DEPARTMENT OF BANKING Action on Applications [37 Pa.B. 2519]
[Saturday, June 2, 2007]The Department of Banking, under the authority contained in the act of November 30, 1965 (P. L. 847, No. 356), known as the Banking Code of 1965; the act of December 14, 1967 (P. L. 746, No. 345), known as the Savings Association Code of 1967; the act of May 15, 1933 (P. L. 565, No. 111), known as the Department of Banking Code; and the act of December 9, 2002 (P. L. 1572, No. 207), known as the Credit Union Code, has taken the following action on applications received for the week ending May 22, 2007.
BANKING INSTITUTIONS Branch Applications Date Name of Bank Location Action 5-16-07 Marquette Savings Bank
Erie County1073 Park Avenue
Crawford CountyApproved Branch Relocations Date Name of Bank Location Action 5-14-07 The Fidelity Deposit
and Discount Bank
Lackawanna CountyTo: Corner of Green Ridge Street
and Ross Avenue
Lackawanna CountyEffective From: Greenridge Plaza
Lackawanna County5-16-07 Republic First Bank
Philadelphia CountyTo: 421 West Germantown Pike
Plymouth Meeting
Montgomery CountyFiled From: 75 West Germantown Pike
East Norriton
Montgomery CountySAVINGS INSTITUTIONS No activity. CREDIT UNIONS No activity. The Department's website at includes public notices for more recently filed applications.
Acting Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 07-972. Filed for public inspection June 1, 2007, 9:00 a.m.]