1097c Mud Run Watershed in Columbia County?  

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    UNDER ACT 2, 1995


    The following plans and reports were submitted under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101—6026.907).

     Provisions of Sections 301—308 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) (35 P. S. §§ 6026.301—6026.308) require the Department to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of submission of plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the act's remediation standards. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis for selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling analytical results which demonstrate that remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Submission of plans and reports, other than the final report, will also be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. These include the remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan for a site-specific standard remediation. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation; concentration of regulated substances in environmental media; benefits of reuse of the property; and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements.

     For further information concerning plans or reports, contact the environmental cleanup program manager in the Department regional office under which the notice of receipt of plans or reports appears. If information concerning plans or reports is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

     The Department has received the following plans and reports:

    Northeast Region: Eric Supey, Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915.

    W. Brooks 1V/5H Well Site, 13915 Strickland Hill Road, Springville Township, Susquehanna County. James Pinta and David Testa, URS Corporation, 501 Holiday Drive, Suite 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 submitted a Final Report on behalf of their client, Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, 5 Penn Center West, Suite 401, Pittsburgh, PA 15276, concerning the remediation of soil found to have been impacted by drilling mud and brine as a result of a release from a torn reserve pit liner. The report was submitted to document attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Standard and the Background Standard for soil. A Notice of Intent to Remediate was simultaneously submitted.

    Gesford 3 Well Site, Carter Road, Dimock Township, Susquehanna County. James Pinta and David Testa, URS Corporation, 501 Holiday Drive, Foster Plaza 4, Suite 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 have submitted a Final Report (on behalf of their client, Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, 5 Penn Center West, Suite 401, Pittsburgh, PA 15276), concerning the remediation of soil found to have been impacted by a release of diesel fuel and lubricating oil due to a failure in the fuel line supplying the diesel fuel to a mud pump. The report was submitted to document attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Standard for soil. A Notice of Intent to Remediate was simultaneously submitted.


    UNDER ACT 2, 1995


    The Department has taken action on the following plans and reports under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101—6026.907).

     Section 250.8 of 25 Pa. Code and administration of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin a notice of its final actions on plans and reports. A final report is submitted to document cleanup of a release of a regulated substance at a site to one of the remediation standards of the act. A final report provides a description of the site investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants in environmental media, the basis of selecting the environmental media of concern, documentation supporting the selection of residential or nonresidential exposure factors, a description of the remediation performed and summaries of sampling methodology and analytical results which demonstrate that the remediation has attained the cleanup standard selected. Plans and reports required by the act for compliance with selection of remediation to a site-specific standard, in addition to a final report, include a remedial investigation report, risk assessment report and cleanup plan. A remedial investigation report includes conclusions from the site investigation; concentration of regulated substances in environmental media; benefits of reuse of the property; and, in some circumstances, a fate and transport analysis. If required, a risk assessment report describes potential adverse effects caused by the presence of regulated substances. If required, a cleanup plan evaluates the abilities of potential remedies to achieve remedy requirements. A work plan for conducting a baseline remedial investigation is required by the act for compliance with selection of a special industrial area remediation. The baseline remedial investigation, based on the work plan, is compiled into the baseline environmental report to establish a reference point to show existing contamination, describe proposed remediation to be done and include a description of existing or potential public benefits of the use or reuse of the property. The Department may approve or disapprove plans and reports submitted. This notice provides the Department's decision and, if relevant, the basis for disapproval.

     For further information concerning the plans and reports, contact the environmental cleanup program manager in the Department regional office under which the notice of the plan or report appears. If information concerning a final report is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate regional office. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

     The Department has received the following plans and reports:

    Northeast Region: Eric Supey, Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915.

    D. Grosvenor 1H/2V Well Site, State Route 3001 and State Route 3019, Dimock Township, Susquehanna County. James Pinta and David Testa, URS Corporation, 501 Holiday Drive, Foster Plaza 4, Suite 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 submitted a Final Report on behalf of their client, Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, Five Penn Center West, Suite 401, Pittsburgh, PA 15276, concerning the remediation of soil found to have been impacted by brine fluid as a result of an accidental overfill of an aboveground storage tank. The report documented attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Standard and the Background Standard for soil and was approved on May 22, 2012.

    Miller Property, 198 Peggy Runway Road, Berlin Township, Wayne County. Martin Gilgallon and Dean Cruciani, Pennsylvania Tectonics, Inc., 723 Main Street, Archbald, PA 18403 submitted a Final Report on behalf of their client, Stacy Miller, 198 Peggy Runway Road, Beach Lake, PA 18405, concerning the remediation of soil found to have been impacted by No 2 fuel oil as a result of a release from a corrosive, unregulated 275-gallon aboveground storage tank. The report documented attainment of the Residential Statewide Health Standard for soil and was approved on May 22, 2012.

    Fraser 1V/3H/5H/7H/8H Well Site, Forest Lake Township, Susquehanna County. James Pinta and David Testa, URS Corporation, 501 Holiday Drive, Foster Plaza 4, Suite 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 submitted a Final Report on behalf of their client, Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, Five Penn Center West, Suite 401, Pittsburgh, PA 15276, concerning the remediation of soil found to have been impacted by a release of production fluid. The report documented attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and the Background Standard for soil and was approved on May 30, 2012. The report was originally submitted within 90 days of the release.

    Knapik Well Pad, Valley View Road, Liberty Township, Susquehanna County. David Bender, Environmental Resources Management, Inc., 5788 Widewaters Parkway, DeWitt, NY 13214 submitted a Final Report on behalf of his client, WPX Energy Appalachia, LLC, 1645 State Route 11, Nicholson, PA 18446, concerning the remediation of soil found to have been impacted by diesel fuel from a D8 caterpillar bulldozer as a result of a possible act of vandalism. The report documented attainment of the Statewide Health Standard for soil and was approved on May 30, 2012. The report was originally submitted within 90 days of the release.

    Northcentral Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

    Shakespeare and Sons, Inc., City of Dubois, Clearfield County. Skelly & Loy., Inc., 449 Eisenhower Blvd., Suite 300, Harrisburg, Pa 17111 on behalf of DuBois Ventures, Inc., 486 Bush Court, Dubois, PA 15801 has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with Lead, Arsenic, and the groundwater was contaminated with Lead, Dissolved. The Final report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard for groundwater and the Site-Specific Standard for soil and was approved by the Department on June 5, 2012.

    State Game Lands 219, Warren Township, Bradford County. Golder Associates, Inc., 209 North Main Street, Horseheads, NY 14845 on behalf of Talisman Energy USA, Inc., 337 Daniel Zenker Drive, Horseheads, NY 14845 has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soils contaminated with Napthalene, Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4, Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5, Aluminum, Barium and compounds, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese/zinc. The Final report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on April 12, 2012.

    Northwest Region: Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481

    Hunt Marcellus Operating Company Lease/Pennsylvania Timber, LP, Jones Township, Elk County. Hull & Associates, Inc., 300 Business Center Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 on behalf of Integrated Production Services, Inc., 1558 Mt. Pleasant Connellsville Road, Suite 66, Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666 and Pennsylvania Timber, LP, c/o PA Landvest Timberland Division, 628 N. Fraley Street, Suite 1, Kane, PA 16735 has submitted a Final Report concerning the remediation of site soil contaminated with Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, MTBE, Cumene, Naphthalene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, Fluorene, Anthracene, Phen-anthracene, Pyrene, Chrysene, Benzo[a]anthracene, Benzo[a]pyrene, Benzo[g,h,i]perylene. The site was remediated with 90 days of the release. The Final Report demonstrated attainment of the Statewide Health Standard and was approved by the Department on May 29, 2012.

    Lincoln Metal Processing Corporation (Fmr. Lincoln Metal Site), Millcreek Township, Erie County. Environmental Remediation & Recovery, Inc., 4250 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412 on behalf of Lincoln Metal Processing Company, 1602 Selinger Avenue, Erie, PA 16505 has submitted a Request for Determination of Non-Use Aquifer for the site located at 1602 Selinger Avenue, Erie, PA 16505. The Request for Determination of Non-Use Aquifer was approved by the Department on May 22, 2012.


    Permits Issued Under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101—6018.1003), the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (53 P. S. §§ 4000.101—4000.1904) and Regulations to Operate Solid Waste Processing or Disposal Area or Site.

    Southeast Region: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401

    Permit No. 400633. Wheelabrator Falls, Inc., 1201 New Ford Mill Road, Morrisville PA 19067-3701. This application is for the 10-year renewal of the solid waste permit for the continuing operation for Wheelabrator Falls, Inc., Facility, located at 1201 New Ford Mill Road, Morrisville, PA 19067-3701, in Falls Township, Bucks County. The permit was issued by the Southeast Regional Office on May 29, 2012.


    General Plan Approval and Operating Permit Usage Authorized under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001—4015) and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.

    Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401

    Contact: Sachin Shankar, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 484-250-5920

    GP9-09-0034: KPK Development Co., L.P. (700 Penn Valley Road, Fairless Hills, PA 19067) on May 31, 2012, to operate seven (7) diesel/#2 fuel-fired internal combustion engines in Falls Township, Bucks County.

