1084 Rules of civil procedure and rules of civil procedure governing?district justice proceedings; 2012-CV-1
LACKAWANNA COUNTY Rules of Civil Procedure and Rules of Civil Procedure Governing District Justice Proceedings; 2012-CV-1 [42 Pa.B. 3443]
[Saturday, June 16, 2012]Order And Now, this 18th day of May, 2012, it is hereby Ordered and Decreed that the following Lackawanna County Rule of Civil Procedure is amended as follows:
1. Lacka.Co.R.C.P. 1920.51(d)(i) and (d)(ii) are amended as reflected in the following Rule.
2. Pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 239(c)(2)—(6), the following Local Rule shall be disseminated and published in the following manner:
a. Seven (7) certified copies of the following Local Rule shall be filed with the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts;
b. Two (2) certified copies of the following Local Rule and a computer diskette containing the text of the following Local Rule in Microsoft Word format and labeled with the court's name and address and computer file name shall be distributed to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin;
c. One (1) certified copy of the following Local Rule shall be filed with the Civil Procedural Rules Committee;
d. The following Local Rule shall be kept continuously available for public inspection and copying in the Office of the Clerk of Judicial Records, Civil Division, and upon request and payment of reasonable costs of reproduction and/or mailing, the Clerk of Judicial Records shall furnish to any requesting person a copy of the requested Local Rule(s);
e. A computer diskette containing the text of the following Local Rule in Microsoft Word format and labeled with the court's name and address and computer file name shall be distributed to the Lackawanna Bar Association for publication on the website of the Lackawanna Bar Association.
f. The amendment of Lacka.Co.R.C.P. 1920.51(d)(i) and (d)(ii) shall become effective thirty (30) days after the date of its publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 239 (d).
By the Court
President JudgeRule 1920.51 Pre-Trial Conference. Appointment of Master.
(d) Appointment of Master/Master's Fee
(i) For Appointment of a Master, counsel shall present the Order and Motion for Appointment of Master in Motion Court. Counsel shall then present the executed Order to the Family Court Administrator who shall thereafter assign a Master from a list of Permanent Masters designated, approved and provided by the President Judge. Such assignment of a Permanent Master to a case by the Family Court Administrator shall be on a rotating basis.
(ii) In all actions for which appointment of a Master is sought, the party seeking appointment shall pay the sum of Seven Hundred and Seventy ($770.00) Dollars at the time of the appointment directly to the appointed Master and serve the Master with a copy of the Order and Motion for Appointment of Master. The Master shall not commence action on the case until payment is received. The Master shall be required to deposit the fee into his or her escrow account until earned and billed. Master's fees shall be billed at a rate of One Hundred and Ten Dollars ($110.00) per hour. The Master may require additional deposits of funds from either or both parties, if necessary. The Master may enter such order concerning the allocation of Master's fees and related costs as may appear just and reasonable. Whenever the amount required to be deposited is exhausted before the filing of the Master's Report and Recommendations, proceedings may be stayed until the amount so directed shall be deposited.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-1084. Filed for public inspection June 15, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]