1187 Applications, actions and special notices  


    Applications, Actions and Special Notices


    [33 Pa.B. 2893]



       This notice provides information about persons who have applied for a new, amended or renewed NPDES or WQM permit, a permit waiver for certain stormwater discharges or submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under a General Permit. The applications concern, but are not limited to, discharges related to industrial, animal or sewage waste, discharges to groundwater, discharges associated with municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), stormwater associated with construction activities or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). This notice is provided in accordance with regulations in 25 Pa. Code Chapters 91 and 92 and 40 CFR Part 122, implementing provisions of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001) and the Federal Clean Water Act.

    Location Permit Authority Application Type or Category
    Section I NPDES Renewals
    Section II NPDES New or amendment
    Section III WQM Industrial, sewage or animal waste; discharge into groundwater
    Section IV NPDES MS4 Individual Permit
    Section V NPDES MS4 Permit Waiver
    Section VI NPDES Individual permit stormwater construction
    Section VII NPDES NOI for coverage under NPDES General Permits

       For NPDES renewal applications in Section I, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has made a tentative determination to reissue these permits for 5 years subject to effluent limitations and monitoring and reporting requirements in their current permits, with appropriate and necessary updated requirements to reflect new and changed regulations and other requirements.

       For applications for new NPDES permits and renewal applications with major changes in Section II, as well as applications for MS4 Individual Permits and Individual Stormwater Construction Permits in Sections IV and VI, the Department, based upon preliminary reviews, has made a tentative determination of proposed effluent limitations and other terms and conditions for the permit applications. These determinations are published as proposed actions for comments prior to taking final actions.

       Unless indicated otherwise, the EPA Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to proposed NPDES permit actions under the waiver provision in 40 CFR 123.24(d).

       Persons wishing to comment on an NPDES application are invited to submit a statement to the contact office noted before the application within 30 days from the date of this public notice. Persons wishing to comment on any WQM permit application are invited to submit a statement, to the office noted before the application, within 15 days from the date of this public notice. Comments received within the respective comment periods will be considered in the final determinations regarding the applications. Comment submittals should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based.

       The Department will also accept requests for a public hearing on applications and a public hearing may be held if the responsible office considers the public response significant. If a hearing is scheduled, a notice of the hearing will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and a newspaper of general circulation within the relevant geographical area. The Department will postpone its final determination until after any public hearings are held.

       Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid, service, including TDD users, or other accommodations to seek additional information should contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

    I.  NPDES Renewal Applications

       Northcentral Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

    NPDES No.Facility Name and County and Stream NameEPA Waived
    (Type)AddressMunicipality(Watershed No.)Y/N ?
    Department of Transportation
    Bureau of Design
    P. O. Box 3060
    Harrisburg, PA 17105-3060
    Mifflin Township
    Columbia County
    Fishing Creek
    Girard Township Municipal Authority
    P. O. Box 36
    Le Contes Mills, PA 16850-0036
    Girard Township
    Clearfield County
    Bald Hill Run
    Walter E. Badeau
    R. R. 1 Box 180
    Driftwood, PA 15832-9622
    Portage Township
    Cameron County
    Cowley Run
    Sewerage Public
    Cooper Township Municipal Authority
    P. O. Box 446
    Winburne, PA 16879
    Clearfield County
    Cooper Township
    Moshannon Creek
    Sewerage Public
    Cooper Township Municipal Authority
    P. O. Box 446
    Winburne, PA 16879
    Clearfield County
    Cooper Township
    Unnamed tributary of Moshannon Creek

       Northwest Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.
    NPDES No.Facility Name and County and Stream NameEPA Waived
    (Type)AddressMunicipality(Watershed No.)Y/N ?
    PA0100676 Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints--Camp Temple Grove
    347 Hamburg Road
    Transfer, PA 16154
    Mercer County
    Delaware Township
    Unnamed tributary to the Shenango River
    PA0002551 Calumet Lubricants Company, L. P.--Rouseville Refinery
    2 Main Street
    Rouseville, PA 16344
    Venango County
    Rouseville Borough
    Oil Creek and Hamlin Run
    PA0103896 County Landfill, Inc.
    P. O. Box 237
    Leeper, PA 16233
    Clarion County
    Farmington Township
    Walley Run

    II.  Applications for New or Expanded Facility Permits, Renewal of Major Permits and EPA Nonwaived Permit Applications

       Northeast Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

       PA0064262, Industrial, Turnpike Commission, P. O. Box 67676, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7676. This proposed facility is in Washington Township, Lehigh County.

       Description of Proposed Activity:  Issuance of new NPDES permit.

       The receiving stream, unnamed tributary to Trout Creek, is in the State Water Plan watershed no. 2C and is classified for CWF. The nearest downstream public water supply intake for the Northampton Borough Water Authority is on the Lehigh River, over 10 miles below the point of discharge.

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.0026 MGD.

    Mass (lb/day) Concentration (mg/l)
    Average Maximum Average Maximum
    Parameter Monthly Daily Monthly Daily
    Total Suspended Solids 100
    Lead .09 .14
    Oil and Grease 15 30
    Total Dissolved Solids 1,000
    Color 100 P-C units

       Northwest Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       PA0239186, Sewage, Davis International Inc./3 Rivers Ice Cream Service, Inc., 1155 Meadowbrook Avenue, Youngstown, OH 44512. This proposed facility is in Forward Township, Butler County.

       Description of Proposed Activity:  New discharge of treated sewage.

       For the purpose of evaluating effluent requirements for TDS, NO2-NO3, fluoride, phenolics, sulfate and chloride, the existing/proposed downstream potable water supply (stream and public water supplier) considered during the evaluation is the Zelienople Municipal Water Works intake on the Connoquenessing Creek at Zelienople, approximately 11 miles below point of discharge.

       The receiving stream, unnamed tributary to Connoquenessing Creek, is in watershed 20-C and classified for WWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 0.00075 MGD.

    Average Average Instantaneous
    Parameter Monthly (mg/l) Weekly (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l)
    CBOD5 25 50
    Total Suspended Solids 30 60
       (5-1 to 10-31) 6.5 13
       (11-1 to 04-30) 19.5 39
    Fecal Coliform 200/100 ml as a geometric average
    Total Residual Chlorine 1.4 3.3
    pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times

       The EPA waiver is in effect.

       PA0239160, Sewage, McCalmont Township, P. O. Box 276, Anita, PA 15711. This proposed facility is in McCalmont Township, Jefferson County.

       Description of Proposed Activity:  New existing discharge of treated sewage.

       For the purpose of evaluating effluent requirements for TDS, NO2-NO3, fluoride, phenolics, sulfate and chloride, the existing/proposed downstream potable water supply (stream and public water supplier) considered during the evaluation is the Allegheny River and the Western Pennsylvania American Water Company at Kittanning, approximately 42 miles below point of discharge.

       The receiving stream, Mahoning Creek, is in watershed 17C and classified for CWF, aquatic life, water supply and recreation.

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 are based on a design flow of 0.097 MGD.

    Loadings Concentrations
    Average Average Average Average Instantaneous
    Parameters Monthly
    Maximum (mg/l)
    Flow XX
    CBOD5 14.5 21 18 27 36
    Total Suspended Solids 24 36 30 45 60
       (5-1 to 10-31) 6.5 13
       (11-1 to 4-30) 19.5 39
    Fecal Coliform
       (5-1 to 9-30) 200/100 ml as a geometric average
       (10-1 to 4-30) 4,000/100 ml as a geometric average
    Dissolved Oxygen minimum 4.0 at all times
    pH 6.0 to 9.0 standard units at all times

       The EPA waiver is in effect.

    III. WQM Industrial Waste and Sewerage applications under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001).

       Northwest Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       WQM Permit No. 2503415, Sewerage, Robert Pamula, 8631 Haft Road, Erie, PA 16510. This proposed facility is in Greene Township, Erie County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity:  This project is for a single residence sewage treatment plant.

       WQM Permit No. 2503416, Sewerage, Jeffery R. Scheid, 9205 Footemille Road, Erie, PA 16509. This proposed facility is in Summit Township, Erie County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity:  This project is for a single residence sewage treatment plant.

       WQM Permit No. 2003415, Sewerage, Carol Millett, 9213 Old State Road, Conneaut Lake, PA 16316. This proposed facility is in Sadsbury Township, Crawford County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity:  This project is for a single residence sewage treatment plant.

       WQM Permit No. 6203410, Sewerage, Michael Condon, 12861 Girdled Road, Painesville, OH 44077. This proposed facility is in Pittsfield Township, Warren County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity:  This project is for a single residence sewage treatment plant.

       WQM Permit No. 6103401, Sewerage, Jerry and Gail Pazak, 7517 Tuscarora Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15208. This proposed facility is in Cranberry Township, Venango County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity:  This project is for a single residence sewage treatment plant.

       WQM Permit No. 2503417, Sewerage, Floyd L. McClellan, Jr., 10851 Sidehill Road, North East, PA 16428. This proposed facility is in Concord Township, Erie County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity:  This project is for a single residence sewage treatment plant.

       WQM Permit No. 4203403, Sewerage, Dr. Kent K. Smith, 10 Manning Lane, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003. This proposed facility is in Keating Township, McKean County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity:  This project is for a single residence sewage treatment plant.

    IV.  NPDES Applications for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

    V.  Applications for NPDES Waiver Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

       Southeast Region:  Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

    NPDES Applicant Name andReceivingDepartment
    Permit No.AddressCountyMunicipalityWater/UseProtocol (Y/N)
    N/A West Vincent Township
    P. O. Box 163
    Birchrunville, PA 19421
    Chester West Vincent Township French Creek N/A
    N/A West Grove Borough
    117 Rosehill Ave.
    West Grove, PA 19390
    Chester West Grove Borough Christiana River Basin N/A
    N/A Birmingham Township
    1040 W. Street Rd.
    West Chester, PA 19382
    Chester Birmingham Township Brandywine Creek
    West Branch Chester Creek
    N/A West Sadsbury Township
    6400 N. Moscow Rd.
    Parkesburg, PA 19365
    Chester West Sadsbury Township Octoraro Creek N/A
    N/A Upper Oxford Township
    1185 Limestone Rd.
    Oxford, PA 19363
    Chester Upper Oxford Township East Branch Octoraro Creek East and West Branches Big Elk Creek N/A
    N/A East Caln Township
    110 Bell Tavern Rd.
    Downingtown, PA 19335
    Chester East Caln Township East Branch Brandywine Creek
    Valley Creek and tributaries
    N/A Langhorne Manor Borough
    618 Hulmeville Rd.
    Langhorne, PA 19047
    Bucks Langhorne Manor Borough Chub Run
    Mill Creek Tributary
    N/A Hulmeville Borough
    114 Trenton Rd.
    Hulmeville, PA 19047
    Bucks Hulmeville Borough Neshaminy Creek
    UNT to Neshaminy Creek
    N/A Rose Valley Borough
    P. O. Box 198
    New London, PA 19065
    Delaware Rose Valley Borough Ridley Creek N/A
    N/A East Greenville Borough
    206 Main St.
    East Greenville, PA 18041
    Montgomery East Greenville Borough Perkiomen Creek N/A
    N/A Newtown Borough
    23 N. State St.
    Newtown, PA 18940
    Bucks Newtown Borough Newtown Creek and tributary N/A
    N/A West Chester University
    700 S. High St.
    West Chester, PA 19383
    Chester West Chester Borough Plum Run N/A
    N/A Sellersville Borough
    140 E. Church St.
    Sellersville, PA 18960
    Bucks Sellersville Borough East Branch Perkiomen Creek N/A
    N/A New Britain Borough
    45 Keller Ave.
    New Britain, PA 18901
    Bucks New Britain Borough Neshaminy Creek N/A
    N/A Millbourne Borough
    9 Park Ave.
    Millbourne, PA 19082
    Delaware Millbourne Borough Darby Creek
    Cobbs Creek
    N/A Ivyland Borough
    991 Pennsylvania Ave.
    Ivyland, PA 18974
    Bucks Ivyland Borough UNT to Neshaminy Creek N/A
    N/A Bryn Athyn Borough
    P. O. Box 683
    Bryn Athyn, PA 19009
    Montgomery Bryn Athyn Borough Pennypack Creek N/A
    N/A Rockledge Borough
    1 Park Ave.
    Rockledge, PA 19046
    Montgomery Rockledge Borough Pennypack Creek and Tacony Creek N/A
    N/A West Conshohocken Borough
    112 Ford St.
    West Conshohocken, PA 19428
    Montgomery West Conshohocken Borough Lower Schuylkill River N/A
    N/A Springfield Township
    2320 Township Rd.
    Quakertown, PA 18951
    Bucks Springfield Township Tohickon Creek N/A
    N/A Wrightstown Township
    738 Penns Park Rd.
    Wrightstown, PA 18940
    Bucks Wrightstown Borough Mill Creek
    Jericho Creek
    Neshaminy Creek and tributaries
    N/A Rutledge Borough
    212 Unity Terrace
    Rutledge, PA 19070
    Delaware Rutledge Borough Stoney Creek N/A
    N/A Newlin Township
    929 Springwood Dr.
    West Chester, PA 19382
    Chester Newlin Township West Branch Brandywine Creek N/A
    N/A Modena Borough
    P. O. Box 116
    Modena, PA 19358
    Chester Modena Borough Brandywine Creek N/A
    N/A Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
    P. O. Box 260
    Cheyney, PA 19319
    Delaware Thornbury Township East Branch Chester Creek N/A

    VI.  NPDES Individual Permit Applications for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities

       Northeast Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

       Monroe County Conservation District:  8050 Running Valley Road, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, (570) 629-3060.

    NPDESApplicant Name and Receiving
    Permit No.AddressCountyMunicipalityWater/Use
    PAI024503013 Williams & Williams Real Estate
    P. O. Box 3655
    Scranton, PA 18505
    Monroe Coolbaugh Township Pocono Summit Lake
    PAI024503007 Harmon Homes, Inc.
    R. R. 5, Box 5234
    East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
    Monroe Hamilton Township Lake Creek
    PAS10S097-1 LTS Development, Inc.
    P. O. Box 160
    Shawnee on Delaware, PA
    Monroe Middle Smithfield Township UNTs to Brodhead Creek and Marshalls Creek

       Pike County Conservation District:  HC 6, Box 6770, Hawley, PA 18428, (570) 226-8220.

    NPDESApplicant Name andReceiving
    Permit No.AddressCountyMunicipalityWater/Use
    PAI025203008 USDA/USFS
    Grey Towers NHL
    P. O. Box 188
    151 Grey Towers Dr.
    Milford, PA 18337
    Pike Milford Township Sawkill Creek

       Southcentral Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       Bedford County Conservation District, 702 W. Pitt Street, Suite 4, Fairlawn Court, Bedford, PA 15522.

    NPDES Applicant Name and County and Receiving
    No. Address Municipality Water/Use
    PAI2030503002 Hopewell Township
    2759 Raystown Road
    Hopewell, PA 16650
    Hopewell Township
    Bedford County
    Yellow Creek

       Berks County Conservation District, 1238 County Welfare Road, P. O. Box 520, Leesport, PA 19533.

    NPDES Applicant Name and County and Receiving
    No. Address Municipality Water/Use
    PAI2030603006 Benchmark Development, Inc.
    3744 West Chester Pike
    P. O. Box J
    Newtown Square, PA 19073
    Exeter Township
    Berks County
    Trout Run

       Northcentral Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

       Centre County Conservation District:  414 Holmes Ave., Suite 4, Bellefonte, PA 16823, (814) 355-6817.

    NPDES Applicant Name and County and Receiving
    No. Address Municipality Water/Use
    PAS10F070R Department of Transportation
    SR 26 Relocation
    1924-30 Daisy St.
    Clearfield, PA 16930
    Centre County
    Benner, College and Spring Townships
    Spring Creek
    PAI041403008 Julian Sewer System
    P. O. Box 40
    Julian, PA 16844
    Centre County
    Huston Township
    Laurel Run

       Southwest Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       Westmoreland County Conservation District:  211 Donohoe Road, Greensburg, PA 15601-9217, (724) 837-5271.

    NPDES Applicant Name and County and Receiving
    No. Address Municipality Water/Use
    PAI056503002 Department of Transportation
    P. O. Box 459
    Uniontown, PA 15401
    Westmoreland County
    Salem Township and the Municipality of Murrysville
    Unnamed tributary to Beaver Run
    Unnamed tributary to Turtle Creek

    VII.  List of NOIs for NPDES and/or Other General Permit Types

    PAG-12Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
    PAG-13Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)


       Under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act, the following parties have applied for a PWS permit to construct or substantially modify a public water system.

       Persons wishing to comment on a permit application are invited to submit a statement to the office listed before the application within 30 days of this public notice. Comments received within this 30-day comment period will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding the application. Comment responses should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held after consideration of comments received during the 30-day public comment period.

       Following the comment period, the Department will make a final determination regarding the proposed permit. Notice of this final determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.

       The permit application and any related documents are on file at the office listed before the application and available for public review. Arrangements for inspection and copying information should be made with the office listed before the application.

       Persons with a disability who require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodations to participate during the 30-day public comment period should contact the office listed before the application. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.


    Applications received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17).

       Northeast Region:  Water Supply Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

       Application No. 4503503, Public Water Supply.

    Applicant Sciota Garden Apartments
    Township or Borough Hamilton Township
    Responsible Official William Grant, President
    Grant Homes, Inc.
    P. O. Box 287
    Brodheadsville, PA 18322
    Type of Facility PWS
    Consulting Engineer Charles H. Niclaus, P. E.
    Niclaus Engineering Corporation
    14 North Six Street
    Stroudsburg, PA 18360
    Application Received Date May 23, 2003
    Description of Action The application is for approval to construct a 22 unit apartment complex supplied by 1 well pumped to a treatment facility. Hypochlorite will be added for disinfection, potassium permanganate to oxidize and reduce manganese and soda ash added to neutralize the corrosiveness. Treated water will be filtered through a manganese green sand filter and stored in a ground level tank. Booster pumps and pressure tank will provide water to the distribution system.

       Northcentral Region:  Water Supply Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

       Application No. 1403502--Construction, Public Water Supply.

    Applicant Bellefonte Borough Authority
    236 West Lamb Street
    Bellefonte, PA 16823
    Responsible Official Ralph W. Stewart, Borough Manager
    236 West Lamb Street
    Bellefonte, PA 16823
    Type of Facility PWS
    Consulting Engineer Mark J. Garlicki, P. E.
    Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
    474 Windmere Drive, Suite 100
    State College, PA 16801
    Application Received Date June 2, 2003
    Description of Action Permitting of three existing water distribution booster pump stations.
       Application No. Minor Amendment--Construction, Public Water Supply.
    Applicant Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority
    220 South Main Street
    Jersey Shore, PA 17740
    Responsible Official Michael C. Zellers, Manager
    Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority
    P. O. Box 5046
    220 S. Main Street
    Jersey Shore, PA 17740-5046
    Type of Facility PWS
    Consulting Engineer Paul A. Krizan, P. E.
    Larson Design Group, Inc.
    1000 Commerce Park Drive
    Williamsport, PA 17703-0487
    Application Received Date June 3, 2003
    Description of Action Construction of a new concrete water tank to replace the existing reservoir.

       Southwest Region:  Water Supply Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       Permit No. 6503501, Public Water Supply.

    Applicant Torrance State Hospital
    P. O. Box 111
    Torrance, PA 15779
    Township or Borough Derry Township
    Responsible Official Brad Snyder, Facility Maintenance Manager
    Torrance State Hospital
    P. O. Box 111
    Torrance, PA 15779
    Type of Facility Water treatment facility
    Consulting Engineer John Rusnak
    280 Executive Drive
    Cranberry Township, PA 16066
    Application Received Date May 22, 2003
    Description of Action Line and recover reservoir, demolish and reconstruct existing mechanical building, install system pumps, remove gas chlorination facilities and install new liquid chlorination facilities.


    Applications Received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act.

       Northeast Region:  Water Supply Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

       Application No. Minor Amendment.

