1075 Amendment of Rules 204, 205, 212, 216, 217, 218, 219, 401, 502 and 531 of the Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement and Rule 1.15(u) of the Rules of Professional Conduct; no. 112 disciplinary rules doc.?
Title 204—JUDICIAL SYSTEM GENERAL PROVISIONS PART V. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND CONDUCT [ 204 PA. CODE CHS. 81 AND 83 ] Amendment of Rules 204, 205, 212, 216, 217, 218, 219, 401, 502 and 531 of the Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement and Rule 1.15(u) of the Rules of Professional Conduct; No. 112 Disciplinary Rules Doc. [42 Pa.B. 3431]
[Saturday, June 16, 2012]Order Per Curiam
And Now, this 4th day of June, 2012, upon the recommendation of the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; the proposal having been published for public comment at 41 Pa.B. 2517 (May 21, 2011):
It Is Ordered pursuant to Article V, Section 10 of the Constitution of Pennsylvania that Rules 204, 205, 212, 216, 217, 218, 219, 401, 502 and 531 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement and Rule 1.15(u) of the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct are amended in the following form.
This Order shall be processed in accordance with Pa.R.J.A. No. 103(b), and shall be effective in 30 days. The amendments to Pa.R.D.E. 219(f) relating to automatic assessment of non-waivable late payment penalties shall be applicable beginning with the 2013-2014 assessment year.
The following are the Rules of Professional Conduct:
CLIENT-LAWYER RELATIONSHIP * * * * * Rule 1.15. Safekeeping Property.
* * * * * (u) Every attorney who is required to pay an active annual assessment under Rule 219 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement (relating to [periodic assessment] annual registration of attorneys[; voluntary inactive status]) shall pay an additional annual fee of $35.00 for use by the IOLTA Board. Such additional assessment shall be added to, and collected with and in the same manner as, the basic annual assessment, but the statement mailed by the Attorney Registration Office pursuant to Rule 219 shall separately identify the additional assessment imposed pursuant to this subdivision. All amounts received pursuant to this subdivision shall be credited to the IOLTA Board.
* * * * * (c) A reference in these rules to disbarment, suspension, temporary suspension, administrative suspension, or transfer to or assumption of retired or inactive status shall be deemed to mean, in the case of a respondent-attorney who holds a Limited In-House Corporate Counsel License, expiration of that license. A respondent-attorney whose Limited In-House Corporate Counsel License expires for any reason:
(1) shall be deemed to be a formerly admitted attorney for purposes of Rule 217 (relating to formerly admitted attorneys); and
(2) shall not be entitled to seek reinstatement under Rule 218 (relating to reinstatement) or Rule 219 (relating to [periodic assessment] annual registration of attorneys[; voluntary inactive status]) and instead must reapply for a Limited In-House Corporate Counsel License under Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rule 302.
Rule 205. The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
* * * * * (c) The Board shall have the power and duty:
* * * * * (4) To assign as special masters three or more former members of the Board or former or retired justices or judges who are not in senior judge status. The expenses and compensation of the special masters shall be paid as a cost of disciplinary administration and enforcement. See Enforcement Rule 219(a) (relating to [periodic assessment] annual registration of attorneys).
* * * * * Rule 212. Substituted service.
In the event a respondent-attorney cannot be located and personally served with notices required under these rules, such notices may be served upon the respondent-attorney by addressing them to the address furnished by the respondent-attorney in the last registration statement filed by such person in accordance with Enforcement Rule 219(d) (relating to [periodic assessment] annual registration of attorneys) or, in the case of a foreign legal consultant, by serving them pursuant to the designation filed by the foreign legal consultant under Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rule 341(b)(8).
Rule 216. Reciprocal discipline and disability.
