June 1, 1996 The following awards have been made by the Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases:
Contract #Awarded
OnTo In the
Amount Of1763155-01-1 05/14/96 AAE 7,500.00 0044-02 06/01/96 Reynolds and Reynolds 60,000.00 0044-02 06/01/96 Moore Bus. Forms and Systems Div. 75,000.00 0044-02 06/01/96 Vanguard Group 40,000.00 0044-02 06/01/96 American Business Printing, Inc. 300,000.00 0044-02 06/01/96 Standard Register Co. 25,000.00 1045156-01 05/16/96 Johnson Controls, Inc. 15,474.00 1076156-01 05/20/96 Jemco Equipment Co. 22,020.00 1845385 05/20/96 Corvalis Micro Technology, Inc. 131,040.00 1845385-02 05/20/96 Atterbury Consultants, Inc. 9,750.00 1890385-01 05/20/96 Dugan Tractor, Inc. 29,743.00 1943175-01 05/20/96 Comstat Datacomm Corp. 8,525.00 2018385-01 05/20/96 Three Rivers Tractors and Equipment, Inc. 16,319.00 2024075-01 05/20/96 Merck U. S. Human Health Division 6,002.00 2068155-01 05/20/96 Orion Telescope Center 6,423.00 2135155-01 05/16/96 Cramer Motors, Inc. 31,950.00 2142355-01 05/20/96 Southern Cross Corp. 2,905.00 2220135-01 05/20/96 Emerging Technologies Corp. 9,790.00 2261155-01 05/20/96 Pasco Scientific 5,395.00 2298205-01 05/14/96 Manchester Ind., Inc. 19,605.00 2330355-01 05/20/96 Transfer Technology 26,901.00 2331385-01 05/20/96 Messick Farm Equipment 35,500.00 2332385-01 05/20/96 3M-Co.--TMC Division 67,031.90 2344385-01 05/20/96 Dugan Tractor, Inc. 23,299.00 2393075-01 05/20/96 Merck U. S. Human Health Division; WP39-440 109,955.64 2397225-01 05/20/96 Keystone Electrical Supply 12,747.99 2397225-02 05/20/96 Whitehill Lighting and Supplies 1,171.40 2424355-01 05/15/96 Atlantic Marketing 9,582.00 2445355-01 05/16/96 UIC, Inc. 25,900.00 2457355-01 05/16/96 Keystone Precision 18,272.00 2463355-01 05/20/96 Anton Paar USA, Inc. 11,340.00 2474385-01 05/20/96 Dyna-Tech Industries 16,880.00 2479165-01 05/16/96 Clearview Printing Co. 13,478.20 2483355-01 05/15/96 Frank Barker Associates, Inc. 11,970.00 2486355-01 05/16/96 Skalar, Inc. 59,250.00 2494115-01 05/16/96 Dugan Tractor, Inc. 10,792.52 2496355-01 05/16/96 IDC Technologies, Inc. 13,198.00 2510155-01 05/20/96 Schrorer Manufacturing Company 11,851.20 2547725-01 05/15/96 Eagle Computer Associates 17,804.00 2582115-01 05/16/96 Yale Electric Supply Co. 14,140.00 2588155-01 05/20/96 Charles River Labs 17,760.00 2599215-01 05/17/96 J-O-M Pharmaceutical Services 71,912.50 2600195-01 05/20/96 Standard Register Co. 24,710.00 2600195-02 05/20/96 Commercial Envelope 8,790.00 2612155-01 05/16/96 American Sterilizer Company 31,003.00 2620385-01 05/20/96 Frank Webb 9,600.00 2629075-01 05/16/96 Moore Business Forms, Inc. 7,050.00 2630075-01 05/20/96 Moore Business Forms 1,515.00 2632155-01 05/20/96 Hermetics, Inc. 15,000.00 2634125-01 05/20/96 Alling & Cory 8,730.00 2637155-01 05/20/96 Johnson Controls 22,788.50 3610-01 Rebid 05/20/96 Optech Office Systems 150,000.00 3610-01 Rebid 05/20/96 Pitney Bowes 150,000.00 3610-01 Rebid 05/20/96 Xerox Corp. 150,000.00 3610-01 Rebid 05/20/96 Mita Copystar America, Inc. 150,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Brother International 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Lanier Worldwide 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Monroe Systems for Business 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Panasonic Communications 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Mita Copystar 50,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Optech Office Systems 50,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Edwards Business Machines 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Capitol Image Systems, Inc. (Konica Equip.) 