    GP3-46-0104: David Erb Contractors—Florig Equipment Jobsite (906 Ridge Pike, Conshohocken, PA 19428) on May 31, 2012, to operate a portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant in Plymouth Township, Montgomery County.

    GP9-46-0059: David Erb Contractors—Florig Equipment Jobsite (906 Ridge Pike, Conshohocken, PA 19428) On May 31, 2012, to operate two (2) diesel/#2 fuel-fired internal combustion engines in Plymouth Township, Montgomery County.

    GP14-46-0279: Legacy Crematory, LLC. (19 East Germantown Pike, East Norriton, PA 19401) on May 31, 2012, to operate 150 lbs/ hr human cremation unit in East Norriton Township, Montgomery County.

    Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790

    Contact: Ray Kempa, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 570-826-2507

    52-310-015GP3: Holbert Brothers Bluestone Co. (237 Masthope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435) on May 23, 2012, to construct and operate a Portable Crushing Operation with water sprays at their site in Lackawaxen Township, Pike County.

    52-329-003GP9: E.R. Holbert Brothers Bluestone Co. (237 Masthope Plank Road, Lackawaxen, PA 18435) on May 23, 2012, to construct and operate diesel IC engines at their site in Lackawaxen Township, Pike County.

    Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

    Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648

    GP5-57-058A: Appalachia Midstream Service, LLC (6100 North Western Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73118-6114) on May 8, 2012, to construct and operate three (3) 605-hp generator-engines at the Cherry Compressor Station pursuant to the General Plan Approval and/or General Operating Permit for Natural Gas, Coal Bed Methane Or Gob Gas Production Or Recovery Facilities (BAQ-GPA/GP-5). Additionally, this authorization revises the allowable emissions from the three (3) dehydration units at the Cherry Compressor Station in Cherry Township, Sullivan County.

    Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481

    Contact: Edward Orris, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6636

    GP5-33-152A: Dominion Transmission - Stoney Run Station (Route 36, Boomersville, PA 15767) on June 1, 2012, to operate three (3) rich burn, 2 stroke natural gas engines (Ajax Models), one (1) TEG natural gas dehydrator (Lakota Model), one (1) 4,200 gallon produced water storage tank, and one (1) 1,050 gallon dehydrator waste water storage tank, (BAQ-GPA-GP-5) in Gaskill Township, Jefferson County.

    Plan Approvals Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and regulations in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter B relating to construction, modification and reactivation of air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.

    Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790

    Contact: Ray Kempa, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 570-826-2507

    48-399-070: Pan Glo (1230 Win Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18017) on May 21, 2012, for modification of their existing pan cleaning and recoating operation at their facility in Bethlehem, Northampton County.

    Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110

    Contact: Thomas J. Hanlon, Facility Permitting Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4862 or Daniel Husted, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4863

    ER-28-05012B: Volvo Road Machinery, Inc. (312 Volvo Way, Shippensburg, PA 17257-9209) on May 25, 2012, for an Air Quality Emission Reduction Credit (ERC) approval of 6.20 tons of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from the shutdown of Sources 104 and 112 (Small Asphalt Pre-Paint and Small Parts Prime Paint Booth) at the road machinery manufacturing facility in Shippensburg Borough, Franklin County.

    06-05061A: Cambridge-Lee Industries, LLC (P. O. Box 14026, Reading, PA 19612-4026) on May 25, 2012, to install and for temporary operation of a copper tube continuous casting system at their Reading facility in Ontelaunee Township, Berks County.

    Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

    Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648

    57-00004A: Central New York Oil & Gas, LLC (800 Robinson Road, Owego, NY 13827-6801) on May 30, 2012, to construct an 8,180 horsepower, natural gas-fired compressor engine equipped with an oxidation catalyst, a 6,135 horsepower, natural gas-fired compressor engine equipped with an oxidation catalyst, a 1,450 horsepower, natural gas-fired emergency generator, three VOC-containing storage tanks, a parts washer and a 0.35 million Btu per hour, natural gas-fired space heater at their compressor station in Davidson Township, Sullivan County.

    Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481

    Contact: Edward Orris, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6636

    20-123E: Lord Corp. (124 Grant Street, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403) on May 29, 2012, to construct and operate an additional metal parts passivation tank line for the passivation of stainless steel parts at their existing Cambridge Springs Plant in Crawford County. This is a Title V facility.

    Plan Approval Revisions Issued including Extensions, Minor Modifications and Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.13, 127.13a and 127.32.

    Southeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 19401

    Contact: Sachin Shankar, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 484-250-5920

    46-0200C: John Middleton Co. (475 North Lewis Road, Limerick, PA 19468) on May 24, 2012, to operate a regenerative thermal oxidizer in Upper Merion Township, Montgomery County

    46-0020G: Superior Tube Co., Inc. (3900 German- town Pike, Collegeville, PA 19426) on May 25, 2012, to operate a pickling and passivate tanks stack operations in Lower Providence Township, Montgomery County

    Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110

    Contact: Thomas J. Hanlon, Facility Permitting Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4862 or Daniel Husted, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4863

    44-05001C: Standard Steel (500 North Walnut Street, Burnham, PA 17009-1644) on May 31, 2012, to construct a baghouse and modify existing fume control system for existing electric arc furnaces at their steel manufacturing facility in Burnham Borough, Mifflin County. The plan approval was extended.

    Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

    Contact: Muhammad Q. Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648

    08-00030A: Angelina Gathering Co. (2350 North Sam Houston Parkway East, Houston, TX 77009) on May 14, 2012, to extend authorization to construct four (4) natural-gas-fired compressor engines each equipped with oxidation catalysts and to construct two (2) natural gas glycol dehydration units each equipped with reboiler fireboxes at their Greenzweig Compressor Station in Herrick Township, Bradford County to November 8, 2012. The plan approval has been extended.

    41-00079A: Eureka Resources, LLC (454 Pine Street, Williamsport, PA 17701) on May 29, 2012, to extend authorization to operate a gas well water treatment operation at their facility in Williamsport, Lycoming County on a temporary basis to November 25, 2012. The plan approval has been extended.

    59-00005J: Dominion Transmission, Inc. (445 West Main Street, Clarksburg, WV 26301) on May 30, 2012, to extend the authorization to construct a 12.07 million Btu per hour ETI model THE-1207 natural-gas fired salt bath heater (Source ID 044) and a 3.0 million Btu per hour Ajax model WRFG-3000 natural-gas fired boiler (Source ID 045) at their Sabinsville Compressor Station in Clymer Township, Tioga County to November 29, 2012. The plan approval has been extended.

    59-00002C: Dominion Transmission, Inc. (445 West Main Street, Clarksburg, WV 26301) on May 30, 2012, to extend authorization to install oxidation catalysts (Control Devices C101 and C102) to control the carbon monoxide and non-methane hydrocarbon emissions from the two (2) existing natural gas-fired compressor engines (Source ID P101 and P102) and to modify the volatile organic compounds emission limitations for Source IDs P101 and P102 at the Dominion Transmission, Inc. Tioga Compressor Station in Farmington Township, Tioga County to November 29, 2012. The plan approval has been extended.

    17-00001D: GenON REMA, LLC (121 Champion Way, Canonsburg, PA 15317) on May 26, 2012, to extend the temporary period of operation of the carbon injection system on Units 3 and 4 for 180 days. The plan approval contains monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements to demonstrate compliance with State and Federal regulatory requirements. The plan approval has been extended.

    08-00031A: Appalachia Midstream Services, LLC (6100 North Western Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73118-6114) on May 30, 2012, to extend the temporary period of operation of the eight (8) compressor-engines for 180 days. The plan approval contains monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements to demonstrate compliance with State and Federal regulatory requirements. The plan approval has been extended.

    19-00028A: White Pines Corp. (515 SR 442, Millville PA 17846) on May 30, 2012, to extend the temporary period of operation of the ammonia stripper for 180 days. The plan approval contains monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements to demonstrate compliance with State and Federal regulatory requirements. The plan approval has been extended.

    Southwest Region: Air Quality Program, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745

    Contact: M. Gorog & B. Hatch, Environmental Engineer Managers—Telephone: 412-442-4163/5226

    04-00730: Lindy Paving, Inc. (586 Northgate Circle, New Castle, PA 16105) on June 13, 2012, for an extension with an expiration date of December 13, 2012, to authorize continued temporary operation of air contamination sources and controls at their Big Beaver Asphalt Plant in Big Beaver Borough, Beaver County.

    Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481

    Contact: Edward Orris, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6636

    10-325A: Butler VA Medical Center (325 New Castle Road, Butler, PA 16001) on May 31, 2012, for three (3) existing 25.4 MMBtu/hr capacity gas and #2 fuel oil fired boilers at their facility in Butler Township, Butler County.

    Title V Operating Permits Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G.

    Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110

    Contact: Thomas J. Hanlon, Facility Permitting Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4862 or Daniel Husted, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4863

    06-05105: Green Gas-Pioneer Crossing Energy, LLC (4251 SW High Meadows Avenue, Palm City, FL 34990-3726) on May 30, 2012, for their landfill-gas-to-energy plant at the Pioneer Crossing Landfill in Exeter Township, Berks County.

    Northcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

    Contact: Muhammad Zaman, Environmental Program Manager—Telephone: 570-327-3648

    47-00001: PPL Montour LLC (PO Box 128, Washington-ville, PA 17884-0128) on May 30, 2012, to issue a renewal Title V Operating Permit 47-00001 for their facility in Derry Township, Montour County. Renewal Title V Operating Permit 47-00001 contains monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions to ensure compliance with all applicable Federal and State air regulatory requirements for stationary sources. Additionally, the Title V operating permit includes monitoring requirements from 40 CFR Part 64, relating to Compliance Assurance Monitoring, and the requirements from the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) are included in the operating permit. The Phase II Acid Rain Permit, Title IV Operating Permit 47-00001, was also issued with renewal Title V Operating Permit 47-00001.

    Operating Permits for Non-Title V Facilities Issued under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter F.

    Northeast Region: Air Quality Program, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790

    Contact: Ray Kempa, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 570-826-2507

    64-00006: Hanson Aggregates Pa, LLC—Lake Ariel Hot Mix Asphalt Plant (7660 Imperial Way, Allentown, PA 18195) on May 31, 2012, for asphalt paving mixtures and blocks in Lake Township, Wayne County. The sources consist of a Batch Hot Mix Asphalt Plant, hot oil heaters (2), and a RAP Facility. The sources are considered minor emission sources of nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and VOC's. This is a renewal of the State-Only Synthetic Minor operating permit. The State-Only operating permit includes applicable state and federal requirements, work practice standards, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

    64-00012: Wayne County Memorial Hospital (601 Park Street, Honesdale, PA 18431) on May 31, 2012, for operation of a facility State-only natural minor operating permit for the ETO sterilizer and catalytic incinerator operations in Honesdale Borough, Wayne County. The renewal permit contains requirements including monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting conditions to ensure compliance with applicable Federal and State regulations.

    40-00096: DMS Shredding, Inc. (9 Fellow Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706-5231) on June 4, 2012, for operation of a metal shredding operation in Hanover Township, Luzerne County. The source is a light metal shredder whose emissions are controlled by a cyclone and venture scrubber. The source is considered a minor source of particulate emissions. This is a renewal of a State-Only Operating Permit. The State-Only operating permit includes emissions, work practice standards and testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.

    39-00095: American Atelier, Inc. (2132 Downyflake Lane, Allentown, PA 18103) on May 31, 2012, to operate a spray coating operation in the City of Allentown, Lehigh County. The source consists of eleven spray booths that are considered a minor source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions. This is a new State-Only Operating Permit. The State-Only operating permit includes emissions, work practice standards and testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements designed to keep the facility operating within all applicable air quality requirements.

    39-00083: Filmtech Corp. (2121 31st Street, Allentown, PA 18103) on May 31, 2012, for renewal of a Facility State-only Natural Minor Operating Permit to operate Polyethylene Extrusion Lines in the City of Allentown, Lehigh County. The renewal Permit contains applicable requirements for emissions limitations, monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting and work practice standards designed to ensure facility compliance with Federal and State air pollution regulations.

    Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110

    Contact: Thomas J. Hanlon, Facility Permitting Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4862 or Daniel Husted, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4863

    36-03055: New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc. (PO Box 550, Blue Ball, PA 17506-0550) on May 23, 2012, for the stone quarry operation in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County. The State-only permit was renewed.

    38-05020: Keystone Protein Co. (PO Box 37, Fredericksburg, PA 17026-0037) on May 30, 2012, for the rendering and meat by-product processing facility in Bethel Township, Lebanon County. The State-only permit was renewed.

    Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481

    Contact: Edward Orris, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 814-332-616636

    25-00095: Lord Corp., MPD (1635 West 12th Street, Erie, PA 16514) on May 24, 2012, to re-issue a Synthetic Minor Permit to operate a Fabricated Rubber Products Manufacturing Facility located in Erie City, Erie County. The facility has voluntary limits for VOC and HAP emissions in order to maintain Synthetic Minor status.

    25-00891: Corry Contract Inc. (21 Maple Avenue, Corry, PA 16407-1630) on June 1, 2012, for a renewal Synthetic Minor Permit to operate an office furniture manufacturing facility in City of Corry, Erie County. The emitting sources included, 1) Miscellaneous natural gas usage, 2) Boiler, 3) Third floor paint booth (5), 4) Touch up booths (3), 5) Batch oven (Touch-Up), 6) Cure oven, 7) Pyrolysis oven, 8) Liquid paint booths, 9) Plant II curing oven, 10) Degreaser unit, 11) Two old laser cutters and, 12) One new laser cutter with dust collector. The facility is synthetic minor because the facility has taken an elective emission restriction on the VOC emissions of less than 49.9 tons per year based on a 12-month rolling total.

    37-00274: Kasgro Rail Corp. (121 Rundle Road, New Castle, PA 16101) on May 29, 2012, for a renewal operating permit in Taylor Township, Lawrence County. The facility manufactures and surface coats rail cars. The significant sources at the facility are the M/U air furnace, a paint booth, a blast booth, welding / fabricating operations. The VOC emissions from the facility are less than 10 TPY. The conditions of the previous plan approvals and operating permit were incorporated into the renewal permit.

    62-00172: Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc., (711 East College Avenue, Bellefonte, PA 16823) on June 1, 2012, issued a new State Only Operating Permit for the Brokenstraw Mine in Pittsfield Township, Warren County. The facility is a Natural Minor. The primary sources at the facility are sand and gravel processing plants and diesel engines. The permit contains emission restrictions, recordkeeping, and work practice requirements to ensure compliance with the Clean Air Act and the Air Pollution Control Act. The conditions of previous plan approvals were incorporated into the new operating permit. The permit incorporates the applicable requirements of New Source Performance Standards for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants (40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOO) and New Source Performance Standards for Stationary CI ICE (40 CFR Part 60 Subpart IIII) and NESHAPS for Stationary RICE (40 CFR Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ).

    Operating Permit Revisions Issued including Administrative Amendments, Minor Modifications or Transfers of Ownership under the Air Pollution Control Act and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.412, 127.450, 127.462 and 127.464.

    Southcentral Region: Air Quality Program, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110

    Contact: Thomas J. Hanlon, Facility Permitting Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4862 or Daniel Husted, New Source Review Chief—Telephone: 717-705-4863

    67-05041: DLA Installation Support—Susquehanna (S Avenue & 3rd Street, Building 750, New Cumberland, PA 17070) on May 29, 2012, for their DLA Installation Support facility in Fairview Township, Cumberland County. The Title V permit was administratively amended to incorporate the provisions of Plan Approval No. 67-05041A.

    06-05096: Reading Hospital & Medical Center (PO Box 16052, Reading, PA 19612) on May 29, 2012, for the boilers, generators and turbines at the Reading Hospital in West Reading Borough, Berks County. The State-only permit was administratively amended to incorporate the requirements of Plan Approval No. 06-05096C.

    Northwest Region: Air Quality Program, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481

    Contact: Matthew Williams, Facilities Permitting Chief—Telephone: 814-332-6131

    37-00328: Resco Products, Inc.—Shenango Advanced Ceramics (606 McCleary Avenue, New Castle, PA 16101) on May 29, 2012, issued an administrative amendment to the State Operating Permit to incorporate the change in responsible official and permit contact for their facility in New Castle City, Lawrence County.


    Actions on applications under the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.1—1396.19a); the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 3301—3326); The Clean Streams Law; the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S. §§ 30.51—30.66); and The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1406.1—1406.20a). The final action on each application also constitutes action on the NPDES permit application and, if noted, the request for a Section 401 Water Quality Certification. Mining activity permits issued in response to applications will also address the application permitting requirements of the following statutes: the Air Quality Pollution Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001—4014); the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1—693.27); and the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101—6018.1002).

    Coal Applications Returned

    California District Office: 25 Technology Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423, 724-769-1100

    56950702 and NPDES Permit No. PA0214914. PBS Coals, Inc., (P. O. Box 260, Friedens, PA 15541-0260). To revise the permit for the Cambria Refuse Disposal Area in Stonycreek Township, Somerset County to add acreage for a haulroad and add an NPDES discharge point. In conjunction with this approval, the Department is granting 401 Water Quality Certification certifying that the approved activities will comply with the applicable provisions of Sections 301—303, 306, and 307 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341) and will not violate applicable Federal and State Water Quality Standards. Coal Refuse Disposal Support Acres Proposed 17.6. Receiving stream: Schrock Run; classified for the following use: CWF/TMDL. The application was considered administratively complete on June 4, 2010. Application received: November 9, 2009. Application withdrawn: May 17, 2012.