(a) Upon receipt of a certified copy of a final adjudication of any court or any body authorized by law or by rule of court to conduct disciplinary proceedings against attorneys by any state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia, a United States court, or a federal administrative agency or a military tribunal demonstrating that an attorney admitted to practice in this Commonwealth has been disciplined by suspension, disbarment, or revocation of license or pro hac vice admission, or has resigned from the bar or otherwise relinquished his or her license to practice while under disciplinary investigation in another jurisdiction or has been transferred to disability inactive status, the Supreme Court shall forthwith issue a notice directed to the respondent-attorney containing:
(1) a copy of the final adjudication described in paragraph (a); and
(2) an order directing that the respondent-attorney inform the Court within 30 days from service of the notice, of any claim by the respondent-attorney that the imposition of the identical or comparable discipline or disability inactive status in this Commonwealth would be unwarranted, and the reasons therefor.
The Board shall cause this notice to be served upon the respondent-attorney by mailing it to the address furnished by the respondent-attorney in the last registration statement filed by such person in accordance with Enforcement Rule 219(d) (relating to [periodic assessment] annual registration of attorneys) or, in the case of a foreign legal consultant, by serving it pursuant to the designation filed by the foreign legal consultant under Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rule 341(b)(8).
* * * * * Rule 217. Formerly admitted attorneys.
* * * * * (h) Within ten days after the effective date of an order of disbarment or suspension for a period longer than one year, the formerly admitted attorney shall surrender to the Board the certificate issued by the Attorney Registration Office under Rule 219(e) (relating to [periodic assessment] annual registration of attorneys[; voluntary inactive status]) for the current year, along with any certificate of good standing issued under Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rule 201(d) (relating to certification of good standing), certificate of admission issued under Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rule 231(d)(3) (relating to action by Prothonotary), certificate of licensure issued under Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rule 341(e)(3) (relating to motion for licensure), Limited In-House Corporate Counsel License issued under Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rule 302 (relating to limited in-house corporate counsel license) or limited certificate of admission issued under Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rule 303 (relating to limited admission of military attorneys). The Board may destroy the annual certificate issued under Rule 219(e), but shall retain any other documents surrendered under this subdivision and shall return those documents to the formerly admitted attorney in the event that he or she is subsequently reinstated.
* * * * * Rule 218. Reinstatement.
(a) An attorney may not resume practice until reinstated by order of the Supreme Court after petition pursuant to this rule if the attorney was:
(1) suspended for a period exceeding one year;
(2) retired, on inactive status or on administrative suspension [for more than] if the formerly admitted attorney has not been on active status at any time within the past three years;
* * * * * (d) The procedure for petitioning for reinstatement from: retired status for more than three years[,]; inactive status for more than three years [or]; administrative suspension for more than three years[,]; retired status, inactive status or administrative suspension if the formerly admitted attorney has not been on active status at any time within the past three years; or after transfer to inactive status as a result of the sale of a law practice pursuant to Rule 1.17 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct, is as follows:
* * * * * (g)(1) Upon the expiration of any term of suspension not exceeding one year and upon the filing thereafter by the formerly admitted attorney with the Board of a verified statement showing compliance with all the terms and conditions of the order of suspension and of Enforcement Rule 217 (relating to formerly admitted attorneys), the Board shall certify such fact to the Supreme Court, which shall immediately enter an order reinstating the formerly admitted attorney to active status, unless such person is subject to another outstanding order of suspension or disbarment.
(2) Paragraph (1) of this subdivision shall not be applicable and a formerly admitted attorney shall be subject instead to the other provisions of this rule requiring the filing of a petition for reinstatement, if:
(i) other formal disciplinary proceedings are then pending or have been authorized against the formerly admitted attorney;
(ii) the formerly admitted attorney has been on retired status, inactive status or administrative suspension for more than three years; [or]
(iii) the formerly admitted attorney has not been on active status for more than three years due to a combination of retired status, inactive status, administrative suspension and/or a term of suspension not exceeding one year and had not been on active status at any time within the three-year period preceding the entry of the order; or
(iv) the order of suspension has been in effect for more than three years.