    Applicant Wallenpaupack Lake Estates
    Township or Borough Paupack Township
    Responsible Official Brian Schaun
    Wallenpaupack Lake Estates
    100 Wallenpaupack Lake Estates
    Lake Ariel, PA 18436
    Type of Facility PWS
    Consulting Engineer Frederick C. Spott, P. E.
    Frederick C. Spott & Associates, Inc.
    403 North South Street
    Scranton, PA 18504
    Application Received Date June 5, 2003
    Description of Action The submittal is for a minor modification to the Beaver Lake Well, also known as Well B. The existing 1,000 gallon storage tanks (three tanks in total) will be replaced by one 3,000 gallon hydro tank which will be relocated closer to the wellhead. The new hydro tank will be housed in a structure 14 feet by 28 feet by 14 feet high. The disinfection tanks and meter will also be housed in this structure.

       Northwest Region:  Water Supply Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       Application No. 2594501-MA9, Minor Amendment.

    Applicant Erie City Water Authority
    340 West Bayfront Parkway
    Erie, PA 16507
    Township or Borough Summit Township, Erie County
    Responsible Official Christopher J. Hebberd, Chief Operating Officer
    Type of Facility PWS
    Consulting Engineer KLH Engineers, Inc.
    5173 Campbells Run Road
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    Application Received Date June 6, 2003
    Description of Action Construction of a 1.0 million gallon storage tank on Cherry Street Extension.

    [Continued on next Web Page]

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    UNDER ACT 2, 1995


    Acknowledgment of Notices of Intent to Remediate Submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).

       Sections 302--305 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin an acknowledgment noting receipt of Notices of Intent to Remediate. An acknowledgment of the receipt of a Notice of Intent to Remediate is used to identify a site where a person proposes to, or has been required to, respond to a release of a regulated substance at a site. Persons intending to use the Background Standard, Statewide Health Standard, the Site-Specific Standard or who intend to remediate a site as a special industrial area, must file a Notice of Intent to Remediate with the Department. A Notice of Intent to Remediate filed with the Department provides a brief description of the location of the site, a list of known or suspected contaminants at the site, the proposed remediation measures for the site and a description of the intended future use of the site. A person who demonstrates attainment of one, a combination of the cleanup standards or who receives approval of a special industrial area remediation identified under the act, will be relieved of further liability for the remediation of the site for any contamination identified in reports submitted to and approved by the Department. Furthermore, the person shall not be subject to citizen suits or other contribution actions brought by responsible persons not participating in the remediation.

       Under sections 304(n)(1)(ii) and 305(c)(2) of the act, there is a 30-day public and municipal comment period for sites proposed for remediation using a Site-Specific Standard, in whole or in part, and for sites remediated as a special industrial area. This period begins when a summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate is published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the site. For the sites identified, proposed for remediation to a site-specific standard or as a special industrial area, the municipality, within which the site is located, may request to be involved in the development of the remediation and reuse plans for the site if the request is made within 30 days of the date specified. During this comment period, the municipality may request that the person identified, as the remediator of the site, develop and implement a public involvement plan. Requests to be involved and comments should be directed to the remediator of the site.

       For further information concerning the content of a Notice of Intent to Remediate, contact the Environmental Cleanup Program Manager in the Department Regional Office after which the notice appears. If information concerning this acknowledgment is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate Regional Office listed. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

       The Department has received the following Notices of Intent to Remediate:

       Southeast Region:  Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       Former Glenside Foreign Motors Facility, Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County. Charles Q. McGuth, Environmental Maintenance Co., Inc., 1420 Mermaid Lane, Glenside, PA 19038, on behalf of Estate of Remo DiLello/Susan Butler, 540 Andrew Dr., Southampton, PA 18966, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with leaded gasoline and unleaded gasoline. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Glenside News on April 2, 2003.

       860 Cross Street, Pottstown Borough, Montgomery County. Henry DeH. Alexander, P. E., Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Route 113, 559 W. Uwchlan Ave., Suite 120, Exton, PA 19341, on behalf of Degussa Construction Chemical Operations, Inc., Timothy Anglin, 23700 Chagrin Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44122, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with chlorinated solvents, inorganics and PCB; and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet Site-Specific Standards. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in The Mercury on May 19, 2003.

       Former Schmidt's Brewery, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Darryl Borrelli, Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP, 401 City Ave., Suite 500, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004, on behalf of Northern Liberties Development Assoc., LP, Tina Roberts, One Reed St., Philadelphia, PA 19147, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with fuel oil no. 6, inorganics, leaded gasoline, other organics, PAH and PCB; and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents, fuel oil no. 6, leaded gasoline and other inorganics. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet special industrial area requirements. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Philadelphia Daily News on May 16, 2003.

       1900 Allegheny Avenue Property, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Spencer Finch, Urban Engineers, Inc., 530 Walnut St., 14th Fl., Philadelphia, PA 19106, on behalf of City of Philadelphia, Department of Public Property, Attn:  John Edelstein, Municipal Services Bldg., 1401 JFK Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19102, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with PAH; and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents and other inorganics. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet special industrial area requirements. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Philadelphia Daily News on April 11, 2003.

       Nursing Care Center at the 58th Street Presbyterian Home, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Nancy R. Repetto, Powell-Harpstead, Inc., 800 E. Washington St., West Chester, PA 19380, on behalf of Presby Homes & Services, Inc., Margaret Bucci, 2000 Joshua Rd., Lafayette Hills, PA 19444-2430, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with fuel oil no. 2. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Globe Times on May 8, 2003.

       Former Abrams Metals Company, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Paul Martino, P. G., Pennoni Associates, 3001 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19102, has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate soil contaminated with inorganics, PAH and PCB; and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents and unleaded gasoline. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Philadelphia Daily News on May 19, 2003.

       Southcentral Region:  Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       Ross Technology Corporation, Upper Leacock Township, Lancaster County. GemChem, Inc., 53 North Cedar Street, P. O. Box 384, Lititz, PA 17543-0384, on behalf of Ross Technology Corporation, 104 North Maple Avenue, Leola, PA 17540, submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site soils and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the requirements of a combination of the Statewide Health and Site Specific Standards. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Intelligencer Journal/New Era on February 27, 2003.

       V & S Sandwich Shop, Wyomissing Borough, Berks County. Alternative Environmental Solutions, 930 Pointview Avenue, Ephrata, PA 17522, on behalf of V & S Sandwich Shop, 2224 State Hill Road, Wyomissing, PA 19610, submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site soils and groundwater contaminated with leaded gasoline. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the requirements of a combination of Statewide Health and Site-Specific Standards. A summary of the Notice of Intent to Remediate was reported to have been published in the Reading Eagle on May 19, 2003.


       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has developed an ''integrated'' plan approval, State operating permit and Title V operating permit program. This integrated approach is designed to make the permitting process more efficient for the Department, the regulated community and the public. This approach allows the owner or operator of a facility to complete and submit all the permitting documents relevant to its application one time, affords an opportunity for public input and provides for sequential issuance of the necessary permits.

       The Department has received applications and intends to issue plan approvals and/or operating permits to the following facilities.

       Copies of the applications, draft permits, review summaries and other support materials are available for review in the regional offices identified in this notice. Persons interested in reviewing the application files should contact the appropriate regional office to schedule an appointment.

       Interested persons may submit written comments, suggestions or objections concerning the proposed Title V permit to the regional office within 30 days of publication of this notice. Written comments submitted to the Department during the 30-day public comment period shall include the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the comments, along with the reference number of the proposed permit. Comments should also include a concise statement of any objections to the permit issuance and the relevant facts upon which the objections are based.

       The Department reserves the right to hold a public hearing on the proposed action based upon the information received during the public comment period and will provide notice of any scheduled public hearing at least thirty days in advance of the hearing. If a hearing is scheduled, notice will be provided to each applicant, protestant, or other participants in writing or by publication in a newspaper or the Pennsylvania Bulletin, except where the Department determines that notification by telephone will be sufficient. Notice will also be provided to anyone who requests in writing to be notified concerning the scheduling of a hearing.

       Final plan approvals and operating permits will contain terms and conditions to ensure that the source is constructed and operating in compliance with applicable requirements in 25 Pa. Code Chapters 121--143, the Federal Clean Air Act (act) and regulations adopted under the act.


    Plan Approval applications received under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B that may have special public interest. These applications are in review and no decision on disposition has been reached.

       Southcentral Region:  Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact:  Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       06-05069C:  East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc. (P. O. Box 147, Lyon Station, PA 19637-0147) for the construction and relocation of a lead grid caster controlled by a fabric collector, the construction of two lead oxide mills each controlled by a cyclone and a fabric collector, the installation of a replacement fabric collector on an R and D lab that emits lead and the modification of a lead pot in the lead/acid battery assembly facility in Richmond Township, Berks County. The sources are all subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart KK--Standards of Performance for Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants.

       Southwest Region:  Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Contact:  William Charlton, New Source Review Chief, (412) 442-4174.

       56-00275A:  GM and S Coal Corp. (P. O. Box 99, Boswell, PA 15531) for installation of a coal preparation plant at Geronimo Mine in Jenner Township, Somerset County.

    Intent to issue Plan Approvals and intent to issue or amend Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B. These actions may include the administrative amendments of an associated operating permit.

       Southeast Region:  Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact:  Edward Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (610) 832-6242.

       46-0010D:  Montenay Montgomery, LTD (1155 Conshohocken Road, Conshohocken, PA 19428) for modification of its existing selective noncatalytic reduction system in Plymouth Township, Montgomery County. This municipal waste combustion facility is a Title V facility. This modification will result in NOx to be reduced by 242 tons. The 242 tons of NOx reduction will be credited to Montenay Montgomery LTD once the sources show compliance with the lower NOx emission limits. The Plan Approval and Operating Permit will contain recordkeeping requirements and operating restrictions designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.

       Northeast Region:  Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790; Contact:  Mark J. Wejkszner, New Source Review Chief, (570) 826-2531.

       13-399-008A:  Horsehead Resource Development Company Inc. (900 Delaware Avenue, Palmerton, PA 18071) for the construction of a calcine kiln receiving bin and associated bin vent collectors to receive crude zinc oxide from pressure differential trucks and railcars at the company's facility in Palmerton Borough, Carbon County. This high temperature metal recovery facility is a Title V facility. Particulate emissions from the process will be less than 1 ton per year. The plan approval will include all appropriate monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the source operating within all applicable air quality requirements and will be incorporated into the Title V Operating Permit through an Administrative Amendment in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.450.

       Southcentral Region:  Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact:  Yasmin Neidlinger, Facilities Permitting Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       06-05066C:  Exide Technologies (P. O. Box 14294, Reading, PA 19612-4294) for the installation of a replacement fabric collector controlling particulate and lead emissions from the facility's no. 2 smelter system in the Borough of Laureldale and Muhlenberg Township, Berks County. The installation will not result in changes to the potential emissions from the source. The source is subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart L--Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources and Part 63, Subpart X--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Secondary Lead Smelters. The approval will include work practices, monitoring, testing, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the source operating within all applicable air quality requirements. The Title V Operating Permit 06-05066 presently covers the facility. The plan approval will be incorporated into this permit in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.450.

       36-05128A:  Compass Quarries, Inc. d/b/a Independence Construction Materials (P. O. Box 130, 47 McIlvaine Road, Paradise, PA 17562-0130) for modifications that include burning of waste derived fuels in their stone dryer and the addition of three nonmetallic conveyors for their facility in Paradise Township, Lancaster County.

       67-03058B:  Coates Electrographics, Inc. (1160-A Fahs Street, York, PA 17404) for a new classifier, a separator/cyclone and a baghouse for their facility in West Manchester Township, York County.

       Department of Public Health, Air Management Services:  321 University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104; Contact:  Edward Braun, Chief, (215) 685-9476.

       V95-052:  Graphic Arts, Inc. (4100 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104) on June 3, 2003, administratively amended to incorporate Plan Approval No. 03036 approved on March 28, 2003, for conversion of a boiler in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. The Title V operating permit was originally issued on May 3, 2001.

       S95-071:  General Electric International, Inc. (1040 East Erie Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124) on June 3, 2003, reissued to incorporate applicable regulations for three degreasers per 25 Pa. Code § 129.63 in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. The Synthetic Minor operating permit was originally issued on September 6, 2002.


    Intent to Issue Title V Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.

       Southeast Region:  Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact:  Edward Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (610) 832-6242.

       09-00009:  Webcraft LLC (4371 County Line Road, Chalfont Borough, Bucks County, PA 18914) for an administrative amendment to the Title V Operating Permit at their facility in New Britain Township, Bucks County. The facility is a direct mail printer that operates six heat set offset lithographic printing presses and one flexographic printing press. The permit is being amended to incorporate changes approved under Plan Approval No. PA-09-0009B for a web offset press (Press No. 51) and a catalytic oxidizer. The revised Title V operating permit will contain monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting, testing and work practice standards to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.

       The conditions that have been addressed in the amended Title V Permit are as follows:

       Press No. 51 Conditions--Emission restriction conditions establishing VOC limits (2.07 lbs/hr and 9.08 tpy as a 12-month rolling sum) and NOx limits (0.6 lb/hr and 2.64 tpy as a 12-month rolling sum).

       Southcentral Region:  Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact:  Yasmin Neidlinger, Facilities Permitting Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       06-05026:  North American Fluoropolymers Co. (P. O. Box 704, Leesport, PA 19533) for the operation of a Teflon crumb manufacturing facility in Ontelaunee Township, Berks County. The facility is subject to 40 CFR Part 64, Compliance Assurance Monitoring. This action is a renewal of the Title V Operating Permit issued in 1998.

       Southwest Region:  Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Contact:  Mark Wayner, Facilities Permitting Chief, (412) 442-4174.

       30-00110:  Equitrans, L. P. (100 Allegheny Center Mall, Pittsburgh, PA 15212) for a renewal for operation of their Pratt Compressor Station in Franklin Township, Greene County. The facility's major sources include compressor engines, which emit major quantities of NOx emissions.

    Intent to Issue Operating Permits under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.

       Southcentral Region:  Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact:  Yasmin Neidlinger, Facilities Permitting Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       01-03022:  Agricultural Commodities, Inc. (1585 Granite Station Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325) for operation of a poultry feed mill in Straban Township, Adams County. The facility has the potential to emit 46.6 tons per year of PM, 2.9 tons per year of SO2 and 2.4 tons per year of NOx, all after control. The State-only Operating Permit shall contain testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements, emission restrictions and work practice standards designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.

       01-05020:  Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc. (P. O. Box 807, Biglerville, PA 17307) for operation of the Biglerville fruit processing facility in the Borough of Biglerville, Adams County. The facility has the potential to emit 67 tons per year of SOx, 48 tons per year of NOx, 7 tons per year of PM and 4 tons per year of CO. The State-only Operating Permit will include monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting requirements, emission restrictions and work practice standards designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.

       06-03095:  Metropolitan Edison Co. (2800 Pottsville Pike, Reading, PA 19612) for an electric services facility, which operates three emergency generators in Bern Township, Berks County. The facility is not subject to Title V (State-only operating permit). The facility has the potential to emit 17.4 tons per year of NOx. The permit will include the requirements of the existing RACT Operating Permit. The permit will include work practices, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.

       28-05001:  Martin's Famous Pastry Shoppe, Inc. (1000 Potato Roll Lane, Chambersburg, PA 17201) for operation of a bakery in Guilford Township, Franklin County. The facility has the potential to emit more than 50 tons of VOC per year. The State-only Operating Permit will limit facility VOC emissions to 50 tons per year as well as emission limits for criteria pollutants. The permit includes provisions for monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting and work practice standards to ensure the facility complies with the applicable air quality requirements.

       Northwest Region:  Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Contact:  Eric Gustafson, Facilities Permitting Chief, (814) 332-6940.

       16-00126:  Redbank Valley School District--Redbank Valley School (920 East Broad Street, New Bethlehem, PA 16242) for a Natural Minor Operating Permit for emissions from a tri-fuel boiler in New Bethlehem Borough, Clarion County.

       37-00241:  Laurel School District--Laurel Junior-Senior High School (Harlansburg Road, New Castle, PA 16101) for a Natural Minor Operating Permit for operation of tri-fuel boilers in Hickory Township, Lawrence County.

       24-00106:  Penn West Industries d/b/a Allegheny Color Corp. (20 Gillis Avenue, Ridgeway, PA 15853) for a Natural Minor Permit to operate a pigment finishing process in Ridgeway Borough, Elk County.

       37-00302:  New Castle Battery Manufacturing Co. (3601 Wilmington Road, New Castle, PA 16105) for a Natural Minor Permit for the facility's primary emissions of lead and PM from their lead-acid battery manufacturing operations in Neshannock Township, Lawrence County.

       20-00201:  Crawford County Humane Society (11012 Kennedy Hill Rd., Meadville, PA 16335) for a Natural Minor Operating Permit for emissions from an animal crematory in Vernon Township, Crawford County.

       61-00122:  Seneca Hardwood Lumber Co., Inc. (212 Seneca Hardwood Road, Cranberry, PA 16319) for a Natural Minor Operating Permit for operation of two wood fired boilers, drying kilns and a sawmill in Rockland Township, Venango County.


       Applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1--1396.19a); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301--3326); and The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51--30.66); and The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1--1406.21). Mining activity permits issued in response to the applications will also address the applicable permitting requirements of the following statutes:  the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003).

       The following permit applications to conduct mining activities have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department). A copy of the application is available for inspection at the District Mining Office indicated before an application. Where a 401 Water Quality Certification is needed for any aspect of a particular proposed mining activity, the submittal of the permit application will serve as the request for certification.

       Written comments, objections or requests for informal conferences on applications may be submitted by any person or any officer or head of any Federal, State or local government agency or authority to the Department at the same address within 30 days of this publication, or within 30 days after the last publication of the applicant's newspaper advertisement, as provided by 25 Pa. Code §§ 77.121--77.123 and 86.31--86.34.

       Where any of the mining activities listed will have discharges of wastewater to streams, the Department will incorporate NPDES permits into the mining activity permits issued in response to these applications. NPDES permits will contain, at a minimum, technology-based effluent limitations as identified in this notice for the respective coal and noncoal applications. In addition to the previous, more restrictive effluent limitations, restrictions on discharge volume or restrictions on the extent of mining which may occur will be incorporated into a mining activity permit, when necessary, for compliance with water quality standards (in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 93 and 95). Persons or agencies who have requested review of the NPDES permit requirements for a particular mining activity within the previously mentioned public comment period will be provided with a 30 day period to review and submit comments on those requirements.

       Written comments or objections should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person submitting comments or objections; application number; and a statement of sufficient detail to inform the Department on the basis of comment or objection and relevant facts upon which it is based. Requests for an informal conference must contain the name, address and telephone number of requestor; application number; a brief summary of the issues to be raised by the requestor at the conference; and a statement whether the requestor wishes to have the conference conducted in the locality of the proposed mining activities.

    Coal Applications Received

       Effluent Limits--The following coal mining applications that include an NPDES permit application will be subject to, at a minimum, the following technology-based effluent limitations for discharges of wastewater to streams:

    30-Day Daily Instantaneous
    Parameter Average Maximum Maximum
    Iron (total) 3.0 mg/l 6.0 mg/l 7.0 mg/l
    Manganese (total) 2.0 mg/l 4.0 mg/l 5.0 mg/l
    suspended solids 35 mg/l      70 mg/l      90 mg/l     
    pH* greater than 6.0; less than 9.0
    Alkalinity greater than acidity*

       *  The parameter is applicable at all times.

       A settleable solids instantaneous maximum limit of 0.5 ml/l applied to:  (1) surface runoff (resulting from a precipitation event of less than or equal to a 10-year 24-hour event) from active mining areas, active areas disturbed by coal refuse disposal activities and mined areas backfilled and revegetated; and (2) drainage (resulting from a precipitation event of less than or equal to a 1-year 24-hour event) from coal refuse disposal piles.

       California District Mining Office:  25 Technology Drive, California Technology Park, Coal Center, PA 15423, (724) 769-1100.

