754 Pennsylvania agricultural product promotion matching grant program; 2006-2007 application period
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Pennsylvania Agricultural Product Promotion Matching Grant Program; 2006-2007 Application Period [36 Pa.B. 2175] An application period for grants under the Pennsylvania Agricultural Product Promotion Matching Grant Program (program) will open at 8 a.m. on June 7, 2006, and close at 4 p.m. on July 7, 2006. The program is administered by the Department of Agriculture (Department). A statement of policy describing the program is in 7 Pa. Code Chapter 105 (relating to Pennsylvania Agricultural Product Promotion Matching Grant Program--statement of policy).
In summary, the program provides matching funds to nonprofit agricultural marketing organizations in this Commonwealth for projects intended to increase consumer awareness of Pennsylvania agricultural products and thereby increase sales of these products.
This office will review and evaluate applications for matching grants under the program and may consider the following factors, among others, in deciding whether to approve or reject a particular matching grant request:
(1) The relevance of the project to the promotion or marketing of Pennsylvania agricultural products (such as through the PA Preferred Program, for example).
(2) The innovativeness of the project described in the application (renewable energy programs, for example).
(3) The scope of the project and the number of people who will be exposed to or affected by the project described in the application.
(4) The impact which the project will have upon the promotion and sales of the Pennsylvania agricultural products to which the project is targeted.
(5) The availability of full funding for the project from the applicant or from any source other than the program.
(6) The apparent ability of the applicant to complete the project as described in the application or, in the case of a grant to fund a National or regional agricultural product promotion or marketing project, the apparent ability of the entity with primary responsibility for the project to complete it.
(7) The overall performance of the applicant on prior projects (if any) funded by the program, including the timely filing of reports describing how project results compared to goals and objectives.
(8) Projects that are joint efforts between two or more nonprofit agricultural product promotion and marketing organizations in this Commonwealth may be given preference over projects involving only one organization.
(9) Projects where reference to the Department as a source of funding can practicably be made in promotional materials or broadcasts and that would make such a reference may be given preference over projects that would not make such a reference.
The application, work plan and budget should reflect January 1, 2007, as the project start date and no later than December 31, 2007, as the project completion date. Grant funds will be disbursed as follows: 50% advance payment within 60 days of receipt of a fully executed grant agreement by the Department, 30% within 60 days of receipt by the Department of proof that the project is at least 50% completed and 20% within 60 days of receipt by the Department of required project completion reports and documentation.
Applications for matching grants under the program will be accepted by the Department at the following address from 8 a.m. on Wednesday, June 7, 2006, through 4 p.m. on Friday, July 7, 2006. Untimely applications will not be considered.
Information and a grant application may be obtained online by accessing www.agriculture.state.pa.us. Questions regarding the program should be directed to Kyle Nagurny, Director, Bureau of Market Development, Department of Agriculture, 2301 North Cameron Street, Room 310, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408, (717) 787-6041.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-754. Filed for public inspection May 5, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]