(h) Attorneys who have been on inactive status, retired status or administrative suspension for three years or less may be reinstated to the roll of those classified as active pursuant to Enforcement Rule 219(h), (i), (j)[, (k)] or (m) (relating to [periodic assessment] annual registration of attorneys) as appropriate. This subdivision (h) does not apply to [an attorney]:
(1) a formerly admitted attorney who, on the date of the filing of the request for reinstatement, had not been on active status at any time within the preceding three years; or
(2) an attorney who has sold his or her practice pursuant to Rule 1.17 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct.
* * * * * Rule 219. [Periodic assessment] Annual registration of attorneys[; voluntary inactive status].
(a) Every attorney admitted to practice law in this Commonwealth shall pay an annual fee of $130.00 [under this rule] and file the annual fee form provided for in this rule. The [annual] fee shall be collected under the supervision of the Attorney Registration Office, which shall send [and receive,] or cause to be sent [and received, the notices and forms provided for in this rule] to every attorney, except an attorney who has elected to file the form electronically, the annual fee form. The Attorney Registration Office shall transmit to those attorneys who have elected to file the form electronically a notice by e-mail to register by July 1. Failure to receive the annual fee form by mail or electronically shall not excuse payment of the fee. The said fee shall be used to defray the costs of disciplinary administration and enforcement under these rules, and for such other purposes as the Board shall, with the approval of the Supreme Court, from time to time determine.
* * * * * (c) On or before May 15 of each year the Attorney Registration Office shall transmit [by ordinary mail to all persons] to all attorneys required by this rule to pay an annual fee, except those attorneys who have elected electronic filing, a form required by subdivision (d) of this rule. On or before May 15 of each year subsequent to the year in which an attorney elects electronic filing, the Attorney Registration Office shall transmit to such attorney a notice by e-mail to register by July 1.
(d) On or before July 1 of each year all [persons] attorneys required by this rule to pay an annual fee shall file with the Attorney Registration Office a signed or electronically endorsed form prescribed by the Attorney Registration Office in accordance with the following procedures:
(1) The form shall set forth:
(i) The date on which the attorney was admitted to practice, licensed as a foreign legal consultant, granted limited admission as an attorney participant in defender and legal services programs pursuant to Pa.B.A.R. 311, or issued a Limited-In-House Corporate Counsel License, and a list of all courts (except courts of this Commonwealth) and jurisdictions in which the person has ever been licensed to practice law, with the current status thereof.
(ii) The current residence and office addresses of the attorney, each of which shall be an actual street address or rural route box number, and the Attorney Registration Office shall refuse to accept a form that sets forth only a post office box number for either required address. A preferred mailing address different from those addresses may also be provided on the form and may be a post office box number. The attorney shall indicate which of the addresses, the residence, office or mailing address, as well as telephone and fax number will be accessible through the website of the Board (http://www. padisciplinaryboard.org/) and by written or oral request to the Board. Upon an attorney's written request submitted to the Attorney Registration Office and for good cause shown, the contact information provided by the attorney will be nonpublic information and will not be published on the Board's website or otherwise disclosed.
* * * * * (vi) Whether the attorney is covered by professional liability insurance on the date of registration in the minimum amounts required by Rule of Professional Conduct 1.4(c). Rule 1.4(c) does not apply to attorneys who do not have any private clients, such as attorneys in full-time government practice or employed as in-house corporate counsel.
Official Note: The Disciplinary Board will make the information regarding insurance available to the public upon written or oral request and on its web site. The requirement of Rule 219(d)(3) that every attorney who has filed an annual [registration form] fee form or elects to file the form electronically must notify the Attorney Registration Office [in writing] of any change in the information previously submitted within 30 days after such change will apply to the information regarding insurance.
(vii) Such other information as the Attorney Registration Office may from time to time direct.