       32031701. NPDES Permit N/A, EME Homer City Generation L. P. (1750 Power Plant Road, Homer City, PA 15748-9558), to operate the Dixon Run Central Treatment Facility in Cherryhill Township, Indiana County and install a sludge borehole, Surface Acres ProposedN/A, Underground Acres Proposed N/A, SCP Acres Proposed N/A, CRDP Support Acres Proposed N/A, CRDP Refuse Disposal Acres Proposed N/A, Two Lick Reservoir (TSF, PWS). The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is N/A. Application received May 15, 2003.

       Cambria District Mining Office:  286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.

       56813005 and NPDES Permit No. PA0605697. Sanner Energies, Inc., 1117 Shaw Mines Road, Meyersdale, PA 15552-7228, permit renewal for continued operation of a bituminous surface and auger mine in Southampton Township, Somerset County, affecting 377.0 acres. Receiving streams:  unnamed tributary to North Branch of Jennings Run (CWF). There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received June 3, 2003.

       Greensburg District Mining Office:  Armbrust Building, R. R. 2 Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601-0982, (724) 925-5500.

       26850107 and NPDES Permit No. PA0589373. Oak Run Coal, Inc. (2575 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Uniontown, PA 15401). Renewal application for reclamation only for an existing bituminous surface mine in Georges Township, Fayette County, affecting 124.7 acres. Receiving streams:  Muddy Creek to Georges Creek (WWF). There is no potable water supply intake within 10 miles downstream from the point of discharge. Renewal application received June 5, 2003.

    Noncoal Applications Received

       Effluent Limits--The following noncoal mining applications that include an NPDES permit application will be subject to, at a minimum, the following technology-based effluent limitations for discharges of wastewater to streams:

    30-Day Daily Instantaneous
    Parameter Average Maximum Maximum
    Suspended solids 35 mg/l 70 mg/l 90 mg/l
    pH* greater than 6.0; less than 9.0

       *  The parameter is applicable at all times.

       A settleable solids instantaneous maximum limit of 0.5 ml/l applied to surface runoff resulting from a precipitation event of less than or equal to a 10-year 24-hour event. If coal will be extracted incidental to the extraction of noncoal minerals, at a minimum, the technology-based effluent limitations identified under coal applications will apply to discharges of wastewater to streams.

       Knox District Mining Office:  White Memorial Building, P. O. Box 669, Knox, PA 16232-0669, (814) 797-1191.

       25820301. Frank Tucci (25000 SR 99, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403). Renewal of NPDES Permit No. PA0604208, McKean Township, Erie County. Receiving streams:  unnamed tributary of Elk Creek (MF). There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 mile downstream. NPDES Renewal application received May 30, 2003.

       3074SM13. Allegheny Mineral Corporation (P. O. Box 1022, Kittanning, PA 16201). Renewal of NPDES Permit No. PA0104733, Slippery Rock Township, Butler County. Receiving streams:  five unnamed tributaries to Slippery Rock Creek to the Beaver River and two unnamed tributaries to Wolf Creek (CWF). There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. NPDES Renewal application received May 30, 2003.

       20800301. Conneaut Lake Sand & Gravel, Inc. (11203 Ellion Road, Conneaut Lake, PA 16316). Renewal of NPDES Permit No. PA0211851, Vernon Township, Crawford County. Receiving streams:  unnamed tributary to Watson Run and unnamed tributary to Mud Run (WWF). There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. NPDES Renewal application received June 4, 2003.

       Cambria District Mining Office:  286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.

       29940301 and NPDES Permit No. PA0607908. H. B. Mellott Estate, Inc., 100 Mellott Drive, Suite 100, Warfordsburg, PA 17267, renewal of NPDES Permit in Bethel and Thompson Townships, Fulton County. Receiving streams:  Little Tonoloway Creek (TSF). There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received June 2, 2003.

       4273SM2 and NPDES Permit No. PA0212547, H. B. Mellott Estate, Inc., 100 Mellott Drive, Suite 100, Warfordsburg, PA 17267, renewal of NPDES Permit in Thompson Township, Fulton County. Receiving streams:  unnamed tributary to Tonoloway Creek (WWF). There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. NPDES renewal application received June 2, 2003.


       The following permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for 401 Water Quality Certification have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department). Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341), requires the State to certify that the involved projects will not violate the applicable provisions of sections 301--303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311--1313, 1316 and 1317) as well as relevant State requirements. Persons objecting to approval of a request for certification under section 401 of the FWPCA or to the issuance of a Dam Permit or Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit or the approval of an Environmental Assessment must submit comments, suggestions or objections within 30 days of the date of this notice, as well as any questions, to the office noted before the application. Comments should contain the name, address and telephone number of the person commenting, identification of the certification request to which the comments or objections are addressed and a concise statement of comments, objections or suggestions including the relevant facts upon which they are based.

       The Department may conduct a fact-finding hearing or an informal conference in response to comments if deemed necessary. Individuals will be notified, in writing, of the time and place of a scheduled hearing or conference concerning the certification request to which the comment, objection or suggestion relates. Maps, drawings and other data pertinent to the certification request are available for inspection between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on each working day at the office noted before the application.

       Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings should contact the specified program. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

    Applications Received under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27) and section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and Requests for Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).


       Southeast Region:  Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Consho- hocken, PA 19428.

       E46-941. Lower Providence Township, 100 Parklane Drive, Eagleville, PA 19403, Lower Providence Township, Montgomery County, Philadelphia ACOE District.

       To perform the following the following activities in and along Rock Run (TSF):

       1.  To reconstruct an existing bridge structure that consists of a single span concrete encased steel I-beam superstructure on stone masonry abutments and wingwalls. The existing bridge has a normal clear span of 20 feet 6 inches, overall width of 19 feet and an underclearance of 4 feet. This structure will be retained to serve as part of the township trail system.

       2.  To construct and maintain a new bridge adjacent to and downstream of the existing structure. The proposed bridge will consist of a single span metal plate arch structure with a normal clear span of 38 feet 4 inches, overall width of 48 feet 4 inches and an underclearance of 17 feet 9 inches. Abutments and wingwalls will be reinforced concrete with stone form liner on all exposed concrete areas.

       The project site is 1,000 feet northeast of the intersection of Grange Avenue and Old Baptist Road (Collegeville, PA Quadrangle N:  8.25 inches W:  5.75 inches).

       E46-942. Lower Salford Township, 379 Main Street, Harleysville, PA 19438, Lower Salford Township, Montgomery County, ACOE Philadelphia District.

       To perform the following activities:

       1.  To remove an existing three span reinforced concrete slab bridge and to construct and maintain, to its left, a single span prestressed concrete adjacent box beam bridge across West Branch of Skippack Creek (TSF) associated with the roadway improvements for Morris Road. The proposed bridge will have a clear span of approximately 71.0 feet and an underclearance of approximately 7.5 feet. This work also includes construction of a temporary cofferdam and removal of sediment 50 feet upstream and downstream from the existing bridge.

       2.  To construct and maintain 30 linear feet of a 66-inch diameter CMP culvert across an unnamed tributary to West Branch of Skippack Creek associated with the proposed Township trail. This work also includes placement and maintenance of associated riprap protection at the inlet and outlet of the culvert.

       3.  Top construct and maintain a 24-inch diameter outfall structure along West Branch of Skippack Creek associated with the roadway improvements for Morris Road.

       This site is approximately 100 feet northwest of the intersection of Morris Road and Quarry Road (Perkiomenville, PA-USGS Quadrangle N:  0.9 inch; W:  0.9 inch).

       Southcentral Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       E31-189:  Pennsylvania State University, Physical Plant Building, University Park, PA 16802 in Barree Township, Huntingdon County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       To construct and maintain a 6-foot by 303-foot wooden boardwalk, an 8-foot by 158-foot wooden boardwalk and a 16-foot by 16-foot teaching platform in scrub/shrub wetlands at the northern end of Lake Perez in the Stone Valley Recreation Area (Pine Grove Mills, PA Quadrangle N:  7.5 inches, W:  4.7 inches) in Barree Township, Huntingdon County for the purpose of public recreation and education. The boardwalks and teaching platforms will be elevated at least 18 inches above the wetland and the helical metal piers resulting in 0.006 acre of impacts to scrub/shrub wetlands. The project proposes to affect directly a total of 0.006 acre of scrub/shrub wetlands. The amount of wetlands impact is considered de minimis and wetland mitigation is not required.

       E67-740:  York County Board of Commissioners, One West Marketway, Fourth Floor, York, PA 17401 in North Hopewell and York Townships, York County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       To construct and maintain rip-rap scour protection along the north abutment, perform road surface patching, clean debris from the structure and perform concrete repairs to Bridge No. 98 at a point where Stine Hill Road crosses Barshinger Creek (CWF) (York, PA Quadrangle N:  0.1 inch; W:  3.8 inches) in North Hopewell and York Townships, York County.

       E67-741:  York County Board of Commissioners, One West Marketway, Fourth Floor, York, PA 17401 in Hellam Township, York County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       To construct and maintain rip-rap scour protection along the upstream end of the pier and improve the guide rail at Bridge No. 65 at a point where Strickler School Road crosses Kreutz Creek (WWF) (Columbia West, PA Quadrangle N:  1.9 inches, W:  7.9 inches) in Hellam Township, York County.

       E06-583:  Kutztown Associates, LP, 705 Ridge Road, Orwigsburg, PA 17921 in Kutztown Borough, Berks County, ACOE Philadelphia District.

       To grade approximately 2.7 acres of land within the floodway of Sacony Creek (CWF) and to construct and maintain paved parking areas for the proposed student housing to be constructed on properties adjacent to the intersection of Industrial and Normal Avenues (Kutztown, PA Quadrangle N:  2.9 inches; W:  2.8 inches) in Kutztown Borough, Berks County.

       E36-761:  Valley Lea Riding Club, Inc., 1685 Furniss Road, Drumore, PA 17518 in Drumore Township, Lancaster County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       To add a 4-foot wide by 6-foot long and a 4-foot wide by 18-foot long wing wall to the existing 6-foot by 6-foot southern most abutment and to maintain the existing 5-foot wide pedestrian bridge having a clear span of 50 feet and crossing Fishing Creek (HQ-CWF-Wild Trout) at a point approximately 800 feet northwest of the Drumore Township Municipal Building (Wakefield, PA Quadrangle N:  12.2 inches; W:  16.3 inches) in Drumore Township, Lancaster County.

       E67-744:  West Manchester Township Authority, 2115 Log Cabin Road, York, PA 17404 in West Manchester Township, York County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       To construct and maintain a pump house and outfall structure within the floodway of the Little Conewago Creek (TSF) (West York, PA Quadrangle N:  22.4 inches, W:  7.3 inches) in West Manchester Township, York County.

       E31-190:  Department of Transportation, District 9-0, SR 0026 Sec. 023, 1620 North Juniata Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 in Penn Township, Huntingdon County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       To widen and maintain SR 0026 and SR 3011 approximately 4.34 kilometers (2.7 miles) south of the Village of McConnellstown (Huntingdon, PA Quadrangle N:  9.5 inches; W:  16.4 inches). The project will include adding turning lanes in both directions and a deceleration zone to the right shoulder of the southbound lane for turns onto T-429 (Racetrack Road). The intersection will be reconstructed to a 90 degree angle with some minor horizontal realignment of SR 3011. Pavement widths will increase from the existing 3.0 meters (10 feet) to the proposed 3.6 meters (12 feet) and shoulders will be widened from the existing 1.5 meters (5 feet) to the proposed 2.4 meters (8 feet). Additional improvements include the vertical realignment of the roadway south of the intersection to improve sight distance, construction of paved shoulders, roadway resurfacing, drainage and guide rail improvements and the widening of a structure under SR 0026 just north of the intersection. The structures will be widened from 18 meters (59 feet) to 31.7 meters (104 feet) to accommodate the left hand turn lanes. The existing structure is over an unnamed tributary to Crooked Creek (WWF). The project proposes to affect directly a total of 0.06 acre of palustrine emergent wetland habitat. This acreage will be mitigated from the Huntingdon County Advance Wetland Compensation Site.

       E36-760:  Earl Township, 517 North Railroad Ave., New Holland, PA 17557 in Earl Township, Lancaster County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       To remove the two existing 30-inch by 42-inch corrugated metal pipe arches and to construct and maintain a precast concrete box culvert having a clear span of 12 feet, a rise of 3 1/2 feet and an instream length of 30 feet all at a point approximately 1,800 feet west of SR 322 along Grist Mill Road within an unnamed tributary to the Conestoga River (WWF) (Terre Hill, PA Quadrangle N:  2.0 inches; W:  15.0 inches) in Earl Township, Lancaster County.

       E36-759: Little Conestoga Watershed Alliance, P. O. Box 6355, Lancaster, PA 17607 in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       To construct and maintain a stream restoration project within Miller's Run (CWF) for the purposes of: stream bank stabilization, improved sediment transport, establishment of riparian buffers and improved aquatic habitat while implementing a natural stream channel design approach consisting of the following construction activities: channel relocation, stream and floodway excavation and filling, installation of rock vanes, cross vanes and J-hooks, riprap, root wad and log spur placement and beginning at a point near the headwaters of Millers Run north of Spring Valley Road and proceeding east 3,435 feet (Columbia East, PA Quadrangle N:  11.5 inches; W:  1.0 inch) in East Hempfield Township, Lancaster County.

       Northcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 327-3636.

       E18-360. Department of Transportation, Engineering District 2-0, 1924 Daisy Street Extension, P. O. Box 342, Clearfield, PA 16830. SR 1008, Section A01, structure replacement over Little Plum Run in Dunnstable Township, Clinton County, Baltimore U. S. Army Corps of Engineers District (Lock Haven, PA Quadrangle N:  8.31 inches; W:  0.46 inch).

       The applicant proposes to: (1) remove the existing bridge and appurtenant structures; (2) construct and maintain a box culvert stream enclosure with concrete wing walls and a concrete apron with a 20-foot clear span and 6-foot rise (1.0 foot depressed invert), 39.3 feet in length; (3) place rock, Class R-6 for 55 feet upstream and 40 feet downstream of the stream enclosure; (4) temporarily place and maintain a flexible pipe of approximately 180 feet in length will be used during construction in conjunction with sandbags as a temporary dam device; and (5) channel realignment of the perennial stream is proposed for approximately 140 linear feet and average 25 feet in width through the structure area. The wetland impact is 0.05 acre of de minimis. The project proposes to directly affect, through relocation, 149 linear feet of stream. Little Plum Run is an unnamed tributary to Chatham Run (CWF).

       Southwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       E02-1427. Braddock Hills Borough, 1300 Brinton Road, Braddock Hills, PA 15221. Braddock Hills Borough Wilkins Avenue Culvert in Braddock Hills Borough, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Braddock, PA Quadrangle N:  7.2 inches; W:   15.9 inches). The applicant proposes to remove the existing structures, to construct and maintain approximately 30 feet of grouted R-4 riprap outlet protection and to construct and maintain various outfall structures in and to an unnamed tributary to the Monongahela River (WWF). This project is to decrease the flooding to Wilkins Avenue. The project is on the east side of Wilkins Avenue approximately 1,400 feet north of its intersection with Woodstock and Hawkins Avenues. This project proposes to impact a total of 405 feet of an unnamed tributary to the Monongahela River.

       E02-1428. Showcase Properties, Inc., 202 Park West Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275. Franklan Heights Residential Subdivision in Pine Township, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Mars, PA Quadrangle N:  2.35 inches; W:  2.27 inches). The applicant proposes to place and maintain fill in 0.42 acre of wetlands, to impact 1.4 acres of open waters and to construct and maintain a stream enclosure in an unnamed tributary to Pine Creek and associated wetlands for the purpose of constructing the Franklan Heights Residential Development and extending the existing Tierra Vista Drive to provide access to the development. The project is approximately 1,500 feet northwest from the intersection of Tierra Vista Drive and Ivy Drive. The applicant also proposes to construct and maintain three stormwater detention ponds and will permanently impact 0.42 acre of wetlands, 1.4 acres of open waters and 1,520 feet of stream channel.

       E03-415. Gilpin Township, R. D. 1, Box 269, Leechburg, PA 15656. Elder Run Culvert Replacement in Gilpin Township, Armstrong County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Leechburg, PA Quadrangle N:  8.7 inches; W:  13.3 inches). The applicant proposes to remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a 27.0-foot long, 1.0-foot depressed 10.0-foot by 8.0-foot concrete box culvert in Elder Run (WWF) to improve transportation safety and roadway standards on Hillview Manor Road.

       E11-301. City of Johnstown, 4th Floor, Public Safety Building, 401 Washington Street, Johnstown, PA 15901. Cherry Run Culvert Extension in the City of Johnstown, Cambria County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Johnstown, PA Quadrangle N:  8.9 inches; W:  8.0 inches). The applicant proposes to extend and maintain an existing 26.0-foot long reinforced concrete pipe culvert 125 feet down steam in Cherry Run (WWF) to address an existing stream bank erosion problem. The project is on Allimina Place.

       E26-310. Fayette County Commissioners, Court House, 61 East Main Street, Uniontown, PA 15401. Fayette County Bridge No. 40 in South Union Township, Fayette County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Uniontown, PA Quadrangle N:  3.1 inches; W:  13.4 inches). The applicant proposes to remove the County Bridge No. 40 and to construct and maintain a bridge having a normal clear span of 30 feet and an underclearance of 6.9 feet across. Redstone Creek (WWF) is on T-477 (Grant Street Extension).

       E26-311. North Union Township, 7 South Evans Station Road, Lemont Furnace, PA 15401. Junior Street (T-461) Culvert Replacement in North Union Township, Fayette County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Uniontown, PA Quadrangle N:  0.4 inch; W:  10.7 inch). The applicant proposes to remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain an aluminum box culvert having a single waterway opening of 12.25 feet wide by 3.2 feet high and 27 feet long in Bennington Spring Run (WWF). The structure is on T-461, approximately 400 feet east of SR 40.

       E63-546. Authority of the Borough of Charleroi, 3 McKean Avenue, P. O. Box 211, Charleroi, PA 15022. Authority of the Borough of Charleroi Water Treatment Plant in Charleroi Borough, Washington County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Monongahela, PA Quadrangle N:  1.6 inches; W:  2.3 inches). The applicant proposes to operate and maintain the existing water treatment plant and its facilities, to remove existing structures, to construct and maintain upgrades to the plant and water intake system within the left bank floodplain and flood way of the Monongahela River (WWF) consisting of a slab mounted transformer and electrical service switch, new raw water intake screens and protective dolphin piles, a building structure to enclose Clarifier No. 1, a temporary neutralization tank and installing a temporary 12-inch diameter HDPE suction line in the Monongahela River and across Maple Creek (WWF). The project is along the left bank of the Monongahela River near River Mile 42.6 where Maple Creek discharges to the Monongahela River. The purpose of the project is to upgrade the existing water treatment plant.

       E65-823. Norfolk Southern Railway Company, 99 Spring Street, Building Box 142, Bridge Office, Atlanta, GA 30303. Norfolk Southern Grey Road Culvert in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Blairsville, PA Quadrangle N:  1.03 inches; W:  0.28 inch). The applicant proposes to install and maintain a 150-foot long, 84-inch diameter tunnel liner plate pipe by tunneling method with a 4-inch thick layer of concrete inside the pipe under the railroad and the adjacent Road T-972 (Grey Road) in an unnamed tributary to McGee Run (CWF). The project includes relocation of approximately 30 linear feet of the steam at both ends of the structure. The applicant proposes to fill the existing structures and to relocate and maintain the approximately 20 linear feet of channel at both approaches.

       E65-824. David B. and Tangi A. Scott, P. O. Box 276, 177 17th Street, New Florence, PA 15944. Scott residential bridge in St. Claire Township, Westmoreland County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Rachelwood, PA Quadrangle N:  17.9 inches; W:  9.6 inches). The applicant proposes to construct and maintain a bridge having a clear span of 25 feet and an underclearance of 4 feet in Shannon Run (HQ-CWF) for the purpose of accessing the applicant's new home from T-992.

