861 Pennsylvania Wetland Replacement Project  

  • Pennsylvania Wetland Replacement Project

    [28 Pa.B. 2544]

       The Department of Environmental Protection has presented the following wetland restoration projects to the Environmental Review Committee for review and concurrence. Authorization for these projects has been received and construction is anticipated during June, July and August of 1998. These wetland restoration projects are funded by the Pennsylvania Wetland Replacement Project, a jointly managed fund between the Department of Environmental Protection and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Further information on the Pennsylvania Wetland Replacement Project may be obtained by contacting Kelly Heffer, Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Waterways, Wetlands and Erosion Control, P. O. Box 8775, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8775 or telephone (717) 787-6827.

       Project No.  S11B31-002--The objectives of the Hemlock Council of Girl Scouts' Golden Pond wetland restoration project are to provide environmental education opportunities for the Girl Scout Camp and to provide aquatic habitat. This one acre wetland restoration in Subbasin 11, (the Upper Juanita River watershed), is an integral part of a Conservation Reserve Program plan. The restoration will include blocking an existing field drain that was originally installed to divert water off the site, and the construction of a small berm to retain water. The project is located in West Township, Huntingdon County. (Franklinville, PA Quadrangle, N: 1.1 inches, W: 0.4 inch)

       Project No.  D02E09-001--Sponsored by the Bucks County Audubon Society, the primary objective of the 1 acre Honey Hollow wetland restoration in Subbasin 2, the Central Delaware River watershed, is to provide environmental education opportunities about wetlands at a well established environmental education center. The center has a pond and a creek, but presently no wetland. The project will be designed to have areas of saturated soil to areas of 3-8'' of standing water. After the site is constructed, the Center, in cooperation with the County Conservation District and the Department will design a planting scheme and the site will be planted by students. The project is located in Solebury Township, Bucks County. (Buckingham, PA Quadrangle, N: 22.0 inches, W: 1.9 inches)

       Project No.  O20C10-001--The objectives of the 3.9 acre wetland restoration sponsored by Ron Layton in Subbasin 20, the Ohio River watershed, are to provide wildlife habitat and improve water quality in the Conoquenessing Creek by intercepting, filtering, and cleansing runoff from adjacent cultivated areas. The project is located on the Layton farm in West Township, Butler County. (Evans City, PA Quadrangle, N: 9.4 inches, W: 7.0 inches)

       Project No.  O16A25-001--The primary objective of the wetland restoration sponsored by Jack Pfadt is to restore 2.9 acres of prior converted cropland in Subbasin 16, the Upper Allegheny River watershed. The wetland will provide habitat for waterfowl and act as a buffer to the West Branch French Creek by trapping nutrients and sediment thereby improving water quality. The project is located on the Pfadt farm in Venango Township, Erie County. (Wattsburg, PA Quadrangle, N: 8.4 inches, W: 4.0 inches)

       Project No.  16C53-001--The objective of the restoration of 5 acres of riparian floodplain depression sponsored by John Wiley farm in Subbasin 16, the Upper Allegheny River watershed, is to improve water quality in the Oswayo Creek by trapping nutrients and sediment. Additionally the wetland will help detain flows in small summer storms, and provide critical aquatic habitat in a predominately agricultural area. The project is located on the Wiley farm in Sharon Township, Potter County. (Shinglehouse, PA Quadrangle, N: 11.3 inches, W: 4.0 inches)

       For further information contact: Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Quality Protection, Division of Waterways Wetlands and Erosion Control, 400 Market Street, 10th Floor, P. O. Box 8775, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8775, (717) 787-6827.

    JAMES M. SEIF,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-861. Filed for public inspection May 29, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]

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