    Coal Permits Actions

    California District Office: 25 Technology Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423, 724-769-1100

    33071301 and NPDES Permit No. PA0236080. Rosebud Mining Company, (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201-9642). To operate the Kocjancic Mine in Snyder Township, Jefferson County and Horton Township, Elk County a new underground coal mine and related NPDES permit. Surface Acres Proposed 33.3, Underground Acres Proposed 1735.0, Subsidence Control Plan Acres Proposed 1735.0. Receiving streams: East Branch Walburn Run and Unnamed Tributary #1 to East Branch Walburn Run, both classified for the following use: CWF. The application was considered administratively complete on August 13, 2007. Application received: June 29, 3007. Permit issued: May 24, 2012.

    32971303 and NPDES Permit No. PA0215066. Rosebud Mining Company, (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201-9642). To revise the permit for the Penn View Mine in West Wheatfield and Burrell Townships, Indiana County for a post-mining land use change from pastureland and forestland to unmanaged natural habitat for 17.4 surface acres. No additional discharges. The application was considered administratively complete on October 21, 2010. Application received: July 8, 2010. Permit issued: June 4, 2012.

    03961301 and NPDES Permit No. PA0214787. Rosebud Mining Company, (301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201-9642). To revise the permit for the Tracy Lynne Mine in Parks and Kiskiminetas Townships, Armstrong County to add underground mine permit and subsidence control plan area acres. Underground Acres Proposed 248.0, Subsidence Control Plan Acres Proposed 248.0. No additional discharges. The application was considered administratively complete on December 19, 2011. Application received: August 29, 2011. Permit issued: June 4, 2012.

    Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-1900

    11070101 and NPDES No. PA0262285. Bedrock Mines, LP, 111 Freeport Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15215, permit renewal for reclamation only of a bituminous surface mine in Elder Township, Cambria County, affecting 24.2 acres. Receiving stream(s): Chest Creek; Brubaker Run classified for the following use(s): cold water fishery. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: January 27, 2012. Permit issued: May 25, 2012.

    56060108 and NPDES No. PA0249921. Rosebud Mining Company, 301 Market Street, Kittanning, PA 16201, revision of an existing bituminous surface mine to add a haul road to the SMP in Brothersvalley Township, Somerset County, affecting 98.3 acres. Receiving stream(s): UTS to/and Millers Run classified for the following use(s): cold water fishery. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: July 19, 2011. Permit issued: May 11, 2012.

    Knox District Mining Office: P. O. Box 669, 310 Best Avenue, Knox, PA 16232-0669, 814-797-1191

    16060107 and NPDES No. PA0258199. Ancient Sun, Inc. (P. O. Box 129, Shippenville, PA 16254). Renewal of an existing bituminous surface mine in Ashland Township, Clarion County affecting 62.0 acres. This renewal is issued for reclamation only. Receiving streams: Unnamed tributary to Little East Sandy Creek. Application received: February 24, 2012. Permit issued: May 30, 2012.

    Moshannon District Mining Office: 186 Enterprise Drive, Philipsburg, PA 16866, 814-342-8200

    17010108 and NPDES No. PA0243108. Swisher Contracting, Inc. (P. O. Box 1223, Clearfield, PA 16830). Renewal permit issued for reclamation only to an existing bituminous surface mine, located in Lawrence Township, Clearfield County, affecting 76 acres. Receiving stream: Orr's Run to West Branch Susquehanna River, classified for the following uses: Cold Water Fishery. There are no potable water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Application received: April 25, 2012. Permit issued: May 23, 2012.

    Noncoal Permits Actions

    Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-1900

    34102801. Quarry Cut, Inc., 77 Wells Road, Parker Ford, PA 19457, commencement, operation and restoration of a small noncoal (industrial minerals) operation in Spruce Hill Township, Juniata County, affecting 5.0 acres. Receiving stream(s): Hunters Creek and unnamed tributaries to Tuscarora Creek. Application received: May 7, 2010. Permit issued: May 25, 2012.

    SNC No. 34102801-GP104. Quarry Cut, Inc., 77 Wells Road, Parker Ford, PA 19457. General NPDES Permit for stormwater discharges associated with mining activities on Surface Mining Permit No. SNC 34102801 in Spruce Hill and Turbett Townships, Juniata County. Receiving streams: Hunter's Creek and unnamed tributary to Tuscarora Creek classified for the following uses: CWF, MF. There are no potable supplies located within 10 miles downstream. Notice of Intent to Coverage received: March 23, 2011. Coverage approved: May 25, 2012.

    34092803. Quarry Cut, Inc., 77 Wells Road, Parker Ford, PA 19457, commencement, operation and restoration of a small noncoal (industrial minerals) operation in Sprucehill Township, Juniata County, affecting 5.0 acres. Receiving stream(s): Hunters Creek and unnamed tributaries to Tuscarora Creek. Application received: December 24, 2009. Permit issued: May 24, 2012.

    SNC No. 34092803-GP104. Quarry Cut, Inc., 77 Wells Road, Parker Ford, PA 19457. General NPDES Permit for stormwater discharges associated with mining activities on Surface Mining Permit No. SNC 34092803 in Spruce Hill and Turbett Townships, Juniata County. Receiving streams: Hunter's Creek and unnamed tributary to Tuscarora Creek classified for the following uses: CWF, MF. There are no potable supplies located within 10 miles downstream. Notice of Intent to Coverage received: March 23, 2011. Coverage approved: May 24, 2012.


     The Department has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341).

     Except as otherwise noted, the Department has granted 401 Water Quality Certification certifying that the construction and operation described will comply with sections 301—303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1311—1313, 1316 and 1317) and that the construction will not violate applicable Federal and State water quality standards.

     Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal that action to the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704. The appeal should be sent to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create a right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.

     For individuals who wish to challenge an action, the appeal must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.

     Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.

    Actions on applications for the following activities filed under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1—693.27), section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and The Clean Streams Law and Notice of Final Action for Certification under section 401 of the FWPCA.

    Permits, Environmental Assessments and 401 Water Quality Certifications Issued:


    Southwest Region: Waterways and Wetlands Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745.

    E03-457. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, District 10-0, PO Box 429, Indiana, PA 15701, Boggs Township, Armstrong County; ACOE Pittsburgh District.

     The applicant has been given consent to construct and maintain the following:

     1. remove the existing SR 28 two lane, 16.5 foot wide, single span bridge having a total length of 40 feet, and having a minimum underclearance of 7.5 feet in the North Fork of Pine Creek (HQ-CWF) with a drainage area of 3.5 square miles; construct and maintain a two lane 45.5 foot wide by 210 foot long two span bridge having a minimum underclearance of 23 feet;

     2. remove the existing SR 28, 6 foot wide, 3.5 foot radius, open bottom arch culvert having a total length of 84 feet; construct and maintain a replacement 6 foot diameter 132 foot long RCP enclosure depressed 1 foot in an unnamed tributary to the North Fork of Pine Creek (HQ-CWF) with a drainage area of 0.14 square miles;

     3. remove the existing SR 1018, 3 foot diameter culvert having a total length of 261 feet; construct and maintain a replacement 6 foot diameter 48 foot long RCP culvert depressed 1 foot in an unnamed tributary to the North Fork of Pine Creek (HQ-CWF) with a drainage area of 0.14 square miles;

     4. in addition a total of 0.22 acre of permanent PEM/PSS exceptional value wetland will be filled and maintained; construct and maintain 260 feet of stream relocation on drainage areas less than 100 acres; installation of road associated stormwater outfalls; and the construction and maintenance of 930 feet of stream restoration to the North Fork of Pine Creek (HQ-CWF) and the construction and maintenance of 0.44 acre of replacement wetland will be created at the site.

     This project is associated with Slabtown SR 28 improvement work with these encroachments extending approximately 0.25 mile east and 0.25 mile west of the SR 28 intersection with SR 1018 in the Boggs Township, Armstrong County (beginning Templeton PA Quadrangle, North 0.4 inch and West 3.4 inches; Latitude 40° 52` 38" and Longitude -79° 23` 59" and extending North 0.7 inches and West 2.6 inches; Latitude 40° 52`' 40" and Longitude -79° 23` 40")

    Northwest Region: Watershed Management Program Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335.

    E10-475, PA Department of Transportation, District 10-0, P. O. Box 429, Indiana, PA 15701, in Adams Township, Butler County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Mars, PA Quadrangle N: 40°, 41`, 10.4"; W: 80°, 0`, 6.3").

     To conduct the following activities associated with the Concrete Arch Culvert extension over Breakneck Creek, reconstruction and widening of State Route 0228 and improvements to the signalized intersection of SR 228 and Mars-Valencia Road (SR 3015).

     1. To fill a total of 0.25 acre of wetland area.

     2. To install and maintain a 75ft long, Concrete Arch Culvert extension over Breakneck Creek (WWF).

     3. To place a Rock apron along 17 ft. of stream within Breakneck Creek (WWF).

     4. To replace and maintain a 32 ft. long, 24 in. RCP Culvert within a Tributary to Breakneck Creek (WWF).

     5. To install and maintain a 220 ft. long, 54 in. CMP Culvert and Manhole, that outlets into a proposed Storm Water Management Pond impacting 266 ft. of a Tributary to Breakneck Creek (WWF).

