LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD Expiration of Leases [37 Pa.B. 2915]
[Saturday, June 23, 2007]The following Liquor Control Board leases will expire:
Allegheny County, Wine & Spirits Shoppe #0212, 959 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 16222.
Lease Expiration Date: April 30, 2008
Lease retail commercial space to the Commonwealth. Proposals are invited to provide the Liquor Control Board with approximately 3,000 net useable square feet of new or existing retail commercial space on Liberty Avenue in downtown Pittsburgh between 9th and 11th Streets. Location must have rear door access for tractor-trailer deliveries.
Proposals due: July 13, 2007, at 12 p.m.
Department: Liquor Control Board
Location: Real Estate Division, State Office Building, Room 408, 300 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Contact: Bruce VanDyke, (412) 565-5130
Allegheny County, Wine & Spirits Shoppe #0240, 111 Herman Avenue, Wilmerding, PA 15148.
Lease Expiration Date: May 31, 2008
Lease retail commercial space to the Commonwealth. Proposals are invited to provide the Liquor Control Board with approximately 2,000 net useable square feet of new or existing retail commercial space serving the Borough of Wilmerding.
Proposals due: July 13, 2007, at 12 p.m.
Department: Liquor Control Board
Location: Real Estate Division, State Office Building, Room 408, 300 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Contact: George Danis, (412) 565-5130
Allegheny County, Wine & Spirits Shoppe #9205, 1602 Cochran Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15220.
Lease Expiration Date: April 30, 2008
Lease retail commercial space to the Commonwealth. Proposals are invited to provide the Liquor Control Board with approximately 7,000 net useable square feet of new or existing retail commercial space in a shopping center environment near the intersection of Cochran and Greentree Roads in Scott Township.
Proposals due: July 13, 2007, at 12 p.m.
Department: Liquor Control Board
Location: Real Estate Division, State Office Building, Room 408, 300 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Contact: Bruce VanDyke, (412) 565-5130
Armstrong County, Wine & Spirits Shoppe #0308, 13 Franklin Village Mall, Kittanning, PA 16201.
Lease Expiration Date: April 30, 2008
Lease retail commercial space to the Commonwealth. Proposals are invited to provide the Liquor Control Board with approximately 3,000 net useable square feet of new or existing retail commercial space in a shopping center environment near the intersection of US Route 422 and SR 268.
Proposals due: July 13, 2007, at 12 p.m.
Department: Liquor Control Board
Location: Real Estate Division, State Office Building, Room 408, 300 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Contact: Bruce VanDyke, (412) 565-5130
Clearfield County, Wine & Spirits Shoppe #1702, DuBois, PA 15801.
Lease Expiration Date: April 30, 2008
Lease retail commercial space to the Commonwealth. Proposals are invited to provide the Liquor Control Board with approximately 4,000 net useable square feet of new or existing retail commercial space in a shopping center environment on SR 255 Northeast of DuBois. Location must have free customer parking and tractor-trailer delivery facilities. Access at a signal light is preferred.
Proposals due: July 13, 2007, at 12 p.m.
Department: Liquor Control Board
Location: Real Estate Division, State Office Building, Room 408, 300 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Contact: George Danis, (412) 565-5130PATRICK J. STAPLETON, III,
Chairperson[Pa.B. Doc. No. 07-1119. Filed for public inspection June 22, 2007, 9:00 a.m.]