Title 255--LOCAL
COURT RULESLUZERNE COUNTY Schedule of Fees; Domestic Relations Section No. 3960C 2000 [30 Pa.B. 3166] Now This 2nd day of June, 2000, the Court hereby adopts the following schedule of fees for the Domestic Relations Section of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County effective thirty (30) days after the date of publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin:
a) Arrearage certifications $10.00 b) Photocopy costs--per page .50 c) Objection to conference officer's
recommendation/request for hearing (must be
paid at the time of filing the demand for hearing)
25.00d) Exceptions to hearing officer's
recommendation/request for argument court hear-
ing (must be paid at the time of filing exceptions)
50.00e) Genetic testing per person (which will be
assessed against the defendant unless the defen-
dant is excluded, in which case the Domestic Re-
lations section will pay the cost of the genetic
68.00f) AOPC/JCP fee per case (as mandated by the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rule)
5.00g) Petition for complex case designation for
master's hearing per half day (must be paid at
the time the order designating the case as ''com-
plex'' is filed). Unused fee, or any portion will be
150.00h) Transcription fee-in accordance with Court
RulesFees must be paid when service is requested with the exception of the genetic testing fee. Checks maybe accepted subject to collection. A $20.00 service charge shall be assessed if any check is returned by drawer's bank, for any reason.
The Domestic Relations Section is authorized to adopt regulations and to inaugurate and maintain accounting systems in order to collect and process the above fees.
It is further ordered that the District Court Administrator shall file seven (7) certified copies of this Rule with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, two (2) certified copies to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, one (1) certified copy to the Domestic Relations Procedural Rules Committee and one (1) copy to the Luzerne Legal Register for publication in the next issue.
It is further ordered that this local rule shall be kept continuously available for public inspection and copying in the Domestic Relations Office.
By the Court
President Judge[Pa.B. Doc. No. 00-1077. Filed for public inspection June 23, 2000, 9:00 a.m.]