       E65-825. Department of Transportation, P. O. Box 459, Uniontown, PA 15401. Dutch Hollow Creek bridge replacement in South Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County, Pittsburgh ACOE District. The applicant proposes to remove four existing bridges and appurtenant structures and: (1) to construct and maintain a single span concrete adjacent box beam bridge having a span of 9.0 meters on a 72° skew and an underclearance of 2.3 meters over an unnamed tributary to the Youghiogheny River (WWF) (Station 10+062) (Smithton, PA Quadrangle N:  5.5 inches; W:  15.7 inches); (2) to construct and maintain a reinforced concrete box culvert having a single waterway opening of 5.03 meters wide by 1.75 meters high (0.3 meter depressed invert). The enclosure is 40 meters long with wing walls on a 30° skew in an unnamed tributary to the Youghiogheny River (Station 10+784) (Smithton, PA Quadrangle N:  6.4 inches; W:  15.1 inches); (3) to relocate and maintain 346 linear meters of the channel of an unnamed tributary to the Youghiogheny River. The channel averages 6.0 meters in width and the relocation will reduce the length of stream channel from the existing 388 meters to 346 meters (Station 10+140 to 10+380 and Station 30+016.5 to Station 30+124.4) (Smithton, PA Quadrangle N:  5.6 inches; W:  15.6 inches to N:  6.5 inches; W:  15.1 inches); (4) to construct and maintain two 450 mm diameter outfalls in an unnamed tributary to the Youghiogheny River (Station 10+056 and 10+077) (Smithton, PA Quadrangle N:  5.5 inches; W:  15.7 inches); (5) to construct and maintain a 600 mm diameter outfall in an unnamed tributary to the Youghiogheny River (Station 10+160) (Smithton, PA Quadrangle N:  5.6 inches; W:  15.6 inches); (6) to construct and maintain a 750 mm diameter outfall in an unnamed tributary to the Youghiogheny River (Station 10+175) (Smithton, PA Quadrangle N:  5.6 inches; W:  15.6 inches); and (7) to construct and maintain a 600 mm diameter outfall in an unnamed tributary to the Youghiogheny River (Station 10+759) (Smithton, PA Quadrangle N:  6.4 inches; W:  15.1 inches). The project proposes to directly affect 388 linear meters of stream channel through relocation, 40 linear meters of stream channel through bridge crossings. No vegetated wetlands will be affected by this project.

       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       E10-378, Butler County Commissioners, P. O. Box 1208, Butler, PA 16003-1208. Robinson Bridge (County Bridge No. 111) Replacement in Penn Township, Butler County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Butler, PA Quadrangle N:  4.6 inches; W:  4.1 inches).

       The applicant proposes to remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a steel stringer bridge having a concrete deck and a clear span of 24.0 feet and an underclearance of 4.95 feet on a 90 degree skew across Robinson Run (CWF, perennial) on Dodds Road approximately 300 feet east of the intersection of Dodds Road and Robinson Road. The project includes installation of new footers, abutments and wingwalls. The project proposes to directly impact approximately 40 linear feet of stream channel.

       E16-123, Game Commission, P. O. Box 617, Marienville, PA 16239-0617. SGL No. 024 Bridge Across Walley Run in Farmington Township, Clarion County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Tylersburg, PA Quadrangle N:  9.9 inches; W:  6.5 inches).

       To remove the existing bridge superstructure and to install and maintain a prefabricated steel bridge having a structure length of 35 feet providing an underclearance of approximately 4 feet across Walley Run (CWF) on an access road within SGL No. 024, approximately 2 miles southeast of SR 3004.

       E25-672, Municipal Authority of the City of Corry, 100 Sciota Street, Corry, PA 16407-9003. Corry Waste Water Treatment Plant, Phase 2 Improvements in City of Corry, Erie County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Corry, PA Quadrangle N:  9.25 inches; W:  0.5 inch).

       To fill 0.125 acre of wetland and a total of approximately 0.527 acre feet (22,950 cubic feet) of the 100-year flood plain of Hare Creek for construction of a new rotating biological contactor and two secondary clarifiers and associated earthwork and piping at the existing Corry Waste Water Treatment Plant along Sciota Street approximately 0.25 mile south of SR 6. Project proposes onsite construction of 0.2 acre of replacement wetland within the 100-year flood plain of Hare Creek.

       E37-149, Plain Grove Township Supervisors, R. D. 3, Slippery Rock, PA 16057. Rodgers Road Bridge Replacement in Plain Grove Township, Lawrence County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Harlansburg, PA Quadrangle N:  9.7 inches; W:  0.8 inch).

       The applicant proposes to remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a 30-foot long, 26.08-foot wide by 7.75-foot high steel pipe arch culvert in Jamison Run (CWF, perennial) on Rodgers Road approximately 1.1 miles northwest of the intersection of Interstate 79 and SR 108. The project proposes to directly affect a total of 40 linear feet of stream channel.


       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       E16-004NW, Aquascape Wetland and Environmental Services, 147 South Broad Street, Grove City, PA 16127, Culbertson Restoration Area in Perry Township, Clarion County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Parker, PA Quadrangle N:  19.0 inches; W:   1.0 inch).

       The purpose of the application is to remine and reclaim 71 acres of abandoned surface mine land through a Government Financed Construction Contract (GFCC). An additional 20 acres of previously reclaimed surface mine acreage will also be enhanced under this project. The application proposes to impact 11 PEM/PSS wetland areas totaling 1.07 acres and 0.25 acre of deepwater aquatic habitat associated with an impoundment from previous mining activity. Mitigation of wetland and deepwater impacts will be addressed in the GFCC.

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       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has taken the following actions on previously received applications for new, amended and renewed NPDES and WQM permits, applications for permit waivers and Notices of Intent for coverage under General Permits. This notice of final action is provided in accordance with 25 Pa. Code Chapters 91 and 92 and 40 CFR Part 122, implementing provisions of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001) and the Federal Clean Water Act.

    Location Permit Authority Application Type or Category
    Section I NPDES Renewals
    Section II NPDES Newor amendment
    Section III WQM Industrial, sewage or animal wastes; discharges to groundwater
    Section IV NPDES MS4 Individual Permit
    Section V NPDES MS4 Permit Waiver
    Section VI NPDES Individual Permit stormwater construction
    Section VII NPDES NOI for coverage under NPDES General Permits

       Sections I--VI contain actions related to industrial, animal or sewage wastes discharges, discharges to groundwater and discharges associated with municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), stormwater associated with construction activities and concentrated animal feeding operations. Section VII contains notices for parties who have submitted NOIs for coverage under general NPDES permits. The approval for coverage under these general NPDES permits is subject to applicable effluent limitations, monitoring, reporting requirements and other conditions set forth in each general permit. The approval of coverage for land application of sewage sludge or residential septage under applicable general permit is subject to pollutant limitations, pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements, operational standards, general requirements, management practices and other conditions set forth in the respective permit. The permits and related documents, effluent limitations, permitting requirements and other information are on file and may be inspected and arrangements made for copying at the contact office noted before the action.

       Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.

       For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.

       Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.

    I.  NPDES Renewal Permit Actions

    II.  New or Expanded Facility Permits, Renewal of Major Permits and EPA Nonwaived Permit Actions

    III.  WQM Industrial Waste and Sewerage actions under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001)

       Northeast Region: Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

       WQM Permit No. 5403402, Sewerage, St. Clair Sewer Authority, 16 South Third Street, St. Clair, PA 17970. This proposed facility is in E. Norwegian Township, Schuylkill County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction of sewer extension and pump station in Tunnel Road area.

       WQM Permit No. 3903402, Sewerage, Lehigh County Authority, 1053 Spruce Street, P. O. Box 3348, Allentown, PA 18106-0348. This proposed facility is in Lower Macungie and Salisbury Townships, Lehigh County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: Construction of a 10,050-foot, 24-inch diameter Spring Creek Force Main.

       Northwest Region: Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       WQM Permit No. 2003410, Sewerage, Mark Hockenberry, 14577 Gaut Road, Meadville, PA 16335. This proposed facility is in Hayfield Township, Crawford County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for a single residence.

       WQM Permit No. 2503406, Sewerage, Flory Kondzielski, 618 Seroka Road, Waterford, PA 16441. This proposed facility is in Waterford Township, Erie County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for a single residence.

       WQM Permit No. 2003409, Sewerage, Eric L. Wright, 27692 Deckards Road, Cochranton, PA 16314. This proposed facility is in Wayne Township, Crawford County.

       Description of Proposed Action/Activity: This project is for a single residence.

    IV.  NPDES Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Permit Actions

    V.  NPDES Waiver Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Actions

    VI.  NPDES Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities Individual Permit Actions

       Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       Adams County Conservation District, 670 Old Harrisburg Road, Suite 201, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-0636.

    NPDES Permit No. Applicant Name and Address County Municipality Receiving Water/Use
    PAG2000103004 Dan Meyer & Meyer Partnership
    and Ronald L. Carter
    501 Goldenrod Terrace
    Westminster, MD 21157
    Adams Bonneauville Borough UNT to Littles Run

       Berks County Conservation District, 1238 County Welfare Road, P. O. Box 520, Leesport, PA 19533, (610) 376-3764657.

    NPDES Permit No. Applicant Name and Address County Municipality Receiving Water/Use
    PAG2000630039 Eli Zimmerman
    1046 Pleasant Hill Rd.
    Fleetwood, PA 19522
    Berks Maidencreek Township
    Willow Creek

       Dauphin County Conservation District, 1451 Peters Mountain Road, Dauphin, PA 17018, (717) 921-8100.

    NPDES Permit No. Applicant Name and Address County Municipality Receiving Water/Use
    PAG2002203023 Quail Hollow Development Corp.
    608 Robinson Lane
    Haverford, PA 19041
    Dauphin Lower Paxton Township Paxton Creek

    VII.  Approvals to Use NPDES and/or Other General Permits

       The EPA Region III Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this permit action under the waiver provision 40 CFR 123.23(d).

    List of NPDES and/or Other General Permit Types

    PAG-1 General Permit for Discharges From Stripper Oil Well Facilities
    PAG-2 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated With Construction Activities (PAR)
    PAG-3 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater From Industrial Activities
    PAG-4 General Permit for Discharges From Single Residence Sewage Treatment Plant
    PAG-5 General Permit for Discharges From Gasoline Contaminated Ground Water Remediation Systems
    PAG-6 General Permit for Wet Weather Overflow Discharges From Combined Sewer Systems (CSO)
    PAG-7 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Exceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application
    PAG-8 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Nonexceptional Quality Sewage Sludge by Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest, a Public Contact Site or a Land Reclamation Site
    PAG-8 (SSN) Site Suitability Notice for Land Application under Approved PAG-8 General Permit Coverage
    PAG-9 General Permit for Beneficial Use of Residential Septage by Land Application to Agricultural Land, Forest, or a Land Reclamation Site
    PAG-9 (SSN) Site Suitability Notice for Land Application under Approved PAG-9 General Permit Coverage
    PAG-10 General Permit for Discharge Resulting from Hydrostatic Testing of Tanks and Pipelines
    PAG-11 (To Be Announced)
    PAG-12 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
    PAG-13 Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

       General Permit Type--PAG-2

    Facility Location and Municipality Permit No. Applicant Name and Address Receiving Water/Use Contact Office and Telephone No.
    Luzerne County
    Hanover Township
    PAG2004003021 Mericle Properties
    100 Baltimore Dr.
    Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
    Sugar Notch Run
    Luzerne County Conservation District
    (570) 674-7991
    Luzerne County
    Wilkes-Barre City
    Edwardsville Borough
    PAG2004003022 Wilkes University
    P. O. Box 111
    Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766
    Toby Creek
    Luzerne County Conservation District
    (570) 674-7991
    Northampton County
    Palmer Township
    PAG2004803022 Nicholas Pugliese
    N. Pugliese, Inc.
    1072 Grand St.
    Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
    Lehigh River
    Northampton County Conservation District
    (610) 746-1971
    Centre County Ferguson Township PAR10F115-1 Western Inner Loop
    North of SR 26 and southwest of SR 322
    Atherton St.
    State College, PA 16801
    Big Hollow Run
    Centre County Conservation District
    414 Holmes Ave.
    Suite 4
    Bellefonte, PA 16823
    (814) 355-6817
    Centre County
    Patton Township
    PAR10F124-1 Lands of D & G Partnership
    220 N. Atherton St.
    State College, PA 16803
    UNT Big Hollow Run
    Centre County Conservation District
    414 Holmes Ave.
    Suite 4
    Bellefonte, PA 16823
    (814) 355-6817
    Columbia County
    Berwick Borough
    PAG2001903009 Berwick Area Joint Sewer Authority
    Susquehanna River
    Columbia County Conservation District
    702 Sawmill Rd.
    Suite 204
    Bloomsburg, PA 17815
    (570) l784-1310
    Snyder County
    Selinsgrove Borough
    PAG200550303 Susquehanna University
    514 University Ave.
    Selinsgrove, PA 17870
    Penns Creek
    Snyder County Conservation District
    R. R. 2, Box 2022B
    Dushore, PA 18614
    (570) 837-0007, Ext. 112
    Union County
    Limestone Township
    PAG2006003004 Allan Hoover Jr.
    R. R. 3, Box 90
    Mifflinburg, PA 17844
    UNT Buffalo Creek
    Union County Conservation District
    88 Bull Run Crossing
    Suite 5
    Lewisburg, PA 17837
    (570) 523-8782
    Union County
    Limestone Township
    PAG006003003 Steven ElSayed
    R. R. 1, Box A
    Mifflinburg, PA 17844
    UNT Switzers Run
    Union County Conservation District
    88 Bull Run Crossing
    Suite 5
    Lewisburg, PA 17837
    (570) 523-8782
    Allegheny County
    Frazer Township
    PAR10A345-1 A. V. Assoc. L. P.
    300 Market St.
    Johnstown, PA 15901
    Tawney Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Sewickley Hills Borough
    Ohio Township
    PAR10A589-1 Kelluar Corp.
    One Landmark North
    20399 Route 19
    Cranberry Township, PA 16066
    Kilbuck Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Municipality of Penn Hills
    PAR10A576 Reginella Construction Co., Inc.
    1501 Reedsdale St.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15233
    Quigley Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Municipality of Monroeville
    PAR10A593 The Meritage Group, LP
    772 Pine Valley Dr.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15239
    Turtle Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Ohio Township
    PAR10A598-1 Developers Diversified Realty
    3300 Enterprise Parkway
    Beechwood, OH 44122
    Allegheny General Hospital
    320 E. North Ave.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15212
    Lowries Run
    Bear Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Hampton Township
    PAR10A599 The Meritage Group, LP
    772 Pine Valley Rd.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15239
    Pine Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Pine Township
    PAR10A610 Manor Dev. Group II
    109 Gateway Ave.
    Wexford, PA 15090
    Pine Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Upper St. Clair Township
    PAR10A611 Upper St. Clair Township
    1820 McLaughlin Run Rd.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15241
    Chartiers Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    North Fayette Township
    PAR10A612 CMD Assoc., LP
    1009 Beaver Grade Rd.
    Coraopolis, PA 15108
    Montour Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Pine Township
    PAR10A613 Shipley Bros. Dev. Inc.
    12300 Perry Hwy., Suite 211
    Wexford, PA 15090
    Breakneck Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    West Deer Township
    PAR10A615 George A. Welsh and Mark C. Frey
    3179 Harts Run Rd.
    Glenshaw, PA 15116
    Deer Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Pine Township
    PAR10A616 Showcase Properties, Inc.
    375 Golfside Dr.
    Wexford, PA 15090
    Pine Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Bell Acres Borough
    PAR10A617 Skymark Dev., Inc.
    210 Overlook Dr.
    Sewickley, PA 15143
    Big Sewickley Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    North Fayette Township
    PAR10A618 Maronda Homes, Inc.
    202 Park West Dr.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15275
    Montour Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    McCandless Township
    PAR10A621 Department of Transportation
    45 Thoms Run Rd.
    Bridgeville, PA 15017
    Pine Creek
    Little Pine Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    McCandless Township
    PAR10A622 McCandless Sanitary Authority
    418 Arcadia Drive
    Pittsburgh, PA 15237-5506
    Lowries Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    South Fayette Township
    PAR10A623 South Fayette Township
    515 Millers Run Rd.
    Morgan, PA 15064
    Fishing Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    South Fayette Township
    PAG2000203001 Cuddy Associates
    P. O. Box 136
    Cuddy, PA 15031
    Fishing Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Jefferson Hills Borough
    PAG2000203002 Scenery Hill Dev., Inc.
    405 McNeilly Rd.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15226
    Peters Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    South Fayette Township
    PAG2000203003 James and Gloria Duchess
    146 Moran Hill Road
    Morgan, PA 15064
    Fishing Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Franklin Park Borough
    PAG2000203004 Pennsylvania Power Company
    76 S. Main Street
    Akron, OH 44308
    Fish Run
    Lowries Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Kennedy Township
    PAG2000203006 Albert Geisler
    1989 McKees Rocks Road
    McKees Rocks, PA 15136
    Chartiers Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Municipality of Bethel Park
    PAG2000203007 35th Strouss Associates
    701 Alpha Drive
    Pittsburgh, PA 15238
    Graesser's Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Pleasant Hills Borough
    PAG2000203008 West Jefferson Hills School District
    835 Old Clairton Rd.
    Clairton, PA 15025-3131
    Lick Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Robinson Township
    PAG2000203013 Hickman Associates
    772 Pine Valley Dr.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15239
    Montour Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Pleasant Hills
    West Mifflin Borough
    PAG2000203016 Steak 'n Shake
    5980 West 71st St.
    Indianapolis, IN 46278
    Peters Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Ohio Township
    Ohio Township Sanitary Authority
    1719 Roosevelt Rd.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15237
    Lowries Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Municipality of Monroeville
    PAG2000203020 Giant Eagle, Inc.
    RIDC Park
    261 Kappa Drive
    Pittsburgh, PA 15238
    Turtle Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    West Mifflin and Baldwin Boroughs
    PAG2000203022 Merante Constructing
    P. O. Box 97935
    Pittsburgh, PA 15227
    Streets Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Upper St. Clair Township
    PAG2000203024 Upper St. Clair Township
    1820 McLaughlin Run Road
    Pittsburgh, PA 15241
    McLaughlin Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    West Mifflin Borough
    PAG2000203028 ESA Management Inc.
    101 North Pine St., No. 200
    Spartansburg, SC 29302
    Peters Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Hampton Township
    PAG2000203029 John R. Miller
    2902 Autumnwood Dr.
    Glenshaw, PA 15116
    Pine Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District

