June 12, 1999 The following awards have been made by the Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases:
Contract #Awarded
OnTo In the
Amount Of1583208-01 05/28/99 S.E.E. Incorporated 115,475.00 1592118-01 05/28/99 Chem-Tick Coated Fabrics, Inc. 38,800.00 1597358-01 05/28/99 Environmental Systems Corporation 239,236.75 1605218-01 05/28/99 Presby Care Life Home Healthcare Services LLC 69,882.15 1633118-01 05/28/99 Kar-Tex, Inc. 56,476.00 1723158-01 05/28/99 Alto US, Inc. 25,309.41 8249740-01 05/28/99 Gencor Industries, Inc. 94,018.00 GARY E. CROWELL,
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-960. Filed for public inspection June 11, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]