     6. To install and maintain a 35 ft. long, 18 in. to 24 in. CMP Culvert and Manhole that outlets to a Tributary to Breakneck Creek (WWF).

     Project includes replacement of 0.25 acre of impacted wetlands in conjunction with the SR79/SR228 Interchange Project under DEP Permit No. E10-472.

    E37-176A, Mahoning Township, 4538 West State Street, Hillsville, PA 16132. Mahoning Township WWTP and Sewer Line Project, in Mahoning Township, Lawrence County, ACOE Pittsburgh District (Edinburg, PA Quadrangle N: 41°, 0`, 59.0"; W: 80°, 26`, 31.1").

     To amend permit No. E37-176, which authorized the construction and maintenance of a 0.36 MGD wastewater treatment plant and associated sewage collection system. The proposed amendment will modify the project to eliminate the originally proposed underground siphon pipe sewer line stream crossing of the Mahoning River in favor of a gravity sewer line that will be attached to the structure of the S.R. 224 bridge over the Mahoning River and buried within an approximate 15 foot high earthern embankment along the western side of S.R. 224 from the southern end of the bridge to the S.R. 551 intersection. The construction of the earthern embankment along S.R. 224 will result in the filling of three PSS/PFO wetlands, totaling 0.15 acre. In addition to the 0.04 acre of previously permitted wetland impacts, the total combined wetland impacts associated with the project is 0.19 acre. The applicant has proposed contribution to the PA Wetland Replacement Fund for replacement of 0.19 acre of wetland impact.

    District Oil & Gas Operations: Eastern Oil & Gas District, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701

    E5929-022: SWEPI LP, 190 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086, Union Township, Tioga County, ACOE Baltimore District.

     To construct, operate, and maintain:

     1) a temporary road crossing using 20 foot long, 18 inch diameter corrugated metal pipe, an 8 inch diameter natural gas gathering line, a 10 inch diameter and a 6 inch diameter fresh water line, and a fiber optic cable impacting 140 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to West Mill Creek (HQ-CWF) (Ralston, PA Quadrangle 41° 33`40"N 77°02`34"W);

     2) a temporary road crossing using 20 foot long, 18 inch diameter corrugated metal pipe, an 8 inch diameter natural gas gathering line, a 10 inch diameter and a 6 inch diameter fresh water line, and a fiber optic cable impacting 65 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to West Mill Creek (HQ-CWF) (Ralston, PA Quadrangle 41°33` 36"N 77°02`49"W);

     3) a temporary road crossing using a wood mat bridge, an 8 inch diameter natural gas gathering line, a 10 inch diameter and a 6 inch diameter fresh water line, and a fiber optic cable impacting 2,315 square feet of a palustrine emergent (PEM) wetland (Ralston, PA Quadrangle 41°34`50"N 76°58`16" W);

     4) a temporary road crossing using a wood mat bridge, an 8 inch diameter natural gas gathering line, a 10 inch diameter and a 6 inch diameter fresh water line, and a fiber optic cable impacting 904 square feet of an exceptional value palustrine forested (EV-PFO) wetland (Ralston Quadrangle 41°33`12"N 77°03`15"W);

     5) a temporary road crossing using a wood mat bridge, an 8 inch diameter natural gas gathering line, a 10 inch diameter and a 6 inch diameter fresh water line, and a fiber optic cable impacting 1,535 square feet of a palustrine emergent (PEM) wetland (Ralston Quadrangle 41°33`27"N 77°03`25"W).

     The project will result in 205 linear feet of temporary stream impacts, 3,850 square feet (.09 acre) of temporary wetland impacts, and 904 square feet (0.02 acre) of permanent wetland impacts all for the purpose of installing a natural gas gathering line, fresh water lines, a fiber optic cable, and associated access roadways.

    E5829-009. Williams Marcellus Gathering, LLC; 1000 Town Center, Suite 130, Canonsburg, PA 15317; Bridgewater and Silver Lake Township, Susquehanna County, ACOE Baltimore District.

     To construct, operate, and maintain:

     1) an 8" steel natural gas gathering line and a 16" HDPE waterline crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 4 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 52` 36", Longitude -75° 53` 37"),

     2) an 8" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and timber mat bridge crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 48 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 52` 38", Longitude -75° 53` 42"),

     3) an 8" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat bridge crossing a Palustrine Emergent Wetlands (PEM) impacting 156 square feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 52` 46", Longitude -75° 53` 42"),

     4) an 8" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat bridge crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 43 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 52` 52", Longitude -75° 53` 41"),

     5) an 8" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat bridge crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 43 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 52` 53", Longitude -75° 53` 41"),

     6) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat bridge crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 41 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 04", Longitude -75° 53` 37"),

     7) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat bridge crossing a Palustrine Emergent Wetlands (PEM) impacting 718 square feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 10", Longitude -75° 53` 38"),

     8) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line and a 16" HDPE waterline crossing a Palustrine Emergent Wetlands/Scrub Shrub (PEM/PSS) impacting 1,503 square feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 19", Longitude -75° 53` 38"),

     9) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line and a 16" HDPE waterline crossing Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 75 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 19", Longitude -75° 53` 38"),

     10) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, a timber mat bridge crossing a Palustrine Emergent Wetlands (PEM) impacting 61 square feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 30", Longitude -75° 53` 44"),

     11) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat bridge crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 78 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 32", Longitude -75° 53` 45"),

     12) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat bridge crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 59 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 34", Longitude -75° 53` 45"),

     13) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat bridge crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 40 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 38", Longitude -75° 53` 46"),

     14) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat crossing a Palustrine Emergent Wetlands (PEM) impacting 274 square feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 38", Longitude -75° 53` 51"),

     15) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF - EV) impacting 49 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 37", Longitude -75° 54` 03"),

     16) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat crossing a Palustrine Emergent Wetlands (PEM) impacting 470 square feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 36", Longitude -75° 54` 05"),

     17) a temporary timber mat crossing a Palustrine Emergent Wetlands (PEM) impacting 59 square feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 31", Longitude -75° 54` 21"),

     18) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat bridge crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 45 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 29", Longitude -75° 54` 30"),

     19) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line and a 16" HDPE waterline crossing a Palustrine Emergent Wetlands (PEM) impacting 50 square feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 28", Longitude -75° 54` 34"),

     20) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line and a 16" HDPE waterline crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 10 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 28", Longitude -75° 54` 36"),

     21) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line and a 16" HDPE waterline crossing a Palustrine Emergent Wetlands (PEM) impacting 50 square feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 28", Longitude -75° 54` 36"),

     22) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat bridge crossing an unnamed tributary to Fall Brook (Chap. 93 CWF, MF—EV) impacting 48 lineal feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 29", Longitude -75° 54` 53"),

     23) a 12" steel natural gas gathering line, a 16" HDPE waterline, and a timber mat crossing a Palustrine Forested Wetlands (PFO) impacting 1,532 square feet (Laurel Lake, PA Quadrangle; Latitude 41° 53` 28", Longitude -75° 54` 58").

     The project will begin at the existing Markovitch Well Pad and convey natural gas 3.07 miles, within 8" and 12" natural gas gathering line, to a meter station at the Hayes well pad; prior to entering the existing Laser Northeast Natural Gas Pipeline System. This project will result in the impact of 613 lineal feet of stream channel. The project will result in the impact of 3,623 square feet (0.08 acre) of wetlands.

    E5829-006: Appalachia Midstream Services, LLC, 101 N. Main Street, Athens, PA 18810, Elkland Township, Susquehanna County, ACOE Baltimore District.

     To construct, operate, and maintain:

     1. a 20.0-inch diameter natural gas gathering line impacting 50 feet of unnamed tributary to Deer Lick Creek (CWF) (Auburn Center, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 44` 07", Longitude: 76° 02` 58"),

     2. a 20.0-inch diameter natural gas gathering line impacting 9,400 square feet of a palustrine emergent (PEM) wetland (Auburn Center, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 44` 07", Longitude: 76° 02` 07"),

     3. a 20.0-inch diameter natural gas gathering line impacting 50 feet of unnamed tributary to Deer Lick Creek (CWF) (Auburn Center, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 44` 33", Longitude: 76° 01` 44"),

     4. a 20.0-inch diameter natural gas gathering line impacting 75 feet of unnamed tributary to Deer Lick Creek (CWF) (Auburn Center, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 44` 44", Longitude: 76° 01` 34"),

     5. a 20.0-inch diameter natural gas gathering line boring beneath Deer Lick Creek (CWF) impacting 8 feet (Auburn Center, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 44` 56", Longitude: 76° 01` 14"),

     6. one 87 inch x 66 inch elliptical culvert for a permanent access road across Deer Lick Creek (CWF) impacting 44 feet (Auburn Center, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 44` 57", Longitude: 76° 01` 17"),

     7. a 16.0-inch diameter natural gas gathering line impacting 4,880 square feet of a palustrine emergent wetland (Lawton, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41 °45` 44", Longitude: 76° 01` 36"),

     8. a 16.0-inch diameter natural gas gathering line impacting 50 feet of Lake Stream (CWF) (Lawton, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 46` 00", Longitude: 76° 01` 31"),

     9. a permanent access road impacting 1,529 square feet of a palustrine emergent (PEM) wetland (Lawton, PA Quadrangle, Latitude: 41° 45` 52", Longitude: 76° 01` 38").