    (412) 241-7645

    Allegheny County
    Ohio Township
    PAG2000203030 Ohio Township Sanitary Authority
    1719 Roosevelt Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15237
    Toms Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Hampton Township
    PAG2000203031 Allison Park Assembly of God
    2326 Duncan Avenue
    Allison Park, PA 15101
    Pine Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Hampton Township
    Kevin Kaminski
    4655 Route 8, Suite 118
    Allison Park, PA 15101
    Pine Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Scott Township
    PAG2000203038 Tower Real Estate Company
    1155 Washington Pike
    Bridgeville, PA 15017
    Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust
    2001 South East 10th Street
    Bentonville, AR 72716-0550
    Chartiers Creek
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Bethel Park
    PAG2000203039 Port Authority of Allegheny County
    One Gateway Center 13S
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    McLaughlin Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Castle Shannon Borough
    Bethel Park
    PAG2000203040 Port Authority of Allegheny County
    One Gateway Center 13S
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    Saw Mill Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Allegheny County
    Upper St. Clair Township
    PAG2000203047 Sunrise Assisted Living
    771 E. Lancaster Ave.
    Second Floor
    Villanova, PA 19085
    McLaughlin Run
    Allegheny County Conservation District
    (412) 241-7645
    Cambria County
    Richland Township
    PAG2001103011 MBM Developers, Inc.
    245 Tall Timber Dr.
    Johnstown, PA 15904
    Unnamed tributary to Stonycreek River
    Cambria County Conservation District
    (814) 472-2120
    Somerset County PAG2055603003 Meyersdale Windpower, LLC
    1001 McKinney, Suite 1740
    Houston, TX 77002
    Miller Run
    Stumm Run
    Flaugherty Creek
    Unnamed tributary to Casselman River
    Somerset County Conservation District
    (814) 445-4652
    Westmoreland County
    Rostraver Township
    PAR10X268 Framar, Inc.
    424 Jamie Drive
    Belle Vernon, PA 15012
    Beckets Run
    Westmoreland County Conservation District
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    East Huntingdon Township
    PAR10X314 Easy Living Estates
    One Corporate Dr.
    Hunker, PA 15639
    Belson Run
    Westmoreland County Conservation District
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Municipality of Murrysville
    PAG2056503009 Rick Porado
    135 Pine Tree Dr.
    Export, PA 15632
    Turtle Creek
    Westmoreland County Conservation District
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Municipality of Murrysville
    PAG2056503010 Cornerstone Ministries
    6300 Puckety Rd.
    Export, PA 15632
    Unnamed tributary to Turtle Creek
    Westmoreland County Conservation District
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Derry Township
    PAG2056503018 Department of Transportation
    P. O. Box 459
    Uniontown, PA 15401
    Saxman Run
    Westmoreland County Conservation District
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Hempfield Township
    PAG2056503020 Richard Hoffman
    Private Industry Council
    804 Pittsburgh St.
    Greensburg, PA 15601
    Unnamed tributary to Jacks Run
    Westmoreland County Conservation District
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Hempfield Township
    PAG2056503021 Anthony and Renee Bompiani
    403 South 3rd St.
    Youngwood, PA 15697
    Unnamed tributary to Jacks Run
    Westmoreland County Conservation District
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Hempfield Township
    PAG2056503023 Scott and Michael Moore
    HC 64, Box 23
    Latrobe, PA 15650
    Unnamed tributary to Brush Creek
    Westmoreland County Conservation District
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Unity Township
    PAG2056503024 James L. Ernette and Gregory Lauro
    1155 Clearview Dr.
    Latrobe, PA 15650
    Monastery Run
    Westmoreland County Conservation District
    (724) 837-5271
    Westmoreland County
    Hempfield Township
    PAG2056503025 Laurel Surgical Associates
    1315 Clearview Dr.
    Latrobe, PA 15650
    Slate Creek
    Westmoreland County Conservation District
    (724) 837-5271
    Erie County
    Millcreek Township
    PAG2002503019 Paul Luciano
    7650 Palmer Drive
    Fairview, PA 16415
    Mill Creek
    Erie County Conservation District
    (814) 825-6403
    Lawrence County
    Wilmington Township
    PAG2003703002 Wilmington Township Sewer Authority
    R. D. 5, P. O. Box 469
    New Castle, PA 16105
    UNT to Little Neshannock Creek
    Lawrence County Conservation District
    (724) 652-4512

       General Permit Type--PAG-3

    Facility Location and Municipality Permit No. Applicant Name and Address Receiving Water/Use Contact Office and Telephone No.
    Huston Township
    Tioga County
    PAR304802 Consolidated Technologies, Inc.
    2337 North Penn Road
    Suite 100
    Hatfield, PA 19440
    Bark Camp Run
    Northcentral Regional Office
    Water Management Program
    208 West Third Street Suite 101
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    (570) 327-3666
    West Finley Township
    Washington County
    PAR206143 Hansen Engineering Inc.
    167 Laidley's Run Road
    West Alexander, PA 15376
    Pond Runoff--Ditch RH of Buildings Southwest Regional Office
    Water Management Program Manager
    400 Waterfront Drive
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
    (412) 442-4000
    South Huntingdon Township
    Westmoreland County
    PAR606192 R & R Auto Recycling
    129 Walnut Lane
    West Newton, PA 15089
    Youghiogheny River
    Southwest Regional Office
    Water Management Program Manager
    400 Waterfront Drive
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
    (412) 442-4000
    Zelienople Borough
    Butler County
    PAR208358 The ALTA Group, LLC
    195 Hartzell School Road
    Fombell, PA 16123-9518
    Connoquenessing Creek
    NWRO Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    Freehold Township
    Warren County
    PAR228328 Briggs Transport, Inc.
    P. O. Box 125
    Bear Lake, PA 16402
    Unnamed tributary to Little Brokenstraw Creek
    NWRO Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    City of Erie
    Erie County
    PAR238320 Englehard Corporation
    1729 East Avenue
    Erie, PA 16503-2367
    Lake Erie NWRO Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942

       General Permit Type--PAG-4

    Facility Location and Municipality Permit No. Applicant Name and Address Receiving Water/Use Contact Office and Telephone No.
    Hayfield Township
    Crawford County
    PAG048898 Mark Hockenberry
    14577 Gaut Road
    Meadville, PA 16335
    Unnamed tributary to Cussewago Creek NWRO Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    Wilmington Township
    Mercer County
    PAG048467 David G. Dawson
    30 Willow Drive
    New Wilmington, PA 16142-1836
    Tributary of West Branch of Little Neshannock Creek
    NWRO Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    Waterford Township
    Erie County
    PAG048891 Flory Kondielski
    618 Seroka Road
    Waterford, PA 16441
    Unnamed tributary to Lake LeBoeuf
    NWRO Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    Wayne Township
    Crawford County
    PAG048895 Eric L. Wright
    27692 Deckards Road
    Cochranton, PA 16314
    Unnamed tributary to Deckard Run
    NWRO Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942
    Columbus Township
    Warren County
    PAG048539 Daniel J. and April M. Helmuth
    R. R. 2, Box 258
    Corry, PA 16407-9141
    Unnamed tributary to Brokenstraw Creek NWRO Water Management
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    (814) 332-6942

       General Permit Type--PAG-8

    Facility Location and Municipality Permit No. Applicant Name and Address Site Name and Location Contact Office and Telephone No.
    Berwick Township
    Adams County
    Syna Gro Mid Atlantic
    1605 Dooley Road
    P. O. Box B
    Whiteford, MD 21160
    Robert O'Brien Farm
    Berwick Township
    Adams County
    909 Elmerton Avenue
    Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200
    (717) 705-4707

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]


       The Department of Environmental Protection has taken the following actions on applications received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act for the construction, substantial modification or operation of a public water system.

       Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.

       For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.

       Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.


    Actions taken under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17).

       Southeast Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       Permit No. 0903503, Public Water Supply.

    Applicant School House Learning Center, Inc.
    131 Second Street Pike
    Southampton, PA 18966
    Township Upper Southampton
    County Bucks
    Type of Facility PWS
    Consulting Engineer Weldon C. Harris
    P. O. Box 1361
    Doylestown, PA 18966
    Permit to Construct Issued June 5, 2003

       Permit No. 4603502, Public Water Supply.

    Applicant Pennsylvania Suburban Water Company
    762 W. Lancaster Avenue
    Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
    Township Perkiomen
    County Montgomery
    Type of Facility PWS
    Consulting Engineer CET Engineering Service
    1240 N. Mountain Road
    Harrisburg, PA 17112
    Permit to Construct Issued
    June 6, 2003

       Permit No. 2302502, Public Water Supply.

    Applicant Pennsylvania Suburban Water Company
    762 W. Lancaster Avenue
    Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
    Townships North Providence and Springfield
    County Delaware
    Type of Facility PWS
    Consulting Engineer CET Engineering Services
    1240 N. Mountain Road
    Harrisburg, PA 17112
    Permit to Construct Issued June 9, 2003

       Operations Permit issued to Philadelphia Suburban Water Company, 762 W. Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010, PWS ID 1460073, Edgmont Township, Delaware County on June 9, 2003, for the operation of facilities approved under Construction Permit No. 2300501.

       Northcentral Region: Water Supply Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

       Permit No. Minor Amendment--Construction, Public Water Supply.

    Applicant Grampian Borough--Penn Township Municipal Authority
    P. O. Box 105
    Grampian, PA 16838
    Township Penn Township
    County Clearfield
    Type of Facility PWS--Construction of a finished water storage tank and transmission lines to connect the tank to the distribution system.
    Consulting Engineer Gwin, Dobson & Foreman
    3121 Fairway Drive, Suite B
    Altoona, PA 16602
    Permit to Construct Issued June 9, 2003

       Permit No. Minor Amendment--Construction--Withdrawal, Public Water Supply.

    Applicant Pennsylvania American Water Company
    105 Sodom Road
    Milton, PA 17847-2102
    Township Decatur Township
    County Clearfield
    Type of Facility PWS--Withdrawal of application to install inhibitor feed pumps at the Mock Hill Booster Station.
    Consulting Engineer Bruce Juergens
    Pennsylvania American Water
    800 West Hersheypark Drive
    Hershey, PA 17033
    Permit to Construct Issued
    Withdrawn June 9, 2003


    Plan Approvals granted under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P. S. §§ 750.1--750.20a).

       Southcentral Region: Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       Plan Location:

    Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County
    Monroe Township P. O. Box 38
    Clearville, PA 15535

       Plan Description: The approved plan provides for the construction of a 25,000 GPD wastewater treatment facility and a sanitary sewer collection and conveyance system to serve the Village of Clearville. The wastewater treatment facility will discharge to Shaffer Creek. The Plan also provides for the adoption and implementation of an onlot sewage disposal maintenance ordinance. The Department's review of the sewage facilities update revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal. Required NPDES permits or WQM permits must be obtained in the name of the municipality or authority as appropriate.

       Southwest Regional Office, Regional Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4000.

       Plan Location:

    Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County
    Ligonier Township One Municipal Park Drive
    Ligonier, PA 15658

       Plan Description: The approved plan provides for construction of a 400 gallon per day single residence sewage treatment plant to serve a lot owned by James Cunkelman. The property is between Gusey and Four Mile Run in Ligonier Township, Westmoreland County. The proposed discharge point is to Four Mile Run (TSF). The Department's review of the sewage facilities update revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal. Required NPDES permits or WQM permits must be obtained in the name of the applicant.

       Plan Location:

    Borough or Township Borough or Township Address County
    Cowanshannock Township P. O. Box 137
    NuMine, PA 16244
    South Mahoning Township
    244 Rossmoyne Road
    Home, PA 15747

       Plan Description: The approved plan provides for a sanitary sewer collection and with a pump station and force main conveyance from the Village of Sagamore in Cowanshannock Township, Armstrong County to the existing Plumville Sewage Treatment Plant in South Mahoning Township, Indiana County, discharging to the North Branch of Plum Creek. Also, the approved plan provides for gravity sanitary sewer collection and sewage treatment facility for the Village of Margaret in Cowanshannock Township, Armstrong County. Discharge from the new treatment plant for Margaret will be at coordinates of 40° 46` 19" latitude and 79° 22` 27" longitude to an unnamed tributary to Huskins Run. Both systems will be owned, managed and operated by the Indiana County Municipal Services Authority, 827 Water Street, Indiana, PA 15701, (724) 349-6640, Michael W. Duffalo, Executive Director. The Department's review of the sewage facilities update revision has not identified any significant environmental impacts resulting from this proposal. Required NPDES permits or WQM permits must be obtained in the name of the municipality or authority as appropriate.


    Proposed Consent Decree for De Minimis Settlement

    Leighton Industries, Borough of Phoenixville, Chester County

       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department), under the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA) (35 P. S. §§ 6020.101--6020.1001) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (42 U.S.C.A. §§ 9601--9675), has entered into a Consent Decree for De Minimis Settlement with Alcoa, Inc. for reimbursement of certain response costs incurred to remediate hazardous substances disposed at the Leighton Industries Site (Site), 40 South Second Avenue, Borough of Phoenixville, Chester County.

       The Site was the former location of various manufacturing concerns, including Ten Pro, Inc., a manufacturer of aluminum baseball and softball bats, and Leighton Industries, Inc., a manufacturer of industrial boilers. During the period when hazardous substances were released on the Site, Alcoa, Inc. leased a room in the manufacturing building on the Site for storage of aluminum to be used for the manufacture of baseball and softball bats.

       In August 1995, the Department initiated a prompt interim response action at the Site to remediate hazardous substances released and threatened to be released at the Site. This response action included an investigation of drums of hazardous substances abandoned on the Site. In March 1996, the manufacturing building caught fire and drums and containers of hazardous substances presented an immediate threat to the public health, safety and the environment. After the fire, the Department removed the drums of hazardous and combustible materials from the Site, excavated and disposed of soil contaminated with hazardous substances. As a part of its response action, the Department also decontaminated buildings, aboveground storage tanks and transformers on the Site.

       The Department has determined that it is in the public interest to resolve its claim against Alcoa, Inc. Thus, Alcoa, Inc. shall reimburse the Department in the amount of $15,000 for response costs expended at the Site and shall receive contribution protection from claims based on its activities at the Site.

       This notice is provided under section 1113 of the HSCA (35 P. S. § 6020.1113), which states ''settlement shall become final upon the filing of the Department's response to the significant written comments.'' The Consent Decree, which contains the specific terms of the agreement, is available for public review and comment and can be examined from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Department's Southeast Regional Office, Lee Park, 555 North Lane, Suite 6010, Conshohocken, PA 19428. To view the Consent Decree, contact Dustin Armstrong, (610) 832-6206, darmstrong@state.pa.us or Gina M. Thomas, (610) 832-6300, githomasstate.pa.us. A public comment period on the Consent Decree will extend for 60 days from June 21, 2003. Persons may submit written comments regarding the agreement within 60 days from June 21, 2003, by submitting them to Dustin Armstrong at the previous address.

    Proposed Consent Decree for De Minimis Settlement

    Leighton Industries, Borough of Phoenixville, Chester County

       The Department, under the HSCA and the CERCLA, has entered into a Consent Decree for De Minimis Settlement with the Phoenixville Area School District (School District) for reimbursement of certain response costs incurred to remediate hazardous substances disposed at the Leighton Industries Site (Site), 40 South Second Avenue, Borough of Phoenixville, Chester County.

       The Site was the former location of various manufacturing concerns, including Ten Pro, Inc., a manufacturer of aluminum baseball and softball bats, and Leighton Industries, Inc., a manufacturer of industrial boilers. During the period when hazardous substances were released on the Site, the School District owned a small tract of land within the Site area.

       In August 1995, the Department initiated a prompt interim response action at the Site to remediate hazardous substances released and threatened to be released at the Site. This response action included an investigation of drums of hazardous substances abandoned on the Site. In March 1996, the manufacturing building caught fire and drums and containers of hazardous substances presented an immediate threat to the public health, safety and the environment. After the fire, the Department removed the drums of hazardous and combustible materials from the Site, excavated and disposed of soil contaminated with hazardous substances. As a part of its response action, the Department also decontaminated buildings, aboveground storage tanks and transformers on the Site.

       The Department has determined that it is in the public interest to resolve its claim against the School District. Thus, the School District shall reimburse the Department in the amount of $1,000 for response costs expended at the Site and shall receive contribution protection from claims based on its activities at the Site.

       This notice is provided under section 1113 of the HSCA, which states ''settlement shall become final upon the filing of the Department's response to the significant written comments.'' The Consent Decree, which contains the specific terms of the agreement, is available for public review and comment and can be examined from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Department's Southeast Regional Office, Lee Park, 555 North Lane, Suite 6010, Conshohocken, PA 19428. To view the Consent Decree, contact Dustin Armstrong, (610) 832-6206, darmstrong@state.pa.us or Gina M. Thomas, (610) 832-6300, githomas@state.pa.us. A public comment period on the Consent Decree will extend for 60 days from June 21, 2003. Persons may submit written comments regarding the agreement within 60 days from June 21, 2003, by submitting them to Dustin Armstrong at the previous address.

    Public Notice of Proposed Consent Decree

    Leighton Industries Site, Borough of Phoenixville, Chester County

       The Department, under the HSCA and the CERCLA, has entered into a Consent Decree with James Easton for reimbursement of certain response costs incurred to remediate hazardous substances disposed at the Leighton Industries Site (Site), 40 South Second Avenue, Borough of Phoenixville, Chester County.

       This Site was the former location of various manufacturing concerns, including Ten Pro, Inc., a manufacturer of aluminum baseball and softball bats, and Leighton Industries, Inc., a manufacturer of industrial boilers. As a partner in E & M Development, James Easton was an owner of the Site between 1985 and early 1989. E & M Development leased the Site to certain industrial manufacturing tenants.

       In August 1995, the Department initiated a prompt interim response action at the Site to remediate hazardous substances released and threatened to be released at the Site. This response action included an investigation of drums of hazardous substances abandoned on the Site. In March 1996, the manufacturing building caught fire and drums and containers of hazardous substances presented an immediate threat to the public health, safety and the environment. After the fire, the Department removed the drums of hazardous and combustible materials from the Site, excavated and disposed of soil contaminated with hazardous substances. As a part of its response action, the Department also decontaminated buildings, aboveground storage tanks and transformers on the Site.

       The Department has determined that it is in the public interest to resolve its claim against James Easton. Therefore, he shall reimburse the Department for certain response costs in the amount of $600,000 and shall receive contribution protection from claims based on his ownership of the Site.

       This notice is provided under section 1113 of the HSCA, which states ''settlement shall become final upon the filing of the Department's response to the significant written comments.'' The Consent Decree, which contains the specific terms of the agreement, is available for public review and comment and can be examined from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Department's Southeast Regional Office, Lee Park, 555 North Lane, Suite 6010, Conshohocken, PA 19428. To view the Consent Decree, contact Dustin Armstrong, (610) 832-6206, darmstrong@state.pa.us or Gina M. Thomas, (610) 832-6300, githomas@state.pa.us. A public comment period on the Consent Decree will extend for 60 days from June 21, 2003. Persons may submit written comments regarding the agreement within 60 days from June 21, 2003, by submitting them to Dustin Armstrong at the previous address.

    Public Notice of Proposed Consent Decree for Financial Inability to Pay

    Leighton Industries Site, Borough of Phoenixville, Chester County

       The Department, under the HSCA and the CERCLA, has entered into a Consent Decree for Financial Inability to Pay with John Magadini for reimbursement of certain response costs incurred to remediate hazardous substances disposed at the Leighton Industries Site (Site), 40 South Second Avenue, Borough of Phoenixville, Chester County.

       The Site was the former location of various manufacturing concerns, including Ten Pro, Inc., a manufacturer of aluminum baseball and softball bats, and Leighton Industries, Inc., a manufacturer of industrial boilers. During the period when hazardous substances were released on the Site, E & M Development owned and leased the Site to certain industrial manufacturing tenants.

       In August 1995, the Department initiated a prompt interim response action at the Site to remediate hazardous substances released and threatened to be released at the Site. This response action included an investigation of drums of hazardous substances abandoned on the Site. In March 1996, the manufacturing building caught fire and drums and containers of hazardous substances presented an immediate threat to the public health, safety and the environment. After the fire, the Department removed the drums of hazardous and combustible materials from the Site, excavated and disposed of soil contaminated with hazardous substances. As a part of its response action, the Department also decontaminated buildings, aboveground storage tanks and transformers on the Site.

       The Department has determined that it is in the public interest to resolve its claim against John Magadini. The Department has investigated John Magadini's financial ability to pay his proportionate share of response costs and has determined that his only available assets consist of his Social Security benefits. Therefore, he shall reimburse the Department for certain response costs in the amount of $2,500 and shall receive contribution protection from claims based on his ownership of the Site.

       This notice is provided under section 1113 of the HSCA, which states ''settlement shall become final upon the filing of the Department's response to the significant written comments.'' The Consent Decree, which contains the specific terms of the agreement, is available for public review and comment and can be examined from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Department's Southeast Regional Office, Lee Park, 555 North Lane, Suite 6010, Conshohocken, PA 19428. To view the Consent Decree, contact Dustin Armstrong, (610) 832-6206, darmstrong@state.pa.us or Gina M. Thomas, (610) 832-6300, githomas@state.pa.us. A public comment period on the Consent Decree will extend for 60 days from June 21, 2003. Persons may submit written comments regarding the agreement within 60 days from June 21, 2003, by submitting them to Dustin Armstrong at the previous address.


    UNDER ACT 2, 1995


    The following final reports were submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).

       Provisions of Chapter 3 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of submission of final reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site where one of the act's remediation standards. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis for selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling analytical results which demonstrate that remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected.

