DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Contemplated Sale of Land No Longer Needed for Transportation Purposes [36 Pa.B. 2250] The Department of Transportation (Department), under section 2003(e)(7) of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 513(e)(7)), intends to sell at public auction certain land owned by the Department:
Liverpool Township, Perry County and Susquehanna Township, Juniata County: The parcel contains 86,336 square feet (1.98 acre) of improved land situated along Route 0011 southbound with a mailing address of Susquehanna Trail, Box 239, Liverpool, PA 17045-9625. This property includes a 1-story concrete block structure with a gross area of 2,300 sq. ft. and is composed of a 3-bay garage having 1,600 sq. ft. and an office and display area of 700 sq. ft. gross. Included in the office area is a bathroom and furnace and pump room. The furnace and well pump have been removed. The office area has a concrete floor covered in 6-inch tile block; the walls are drywall. The Shop Area has three bays with manual 10 by 12 doors; the floors are concrete; the walls are block. The estimated fair market value is $125,000.
Manheim Township, Lancaster County. This parcel contains 0.24 acre of improved land consisting of a 2-story brick dwelling, concrete block garage and a greenhouse with a well and septic system. It is situated along SR 0030 with a mailing address of 1440 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601. This dwelling has been winterized by Brubaker, Inc. and reconnection of water lines will be necessary. Connection to public sewer may be required within 1 year of purchase. The estimated fair market value is $118,000. The appraisal is discounted to reflect the cost of connection to the public sewer.
Interested public entities are invited to express their interest in purchasing these sites within 30 calendar days from the date of publication of this notice to Barry Hoffman, P. E., District Engineer, Department of Transportation, Engineering District 8-0, 2140 Herr Street, Harrisburg PA 17103-1699. Send inquiries to the attention of the R/W Unit. Include name, address and telephone number and e-mail address if applicable. Persons will be notified within 30 days of the date of the public sale of this property.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-790. Filed for public inspection May 5, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]