891 Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Fund; assessment refund  

  • Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Fund; Assessment Refund

    [45 Pa.B. 2330]
    [Saturday, May 9, 2015]

     The Insurance Department (Department), Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error (MCARE) Fund, by Theodore G. Otto, III, Executive Director, under section 712 of the Medical Care Availability and Reduction Error (MCARE) Act (40 P. S. § 1303.712) and the Settlement Agreement between the MCARE Fund and the Pennsylvania Medical Society, the Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Podiatric Medical Association (Settlement Agreement), notifies all health care providers (HCP) who paid an MCARE assessment for years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014 (there was no projected year-end balance in 2013) that the process for implementing the Settlement Agreement began April 1, 2015.

     The HCPs who paid their own assessments do not need to do anything at this time other than keep their address current with their licensing authority. If another person or entity (Payor) paid an assessment on behalf of an HCP, and the HCP wishes to have that assessment refund come to the Payor, the HCP needs to complete the request form available on the MCARE Fund's web site at www.insurance.pa.gov/mcare. Additional information about the refund process is also available on the web site. Questions may be addressed to the MCARE Refund Service Center, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at (717) 231-6400 or ra-in-McareRefundCtr@pa.gov.

    Acting Insurance Commissioner

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 15-891. Filed for public inspection May 8, 2015, 9:00 a.m.]

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