       For further information concerning the final report, contact the Environmental Cleanup Program Manager in the Department Regional Office after which the notice of receipt of a final report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate Regional Office listed. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

       The Department has received the following final reports:

       Southeast Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       Melchiorre Construction Co. Park Site, Phoenixville Borough, Chester County. Lawrence W. Bily, RT Environmental Services, Inc., 215 W. Church Rd., King of Prussia, PA 19406, has submitted a cleanup plan concerning remediation of site soil contaminated with heavy metals.

       Former Glenside Foreign Motors Facility, Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County. Charles Q. McGuth, Environmental Maintenance Co., Inc., 1420 Mermaid Lane, Glenside, PA 19038, on behalf of Estate of Remo DiLello/Susan Butler, 540 Andrew Dr., Southampton, PA 18966, has submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soil contaminated leaded gasoline and unleaded gasoline. The report is intended to document remediation of the site to meet the Statewide Health Standard.

       Former Pathan Chemical Site, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Paul Martino, Pennoni Associates, Inc., 3001 Market Street, Suite 200, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2897, has submitted a Remedial Investigation Report/Risk Assessment Report/Cleanup Plan concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with inorganics, lead and PAH; and site groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents.

       Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       Swope Property, Columbia Borough, Lancaster County. ARM Group, Inc., 1129 West Governor Road, P. O. Box 797, Hershey, PA 17033-0797, on behalf of Michael Swope, 421 Chestnut Street, Columbia, PA 17512, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils contaminated with fuel oil no. 2. The report was submitted within 90 days of a release and is intended to document remediation of the site to the Statewide Health Standard.

       Ross Technology Corporation, Upper Leacock Township, Lancaster County. GemChem, Inc., 53 North Cedar Street, P. O. Box 384, Lititz, PA 17543-0384, on behalf of Ross Technology Corporation, 104 North Maple Avenue, Leola, PA 17540, submitted a Remedial Investigation Report concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the requirements of a combination of the Statewide Health and Site Specific Standards.

       Former United Piece Dye Works, Spring Garden and Springettsbury Townships, York County. BL Companies, 830 Sir Thomas Court, Harrisburg, PA 17109, on behalf of Spring Garden Township, 558 South Ogontz Street, York, PA 17403-5709, submitted a Cleanup Plan concerning remediation of site soils, groundwater, surface water and sediment contaminated with PCBs, lead, heavy metals, solvents, BTEX and PAHs. The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet a combination of the requirements for the Site-Specific and Statewide Health Standards.


    UNDER ACT 2, 1995


    The Department has taken action on the following plans and reports under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).

       Provisions of 25 Pa. Code § 250.8 and the administration of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of its final actions on plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the remediation standards of the act. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis of selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling methodology and analytical results which demonstrate that the remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Plans and reports required by provisions of the act for compliance with selection of remediation to a site-specific standard, in addition to a final report, include a remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation, concentration of regulated substances in environmental media, benefits of refuse of the property and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements. A work plan for conducting a baseline remedial investigation is required by provisions of the act for compliance with selection of a special industrial area remediation. The baseline remedial investigation, based on the work plan, is compiled into the baseline environmental report to establish a reference point to show existing contamination, describe proposed remediation to be done and include a description of existing or potential public benefits of the use or reuse of the property. The Department may approve or disapprove plans and reports submitted. This notice provides the Department's decision and, if relevant, the basis for disapproval.

       For further information concerning the plans and reports, contact the Environmental Cleanup Program Manager in the Department Regional Office after which the notice of the plan or report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the Community Relations Coordinator at the appropriate Regional Office listed. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

       The Department has received the following plans and reports:

       Southeast Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       William and Heidi Gerhardt Residence, Easttown Township, Chester County. Richard D. Trimpi, Trimpi Associates, Inc., 1635 Old Plains Rd., Pennsburg, PA 18073, on behalf of William and Heidi Gerhardt, 478 Lantern La., Berwyn, PA 19312, has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil and groundwater contaminated with fuel oil no. 2. The Final report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on June 2, 2003.

       Rohm and Haas Company--Philadelphia Plant, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. A. L. Holstrom, Rohm and Haas Company, Engineering Division, P. O. Box 584, Bristol, PA 19007, has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with resorcinol. The Final Report was submitted within 90 days of the release, demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on June 3, 2003.

       Former Schmidt's Brewery, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County. Darryl Borrelli, Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP, 401 City Ave., Suite 500, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004, on behalf of Northern Liberties Development Assoc., LP, Tina Roberts, One Reed St., Philadelphia, PA 19147, has submitted a Work Plan concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with fuel oil no. 6, inorganics, leaded gasoline, other organics, PAH and PCB; and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents, fuel oil no. 6, leaded gasoline and other organics. The work plan was approved by the Department on February 2, 2001.

       Southcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       Maxine Feltch Property, East Donegal Township, Lancaster County. Marshall Miller Associates, 3913 Hartzdale Drive, Suite 1306, Camp Hill, PA 17011, on behalf of Maxine Feltch, 14 Kline Road, Kline's Mobile Home Village, Marietta, PA 17547 and Newcomer Oil Company, 101 East Cherry Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022, submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with no. 2 fuel oil. The final report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on June 3, 2003.

       Lancaster Malleable Castings Company, Manheim Township, Lancaster County. Armstrong World Industries, Inc., P. O. Box 3001, Lancaster, PA 17604, on behalf of Lancaster Malleable Castings Corporation, 1046 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site groundwater contaminated with benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. The final report did not demonstrate attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was disapproved by the Department on June 3, 2003.

       Teledyne Readco Lot 2A, Spring Garden Township, York County. Gannett Fleming, Inc., 1650 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601, on behalf of York College of Pennsylvania, 439 Country Club Road, York, PA 17405, submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils contaminated with inorganics. The final report demonstrated attainment of the Site-Specific Standard and was approved by the Department on May 22, 2003.

       Hass Gorman Inc. Site (formerly Smith's Garage), Watts Township, Perry County. BL Companies, 830 Sir Thomas Court, Harrisburg, PA 17109, on behalf of Hass Gorman Inc., P. O. Box 308, Bartonsville, PA 18321, submitted a combined remedial investigation and final report concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with BTEX and MTBE. The final report demonstrated attainment of a combination of the Statewide Health and Site Specific Standards and the combined Remedial Investigation and Final Report was approved by the Department on May 14, 2003.

       Fort Indiantown Gap Former Fire Training Site, Union Township, Lebanon County. Herbert, Rowland, & Grubic, Inc., 116 Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325, on behalf of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Fort Indiantown Gap, Annville, PA 17003-5002, submitted a combined Remedial Investigation and Final Report concerning remediation of site soils contaminated with aviation gasoline and diesel fuel. The final report demonstrated attainment of a combination of the Statewide Health and Site Specific Standards and the combined Remedial Investigation and Final Report was approved by the Department on May 27, 2003.

       R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Lancaster East Facility, City of Lancaster, Lancaster County. Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., 205 Granite Run Drive, Suite 350, Lancaster, PA 17601, on behalf of R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company, 216 Greenfield Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 submitted a Final Report concerning remediation of site soils and groundwater contaminated with BTEX and solvents. The final report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on June 4, 2003.


    Permits approved under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003), the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. §§ 4000.101--4000.1904) and regulations to operate solid waste processing or disposal area or site.

       Northeast Region: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

       Permit No. 101590. Beach Lake Transfer Station, Waste Management of Pennsylvania, Inc., Box 40, Beach Lake, PA 18405. A permit renewal authorizing the continued operation of this municipal waste transfer facility in Berlin Township, Wayne County. This renewal permit will become effective at the time that the existing permit expires on July 2, 2003; July 2, 2003, is the Regional Office's issuance date of this permit with an expiration date of July 2, 2013. This permit does not authorize any change to the facility's construction or operations.

    Permit revoked under the Solid Waste Management Act, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act and regulations to operate solid waste processing or disposal area or site.

       Southcentral Region: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       Permit No. 602578. Glace Associates, Inc., 3705 Trindle Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011, Miller Township, Perry County, Larry Fry Farm. The permit was revoked by the Southcentral Regional Office on June 9, 2003.

       Persons interested in reviewing the general permit may contact Cynthia Wolfe, File Review Coordinator, Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200, (717) 705-4732. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984.

    Permit modification under the Solid Waste Management Act, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act and regulations to operate solid waste processing or disposal area or site.

       Southcentral Region: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       Permit No. 100345. Delaware County Solid Waste Authority, 1521 Providence Road, Media, PA 19063, Earl Township, Berks County. The permit modification is for the Rolling Hills Landfill Radiation Monitoring Action Plan. The permit was approved by the Southcentral Regional Office on June 3, 2003.

       Persons interested in reviewing the general permit may contact John Krueger, Program Manager, Waste Management Program 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, (717) 705-4706. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984.

    Permit issued under the Solid Waste Management Act, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act and regulations to operate solid waste processing or disposal area or site.

       Southwest Region:  Regional Solid Waste Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       Permit ID No. 100592. USA South Hills Landfill, Inc., 3100 Hill Road, Library, PA 15129. A major permit modification for revisions to the Waste Analysis Plan, leachate management plan, amendments of the municipal waste regulations and approving the radiation protection monitoring and meteorological monitoring plans for a municipal waste landfill in South Park Township, Allegheny County and Union Township, Washington County was issued in the Regional Office on June 9, 2003.

       Persons interested in reviewing the permit may contact the Department of Environmental Protection, Land Recycling and Waste Management, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, (412) 442-4000. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

    Permit terminated under the Solid Waste Management Act, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act and regulations to operate solid waste processing or disposal area or site.

       Southwest Region:  Regional Solid Waste Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       Permit ID No. 101645. Del-Con Wood Burning Facility, Del-Con Construction, 100 DeLuca Drive, Saltsburg, PA 15681. Operation of a municipal waste processing facility in Conemaugh Township, Indiana County. Permit terminated in the Regional Office on June 9, 2003, as requested by Del-Con Construction.


    Issued applications for municipal and residual waste transporter interim authorization received under the Waste Transportation Safety Act (27 Pa.C.S. §§ 6201--6209) and regulations to transport municipal or residual waste.

       Central Office:  Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management, Division of Municipal and Residual Waste, P. O. Box 8472, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8472.

       Alternative Demo d/b/a Michael L. Paronish, 472 Oil Tank Hill Road, P. O. Box 131, Northern Cambria, PA 15714. Authorization No. WH4780. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Anwar S. Ahmad, 1242 Madison Ave., Paterson, NJ 07503. Authorization No. WH4770. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Superior Diesel, Inc., 300 East Vine Street, Stowe, PA 19464. Authorization No. WH4391. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Value City Furniture, 1022 West Erie Plaza, Erie, PA 16505. Authorization No. WH4393. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Brookman Auto Parts, Inc., 4 Race Street, Washington, PA 15301. Authorization No. WH4395. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Martin Harrison General Contracting & Roofing, LLC, 1502 Easton Road, Roslyn, PA 19001. Authorization No. WH4397. Effective June 3, 2003.

       J. W. Hess Site Services, 13 Colergo Drive, Douglassville, PA 19518. Authorization No. WH4400. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Peck Paving, Inc., 40 Keith Valley Road, Horsham, PA 19044-1404. Authorization No. WH4401. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Antonio Origlio, Inc., 3000 Meeting House Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154. Authorization No. WH4402. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Carson Trucking, 49 Primrose Lane, Levittown, PA 19054. Authorization No. WH4404. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Gary Lorenzon Contractor, Inc., 2304 Terwood Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006-5509. Authorization No. WH4405. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Scott E. Snyder Paving & Excavating, 609 Mortimer Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015-4225. Authorization No. WH4406. Effective June 3, 2003.

       M. A. Rife Trucking, 1001 Marne Highway, Hainesport, NJ 08036. Authorization No. WH4407. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Bill Hood, Inc., 110 Swamp Creek Road, Gilbertsville, PA 19525-9210. Authorization No. WH4408. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Richard T. Smith, Jr., 2240 Steinsburg Road, Quakertown, PA 18951. Authorization No. WH4411. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Anthony Garbon, 2513 Woodlawn Drive, Bristol, PA 19007. Authorization No. WH4413. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Stowaway Self Storage, Inc., P. O. Box 955, 108 Brown Street, Pittston, PA 18640-3368. Authorization No. WH4414. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Grant's Auto Salvage, Inc., P. O. Box 108, 3285 Old Bethlehem Pike, Zion Hill, PA 18981-0108. Authorization No. WH4415. Effective June 3, 2003.

       K. W. Contracting Company, Inc., 1138 Clemens Avenue, Roslyn, PA 19001. Authorization No. WH4416. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Mike Silcox & Sons Paving, Inc., 636 Somers Avenue, Trevose, PA 19053. Authorization No. WH4418. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Blum Contractors, LLC, 3080 Old State Road, Telford, PA 18969-1059. Authorization No. WH4419. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Tri-State Transfer Associates Inc., 1199 Randall Ave., Bronx, NY 10474-6215. Authorization No. WH2561. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Department of Transportation District 4-3, 3450 Bear Creek Blvd., P. O. Box 311, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0311. Authorization No. WH4772. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Heavens Express Inc., 557 Myrtle Ave., Woodbridge, NJ 07008. Authorization No. WH4773. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Roderick L. Anderson, Apt. C, 721 E. Front St., Plainfield, NJ 07062. Authorization No. WH4779. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Department of Transportation District 10-1, P. O. Box 1016, Kittanning, PA 16201-1016. Authorization No. WH4789. Effective June 4, 2003.

       J. Damiani Enterprises Inc., 208 Stettler Drive, Clairton, PA 15025. Authorization No. WH4813. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Samuel Feliciano, Apt. 321, 375 State St., Perth Amboy, NJ 08861. Authorization No. WH4823. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Kuntz Builders d/b/a Brian P. Kuntz, 10520 State Road, Cranesville, PA 16410-9633. Authorization No. WH4827. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Reading School District, 800 Washington Street, Reading, PA 19601-3691. Authorization No. WH3190. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Richard T. Scutt, 51 Laurel Lane, Levittown, PA 19054. Authorization No. WH4420. Effective June 6, 2003.

       OTS NJ LLC, Suite 4, 640 Herman Road, Jackson, NJ 08527. Authorization No. WH4421. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Neely E. Appleby, 1015 Old Mountain Road, Dillsburg, PA 17019. Authorization No. WH4422. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Robert A. Erb, 103A Center Road, Douglassville, PA 19518. Authorization No. WH4423. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Ray Patalsky & Company, 4750 Old William Penn Highway, Murrysville, PA 15668. Authorization No. WH4424. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Miller Building Inc., 311 West Lincoln Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067. Authorization No. WH4425. Effective June 6, 2003.

       G. L. Adams Excavating Inc., 140 Adams Road, Polk, PA 16342. Authorization No. WH4426. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Robert C. Young Inc., Second and Fair Streets, P. O. Box K, Mifflinville, PA 18631-0490. Authorization No. WH4427. Effective June 6, 2003.

       L. J. Stopper d/b/a Bentley Construction, 2045 Bentley Drive, Williamsport, PA 17701. Authorization No. WH4428. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Larry A. Young, 148 Big Knob Road, Rochester, PA 15074. Authorization No. WH4433. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Shemp Inc., P. O. Box 431, Richboro, PA 18954. Authorization No. WH4434. Effective June 6, 2003.

       M. Trout Construction, 167 B Meadow Brook Lane, Brookhaven, PA 19015. Authorization No. WH4435. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Watkins Builders Inc., 9500 Old Route 99, McKean, PA 16426. Authorization No. WH4437. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Maund Industries Inc., 866 Wood Street, California, PA 15419. Authorization No. WH4438. Effective June 6, 2003.

       J. A. Lundberg Trucking, 119 Lakefront Drive, Loretto, PA 15940-9612. Authorization No. WH4439. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Gregory L. Dayhoff d/b/a GLD Transport, 7110 Old Washington Road, Woodbine, MD 21797. Authorization No. WH4440. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Johnstown City, Cambria County, 419 6th Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15906. Authorization No. WH4443. Effective June 6, 2003.

       David A. Shirk d/b/a Shirk Excavating, 216 Forest Drive, Fredericksburg, PA 17026. Authorization No. WH4444. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Aquarius Pool & Patio Inc., 170 Pine Street, Williamsport, PA 17701. Authorization No. WH4446. Effective June 6, 2003.

       Craig A. Stine Trucking, 2 White Road, Belvidere, NJ 07823. Authorization No. WH4832. Effective June 6, 2003.

       American Industrial Contracting Inc., 264 East Beaver Street, Sewickley, PA 15143-2212. Authorization No. WH4370. Effective June 2, 2003.

       Rostolsky Recycling, 1046 Union Street, Lancaster, PA 17603. Authorization No. WH4371. Effective June 2, 2003.

       Disaster Restoration Services of Greater Pittsburgh, 1195 Third Street, North Versailles, PA 15137-2099. Authorization No. WH4372. Effective June 2, 2003.

       Cherry Hill Construction Company Inc., P. O. Box 134, Branford, CT 06405. Authorization No. WH3423. Effective June 2, 2003.

       Twin Eagle Trade Corporation, 1 Pond Drive, Middle Island, NY 11953. Authorization No. WH4373. Effective June 2, 2003.

       Pennaco Excavating Inc., 63 South Hampton Drive, Wyomissing, PA 19610. Authorization No. WH4374. Effective June 2, 2003.

       K A Z Transportation LLC, 49 View Street, Plainville, CT 06062. Authorization No. WH4375. Effective June 3, 2003.

       Wesley J. Cole, R. R. 2 Box 328, Middlebury Center, PA 16935. Authorization No. WH4376. Effective June 2, 2003.

       Wills Construction Company, 1 Broadway Avenue, North Irwin, PA 15642-3304. Authorization No. WH4378. Effective June 2, 2003.

       Suburban Home Care Services, P. O. Box 394, Point Pleasant, PA 18950. Authorization No. WH4380. Effective June 2, 2003.

       Harry M. Kelly Jr., 1131 8th Avenue, Freedom, PA 15042-9706. Authorization No. WH4381. Effective June 2, 2003.

       Field View Transportation Inc., P. O. Box 985, Orange, CT 06477. Authorization No. WH4007. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Renninger & Strausser Builders, 2656 Old Berwick Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815-3237. Authorization No. WH4347. Effective June 4 2003.

       John Csanyi Landscaping & Trucking, 74 West Greenbush Road, Tuckerton, NJ 08087. Authorization No. WH4384. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Lachina Brothers, Inc., 305 Hazel Street, Reading, PA 19611-2054. Authorization No. WH4387. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Caprioni Sewer Service Inc., 188 Head of The River Road, Belleplain, NJ 08270. Authorization No. WH4388. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Ryerson Station State Park, 361 Bristoria Road, Wind Ridge, PA 15380-1258. Authorization No. WH4389. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Team Construction & Development Inc., 50 South 7th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203. Authorization No. WH4390. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Don Shonts Construction, 67 Parker Place, Cyclone, PA 16726-9605. Authorization No. WH4417. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Basal Contracting, 141 Clappers Lane, Duncansville, PA 16635. Authorization No. WH4447. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Serta Mattress Company, P. O. Box 4623, 18 Prestige Lane, Lancaster, PA 17604-4623. Authorization No. WH4450. Effective June 9 2003.

       Jazz Hauling & Cleanup Service, P. O. Box 272, Keasby, NJ 08832. Authorization No. WH4452. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Mirarchi Electric, Inc., 1249 Schwab Road, Hatfield, PA 19440-3236. Authorization No. WH4454. Effective June 9, 2003.

       West- More Roofing & Siding Company, 139 Craig Drive, Greensburg, PA 15601. Authorization No. WH4455. Effective June 9, 2003.

       David Schnellman Remodeling, Inc., 4528 Reservoir Hill Road, Macungie, PA 18062. Authorization No. WH4456. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Allegheny Contracting, LLC, 13374 Boot Jack Road, Ridgway, PA 15853. Authorization No. WH4457. Effective June 9, 2003.

