1070 Abandonment of steam service  


    Abandonment of Steam Service

    [37 Pa.B. 2785]
    [Saturday, June 16, 2007]

       A-130175F2001. NRG Energy Center Harrisburg, LLC. Application of NRG Energy Center Harrisburg, LLC, for a Certificate of Public Convenience authorizing it to abandon steam service on the following eight segments of its low pressure steam system in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, PA: a) Forster Street between North Third and Susquehanna Streets; b) Forster Street between North Second and Green Streets; c) the North Side of State Street between Willow and North Second Streets; d) Briggs Street between Green and North Third Streets; e) Cranberry Street between North Second and River Streets; f) Bartine Street between Boas and Union Streets; g) Walnut Street between North Tenth and Cameron Streets; and h) North Sixth Street between Pear and Herr Streets.

       Formal protests and petitions to intervene must be filed in accordance with 52 Pa. Code (relating to public utilities). Filings must be made with the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P. O. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265, with a copy served on the applicant, on or before July 2, 2007. The documents filed in support of the application are available for inspection and copying at the Office of the Secretary between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and at the applicant's business address.

       Applicant: NRG Energy Center Harrisburg, LLC

       Through and By Counsel: Louise A. Knight, Esquire, David P. Zambito, Esquire, Reger Rizzo Kavulich and Darnall, LLP, 20 North Market Square, Suite 300, Harrisburg, PA 17101


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 07-1070. Filed for public inspection June 15, 2007, 9:00 a.m.]

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