Title 4—ADMINISTRATION [44 Pa.B. 2617]
[Saturday, May 3, 2014]PART I. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE [4 PA. CODE CH. 6] [ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2013-03 ] Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans Services November 11, 2013
Whereas, Veterans have rendered and continue to render extraordinary service to the United States; and
Whereas, Pennsylvania's citizens include nearly one million veterans who have defended our nation's freedom by serving in the United States Armed Forces, making our commonwealth home to the 4th largest population of veterans among the states; and
Whereas, Veterans have unique needs and have earned a wide array of benefits that are fragmented across the federal, state and local levels; and
Whereas, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is committed to providing a structure to provide coordinated, high-quality services to help veterans recognize and access the benefits and services which they earned and deserve; and
Whereas, The Adjutant General, Deputy Adjutant General for Veterans Affairs and the State Veterans Commission are responsible for championing Veterans Affairs at the federal, state and local levels and to ensure programs and services are delivered, investigated, reported and coordinated to provide timely and effective programs to veterans and their families; and
Whereas, There is a continued need to increase collaboration between state agencies to enhance administrative efficiency and optimize services for veterans; and
Whereas, Veterans require dedicated and strategic outreach, collaboration between many departments and partners at the federal, state and local levels; and
Whereas, A cooperative advisory council would be best suited to bridge the gaps in coordination and communication at the state level and ultimately enhance the quality of services provided for our veterans.
Now, Therefore, I, Tom Corbett, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws of the commonwealth, do formally establish the Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans Services, and do order and direct as follows.
Fiscal Note: 2013-3. (1) General Fund; (2) Implementing Year 2013-14 is $5,000; (3) 1st Succeeding Year 2014-15 is $10,000; 2nd Succeeding Year 2015-16 is $10,200; 3rd Succeeding Year 2016-17 is $10,400; 4th Succeeding Year 2017-18 is $10,600; 5th Succeeding Year 2018-19 is $10,800; (4) 2012-13 Program—$0; 2011-12 Program—$0; 2010-11 Program—$0; (7) General Government Operations; (8) recommends adoption. The General Government Operations appropriation is able to absorb the increased cost.
6.551. Purpose. 6.552. Responsibilities. 6.553. Composition. 6.554. Responsibilities of Commonwealth agencies. 6.555. Effective date. 6.556. Termination date. § 6.551. Purpose.
The purpose of the Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans Services is to review, evaluate and assess State veterans' programs in collaboration with senior staff from State agencies and commissions to increase information sharing, ensure program fidelity, coordinate complementary programs and facilitate meaningful enhancements in service accessibility to veterans' benefits and services within this Commonwealth.
§ 6.552. Responsibilities.
The responsibilities of the Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans Services are to:
(1) Review, evaluate and maintain a comprehensive inventory of all programs within the Executive Branch regarding services and benefits for veterans.
(2) Serve as a coordinating body for agencies that are responsible for programs regarding services and benefits for veterans.
(3) Increase interoperability among administrators of veterans' programs.
(4) Coordinate efforts to establish a compendium of veterans' programs to enable quick reference and enhance access.
(5) Improve program fidelity by seeking input from the veterans' community with a standardized pre-program and post-program survey.
(6) Report findings through the State Veterans Commission to the Governor.
§ 6.553. Composition.
(a) The Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans Services (Council) shall consist of the following members, each of whom will be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor:
(1) The Deputy Adjutant General—Veterans Affairs from the Department of Military and Veteran Affairs, to serve as Chairperson.
(2) The Chairperson of the State Veterans Commission, to serve as Co-Chairperson.
(3) The Director of the Governor's Policy Office or a designee.
(4) The Secretary of the Department of Education or a designee.
(5) The Secretary of the Department of Corrections or a designee.
(6) The Chairperson of the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole or a designee.
(7) The Adjutant General of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
(8) The Secretary of Labor and Industry or a designee.
(9) The Secretary of the Department of Public Welfare or a designee.
(10) The Secretary of the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs or a designee.
(11) A State Civil Service Commissioner who is a veteran as required under the act of October 5, 2011 (P. L. 310, No. 76). If more than one State Civil Service Commissioner is a veteran, the Governor will designate the State Civil Service Commissioner to serve on the Council.
(12) A designee of the Pennsylvania War Veterans Council.
(b) The Governor has the ability to appoint up to three at-large members to the Council. At-large members shall be veterans.
§ 6.554. Responsibilities of Commonwealth agencies.
Agencies, boards and commissions under the Governor's jurisdiction shall provide an inventory of veterans' services and programs upon request of the Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans Services (Council). Each agency head shall designate one senior official who will be responsible for providing the Council with support, resources and information necessary to fulfill its duties.
§ 6.555. Effective date.
This subchapter takes effect immediately.
§ 6.556. Termination date.
This subchapter remains in effect unless revised or rescinded by the Governor.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 14-912. Filed for public inspection May 2, 2014, 9:00 a.m.]