and the reliability of communication equipment.
WORK CLASSIFICATION P5: Level 1 System Integrators (Hardware) DESCRIPTION: Furnishing, installing, and testing complete field subsystems for the hardware integration of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), Incident Management, Variable Message Sign (VMS), and Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) systems that combine products and equipment from diverse vendors, including but not limited to sensors, detectors, video cameras, controllers, communications equipment, software, and firmware. Also, designing, developing, and installing voice, data, and video communication drivers to enable hardware integration consistent with Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) standards, the requirements of system software, and the National ITS Architecture and its associated dictionaries and standards, including the National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocols (NTCIP).
WORK CLASSIFICATION P6: Level 2 System Integrators (Software) DESCRIPTION: Developing, installing, documenting, and testing complete, integrated application software packages for transportation management and traveler information systems operating in a client/server environment using centralized or decentralized processing. This process will incorporate, as appropriate, National ITS Architecture and its associated data dictionaries and standards, and ensure that documentation and software development procedures are consistent with System Engineering Institute best practices.
WORK CLASSIFICATION P7: Level 3 System Integrator (Hardware & Software) DESCRIPTION: Developing, installing, documenting, and testing complete, integrated systems encompassing field equipment and subsystems with central integrated application software.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 00-1094. Filed for public inspection June 23, 2000, 9:00 a.m.]