       R. A. Tauber, Inc., 6747 North Main Street, Coopersburg, PA 18036-1020. Authorization No. WH4458. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Shallenberger Construction, Inc., 2611 Memorial Boulevard, Connellsville, PA 15425. Authorization No. WH4459. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Gutelius Excavating, Inc., R. R. 5, Box 155, Mifflinburg, PA 17844. Authorization No. WH4460. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Kerry J. Smith Roofing & Siding Company, 690 Gouglersville Road, Reading, PA 19608-9229. Authorization No. WH4461. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Deleone, Inc., 210 East Montgomery Avenue, Hatboro, PA 19040-4712. Authorization No. WH4462. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Quinby & Sons, 240 Upper Tinicum Church Road, Upper Black Eddy, PA 18972. Authorization No. WH4467. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Whitehall Township, 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052. Authorization No. WH4468. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Atlas Transport, Inc., 32 Rhoda Avenue, Nutley, NJ 07110. Authorization No. WH4469. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Barry Claycomb Remodeling, 2314 Lovely Road, Alum Bank, PA 15521-9149. Authorization No. WH4472. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Deacon Transportation Corporation, P. O. Box 200, Avenel, NJ 07001. Authorization No. WH4473. Effective June 9, 2003.

       J. Edward Beck Construction Company, Inc., 10658 Church Hill Road, Mercersburg, PA 17236. Authorization No. WH4475. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Tony J. Carosi, P. O. Box 240, Warminster, PA 18974. Authorization No. WH4476. Effective June 9, 2003.

       Robert T. Merryman Trucking, P. O. Box 99, 400 Tarrie Street, Philipsburg, PA 16866. Authorization No. WH4103. Effective May 29, 2003.

       John A. Hoffman Trucking, 1687 Ridge Road, Warriors Mark, PA 16877. Authorization No. WH4104. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Incineration Recycling Services, Inc., P. O. Box 563, Blackwood, NJ 08012. Authorization No. WH4212. Effective May 30, 2003.

       A. L. D. Construction, Inc., 504B Eagle Road, Springfield, PA 19064. Authorization No. WH4285. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Terra Nova Landscape & Design, 3 Waterview Road, Downingtown, PA 19335. Authorization No. WH4308. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Town & Country Lawn Care, Inc., 177 Red Oak Drive, Lincoln University, PA 19352. Authorization No. WH4315. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Southside Builders, 138 A Indian Territory Road, Catawissa, PA 17820-9531. Authorization No. WH4332. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Joseph A. Tavianini, 1381 Church Road, Wind Gap, PA 18091. Authorization No. WH4333. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Rudys A. Luciano, 348 North 9th Street, Reading, PA 19601. Authorization No. WH4335. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Saint Michaels Corporation, Suite 2I, 545 West 164th Street, New York, NY 10032. Authorization No. WH4336. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Project Development Group, Inc., 102 Technology Lane, Export, PA 15632. Authorization No. WH4337. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Stephen Defazio Trucking, P. O. Box 178, Canadenis, PA 18325. Authorization No. WH4339. Effective May 29, 2003.

       A. D. McCoy Hauling, 2524 Route 18, Clinton, PA 15026-1432. Authorization No. WH4343. Effective May 29, 2003.

       East Washington Borough, Washington County, East Washington Municipal Building, 15 Thayer Street, Washington, PA 15301. Authorization No. WH4344. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Northland Refuse Corporation, 1083 Park Avenue, Meadville, PA 16335. Authorization No. WH4345. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Ray Gonzales Trucking, 317 East Union Boulevard, Bethlehem, PA 18018-4210. Authorization No. WH4346. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Nealon Transportation, Inc., P. O. Box 459, Binghamton, NY 13902-0459. Authorization No. WH4348. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Intek Auto Leasing, Inc., 372 North 7 Street, Newark, NJ 07107. Authorization No. WH4351. Effective May 29, 2003.

       T. Lamonaca General Contracting, 622 Devonshire Drive, Oxford, PA 19363. Authorization No. WH4352. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Asplundh Tree Expert Company, 708 Blair Mill Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090. Authorization No. WH4356. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Louis Colarusso Trucking Company, 323 Damon Street, West Pittston, PA 18643. Authorization No. WH4357. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Craig A. Wenhold, 2175 Deer Trail Road, Coopersburg, PA 18036. Authorization No. WH4359. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Berti Excavating, Inc., 245 Forward Boulevard, Somerset, PA 15501. Authorization No. WH4360. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Sun Rise Landscaping & Property Maintenance, 1441 Alaine St., Apt. 1, Philadelphia, PA 19111. Authorization No. WH4361. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Mandrik Construction, Inc., HC 1, Box 117I, Hawley, PA 18428. Authorization No. WH4362. Effective May 29, 2003.

       E. Schneider and Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 908, Allentown, PA 18105. Authorization No. WH4363. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Insight Pipe Contracting L. P., 344 Little Creek Road, Harmony, PA 16037-9603. Authorization No. WH4364. Effective May 29, 2003.

       Gaspari Brothers, Inc., 2103 Georgia Road, Temple, PA 19560. Authorization No. WH4497. Effective June 2, 2003.

       James Corporation d/b/a James Construction, 243 East Main Street, Suite 203, Carnegie, PA 15106. Authorization No. WH4622. May 28, 2003.

       E-Z Run Enterprises, Inc., 845 Bergen Avenue, Suite 344, Jersey City, NJ 07306. Authorization No. WH4698. Effective May 28, 2003.

       Russell H. Christy, 217 Neil Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257. Authorization No. WH4757. Effective May 30, 2003.

       Waste Management of Georgetown, Inc., 226 South Railroad Avenue, Georgetown, DE 19947. Authorization No. WH4781. Effective June 4, 2003.

       Dennis M. Wile, 3513 Woodbury Pike, Woodbury, PA 16695. Authorization No. WH4799. Effective June 4, 2003.

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]


    General Plan Approval and Operating Permit Usage Authorized under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§  4001--4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.

       Southcentral Region:  Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact:  Yasmin Neidlinger, Facilities Permitting Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       GP3-1-05-03013:  New Enterprise Stone and Lime Co., Inc. (P. O. Box 77, New Enterprise, PA 16664) on June 5, 2003, to operate a portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant under GP3 in Snake Spring Township, Bedford County.

       Northcentral Region:  Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701; Contact:  David Aldenderfer, Program Manager, (570) 327-3637.

       GP3-14-05:  Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (711 East College Avenue, Bellefonte, PA 16823) on May 13, 2003, to construct and operate a mobile soil screening unit equipped with a 97 horsepower diesel engine under the General Plan Approval and General Operating Permit for Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants (BAQ-GPA/GP-3) at their I-99 Dale Summit site in College Township, Centre County.

       GP3-41-02:  Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. (711 East College Avenue, Bellefonte, PA 16823) on May 19, 2003, to construct and operate a mobile soil screening unit equipped with an 80 horsepower diesel engine under the General Plan approval and General Operating Permit for Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants (BAQ-GPA/GP-3) at the Canfield Lane site in Loyalsock Township, Lycoming County.

       Southwest Region:  Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Contact:  Mark Wayner, Facilities Permitting Chief, (412) 442-4174.

       30-00146:  CORESCO, Inc. (P. O. Box 1209, Morgantown, WV 26507) on June 1, 2003, to operate their portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant at Gapen Mine in Dunkard Township, Greene County.

       Northwest Region:  Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Contact:  Eric Gustafson, Facilities Permitting Chief, (814) 332-6940.

       33-172:  Original Fuels, Inc.--Hamilton II Mine (Township Road 360, Hamilton, PA 15744) on May 31, 2003, to operate a portable mineral processing plant in Perry Township, Jefferson County.

    Plan Approvals issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and regulations in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B relating to construction, modification and reactivation of air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.

       Southeast Region:  Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact: Thomas McGinley, New Source Review Chief, (610) 832-6242.

       46-0108B:  Highway Materials, Inc. (1128 Crusher Road, Perkiomenville, PA 18074) on May 15, 2003, to operate a crusher and screen in Marlborough Township, Montgomery County.

       15-0069A:  Champion Recycling, Inc. (575 Trestle Place Road, Downingtown, PA 19335) on June 2, 2003, to operate a grinder trommel screen in East Caln Township, Chester County.

       Northwest Region:  Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Contact:  Devendra Verma, New Source Review Chief, (814) 332-6940.

       24-009C:  Weyerhaeuser Co. (100 Center Street, Johnsonburg, PA 15845) on June 2, 2003, to install scrubbers in Johnsonburg, Elk County.

    Plan Approval revisions issued including extensions, minor modifications and transfers of ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§  127.13, 127.13a and 127.32.

       Southeast Region:  Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact: Thomas McGinley, New Source Review Chief, (610) 832-6242.

       23-0063A:  Department of Corrections (500 East Fourth Street, Chester, PA 19013) on June 4, 2003, to operate a boiler in City of Chester, Delaware County.

       23-0091:  Union Packaging, LLC (5250 Baltimore Avenue, Yeadon, PA 19050) on June 4, 2003, to operate a rotogravure printing press no. 1 in Yeadon Borough, Delaware County.

       09-0063A:  New Hope Crushed Stone (6970 Phillips Mill Road, New Hope, PA 18938) on June 5, 2003, to operate a stone crushing plant in Solebury Township, Bucks County.

       46-313-147:  Cabot Supermetals (Beaver Run Road, Revere, PA 18953) on June 6, 2003, to operate a refrigerated condenser in Douglass Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0037M:  Cabot Supermetals (County Line Road, Boyertown, PA 19512) on June 6, 2003, to operate a large scrubber in Douglass Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0037K:  Cabot Supermetals (County Line Road, Boyertown, PA 19512) on June 6, 2003, to operate a dust collector in Douglass Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0037H:  Cabot Supermetals (County Line Road, Boyertown, PA 19512) on June 6, 2003, to operate a VOC in Douglass Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0037G:  Cabot Supermetals (County Line Road, Boyertown, PA 19512) on June 6, 2003, to operate a boiler house in Douglass Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0037E:  Cabot Supermetals (County Line Road, Boyertown, PA 19512) on June 6, 2003, to operate a source building Number 49 in Douglass Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0037D:  Cabot Supermetals (County Line Road, Boyertown, PA 19512) on June 6, 2003, to operate production of Ta and Nb products in Douglass Township, Montgomery County.

       46-0037C:  Cabot Supermetals (County Line Road, Boyertown, PA 19512) on June 6, 2003, to operate a tantalum scrap digestion in Douglass Township, Montgomery County.

       09-0143:  Naceville Materials (2001 Ridge Road, Sellersville, PA 18960) on June 6, 2003, to operate a primary crusher and conveyors in West Rockhill Township, Bucks County.

       Southcentral Region:  Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact:  Ronald Davis, New Source Review Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       38-05025:  Lancaster Aluminum Co., Inc. (24 Keystone Drive, Lebanon, PA 17042) on May 30, 2003, to construct a secondary aluminum production facility in South Lebanon Township, Lebanon County. This source is subject to 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRR--Standards of Performance for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Secondary Aluminum Production. This plan approval was extended.

       Southwest Region:  Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Contact:  Mark Wayner, Facilities Permitting Chief, (412) 442-4174.

       32-00365A:  Rosebud Mining Company (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201) for installation of a coal screening plant in Washington Township, Indiana County. This plan approval was extended.

       Northwest Region:  Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Contact:  Devendra Verma, New Source Review Chief, (814) 332-6940.

       24-016B:  Keystone Powdered Metal Co. (1935 State Street, St. Marys, PA 15857) on May 31, 2003, to modify temperature requirements for sources 2149 and 3202 in St. Marys, Elk County.

       37-023C:  Orion Power Midwest, LP--New Castle Plant (Route 168, New Castle, PA 16101) on May 31, 2003, to install an SNCR in Taylor Township, Lawrence County.

       42-176H:  Temple Inland Forest Products Corp.--Mt. Jewett (Hutchins Road, Mt. Jewett, PA 16740) on February 28, 2003, to modify their MDF plant in Sergeant Township, McKean County.

       42-176G:  Temple Inland Forest Products Corp.--Mt. Jewett (Hutchins Road, Mt. Jewett, PA 16740) on February 28, 2003, to modify their MDF plant in Sergeant Township, McKean County.

       42-158E:  Temple Inland Forest Products Corp.--Mt. Jewett (Hutchins Road, Mt. Jewett, PA 16740) on February 28, 2003, to modify the particleboard plant in Sergeant Township, McKean County.

       42-158D:  Temple Inland Forest Products Corp.--Mt. Jewett (Hutchins Road, Mt. Jewett, PA 16740) on February 28, 2003, to modify their particleboard plant in Sergeant Township, McKean County.

    Title V Operating permits issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.

       Southeast Region:  Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact:  Edward Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (610) 832-6242.

       23-00041:  ConocoPhillips Co. (510 Cherry Tree Road, Aston, PA 19014) on June 4, 2003, the Title V Operating Permit was issued as an Administrative Amendment for a Change of Ownership of the facility formerly owned by Tosco Corporation in Upper Chichester Township, Delaware County. The facility's major emission points include storage tanks containing VOCs. The Administrative Amendment of the Title V Operating Permit was issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §  127.450. The amended Title V Operating Permit did not change and contains all of the applicable regulatory requirements including monitoring recordkeeping, reporting and emission limits. The initial permit was issued December 31, 2001.

       46-00006:  Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. (3900 Welsh Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090) on June 5, 2003, Title V Operating Permit Minor Modification under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code § 127.462 in Upper Moreland Township, Montgomery County. Modification to incorporate Emission Reduction Credits filed under 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.206--127.211 due to permanent shut down of major VOC emitting source, Source 101, Manufacturing Operations. The permit will include monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility within all applicable air quality requirements.

       46-00027:  Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals (Welsh and McKean Roads, Spring House, PA 19477) on June 9, 2003, Administrative Amendment of Title V Operating Permit issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §  127.450 in Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County. The facility's major emission points include manufacturing equipment designed for pharmaceutical preparations, which emit major levels of VOCs. The amendment addresses the changes to the scrubbing system associated with a source at the facility. The permit will include monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility within all applicable air quality requirements.

    Operating Permits for Non-Title V Facilities Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.

       Southeast Region:  Air Quality Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428; Contact:  Edward Brown, Facilities Permitting Chief, (610) 832-6242.

       09-00048:  H and K Materials Inc. (300 Skunk Hollow Road, Chalfont, PA 18914) on June 6, 2003, to operate a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit in Hilltown Township, Bucks County.

       Northeast Region:  Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790; Contact:  Mark J. Wejkszner, New Source Review Chief, (570) 826-2531.

       40-318-052:  Allsteel, Inc. (Valmont Industrial Park, 425 Jaycee Drive, West Hazleton, PA 18202) to operate of two paint booths and associated air cleaning devices at the Title V facility in Hazle Township, Luzerne County.

       35-317-003:  Preferred Meal Systems, Inc. (4135 Birney Avenue, Moosic, PA 18507) to operate a convection cooking oven at their facility in Moosic Borough, Lackawanna County.

       48-318-133:  Milliken Valve Co. Inc. (1995 Highland Avenue, Suite 500, Bethlehem, PA 18020) to operate a paint spray booth and associated air cleaning device at their facility in Bethlehem Township, Northampton County.

       Southcentral Region:  Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110; Contact:  Yasmin Neidlinger, Facilities Permitting Chief, (717) 705-4702.

       38-03028:  Brentwood Industries, Inc. (2101 Lehman Street, Lebanon, PA 17046) on June 3, 2003, to operate two PVC extrusion lines in West Lebanon Township, Lebanon County.

       Northwest Region:  Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481; Contact:  Eric Gustafson, Facilities Permitting Chief, (814) 332-6940.

       42-00147:  W. R. Case and Sons Cutlery Co. (Owens Way, Bradford, PA 16701) on June 4, 2003, for a Natural Minor Operating Permit for a cutlery manufacturing process in Bradford Township, McKean County.

    Operating Permit revisions issued including administrative amendments, minor modifications or transfers of ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§  127.412, 127.450, 127.462 and 127.464.

       Southwest Region:  Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745; Contact:  Mark Wayner, Facilities Permitting Chief, (412) 442-4174.

       65-00183 Allegheny Ludlum Corp. (100 River Road, Brackenridge, PA 15014) on June 3, 2003, the Department has administratively amended the permit to require emissions to be quantified on a monthly basis through elaboration of testing and monitoring requirements for their steel manufacturing facility in West Leechburg, Westmoreland County and Bagdad, Armstrong County.

       GP-65-00902:  Pace Industries, Inc.--Airo Die Casting, Inc., West Plant (450 New Latrobe/Derry Road, Loyalhanna, PA, 15661). This administrative amendment is to correct a typographical error regarding General Operating Permit No. BAQ-GP4 for a burn off oven. The permit was inadvertently issued under the number GP-65-00873 for Pace Industries, Inc.--Airo Die Casting, Inc., Main Plant instead of GP-65-00902 (West Plant). This facility is in Derry Township, Westmoreland County.

       65-00598:  Citizen General Hospital (651 Fourth Avenue, New Kensington, PA 15068). On June 6, 2003, the Department administratively amended the permit to change the owner's name from Alle Kiski Medical Center to Citizens General Hospital in New Kensington, Westmoreland County.


    Actions on applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1--1396.19a); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301--3326); The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001); the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51--30.66); and The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1--1406.21). The final action on each application also constitutes action on the request for 401 Water Quality Certification and the NPDES permit application. Mining activity permits issued in response to the applications will also address the application permitting requirements of the following statutes:  the Air Quality Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003).

    Coal Permit Actions

       Knox District Mining Office:  White Memorial Building, P. O. Box 669, Knox, PA 16232-0669, (814) 797-1191.

       33010105 and NPDES Permit No. PA0242004. Amerikohl Mining, Inc. (202 Sunset Drive, Butler, PA 16001). Revision to an existing bituminous strip and auger operation to add 3.6 acres to the surface mining permit in Young and McCalmont Townships, Jefferson County. Receiving streams:  Elk Run. Application received January 22, 2003. Permit issued May 29, 2003.

       33020106 and NPDES Permit No. PA0242209. MSM Coal Company, Inc. (P. O. Box 243, DuBois, PA 15801). Commencement, operation and restoration of a bituminous strip operation in Union Township, Jefferson County affecting 33.8 acres. Receiving streams:  unnamed tributary to Little Mill Creek and unnamed tributary to Coder Run. Application received October 7, 2002. Permit issued May 27, 2003.

       Cambria District Mining Office:  286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.

       11970105 and NPDES Permit No. PA0234516. RJC Kohl, Inc., P. O. Box 299, Nicktown, PA 15762, permit revision for a land use change from forestland to pastureland or land occasionally cut for hay in West Carroll and Susquehanna Townships, Cambria County, affecting 41.0 acres. Receiving streams:  unnamed tributaries to Fox Run and Fox Run (CWF). There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received February 14, 2003. Permit issued June 2, 2003.

       56950101 and NPDES Permit No. PA0213012. Action Mining, Inc., 1117 Shaw Mines Road, Meyersdale, PA 15552, permit revision for a land use change from woodland to wildlife habitat to cropland in Brothersvalley Township, Somerset County, affecting 82.2 acres. Receiving streams:  Piney Run and unnamed tributary (CWF) to Piney Run (CWF). There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received February 13, 2003. Permit issued June 2, 2003.

       56970105 and NPDES Permit No. PA0234630, Sherpa Mining Contractors, Inc., P. O. Box 4459, 1738 Snowfield Drive, Hidden Valley, PA 15502, permit transfer from Cooney Brothers Coal Company, P. O. Box 246, Cresson, PA 16630 and continued operation of a bituminous surface mine in Paint Township, Somerset County, affecting 171.0 acres. Receiving streams:   unnamed tributary to/and Stonycreek River (CWF). The first downstream potable water supply intake from the point of discharge is Cambria Somerset Authority Stonycreek Surface Water Intake. Application received February 6, 2003. Permit issued June 4, 2003.

       Greensburg District Mining Office:  Armbrust Building, R. R. 2 Box 603-C, Greensburg, PA 15601-0982, (724) 925-5500.