(2) Payment of the annual fee shall accompany the form. IOLTA, trust, escrow and other fiduciary account checks tendered in payment of the annual fee will not be accepted. [Where] If the form and payment are incomplete or if a check in payment of the annual fee has been returned to the Board unpaid, the annual fee shall not be deemed to have been paid until a collection fee, and one or both of the late payment penalties prescribed in subdivision (f) of this rule if assessed, shall also have been paid. The amount of the collection fee shall be established by the Board annually after giving due regard to the direct and indirect costs incurred by the Board during the preceding year for checks returned to the Board unpaid.
(3) Every [person] attorney who has filed [such a] the form or elects to file the form electronically shall notify the Attorney Registration Office [in writing] of any change in the information previously submitted, including e-mail address, within 30 days after such change.
* * * * * (f) [The Attorney Registration Office shall transmit by ordinary mail to every attorney who fails to timely file the form and pay the annual fee required by this rule, addressed to the last known mailing address of the attorney, a notice stating:
(1) That unless the attorney shall comply with the requirements of subdivision (d) of this rule within 30 days after the date of the notice, such failure to comply will be deemed a request to be administratively suspended, and at the end of such period the name of the attorney will be certified to the Supreme Court, which will enter an order administratively suspending the attorney.
(2) That upon the entry of an order of administrative suspension, the attorney shall comply with Enforcement Rule 217 (relating to formerly admitted attorneys), a copy of which shall be enclosed with the notice.]
Any attorney who fails to complete registration by July 31 shall be automatically assessed a non-waivable late payment penalty established by the Board. A second, non-waivable late payment penalty established by the Board shall be automatically added to the delinquent account of any attorney who has failed to complete registration by August 31, at which time the continued failure to comply with this rule shall be deemed a request to be administratively suspended. Thereafter, the Attorney Registration Office shall certify to the Supreme Court the name of every attorney who has failed to comply with the registration and payment requirements of this rule, and the Supreme Court shall enter an order administratively suspending the attorney. The Chief Justice may delegate the processing and entry of orders under this subdivision to the Prothonotary. Upon entry of an order of administrative suspension, the Attorney Registration Office shall transmit by certified mail, addressed to the last known mailing address of the attorney, or by electronic means, the order of administrative suspension and a notice that the attorney shall comply with Enforcement Rule 217 (relating to formerly admitted attorneys), a copy of which shall be included with the notice.
For purposes of assessing the late payment penalties prescribed by this subdivision (f), registration shall not be deemed to be complete until the Attorney Registration Office receives a completed annual fee form and satisfactory payment of the annual fee and of all outstanding collection fees and late payment penalties. If a check in payment of the delinquency has been returned to the Board unpaid, a collection fee, as established by the Board under subdivision (d)(2) of this rule, shall be added to the attorney's delinquent account and registration shall not be deemed to be complete until the delinquent account has been paid in full.
The amount of the late payment penalties shall be established by the Board annually pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (h)(3) of this rule.
(g) [The Attorney Registration Office shall certify to the Supreme Court the names of every attorney who has failed to respond to a notice issued pursuant to subdivisions (f) and (l) of this rule within the 30-day period provided therein and the Court shall enter an order administratively suspending the attorney. A] The Attorney Registration Office shall provide to the Board Secretary a copy of any [such] certification [from] filed by the Attorney Registration Office [to] with the Supreme Court [shall be given to the Board Secretary] pursuant to the provisions of this rule. [The Chief Justice may delegate the processing and entry of orders under this subdivision to the Prothonotary.]
(h) The procedure for reinstatement of an attorney who has been administratively suspended pursuant to subdivision (f) for three years or less [pursuant to subdivision (g)] is as follows:
(1) The formerly admitted attorney shall submit to the Attorney Registration Office the form required by subdivision (d)(1) along with payment of:
(i) the current annual fee;
(ii) the annual fee that was due in the year in which the attorney was administratively suspended;
(iii) the late payment [penalty] penalties required by paragraph (3);
(iv) any unpaid collection fee;
(v) a reinstatement fee of $300.00.