     The project will result in 311 lineal feet of temporary stream impacts, 64 lineal feet of permanent stream impacts, and 0.22 acre of temporary wetland impacts from the natural gas gathering line installation and associated access roads all for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining a natural gas gathering line with associated access roads for Marcellus gas well development.

    E5329-007. Victory Energy Corporation, 220 Airport Road, Indiana, PA, 15701-8944. Pike Township, Potter County, ACOE Baltimore District. (Marshlands, PA Quadrangle, N: 21.41 inches; W: 15.29 inches, Latitude: 41°44`33.26"N, Longitude: 77°36`41.82"W).

     To construct, operate and maintain a water withdrawal on Pine Creek (EV) utilizing a 4 inch flexible hose connected to a submerged intake structure on the southern side of Pine Creek impacting 14.1 feet of Pine Creek, 117 feet of EV wetlands in the floodplain of Pine Creek, and 25 feet of an overflow channel of Pine Creek all for the purpose of obtaining water to utilize for obtaining natural gas from the Marcellus Shale.

    E4129-019: Anadarko Marcellus Midstream, L.L.C., 33 West Third Street, Suite 200, Williamsport, PA 17701, Cascade and Gamble Townships, Lycoming County, ACOE Baltimore District.

     To construct, operate, and maintain:

     1) a temporary road crossing using a timber mat bridge, two 6 inch flex steel gas lines, one 24 inch gas line, one 16 inch steel waterline, and one electric/fiber optic line impacting 3,730 square feet of a palustrine forested (PFO) wetland (Bodines PA Quadrangle 41°26` 22"N 76°55`32"W),

     2) a temporary road crossing using a timber mat bridge, two 6 inch flex steel gas lines, one 16 inch gas line, one 16 inch steel waterline, and one electric/fiber optic line impacting 83 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Slacks Run (HQ-CWF, MF) (Bodines PA Quadrangle 41°26`22"N 76°55`32"W),

     3) a temporary road crossing using a timber mat bridge, two 6 inch flex steel gas lines, one 16 inch gas line, one 16 inch steel waterline, and one electric/fiber optic line impacting 79 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Slacks Run (HQ-CWF, MF) (Bodines PA Quadrangle 41°26`24"N 76°55`31"W),

     4) two six inch flex steel gas lines, one 16 inch gas line, one 16 inch steel waterline, and one electric/fiber optic line impacting 9701 square feet of palustrine forested (PFO) wetland adjacent to Slacks Run Road (Bodines PA Quadrangle 41°26`47"N 76°55`09"W),

     5) a temporary road crossing using a timber mat bridge, two 6 inch flex steel gas lines, one 24 inch gas line, one 16 inch steel waterline, and one electric/fiber optic line impacting 17044 square feet of a palustrine forested (PFO) wetland (Bodines PA Quadrangle 41°26` 59"N 76°54`51"W),

     6) a temporary road crossing using a timber mat bridge, two 6 inch flex steel gas lines, one 16 inch gas line, one 16 inch steel waterline, and one electric/fiber optic line impacting 177 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Slacks Run (HQ-CWF, MF) (Bodines PA Quadrangle 41°26`59"N 76°54`51"W),

     7) a temporary road crossing using a timber mat bridge, two 6 inch flex steel gas lines, one 24 inch gas line, one 16 inch steel waterline, and one electric/fiber optic line impacting 1378 square feet of a palustrine forested (PFO) wetland (Bodines PA Quadrangle 41°27` 18"N 76°54`50"W).

     The project will result in 339 linear feet of temporary stream impacts and 0.73 acre of temporary wetland impacts all for the purpose of installing a natural gas and water pipelines with associated access roadways for Marcellus well development.


    Central Office: Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands, Rachel Carson State Office Building, Floor 3, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17105

    D64-001. Reservoir #7 Dam, Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc., 762 W. Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010. To operate and maintain the Reservoir #7 Dam across Racket Brook (CWF), having no proposed impacts to waterways or wetlands, for the purpose of complying with Department regulations. (Waymart, PA Quadrangle N: 15.0 inches; W: 11.0 inches) in Canaan Township, Wayne County.


     The following Erosion and Sediment Control permits have been issued.

     Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal that action to the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704. The appeal should be sent to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, PO Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create a right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.

     For individuals who wish to challenge an action, the appeal must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.

     Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.

    Eastern Region: Oil & Gas Management Program Manager, 208 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-115-0088
    Applicant Name Appalachia Midstream Services, LLC
    Contact Person Patrick Myers, Jr.
    Address 100 Ist Center
    City, State, Zip Horseheads, NY 14845
    County Susquehanna County
    Township(s) Rush Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Tributary 29822  to East Branch Wyalusing Creek, Tributary 29823 to  East Branch Wyalusing Creek, Tributary 29901 to  Middle Branch Wyalusing Creek, (All CWF), Wysox- Wyalusing Creeks Watershed;
     Secondary: Wyalusing Creek Watershed

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-081-0067
    Applicant Name Southwestern Energy Production Com pany
    Contact Person Dave Sweeley
    Address 917 State Route 92 North
    City, State, Zip Tunkhannock, PA 18657
    County Lycoming County
    Township(s) Cogan House Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Flicks  Run, Flicks Run, UNT to Steam Valley Run, Steam  Valley Run (All EV)

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-015-0102
    Applicant Name Angelina Gathering Company, LLC
    Contact Person Danny Spaulding
    Address 2350 N. Sam Houston Parkway E., Suite 125
    City, State, Zip Houston, TX 77032
    County Bradford County
    Township(s) Herrick Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Rum merfield Creek (WWF, MF)

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-115-0091
    Applicant Name Appalachia Midstream Services, LLC
    Contact Person Patrick Myers, Jr.
    Address 100 Ist Center
    City, State, Zip Horseheads, NY 14845
    County Susquehanna County
    Township(s) Rush Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Deer  Lick Creek, Tributary 29788 of Deer Lick Creek (Both  CWF), Wysox-Wyalusing Creek Watershed

    ESCGP-1 # ESX11-015-0215
    Applicant Name Appalachia Midstream Services, LLC
    Contact Person Patrick Myers, Jr.
    Address 100 Ist Center
    City, State, Zip Horseheads, NY 14845
    County Bradford and Susquehanna Counties
    Township(s) Tuscarora and Auburn Townships
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Susquehanna  River, Trib 29503 to Susquehanna River (WWF/MF),  Little Tuscarora Creek, Trib 29500 to Little Tuscarora  Creek, Tuscarora Creek, Trib. 29473 to Fargo Creek,  Fargo Creek, Transue Creek, Benninger Creek (All  CWF/MF) Susquehanna Water Shed

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-113-0024
    Applicant Name Appalachia Midstream Services, LLC
    Contact Person Patrick Myers, Jr.
    Address 100 Ist Center
    City, State, Zip Horseheads, NY 14845
    County Sullivan County
    Township(s) Fox Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Porter  Creek, Trib. 20072 to Hoagland Branch (Both EV),  Loyalsock Watershed;
     Secondary: Porter Creek, Hoagland Branch (Both EV)

    ESCGP-1 # ESG12-117-0041
    Applicant Name Talisman Energy USA, Inc.
    Contact Person Tracy Gregory
    Address 337 Daniel Zenker Drive
    City, State, Zip Horseheads, NY 14845
    County Tioga County
    Township(s) Ward Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Fall  Brook (CWF/MF);
     Secondary: Fall Brook, Tioga River (Both CWF/MF)

    ESCGP-1 # ESG12-115-0084
    Applicant Name Chief Gathering, LLC
    Contact Person Nicholas Bryan
    Address 999 N. Loyalsock Ave. Suite G
    City, State, Zip Montoursville, PA 17754
    County Susquehanna County
    Township(s) Lathrop Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Horton  Creek, East Branch Field Brook (Both CWF/MF)

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-015-0119
    Applicant Name Appalachia Midstream Services, LLC
    Contact Person Patrick Myers, Jr.
    Address 100 Ist Center
    City, State, Zip Horseheads, NY 14845
    County Bradford County
    Township(s) Sheshequin Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Trib. 30212 to  Laning Creek, Trib 30799 to Susquehanna River (Both  WWF/MF)

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-035-0008
    Applicant Name Great Mountain Operating
    Contact Person James Smith
    Address 611 South Main Street
    City, State, Zip Grapevine, TX 76051
    County Clinton County
    Township(s) Gallagher Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Lick Run (EV)

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-081-0070
    Applicant Name PVR Partners
    Contact Person Kevin Roberts
    Address 100 Matsonford Road
    City, State, Zip Radnor, PA 19087
    County Lycoming County
    Township(s) Cogan House Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Larry's  Creek

