June 14, 1997 The following awards have been made by the Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases:
Contract #Awarded
OnTo In the
Amount Of1033157-01 06/03/97 Ace Plumbing and Heating Co. 6,000.00 1345156-01 05/27/97 Dobil Laboratories, Inc. 57,560.00 1583116-01 06/03/97 Weinstein Supply Corp. 30,418.77 1585216-01 05/28/97 Todd Devin Food Equipment 28,222.00 1696156-01 05/28/97 Photographics Supply, Inc. 15,995.00 1729726-01 05/28/97 Vision Communication Services 9,930.00 1790076-01 05/28/97 Mainline Information Systems 144,308.00 1792116-01 06/03/97 Comtec 38,000.00 1796306-01 06/03/97 Bierig Sailmakers 24,216.00 1800116-01 05/27/97 Commonwealth International Trucks, Inc. 277,873.56 1805356-01 06/03/97 Hewlett- Packard Co. 23,141.00 1820046-01 06/03/97 Advanced Instruments, Inc. 6,515.00 1824206-01 06/03/97 Seltronics Eyretel, Inc. 69,600.00 1834166-01 06/03/97 Chief Automotive Systems, Inc. 41,137.50 1862116-01 05/28/97 Allegheny Fence Construction, Inc. 22,140.00 1908386-01 05/28/97 Cooks Equipment, Inc. 102,000.00 1909206-01 06/03/97 Hitachi Software Engineering America Ltd. 165,800.00 1916126-01 05/28/97 Medi-Peth Medical Lab, Inc. 4,071.00 1916126-02 05/28/97 Lightning Handcycles 14,136.00 1922156-01 06/03/97 Westinghouse Audio Intelligence Devices 3,700.00 1930386-01 06/03/97 Frank Webb 9,600.00 1950206-01 06/03/97 Sarstedt, Inc. 8,893.50 1961216-01 06/03/97 James Doorcheck 32,321.00 1975216-01 06/03/97 Simplex Time Recorder Co. 6,152.00 1991186-01 06/03/97 Commercial Envelope 47,960.00 8055400-01 05/28/97 Comprador Corp. 13,200.00 8055400-02 05/28/97 Data Systems, Inc. 2,450.00 8104320-01 06/03/97 Bell & Howell 77,270.00 8160900-01 05/28/97 Terre Hill Concrete Products 18,532.00 8211710-01 06/03/97 Lumitrak, Inc. 8,000.00 8503860-01 06/03/97 Fleet Parts and Electrical Service, Inc. 22,580.00 9550-10 (Rebid in Part No. 1) 06/04/97 Franklin Industries Co. 203,242.25 GARY E. CROWELL,
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-965. Filed for public inspection June 13, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]