(2) Upon receipt of the annual fee form, a verified statement showing compliance with Enforcement Rule 217 (relating to formerly admitted attorneys), and the payments required by paragraph (1), the Attorney Registration Office shall so certify to the Board Secretary and to the Supreme Court. Unless the formerly admitted attorney is subject to another outstanding order of suspension or disbarment or the order has been in effect for more than three years, the filing of the certification from the Attorney Registration Office with the Prothonotary of the Supreme Court shall operate as an order reinstating the person to active status.
Where a check in payment of the fees and late payment penalties has been returned to the Board unpaid, the Attorney Registration Office shall immediately return the attorney to administrative suspension, and the arrears shall not be deemed to have been paid until a collection fee, as established by the Board under subdivision (d)(2) of this rule, shall also have been paid.
(3) A formerly admitted attorney who is administratively suspended [pursuant to subdivision (g)] must pay [a] the late payment [penalty with respect to that year] penalties incurred in the year in which the formerly admitted attorney is transferred to administrative suspension. The amount of the late payment [penalty] penalties shall be established by the Board annually after giving due regard to such factors as it considers relevant, including the direct and indirect costs incurred by the Board during the preceding year in processing the records of attorneys who fail to timely file the [statement] form required by subdivision (d) of this rule.
(i) Retired Status: An attorney who has retired shall file with the Attorney Registration Office an application for retirement. Upon the transmission of such application from the Attorney Registration Office to the Supreme Court, the Court shall enter an order transferring the attorney to retired status, and the attorney shall no longer be eligible to practice law. The retired attorney will be relieved from the payment of the fee imposed by this rule upon active practitioners and Enforcement Rule 217 (relating to formerly admitted attorneys) shall not be applicable to the formerly admitted attorney unless ordered by the Court in connection with the entry of an order of suspension or disbarment under another provision of these rules. An attorney on retired status for three years or less may be reinstated in the same manner as an inactive attorney, except that the retired attorney shall pay the annual active fee for the three most recent years or such shorter period in which the attorney was on retired status instead of the amounts required to be paid by an inactive attorney seeking reinstatement. The Chief Justice may delegate the processing and entry of orders under this subdivision to the Prothonotary.
(j) Inactive Status: An attorney who is not engaged in practice in Pennsylvania, has sold his or her practice pursuant to Rule 1.17 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct, or is not required by virtue of his or her practice elsewhere to maintain active licensure in the Commonwealth may request [voluntary] inactive status or continue that status once assumed. The attorney shall be removed from the roll of those classified as active until and unless such [person requests] inactive attorney makes a request under paragraph (2) of this subdivision (j) for an administrative return to active status and satisfies all conditions precedent to the grant of such request; or files a petition for reinstatement under subdivision (d) of Enforcement Rule 218 (relating to procedure for reinstatement of an attorney who has been on inactive status for more than three years, or who is on inactive status and had not been on active status at any time within the prior three years) and is granted reinstatement [to the active rolls] pursuant to the provisions of that Enforcement Rule.
(1) An inactive attorney under this subdivision (j) shall continue to file the annual form required by subdivision (d) and shall pay an annual fee of $70.00. Noncompliance with this provision will result in the inactive attorney incurring late payment penalties, incurring a collection fee for any check in payment that has been returned to the Board unpaid, and being placed on administrative suspension [after the Attorney Registration Office provides notice], pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of [paragraph (f)] subdivision (f) of this rule. [An attorney who voluntarily assumed inactive status under former subdivision (j) of this rule shall continue to file the annual form required by subdivision (d) and pay an annual fee of $70.00 commencing with the next regular assessment year. Noncompliance with this provision will result in the inactive attorney being placed on administrative suspension after notice in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (f).]