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-115-0072
    Applicant Name Williams Field Services Company, LLC
    Contact Person Kristy Flavin
    Address 1605 Coraopolis Heights Road
    City, State, Zip Moon Township, PA 15108
    County Susquehanna County
    Township(s) Harford and Gibson Townships
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Bell Creek, a  trib. to Bell Creek, a trib. to Butler Creek, a trib. to  Tunkhannock Creek/Upper Susquehanna—Tunkhan nock Watershed

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-117-0031
    Applicant Name PVR Marcellus Gas Gathering, LLC
    Contact Person Kevin Roberts
    Address 100 Penn Tower, Suite 201-202, 25 West 3rd  Street
    City, State, Zip Williamsport, PA 17701
    County Lycoming, Bradford and Tioga Counties
    Township(s) Jackson, Canton, Union and Liberty Town ships
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Roaring  Branch, Roaring Branch, Little Elk Run, UNT to Brion  Creek, Brion Creek, UNT to Salt Spring Run, West Mill  Creek, Mill Creek, Sugar Works Run, UNT Lycoming  Creek, Towanda Creek (EV/HQ/Other);
     Secondary: Beech Flats Creek, Lycoming Creek

    ESCGP-1 # ESX11-115-0144 (01)
    Applicant Name Chief Gathering, LLC
    Contact Person Ted Wurfel
    Address 6051 Wallace Road, Suite 210
    City, State, Zip Wexford, PA 15090
    County Susquehanna County
    Township(s) Springville Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Field Brook  (CWF, MF)

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-117-0051
    Applicant Name SWEPI LP
    Contact Person H. James Sewell
    Address 190 Thorn Hill Road
    City, State, Zip Warrendale, PA 15086
    County Tioga County
    Township(s) Nelson Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to  Thornbottom Creek/Susquehanna River Basin in PA— Tioga River (List H), UNT to Cowanesque River/ Susquehanna River Basin in PA—Tioga River (List H)  (WWF/MF)

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-115-0093
    Applicant Name Williams Field Services Company, LLC
    Contact Person Kristy Flavin
    Address 1605 Coraopolis Heights Road
    City, State, Zip Moon Township, PA 15108
    County Susquehanna County
    Township(s) Bridgewater Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Meshoppen  Creek, an UNT to Meshoppen Creek, an UNT to Hop  Bottom Creek, and UNT to Snake Creek/Upper  Susquehanna—Tunkhannock and Upper Susque-  hanna—New York Watershed (Other)

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-115-0079
    Applicant Name Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation
    Contact Person Kenneth Marcum
    Address Five Penn Center West, Suite 401
    City, State, Zip Pittsburgh, PA 15276
    County Susquehanna County
    Township(s) Harford Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Partners Run to  Tunkhannock (CWF, MF)

    ESCGP-1 # ESX12-015-0043 (01)
    Applicant Name Appalachia Midstream Services, LLC
    Contact Person Patrick Myers, Jr.
    Address 100 Ist Center
    City, State, Zip Horseheads, NY 14845
    County Bradford County
    Township(s) Wilmot Township
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Foster  Branch, UNT to Sugar Run, (Both CWF)—Wysox- Wyalusing Watershed;
     Secondary: Sugar Run (CWF)

    Southwest Region: Waterways & Wetlands Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa 15222-4745.

    Washington County Conservation District: 2800 North Main St, Suite 105, Washington PA, 15301 (724) 705-7098

    ESCGP-1 No. Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Receiving
    0063128002 MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resource, LLC
    601 Technology Drive
    Suite 130
    Cannonsburg, PA 15317
    Washington Blaine Township Buffalo Creek (HQ-WWF)

    Northwest Region: Oil and Gas Program Manager, 230 Chestnut St., Meadville, PA 16335

    ESCGP-1 #ESX12-073-0012-Pulaski-Whiting Central Fa cility
    Applicant Hilcorp Energy
    Contact Jeffrey Robertson
    Address 1201 Louisiana Street Suite 1400
    City Houston State TX Zip Code 77002
    County Lawrence Township(s) Pulaski(s)
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to  Shenango River Watershed—WWF

    ESCGP-1 #ESX12-083-0065—Brennan & Backwards L  Project
    Applicant Catalyst Energy, Inc.
    Contact Douglas Jones
    Address 424 South 27th Street, Suite 304
    City Pittsburgh State PA Zip Code 15203
    County McKean Township(s) Hamilton(s)
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) Chapel Fork  Creek—CWF, Unnamed Tribs—HQ, Allegheny River

    ESCGP-1 #ESX12-019-0139—Meyer Pipeline
    Applicant Keystone Midstream Services, LLC
    Contact Patrick A Redalen
    Address 11400 Westmoor Circle, Suite 325
    City Westminster State CO Zip Code 80021
    County Butler Township(s) Jackson(s)
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Break neck Creek & Breakneck Creek—WWF, Connoqueness ing Creek

    ESCGP-1 #ESX12-019-0137-Zacherl to Jefferson Pipeline
    Applicant Mountain Gathering LLC
    Contact Dewey Chalos
    Address 810 Houston Street
    City Fort Worth State TX Zip Code 76102
    County Butler Township(s) Jefferson(s)
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT Little Buf falo Creek—HQ TSF, UNT Thorn Creek—CWF

    ESCGP-1 #esx12-047-0046—Toby Valley Marcellus Well  Project
    Applicant EQT Production Company
    Contact Todd Klaner
    Address 455 Racetrack Road, Suite 101
    City Washington State PA Zip Code 15301
    County Elk Township(s) Fox(s)
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) McCauley Run,  Little Toby Creek—CWF, Clarion River

    ESCGP-1 #ESX12-073-0017—Mahoning Leeper Central  Facility
    Applicant Hilcorp Energy Company
    Contact Stephanie McMurray
    Address 1201 Louisiana Street, Suite 1400
    City Houston State TX Zip Code 77002
    County Lawrence Township(s) Mahoning(s)
    Receiving Stream(s) and Classification(s) UNT to Mahon ing River—WWF, Mahoning River



    The following Storage Tank Site-Specific Installation Permits, under the authority of the Storage Tank Spill Prevention Act (35 P. S. §§ 6021.304, 6021.504, 6021.1101—6021.1102) and under 25 Pa. Code Chapter 245, Subchapter C, have been issued by the Bureau of Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields, Director, PO Box 8763, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8763.

    Permit No.
    Applicant Name &
    County Municipality Tank
    12-41-006 Integrity Industries Inc.
    2710 East Corral
    Kingsville, TX 78363
    Attn: James H. Long
    Lycoming Muncy Creek Township 32 ASTs storing synthetic oil and drilling fluids 648,480 gallons total


    Notice of Certification to Perform Radon-Related Activities in Pennsylvania

     In the month of May 2012 Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the authority contained in the Radon Certification Act, act of July 9, 1987, P. L. 238, No. 43 (63 P. S. Sections 2001—2014) and regulations promulgated thereunder at 25 Pa. Code Chapter 240, has certified the persons listed below to perform radon-related activities in Pennsylvania. The period of certification is two years. For a complete list of persons currently certified to perform radon-related activities in Pennsylvania and for information as to the specific testing devices that persons certified for testing or laboratory are certified to use, contact the Bureau of Radiation Protection, Radon Division, P. O. Box 8469, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8469, (1-800-23RADON).

    Name Address Type of Certification
    Robert Beattie 851 Bangor Road
    Nazareth, PA 18064
    Anthony Bizzarri, Jr. 12442 Jackson Avenue
    Waynesboro, PA 17268
    Patrick Borkowski P. O. Box 63827
    Philadelphia, PA 19147
    Robert Corcia 309 Grouse Run
    Cresco, PA 18326
    Brian Cousins 279 Hartman Road
    Honesdale, PA 18431
    Victor Delfi 1023 Hawk Drive
    Stroudsburg, PA 18360
    Enviroquest, Inc. 1738 N. 3rd Street, Ste. A
    Harrisburg, PA 17102
    Paul Fletecher
    Alpha Energy Labs, Inc.
    2501 Mayes Road, Ste. 100
    Carrollton, TX 75006
    Adam Ginocchi 407 Jenny Lane
    New Castle, PA 16101
    Vilas Godbole 6314 Hilltop Drive
    Brookhaven, PA 19015
    Walter Hanes 516 Paradise Valley Road
    St. Marys, PA 15857
    John Jenkins, Jr. 72 Glenmaura National Blvd.
    Moosic, PA 18507
    David Konow 1050 Street Road, #1640
    Southampton, PA 18966
    Testing & Mitigation
    Dominick Marciano 1090 Bristol Road
    Mountainside, NJ 07092
    Frank Marsico 5156 Kylock Road
    Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
    Tom McArdle
    Seitz Bros.
    83 Claremont Avenue
    Tamaqua, PA 18252
    David Murdick 498 Eagle Mill Road
    Butler, PA 16057
    Leonard Petty 6192 Boxer Drive
    Bethel Park, PA 15102
    James Rossi
    A.R.R.T. Accredited Radon
    Removal Team
    18 Nutgrove Road
    Pine Grove, PA 17963
    Edward Schluth 242 Newtown Road
    Warminster, PA 18974
    Malissa Sears 1675 N. Commerce Parkway
    Weston, FL 33326
    Brian Seitz
    Seitz Bros.
    83 Claremont Avenue
    Tamaqua, PA 18252
    Jon Shaffer 1115 Cornell Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15212
    Steven Shallenberger 3418 Allegheny Road
    Erie, PA 16508
    Cesare Sportelli 3636 Kelchner Street
    Bethlehem, PA 18020
    Greg Stewart 5 Franklin Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15209
    John Sykes P. O. Box 384
    Holicong, PA 18928
    Testing & Mitigation
    William Thacker 33 Cherry Road
    Airville, PA 17314
    Timothy A. Musser, Co. 213 N. 14th Street
    Allentown, PA 18102

    Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit

    California District Office: 25 Technology Drive, Coal Center, PA 15423, 724-769-1100

    CDO-003. Cumberland Coal Company, LP, 158 Portal Road, P. O. Box 1020, Waynesburg, PA 15370. Whiteley Creek Wetland Mitigation Project in Whiteley Township, Greene County, Pittsburgh ACOE District (Garards Fort, PA Quadrangle (Whiteley Creek) project area centroid N: 9.79 inches, W: 15.02 inches). The applicant proposes to mitigate a loss of wetlands within the Cumberland Mine permit boundary.

