TURNPIKE COMMISSION Retention of Engineering Firms for the Mon/Fayette Expressway Transportation Project [32 Pa.B. 2731] The Turnpike Commission (Commission) will retain 13 engineering firms to provide preliminary and final design services for the development of 13 sections of limited access highway on new alignment, known as the Mon/Fayette Transportation Project, Route 51 to I-376. The design/construction sections are described as follows:
EIS Section Construction Section Section Length Cost Description (Miles) (Millions) 53A 1 3.7 $80 Complete Rt. 51 I/C; 11 bridges; ramp toll plaza; gas substation relocation 53B 1 3.7 $90 Dravosburg I/C; 12 bridges; ramp toll plazas; new local access road--2 miles; park and ride lot; power line relocation; sanitary sewer and USS waste line relocations 53C 1 1.6 $90 Duquesne I/C and 1.5 mile connecting road; ten bridges; ramp toll plazas; replace Rt. 837 bridge over Union RR 53D 1 0.4 $60 Eight-lane Mon River Bridge 53E 2 1.6 $200 Closed three-leg I/C entirely on structure; N. Versailles I/C; ramp toll plazas; replacement of E. Pittsburgh-McKeesport Blvd. bridge 53F 2 2.3 $90 Structures over Turtle Creek town center; mainline toll plaza; DAT involvement; relocation of Union RR 53G 2 1.3 $90 Half I/C with Business 22; half I/C to Penn Hills; reconstruction of Business 22; full I/C with I-376 53H 3 1.7 $75 Braddock I/C at Sixth St.; ramp toll plazas; DAT involvement; 11 bridges; park and ride lot; relocation of Braddock Ave. 53J 3 1.4 $75 Mainline toll plaza; relocation of CSXT tracks; new access into Carrie Furnace 53K 4 2.1 $200 2.1 miles of dual viaducts; DAT involvement 53L 5 N/A $10 Hayes I/C redesign 53M 5 1.1 $130 Glenwood Bridge I/C; depressed expressway in Hazelwood with covers on some areas; DAT involvement; local frontage roads; ramp toll plazas 53N 5 1.2 $120 Bates St./I-376 I/C; DAT involvement; extensive TCP involvement The Commission will advertise each section separately. Three sets of advertisements will be published with each set containing four or five advertisements. The order of advertisement is anticipated to be:
Set 1--Advertising of Sections 53A, 53D, 53E, 53H and 53M--Early Summer
Set 2--Advertising of Sections 53B, 53F, 53G and 53K--Late Summer
Set 3--Advertising of Sections 53C, 53J, 53L and 53N--Late FallThese advertisements will be published in future editions of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Do not respond to this notice.
Chairperson[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-969. Filed for public inspection May 31, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]