(2) Administrative Change in Status from Inactive Status to Active Status: An attorney on inactive status may request resumption of active status on a form provided by the Attorney Registration Office. [Reinstatement] Resumption of active status shall be granted unless the inactive attorney is subject to an outstanding order of suspension or disbarment [or], unless the inactive attorney has sold his or her practice pursuant to Rule 1.17 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct (see Enforcement Rule 218(h)), unless the inactive status has been in effect for more than three years, or unless the inactive attorney had not been on active status at any time within the preceding three years (see Enforcement Rule 218(h)), upon the payment of:
(i) the active fee for the assessment year in which the application for resumption of active status is made or the difference between the active fee and the inactive fee that has been paid for that year[, and any arrears accumulated prior to the assumption of inactive status.]; and
(ii) any collection fee or late payment penalty that may have been assessed pursuant to subdivision (f), prior to the inactive attorney's request for resumption of active status.
Where a check in payment of fees and penalties has been returned to the Board unpaid, the Attorney Registration Office shall immediately return the attorney to inactive status, and the arrears shall not be deemed to have been paid until a collection fee, as established by the Board under subdivision (d)(2), shall also have been paid.
Official Note: Subdivisions (h), (i) and (j) of this rule do not apply if, on the date of the filing of the request for reinstatement, the formerly admitted attorney has not been on active status at any time within the preceding three years. See Enforcement Rule 218(h)(1).
[(3) In transmitting the annual fee form under subdivision (c) of this rule, the Attorney Registration Office shall include a notice of this subdivision (j).
Official Note: Under prior practice, an attorney who was neither retiring nor selling his or her law practice was given the option of assuming or continuing inactive status and ceasing the practice of law in Pennsylvania, and no annual fee was required. Under new subdivision (j), payment of an annual fee is required to assume and continue inactive status, and failure to pay the annual fee required by subdivision (j) and file the form required by subdivision (d) will result in an order administratively suspending the attorney.
(k) On the effective date of this subdivision (k), any attorney who is on inactive status:
(1) by order after having failed to pay the annual fee or file the form required by subdivisions (a) and (d) of this rule,
(2) by order pursuant to Rule 111(b), Pa.R.C.L.E., after having failed to satisfy the requirements of the Pennsylvania Rules for Continuing Legal Education,
(3) by order after having failed to pay any expenses taxed pursuant to Enforcement Rule 208(g), or
(4) by order after having failed to meet the requirements for maintaining a limited law license as a Limited In-House Corporate Counsel, a foreign legal consultant, an attorney participant in defender legal services programs pursuant to Pa.B.A.R. 311, or a military attorney, shall have a grace period of one year, commencing on July 1 of the year in which the next annual form under paragraph (d) is due, in which to request reinstatement to active status under an applicable provision of this rule, or to be reinstated to active status under Rule 218(a), as the case may be. Failure to achieve active status before the expiration of the grace period shall be deemed a request to be administratively suspended. An attorney who is on inactive status by court order will not be eligible to transfer to voluntary inactive status under subdivision (j) of this rule until the attorney first achieves active status. During the grace period, the inactive attorney shall remain ineligible to practice law. In transmitting the annual form under subdivision (c) of this rule, the Attorney Registration Office shall include a notice of this subdivision (k).
Official Note: Attorneys who voluntarily assumed inactive status under former paragraph (j) of Enforcement Rule 219 are governed by the provisions of paragraph (j). Attorneys who were transferred to inactive status by order after having failed to pay any expenses taxed pursuant to Enforcement Rule 208(g) are governed by the provisions of paragraph (m).]
(k) Administrative Change in Status From Administrative Suspension to Inactive Status: An inactive attorney who has been administratively suspended for failure to file the annual form and pay the annual fee required by subdivision (j)(1) of this rule, may request an administrative change in status to inactive status. The Attorney Registration Office shall change the status of an attorney eligible for inactive status under this subdivision upon receipt of:
(1) the annual form required by subdivision (d);
(2) payment of the annual fee required by subdivision (j)(1);
(3) payment of all collection fees and late payment penalties assessed under subdivisions (d)(2) and (f); and
(4) payment of an administrative processing fee of $100.00.