       26020102 and NPDES Permit No. PA0250147. PURCO Coal, Inc. (22 VanVoorhis Lane, Monongahela, PA 15063). Permit for commencement, operation and reclamation of a bituminous surface mine in North Union Township, Fayette County, affecting 76.8 acres. Receiving stream:  Gist Run to Dunbar Creek. Application received May 9, 2002. Permit issued June 6, 2003.

       03020113 and NPDES Permit No. PA0250279. Reichard Contracting, Inc. (212 Olean Trail, New Bethlehem, PA 16242). Permit for commencement, operation and reclamation of a bituminous surface mine in Wayne Township, Armstrong County affecting 62.5 acres. Receiving streams:  unnamed tributaries to Glade Run. Application received November 13, 2002. Permit issued June 6, 2003.

       03960103. TDK Coal Sales, Inc. (P. O. Box 259, Brockway, PA 15824). Permit revised to apply ALCOSAN biosolids for mine reclamation at a bituminous surface/auger mine in East Franklin Township, Armstrong County, affecting 155 acres. Receiving streams:  unnamed tributary to Glade Run. Application received March 28, 2003. Revision issued June 9, 2003.

    Noncoal Permit Actions

       Pottsville District Mining Office:  5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901-2454, (570) 621-3118.

       58970807T. Joseph A. Decker, Sr. (R. R. 1 Box 254, Kingsley, PA 18826), transfer and acreage correction of an existing Small Bluestone Quarry in Gibson Township, Susquehanna County, affecting 3.0 acres. Receiving stream:  Tunkhannock Creek. Application received January 27, 2003. Permit issued June 6, 2003.

       Cambria District Mining Office:  286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-1900.

       Permit No. 4275SM20 and NPDES Permit No. PA0125334. U. S. Silica Company, P. O. Box 187, Berkeley Springs, WV 25411, renewal of NPDES Permit in Brady Township, Huntingdon County. Receiving streams:  Juniata River (WWF), Saddler Creek (TSF), unnamed tributary to Shaughnessy Run (HQ-CWF) and unnamed tributary of Flush Run (TSF). There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received April 15, 2003. Permit issued June 3, 2003.


    Actions on applications under the Explosives Acts of 1937 and 1957 (73 P. S. §§ 151--161); and 25 Pa. Code § 211.124. Blasting activity performed as part of a coal or noncoal mining activity will be regulated by the mining permit for that coal or noncoal mining activity.

       Pottsville District Mining Office:  5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901-2454, (570) 621-3118.

       28034019. Springfield Contractors, Inc. (290 Seaks Run Road, Glen Rock, PA 17327-9594), construction blasting in Antrim Township, Franklin County with an expiration date of May 31, 2008. Permit issued June 3, 2003.

       28034020. Springfield Contractors, Inc. (290 Seaks Run Road, Glen Rock, PA 17327-9594), construction blasting in Washington Township, Franklin County with an expiration date of May 31, 2008. Permit issued June 3, 2003.

       67034028. Hall Explosives, Inc. (2981 Elizabethtown Road, Hershey, PA 17033), construction blasting in West Manchester Township, York County with an expiration date of June 20, 2004. Permit issued June 3, 2003.

       36034052. Hall Explosives, Inc. (2981 Elizabethtown Road, Hershey, PA 17033), construction blasting inn Leacock Township, Lancaster County with an expiration date of June 15, 2004. Permit issued June 3, 2003.

       22034012. Mazzuca Enterprises (14 East Laurel Boulevard, P. O. Box 443, Pottsville, PA 17901) and Hayduk Enterprises (P. O. Box 554, Dalton, PA 18414), construction blasting in Derry Township, Dauphin County with an expiration date of November 14, 2003. Permit issued June 3, 2003.

       15034008. Allan A. Myers, L. P. (P. O. Box 98, Worcester, PA 19490), construction blasting in East Bradford Township, Chester County with an expiration date of June 20, 2004. Permit issued June 3, 2003.

       06034025. Schlouch Incorporated (Excelsior Industrial Park, P. O. Box 69, Blandon, PA 19510), construction blasting in Wyomissing Borough, Berks County with an expiration date of June 15, 2004. Permit issued June 3, 2003.

       22034011. Follmer Construction (238 Locust Point Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055) and Cumberland Valley Drilling & Blasting (6820 Wertzville Road, Enola, PA 17025), construction blasting in West Hanover Township, Dauphin County with an expiration date of June 15, 2005. Permit issued June 3, 2003.

       Knox District Mining Office:  White Memorial Building, P. O. Box 669, Knox, PA 16232-0669, (814) 797-1191.

       27034001. Pennsylvania General Energy Corp. (208 Liberty Street, Warren, PA 16365). Blasting activity permit to establish and maintain access to oil wells in Jenks Township, Forest County for 180 days. Application received May 27, 2003. Application issued May 30, 2003.


       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).

       Except as otherwise noted, the Department has granted 401 Water Quality Certification certifying that the construction and operation described will comply with the applicable provisions of sections 301--303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311--1313, 1316 and 1317) and that the construction will not violate applicable Federal and State water quality standards.

       Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. §  7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§  501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.

       For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.

       Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for free pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.

    Actions on applications for the following activities filed under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27), section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.702) and notice of final action for certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).

    Permits, Environmental Assessments and 401 Water Quality Certifications Issued


       Southeast Region:  Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       E15-646. Department of Transportation, 7000 Geerdes Boulevard, King of Prussia, PA 19406, London Britain Township, Chester County, ACOE Philadelphia District.

       To replace and maintain an existing bridge with a single span reinforced concrete bridge with a clear span of 75 feet and an average under clearance of 6.7 feet. The proposed bridge spans White Clay Creek (CWF) and is along the SR 3034 (London Tract Road), Section 65S, approximately 7,000 feet southeast of the intersection of London Tract Road and Good Hope Road (West Grove, PA-DE Quadrangle N:  0. 80 inch; W:  4.35 inches).

       E09-837. Borough of Sellersville, 140 E. Church Street, Sellersville, PA 18960, Borough of Sellersville, Bucks County, ACOE Philadelphia District.

       To construct and maintain 16-feet of two, 48-inch by 76-inch reinforced concrete pipes with associated end-walls and rock, riprap apron in and along an unnamed tributary to the East Branch Perkiomen Creek. To remove existing in-stream retaining walls directly adjacent to Maple Avenue. The retaining walls will be replaced with reinforced concrete retaining walls to the same approximate length and height. The site is 100-feet east of the intersection of Farmers Lane and Maple Avenue in the Borough of Sellersville, Bucks County.

       Northeast Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790.

       E52-182. David Holbert, 125 Rocky Riff Farm Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435. Lackawaxen Township, Pike County, Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District.

       To maintain two tiers of stone retaining walls, approximately 190 feet long and varying in height from 3 to 6 feet each along the right bank in the floodway of the Delaware River (perennial, WWF, MF). The project is at a business known as the Lackawaxen House, approximately 200 feet south of the Roebling Bridge (Shohola, PA-NY Quadrangle N:  19.3 inches; W:  15.1 inches) (Subbasin 1-D).

       Southcentral Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       E22-454:  Susquehanna Township, 1900 Linglestown Road, Harrisburg, PA 17110 in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       To construct and maintain a footbridge having a span of 3 feet and an under clearance of 4.12 feet across the channel of an unnamed tributary to Paxton Creek (tributary to Asylum Run) (WWF) at a point immediately downstream of South Circle Drive (Harrisburg West, PA Quadrangle N:  5.9 inches; W:  0.5 inch); a footbridge having a span of 15.33 feet and an under clearance of 6.5 feet across the channel of an unnamed tributary to Paxton Creek (Asylum Run) at a point just downstream of Sycamore Drive (Harrisburg East, PA Quadrangle N:  6.0 inches; W:  17.1 inches); and a footbridge having a span of 15.75 feet and an under clearance of 6.25 feet across the channel of an unnamed tributary to Paxton Creek (Asylum Run) at a point just upstream of Sycamore Drive (Harrisburg East, PA Quadrangle N:  6.1 inches; W:  17.0 inches) for the purpose of constructing the Capital Area Greenbelt in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County.

       Northcentral Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

       E14-439. RJ Corman Railroad Group, P. O. Box 788, Nicholasville, KY 40356. Rail Line Abandonment from Federal Surface Transportation System in Philipsburg Borough and Rush Township, Centre County, ACOE Baltimore District (Philipsburg, PA Quadrangle N:  4.75 inches; W:  14.32 inches to Houtzdale, PA Quadrangle N:  15.31 inches; W:  7.15 inches).

       To operate and maintain the following stream crossings, associated with a abandoning a railroad line from the Federal Surface Transportation System, partially or fully within Centre County:

    Crossing No. Municipality Stream Structure Type Opening Size Chapter
    14 Philipsburg Borough Moshannon Creek Double Span Bridge 54.67` by 7.5` each TSF N 40-54-04
    W 78-13-45
    15 Philipsburg Borough Moshannon Creek Double Span Bridge 54.67` by 11.5` each TSF N 40-53-34
    W 78-13-19
    17 Rush Township Moshannon Creek Double Span Bridge 52` by 12` each TSF N 40-52-51
    W 78-14-09
    18 Rush Township UNT Moshannon Creek Stone Culvert 54" diameter CWF N 40-52-26
    W 78-14-07
    19 Rush Township UNT Moshannon Creek Culvert 36" diameter CWF N 40-51-56
    W 78-14-51
    20 Rush Township UNT Moshannon Creek Twin Cast Iron Culverts 36" diameter each CWF N 40-51-34
    W 78-14-43
    21 Rush Township UNT Moshannon Creek Concrete Culvert 54" diameter CWF N 40-51-14
    W 78-15-05
    22 Rush Township UNT Moshannon Creek Stone Box Culvert 4` by 2` CWF N 40-51-01
    W 78-15-41
    23 Rush Township Moshannon Creek Three Span Bridge 65` by 11` each span TSF N 40-50-58
    W 78-16-03
    27 Rush Township Moshannon Creek Steel Girder Bridge 5` by 59` TSF N 40-50-03
    W 78-18-07

       The permittee shall routinely maintain all the listed hydraulic structures to ensure the maximum, unobstructed flow capacity. Since crossings 14, 15, 17, 23 and 27 are in trout stocked fisheries, no work shall be done in or along these crossings between March 1 and June 15 without the prior written approval of the Fish and Boat Commission. The railroad right-of-way subject to this permit is along the south side of Moshannon Creek between Philipsburg and Osceola Mills plus one crossing in the headwaters of Moshannon Creek (Philipsburg, PA Quadrangle N:  4.75 inches; W:  14.32 inches to Houtzdale, PA Quadrangle N:  15.31 inches; W:  7.15 inches) in Philipsburg Borough and Rush Township, Centre County. This permit does not authorize any temporary or permanent impact to wetlands that maybe along the railroad right-of-way.

       E18-350. Scott E. Lafrome, 732 Rockey Road, Loganton, PA, Lafrome Pond in Green Township, Centre County, ACOE Baltimore District (Loganton, PA Quadrangle N:  10.6 inches; W:  4.5 inches).

       To construct and maintain a grass covered earthen dam around three sides of a 100-foot by 200-foot on-stream pond, the dam will have a maximum height of 7 feet and the pond will have a maximum depth of 10 feet, directly downstream of an existing spring house at the headwaters of an unnamed tributary to Mill Creek on the south side of Rockey Road, 1.5 miles east of SR 477. This project will directly impact 200 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Mill Creek (HQ-CWF).

       E18-361. Bing and Debra Smith, 712 West Brown Street, Castanea, PA 17726. Pavilion Construction in Castanea Township, Clinton County, ACOE Baltimore District (Mill Hall, PA Quadrangle N:  21.98 inches; W:  9.65 inches).

       To construct and maintain a 16-foot by 24-foot by 10-foot high open sided lumber pavilion using 6-inch by 6-inch columns for vertical support in the floodway of the south side of Bald Eagle Creek (CWF) off Route 220 about 0.5 mile south west of the Route 220 Lock Haven interchange in Castanea Township, Clinton County. The project will not impact wetlands or waterways. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.''

       E60-158. Department of Transportation, 315 Jordan Avenue, Montoursville, PA 17754. SR 0192/018 Bridge Replacement in Buffalo Township, Union County, ACOE Baltimore District (Mifflinburg, PA Quadrangle N:  14.9 inches; W:  1.7 inches).

       To:  (1) remove an existing functionally obsolete bridge; (2) construct and maintain an 86.9-foot clear span prestressed concrete adjacent box beam bridge with R-7 riprap abutment protection and a maximum underclearance of 10-foot 7-inch across Buffalo Creek (CWF) on SR 192, 175 feet from SR 3009 in the Village of Cowan. The Department of Transportation proposes to permanently impact 90 linear feet of Buffalo Creek due to the riprap and wingwalls of the bridge.

       Southwest Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

       E02-1389. Phillips Spring Properties, Inc., 2708 Phillips Avenue, Glenshaw, PA 15116. Elmwood Terrace No. 9 Wetland Fill in Shaler Township, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Glenshaw, PA Quadrangle N:  8.5 inches; W:  14.7 inches). To place and maintain fill in 0.11 acre of wetlands adjacent to unnamed tributaries to Little Pine Creek (TSF) for the purpose of providing access to the Elmwood Terrace No. 9 Residential Development on the west side of Elmwood Drive just southwest from the intersection of Elmwood Drive and Dorothy Drive. This permit also authorizes the construction and maintenance of an off-site sanitary sewer line. The applicant proposes to construct and maintain 0.24 acre of offsite replacement wetlands on block and Lots 354-L-160 and 51A. This project will also culvert approximately 750 feet of stream channels. These channels qualify for authorization under the Department's waiver 105.(a)(2).

       E02-1418. Township of Robinson, 1000 Church Hill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15205-9006. Coketown Road Gabion Basket Wall in Robinson Township, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Oakdale, PA Quadrangle N:  22.4 inches; W:  3.0 inches). To construct and maintain a gabion basket retaining wall 60.0 feet in length and 15.0 feet in height in the channel of and along the right bank of Montour Run for the purpose of preventing erosion to Coketown Road. The project is on the north side of Coketown Road, approximately 500 feet west from the intersection of Coketown Road and Petrie Road and will permanently impact 60.0 linear feet of Montour Run (TSF).

       E26-304. Fayette County Commissioners, Court House, 61 East Main Street, Uniontown, PA 15401. Fayette County Bridge No. 162 in Georges Township, Fayette County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Smithfield, PA Quadrangle N:  6.08 inches; W:  8.55 inches). To remove the existing County Bridge No. 162 and to construct and maintain a bridge having a normal clear span of 36.0 feet and an underclearance of 7.0 feet across Mountain Creek (CWF). Also, to place and maintain rock riprap for stream bank protection at the bridge. The project will impact 0.04 acre of wetlands permanently. The structure is on T-500 (Ringer Road) approximately 350 feet south of T-345.

       E65-819. Norwin Public Library, 299 Third Street, Irwin, PA 15642. Norwin Public Library retaining wall in Irwin Borough, Westmoreland County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Irwin, PA Quadrangle N:  13.8 inches; W:  10.42 inches). To place and maintain fill in 0.02 acre of wetlands and along the right bank of an unnamed tributary to Tinkers Run (TSF) and to construct and maintain a 50-foot long, 5-foot high wall and stream bank protection and two outfall structures on the right bank of said steam for the purpose of construction of a library and parking facilities. The project is along the west side of Caruthers Lane, approximately 0.2 mile south of SR 30.

       Northwest Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481.

       E10-373, Cranberry Township, 2525 Rochester Road, Cranberry Township, PA 16066. T-313 Garvin Road Across Wolfe Run in Cranberry Township, Butler County, ACOE Pittsburgh District.

       To remove the existing structure and to install and maintain a 168-foot long concrete arch stream enclosure having a span of 12 feet and a rise of 6 feet or an aluminized steel arch having a span of 14 feet and a rise of 7.25 feet in Wolfe Run and fill a total of 0.129 acre of adjoining wetlands associated with the increase in roadway elevation to improve the roadway grade on T-313 Garvin Road approximately 1 mile east of Ehrman Road (Mars, PA Quadrangle N:  20.1 inches; W:  10.8 inches). Project includes creation of 0.162 acre of replacement wetland adjacent to Wolfe Run and existing wetlands onsite.

       E16-122, Licking Township, P. O. Box 111, Callensburg, PA 16213. T-374 Morris Road Across Licking Creek in Licking Township, Clarion County.

       To remove the existing bridge and to construct and maintain a composite steel I-beam bridge having a clear span of 20.610 meters and a minimum underclearance of 3.618 meters on a 74 degree skew across Licking Creek and impacting a de minimis area (0.03 acre) of wetland (PEM) on T-374 Morris Road (Rimersburg, PA Quadrangle N:  20.9 inches; W:  1.5 inches).

       E61-260, Department of Transportation, District 1-0, 255 Elm Street, P. O. Box 398, Oil City, PA 16301-1412. SR 0036 Bridge Across Pithole Creek in Allegheny Township, Venango County (Pleasantville, PA Quadrangle:  10.1 inches; W:  5.1 inches).

       The applicant proposes to remove the existing structure and:  (1) construct and maintain a prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge having a clear span of 87.75 feet and an underclearance of 6.71 feet on a 60 degree skew across Pithole Creek (CWF, perennial) on SR 0036, Section B00, Segment 0040, Offset 1142 approximately 1,000 feet east of the intersection of SR 0036 and SR 1006 (Bailey Road); and (2) place R-7 rock riprap for scour protection around the left and right abutments and wingwalls.


       Southcentral Region:  Water Management Program Manager, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       EA36-007:  Lancaster County Conservation District, 1383 Arcadia Road, Room 6, Lancaster, PA 17601 in Fulton Township, Lancaster County, ACOE Baltimore District.

       To construct and maintain a 4-inch outfall conveying groundwater from a foundation drain to an UNT to Conowingo Creek (HQ-CWF) on the Daniel K. Miller farm (Wakefield, PA Quadrangle N:  10.4 inches; W:  4.0 inches) in Fulton Township, Lancaster County.


       Central Office:  Bureau of Waterways Engineering, 400 Market Street, Floor 3, P. O. Box 8554, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8554.

       D06-506. City of Reading--Department of Public Works, 815 Washington Street, Reading, PA 19601. To reconstruct, operate and maintain Angelica Lake Dam across Angelica Creek (CWF), for the purpose of reconstructing Angelica Lake in its previous location. The former Angelica Lake Dam overtopped and failed as a result of a major storm event in June 2001. The reconstructed dam is redesigned to meet current Dam Safety regulations and design standards. The new dam's normal pool will be at the former dam's historic, normal pool elevation. This dam is (Reading, PA Quadrangle N:  11.0 inches; W:  6.85 inches) in Cumru Township, Berks County.



    Request for Variance

       The Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Deep Mine Safety (Bureau) has received a request for variance from Maple Creek Mining, Inc. The following notification contains a summary of this request. A complete copy of the variance request may be obtained from Allison Gaida, (724) 439-7469 or from the Bureau website at http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/minres/dms/dms.htm.

       The Department is publishing a summary of the request to solicit comments from affected parties on the proposed variance request. Comments may be used by the Bureau to assist in its investigation of the variance request. Comments will be accepted for 30 days following the publication of this notice. Comments should be addressed to Paul L. Hummel, Acting Director, Bureau of Deep Mine Safety, Fayette County Health Center, 100 New Salem Road, Room 167, Uniontown, PA 15401.

       Section 702 of the Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal Mine Act (act) (52 P. S. §§ 701-702) provides a mechanism for operators to obtain variances from specific requirements of the act to accommodate the adoption of new machinery, equipment, tools, supplies, methods or processes.

       Section 268(b) of the act (52 P. S. §§ 701-268(b)) states that shelter holes shall be provided on the clearance side along designated travelingways, which are also used as haulage entries, other than belt conveyor haulage entries. Shelter holes shall be spaced not more than 80 feet apart.

       Summary of the Request:  Maple Creek Mining, Inc. requests a variance to exceed the 80 feet spacing at the High Quality Mine. The requested shelter hole spacing is not to exceed 120 feet in the mains and submains and 140 feet in the gate-road development.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 03-1187. Filed for public inspection June 20, 2003, 9:00 a.m.]

Document Information