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Xerox Corporation 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Omnifax 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Sharp Electronics 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Pitney Bowes 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 G. E. Richards, Inc. 25,000.00 3610-07 05/21/96 Murata Business Systems 25,000.00 4710-01 05/17/96 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. 461,486.05 4710-01 05/17/96 Hancor, Inc. 23,937.80 5665-03 05/16/96 Tramspo Ind., Inc. 115,350.00 6830-05 05/17/96 MG Industries, Inc. 17,015.86 6830-05 05/17/96 Keystone Airgas, Inc. 1,980.00 6830-05 05/17/96 Valley Welding Supply Co. 892.80 6830-05 05/17/96 Liquid Carbonic Industries Corp. 31,928.00 7110-01 05/17/96 Storageteck, Inc. 30,000.00 7110-01 05/17/96 AVR Business Systems, Inc. 10,000.00 7110-01 05/17/96 A S R S of America, Inc. 10,000.00 7110-01 05/17/96 Datum Filing Systems, Inc. 10,000.00 7110-01 05/17/96 Officenter, Inc. 10,000.00 7110-01 05/17/96 Lundia Div. of Mil., Inc. 10,000.00 7110-01 05/17/96 Carstens Health Ind., Inc. 10,000.00 7110-01 05/17/96 Richard-Wilcox 10,000.00 7110-01 05/17/96 Tab Products Co. 10,000.00 7110-01 05/17/96 Commonwealth Office Sys., Inc. 40,000.00 7125-01 06/01/96 Kent Fixture Corp. 201,189.20 7125-01 06/01/96 Kent Fixture Corp. 201,189.20 7313370-01 05/15/96 Screen Gems 17,700.00 7510-07 06/01/96 National Office and School Supplies 43,390.00 7510-07 06/01/96 Logans Marketing 10,416.00 7510-07 06/01/96 Systematic Filing Products, Inc. 103,335.00 7510-07 06/01/96 Adolph Sufrin, Inc. 29,808.00 7530-08 05/16/96 Adolph Sufrin, Inc. 6,062.50 7530-08 05/16/96 National Office and School Supplies 203,272.00 7920-01 06/01/96 Irvs Industrial Supply 24,043.00 7920-01 06/01/96 Airwick Professional Prod. Phila. 2,718.75 7930-03 06/01/96 Industrial Packaging Co., Inc. 35,530.00 8055340-01 05/20/96 Westrex International 156,854.82 8055360-01 05/17/96 Westrex International 45,630.00 8071700-01 05/17/96 Russell Standard Corp. 1,128,528.82 8216850-01 05/20/96 Photo Research, Inc. 10,815.00 8216900-01 05/20/96 Hogentobler & Co., Inc. 21,240.00 8222890-01 05/16/96 U. S. Municipal Supply, Inc. 89,850.00 8231110-01 05/20/96 Phillips Ford Sales 396,750.00 8231550-01 05/20/96 Valk Mfg. Co. 101,506.00 8231560-01 05/20/96 Valk Mfg. Co. 193,034.00 8231580-01 05/20/96 Construction Crane and Tractor 172,080.00 8910-01 05/22/96 Feeser's, Inc. 289,748.00 8910-01 05/22/96 Weis Food Service 96,768.00 8910-01 05/22/96 Bernard Food Inds., Inc. 14,707.80 8940-04 05/20/96 Weis Food Service 69,523.20 8940-04 05/20/96 Lentz Milling Company 22,365.00 8940-04 05/20/96 Bernard Food Industries, Inc. 18,967.00 8940-04 05/20/96 Feeser's, Inc. 168,377.40 9905-13 05/20/96 Rocall, Inc. 27,734.50 GARY E. CROWELL,
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-916. Filed for public inspection May 31, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]