Where a check in payment of the fees and penalties has been returned to the Board unpaid, the Attorney Registration Office shall immediately return the attorney to administrative suspension, and the arrears shall not be deemed to have been paid until a collection fee, as established by the Board under subdivision (d)(2), shall also have been paid.
An active attorney who has been administratively suspended for failure to file the annual form and pay the annual fee required by this rule must comply with subdivision (h) before becoming eligible to register as inactive or retired.
Official Note: Former subdivision (k), which was adopted by Order dated April 16, 2009 (No. 75 Disciplinary Rules Docket No. 1, Supreme Court), effective May 2, 2009, established a grace period of one year commencing on July 1, 2009 in which any attorney who was on inactive status by order of the Supreme Court, could request and achieve reinstatement to active status under Enforcement Rule 218 or another applicable subdivision of Enforcement Rule 219 in order to avoid an automatic change in status to administrative suspension. The grace period was administratively extended to August 31, 2010, and any involuntarily inactive attorney who did not achieve active status by that date was transferred to administrative suspension on September 1, 2010.
(l) The Board shall transmit by certified mail, return receipt requested, to every attorney who fails to pay any expenses taxed pursuant to Enforcement Rule 208(g) (relating to costs), addressed to the last known address of the attorney, a notice stating:
(1) That unless the attorney shall pay all such expenses within 30 days after the date of the notice, such failure to pay will be deemed a request to be administratively suspended, and at the end of such period the name of the attorney will be certified to the Supreme Court, which will enter an order administratively suspending the attorney.
(2) That upon entry of the order of administrative suspension, the attorney shall comply with Enforcement Rule 217 (relating to formerly admitted attorneys), a copy of which shall be enclosed with the notice.
* * * * * Subchapter D. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Rule 401. Expenses.
The salaries of the Secretary of the Board, Disciplinary Counsel and staff, their expenses, administrative costs, and the expenses of the members of the Board and of hearing committees shall be paid by the Board out of the funds collected under the provisions of Enforcement Rule 219 (relating to [periodic assessment] annual registration of attorneys). The Board shall annually obtain an independent audit by a certified public accountant of the funds entrusted to it and their disposition and shall file a copy of such audit with the Court.
Subchapter E. PENNSYLVANIA LAWYERS FUND FOR CLIENT SECURITY GENERAL PROVISIONS Rule 502. Pennsylvania Lawyers Fund for Client Security.
* * * * * (b) Additional [assessment] fee. Every attorney who is required to pay an active annual [assessment] fee under Rule 219 (relating to [periodic assessment] annual registration of attorneys[; voluntary inactive status]) shall pay an additional annual fee of $35.00 for use by the Fund. Such additional [assessment] fee shall be added to, and collected with and in the same manner as, the basic annual [assessment] fee, but the statement mailed by the Attorney Registration Office pursuant to Rule 219 shall separately identify the additional [assessment] fee imposed pursuant to this subdivision. All amounts received pursuant to this subdivision shall be credited to the Fund.
* * * * * REINSTATEMENT Rule 531. Restitution a condition for reinstatement.
The Board shall file with the Supreme Court a list containing the names of all formerly admitted attorneys with respect to the Dishonest Conduct of which the Board has made unrecovered disbursements from the Fund. No person will be reinstated by the Supreme Court under Rule 218 (relating to reinstatement), Rule 219 (relating to [periodic assessment] annual registration of attorneys[; voluntary inactive status]), Rule 301(h) (relating to proceedings where an attorney is declared to be incompetent or is alleged to be incapacitated), Pennsylvania Rules of Continuing Legal Education, Rule 111(b) (relating to noncompliance with continuing legal education rules) or who has been suspended from the practice of law for any period of time, including, but not limited to suspensions under Rule 208(f) (relating to emergency temporary suspension) and 219(f) (relating to administrative suspension) until the Fund has been repaid in full, plus 10% per annum interest, for all disbursements made from the Fund with respect to the Dishonest Conduct of such person.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-1075. Filed for public inspection June 15, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]