     This is a Chapter 105 Water Obstruction and Encroachment permit application and 401 Water Quality Certification request.

     Written comments or objections on the request for Section 401 Water Quality Certification or to the issuance of the Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit may be submitted to the Department within 30 days of the date of this notice to the California District Office, 25 Technology Park, Coal Center, PA 15423, Phone: 724.769.1100. Comments should contain the name, address, and telephone number of the person commenting. Identification of the request for 401 Water quality Certification and Chapter 105 permit application, to which the comments or objections are addressed and a concise statement of comments, objections or suggestions including relevant facts upon which they are based.

     The Water Obstruction and Encroachment permit application is available for review at the California District Office, by appointment, at the address listed above.

     Application Received: February 13, 2012

    Act 181 Notification

    Cambria District Mining Office: 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931, 814-472-1900

    Act 181 Notification: Treatment Project in Somerset County. The work will include the construction of treatment ponds on the Flight 93 Pump Well treatment site. This project issues on June 16, 2012; and proposals will be opened on July 5, 2012. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be conducted on June 28, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cambria District Mine Office located at 286 Industrial Park, Ebensburg, PA 15931.

     For more information call, Malcolm Crittenden c. 814-242-6834, 814-472-1908 or email at mcrittende@pa.gov.

    Project Proposal under the Environmental Good Samaritan Act

    Knox District Mining Office: P. O. Box 669, 310 Best Avenue, Knox, PA 16232-0669, 814-797-1191

    EGS24003. Clean Streams Foundation, Inc. (520 West Short Street, Lexington, KY 40507) in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Game Commission and Bennett Branch Watershed Association has submitted a project proposal under the Environmental Good Samaritan Act. The project proposes to improve the water quality and aquatic habitat of Dents Run, restore the natural stream connectivity, and restore the overall aquatic, riparian and terrestrial ecosystem structure throughout the Dents Run Watershed in Benezette Township, Elk County. Receiving streams: Porcupine Hollow to Dents Run, classified for the following uses: HQ. There are no potable surface water supply intakes within 10 miles downstream. Project proposal received: May 29, 2012.

    Request for Comments on the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
    Developed for the Hoffer Creek Watershed in Snyder County

     The Department of Environmental Protection will accept comments on the proposed TMDLs developed for the Hoffer Creek Watershed in Snyder County, PA. These TMDLs were established in accordance with the requirements of Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. The Pennsylvania Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report included impaired stream segments in this watershed. The listings of these waterbodies were due to use impairments caused by excessive siltation.

     There currently are no state or federal instream numerical water quality criteria for siltation. Therefore, the Department utilized a reference watershed approach to implement the applicable narrative criteria. These proposed TMDLs set allowable loading of sediment Hoffer Creek Watershed. The sediment loading was allocated among cropland, hay/pasture land, transitional land and streambank categories present in the watershed. Data used in establishing these TMDLs was generated using a water quality analysis model (AVGWLF) designed by the Pennsylvania State University.

     The following table shows the estimated current sediment loading for the watershed. Overall load reductions necessary in order to meet the TMDLs are also identified.

    Summary of TMDL Based Load Reductions in the Hoffer Creek Watershed
    Pollutant Existing Load
    Existing Load
    Sediment 864,600 2,451 816,876 2,238 5.1%

     The data and all supporting documentation used to develop the proposed TMDLs are available from the Department. The proposed TMDLs and information on the TMDL program can be viewed on the Department's website (www.dep.state.pa.us/watermanagement_apps/tmdl/). To request a copy of any of the proposed TMDLs contact Sean Kilmartin, Civil Engineer Hydraulic, Bureau of Point and Non-Point Source Management, Central Office, Department of Environmental Protection, Rachel Carson State Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17105, Phone: 717-783-2958, e-mail: sekilmarti@state.pa.us.

     The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDLs, which will be submitted to EPA for approval. Written comments will be accepted at the above address and must be postmarked by 30 days after publication in the PA Bulletin. A public meeting to discuss the technical merits of the TMDLs will be held upon request.

    Request for Comments on the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
    Developed for the Montour Run Watershed in Columbia and Montour Counties

     The Department of Environmental Protection will accept comments on the proposed TMDLs developed for the Montour Run Watershed in Columbia County and Montour County, PA. These TMDLs were established in accordance with the requirements of Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. The Pennsylvania Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report included impaired stream segments in this watershed. The listings of these waterbodies were due to use impairments caused by excessive siltation.

     There currently are no state or federal instream numerical water quality criteria for siltation. Therefore, the Department utilized a reference watershed approach to implement the applicable narrative criteria. These proposed TMDLs set allowable loadings of sediment in the Montour Run Watershed. The sediment loading was allocated among cropland, hay/pasture land, transitional land and streambank categories present in the watershed. Data used in establishing these TMDLs was generated using a water quality analysis model (AVGWLF) designed by the Pennsylvania State University.

     The following table shows the estimated current sediment loading for the watershed. Overall load reductions necessary in order to meet the TMDLs are also identified.

    Summary of TMDL Based Load Reductions in the Montour Run Watershed
    Pollutant Existing Load
    Existing Load
    Sediment 4,248,000 11,638 3,050,999 8,359 28.2

     The data and all supporting documentation used to develop the proposed TMDLs are available from the Department. The proposed TMDLs and information on the TMDL program can be viewed on the Department's website (www.dep.state.pa.us/watermanagement_apps/tmdl/). To request a copy of any of the proposed TMDLs contact Sean Kilmartin, Civil Engineer Hydraulic, Bureau of Point and Non-Point Source Management, Central Office, Department of Environmental Protection, Rachel Carson State Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17105, Phone: 717-783-2958, e-mail: sekilmarti@pa.gov.

     The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDLs, which will be submitted to EPA for approval. Written comments will be accepted at the above address and must be postmarked by 30 days after publication in the PA Bulletin. A public meeting to discuss the technical merits of the TMDL will be held upon request.

    Request for Comments on the Proposed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
    Developed for the Mud Run Watershed in Columbia County

     The Department of Environmental Protection will accept comments on the proposed TMDLs developed for the Mud Run Watershed in Columbia County, PA. These TMDLs were established in accordance with the requirements of Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. The Pennsylvania Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report included impaired stream segments in this watershed. The listings of these waterbodies were due to use impairments caused by excessive siltation.

     There currently are no state or federal instream numerical water quality criteria for siltation. Therefore, the Department utilized a reference watershed approach to implement the applicable narrative criteria. These proposed TMDLs set allowable loadings of sediment in the Mud Run Watershed. The sediment loading was allocated among cropland, hay/pasture land, transitional land and streambank categories present in the watershed. Data used in establishing these TMDLs was generated using a water quality analysis model (AVGWLF) designed by the Pennsylvania State University.

     The following table shows the estimated current sediment loading for the watershed. Overall load reductions necessary in order to meet the TMDLs are also identified.

    Summary of TMDL Based Load Reductions in the Mud Run Watershed
    Pollutant Existing Load
    Existing Load
    Sediment 4,394,800 12,040 3,524,315 9,656 19.8

     The data and all supporting documentation used to develop the proposed TMDLs are available from the Department. The proposed TMDLs and information on the TMDL program can be viewed on the Department's website (www.dep.state.pa.us/watermanagement_apps/tmdl/). To request a copy of any of the proposed TMDLs contact Sean Kilmartin, Civil Engineer Hydraulic, Bureau of Point and Non-Point Source Management, Central Office, Department of Environmental Protection, Rachel Carson State Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17105, Phone: 717-783-2958, e-mail: sekilmarti@pa.gov.

     The Department will consider all comments in developing the final TMDLs, which will be submitted to EPA for approval. Written comments will be accepted at the above address and must be postmarked by 30 days after publication in the PA Bulletin. A public meeting to discuss the technical merits of the TMDL will be held upon request.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-1097. Filed for public inspection June 15, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]

Document Information