737 Finding--Dauphin County  



    [28 Pa.B. 2182]

    Dauphin County

       Pursuant to the provisions of 71 P. S. Section 2002(b), the Secretary of Transportation makes the following written finding:

       The Department of Transportation plans to replace three existing corrugated steel pipe arches which carry Spring Creek under S. R. 0441 with a two span concrete bridge in Swatara Township, Dauphin County. The project consists of replacing the pipe arches on the existing alignment with widening to the upstream side, and improving the roadway geometry and sight distance from a nearby intersection. The project will require the acquisition of right-of-way from the adjacent Five Senses Park and the Capital Area Greenbelt Trail, which are public recreation facilities. The effect of this project on the Five Senses Park and the Capital Area Greenbelt Trail will be mitigated by the following measures to minimize harm to the resources.

       1.  Any required staging and waste disposal areas will be located in upland (non-wetland) areas, out of the Capital Area Greenbelt Trail and the Five Senses Park.

       2.  Excavation equipment necessary for the construction of the overflow channel will be restricted from entering into planted areas of the Five Senses Park property. All equipment will be required to remain within the area of excavation, with access from S. R. 0441.

       3.  Only the area necessary to effectively perform the construction will be disturbed. Any adjacent sensitive resources will be fenced with protective fencing. All disturbed areas will be restored and revegetated at the completion of construction. Protective fencing will be placed to restrict users of the Capital Area Greenbelt Trail and Five Senses Park from the area of construction.

       4.  The necessary DEP General Permit and Corps of Engineers Section 404 Nationwide Permit will be obtained prior to the start of construction.

       5.  Channel overbank excavation will occur upstream of the bridge along the west bank of Spring Creek. Riparian vegetation species will be used to stabilize this area of channel improvement. Selected plant species will be coordinated with the City of Harrisburg and Dauphin County and will blend with the natural plantings within Five Senses Park.

       I have considered the environmental, economic, social, and other effects of the proposed project as enumerated in Section 2002 of the Administrative Code, and have concluded that there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the project as designed, and all reasonable steps have been taken to minimize such effect.

       No adverse environmental effect is likely to result from the replacement of these pipe arches.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-737. Filed for public inspection May 8, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]

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