813 $5 million funding opportunity available  


    $5 Million Funding Opportunity Available

    [36 Pa.B. 2260]

       On behalf of Governor Edward G. Rendell, Department of Environmental Protection (Department) Secretary Kathleen A. McGinty announced on April 25, 2006, that the Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority (Authority) will open a $5 million solicitation for innovative, advanced energy projects and for businesses interested in locating their advanced energy operations in this Commonwealth.

       For purposes of this financial assistance opportunity, eligible projects may include: solar energy; wind; low-impact hydropower; geothermal; biologically derived methane gas, including landfill gas; biomass; fuel cells; coal-mine methane; waste coal; integrated gasification combined cycle; demand management measures, including recycled energy and energy recovery, energy efficiency and load management; and clean, alternative fuels for transportation. Priorities include solar, distributed generation for critical public infrastructure and clean, alternative fuels for transportation.

       Under this solicitation, the Authority may award financial assistance in the form of grants of up to $1 million. Funding for projects may be used for capital equipment, construction associated with capital projects and land acquisition.

       For grants under this solicitation, the following entities are eligible to apply: corporations, partnerships, associations and other legal business entities; nonprofit corporations; municipalities in this Commonwealth; and any public corporations, authorities or bodies whatsoever.

       This is a competitive solicitation and funding will be determined by vote of the Board of Directors. Guidelines and applications may be viewed and downloaded from the Department's website at www.depweb.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: PEDA). Applications will be accepted from May 8, 2006, through July 14, 2006.

       Note that the Department's Pennsylvania Energy Harvest Grant Program will be open at the same time (see 36 Pa.B. 2223 (May 6, 2006)).


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-813. Filed for public inspection May 5, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]

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