STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Approval of PSSA General Performance Level Descriptors and Performance Level Scores [31 Pa.B. 2763] At its regular public meeting held May 10, 2001, the State Board of Education (Board) unanimously approved General Performance Level Descriptors and Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Performance Level Scores recommended to the Board by the Department of Education (Department). The approved general performance descriptors and PSSA performance level scores were recommended to the Board by the Department at a special public study session of the Board held on May 9, 2001. The Board action was taken under general authority granted to it by the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. §§ 1-101--27-2702) and in accordance with specific provisions of the Board's regulations codified at 22 Pa. Code Chapter 4 (relating to academic standards and assessment). The approved general performance descriptors and PSSA performance level scores are described infra in the Appendix.
Published at 29 Pa.B. 399 (January 16, 1999) the regulations of the Board now codified at 22 Pa. Code Chapter 4 ''establish rigorous academic standards and assessments to facilitate the improvement of student achievement and to provide parents and communities a measure by which school performance can be determined.'' See 22 Pa. Code § 4.2 (relating to purpose). To help accomplish these goals, the Board established in Chapter 4 a State assessment system. The State assessment system is designed specifically to accomplish the following purposes:
(1) Provide students, parents, educators and citizens with an understanding of student and school performance.
(2) Determine the degree to which school programs enable students to attain proficiency of academic standards under § 4.12 (relating to academic standards).
(3) Provide results to school districts, including charter schools, and AVTSs for consideration in the development of strategic plans under § 4.13 (relating to strategic plans).
(4) Provide information to State policymakers including the General Assembly and the Board on how effective schools are in promoting and demonstrating student proficiency of academic standards.
(5) Provide information to the general public on school performance.
(6) Provide results to school districts, including charter schools, and AVTSs based upon the aggregate performance of all students, for students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and for those without an IEP. See 22 Pa. Code § 4.51(a).
As prescribed by the regulations, the criteria for judging performance on State assessments are the following:
(1) Performance on State reading assessments shall be demonstrated by students' responses to comprehension questions about age-appropriate reading passages and by their written responses to indepth comprehension questions about the passages.
(2) Performance on State mathematics assessments shall be demonstrated by students' responses to questions about grade-appropriate content and by the quality of their responses to questions which require a written solution to a problem.
(3) Performance on State writing assessments shall be demonstrated by the quality of students' written compositions on a variety of topics and modes of writing. See 22 Pa. Code § 4.51(b)(1)--(3). Levels of proficiency established by the regulations are ''advanced, proficient, basic and below basic.'' 22 Pa. Code § 4.51(b)(4).
Under the regulations, it is the responsibility of the Department to develop State assessments ''based on academic standards in mathematics, reading and writing under § 4.12 [(relating to academic standards)].'' See 22 Pa. Code § 4.51(c). In developing assessments, the Department is required ''to consult with educators, students, parents and citizens regarding the specific methods of assessment.'' Individual test results from the assessment are to be used in planning instruction ''only by parents, teachers, administrators and guidance counselors with a need to know based upon local board policy on testing and in reporting academic progress.'' Id. The Department and other Commonwealth entities are prohibited from collecting individual student test scores, and may only collect aggregate test scores by school and district. Id.
The State assessments must be administered annually and include assessments of the State academic standards in mathematics and reading at grades 5, 8 and 11 and in writing at grades 6, 9 and 11. See 22 Pa. Code § 4.51(d). Students not achieving at the proficient level in the administration of State assessments in grade 11 must be provided one additional opportunity in grade 12 to demonstrate a proficient level on State assessments. See 22 Pa. Code § 4.51(e). The Secretary of Education has the authority to establish guidelines for the administration of the State assessment system. See 22 Pa. Code § 4.51(h).
Development and Approval of Descriptors and Scores
As part of the State assessment system established by the regulations, the Board delegated to the Department the very important task of developing specific criteria for each of the performance levels prescribed by § 4.51(b)(4)--advanced, proficient, basic and below basic. Specifically, the Department is directed by the regulations to ''consult with educators, students, parents and citizens,'' and then to ''develop and recommend to the Board for its approval specific criteria for each performance level.'' Id.
As reported to the Board at its May 9, 2001, special study session, the Department met with educators, parents, community and business leaders from across this Commonwealth to assist the Department in the development of the performance levels descriptors and scores. Based on these efforts as described in detail for the Board at its May 9, 2001, meeting, the Department recommended the performance level descriptors and scores that the Board ultimately adopted at its May 10, 2001, meeting. Before adopting the performance level descriptors and scores on May 10, 2001, the Board provided members of the public in attendance with the opportunity to comment on the Department's recommendation. The approved performance levels (as they appear infra) will be applied to the 2001 PSSA test scores, which will be released in fall 2001. The Department and the Board will review the descriptors and scores periodically based on actual experience in using them and consider revisions as appropriate, using the same process prescribed by § 4.51(b)(4).
Persons with questions or needing additional information regarding the Board's approval of these performance levels descriptors and scores may contact Peter H. Garland, Executive Director, State Board of Education, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333, (717) 787-3787 or TDD (717) 787-7367. Persons with questions or needing additional information regarding the development and implementation of them may contact Michael J. Kozup, Director, Bureau of Curriculum and Academic Services, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333, (717) 787-8913 or TDD (717) 787-7367.
Executive DirectorAPPENDIX Pennsylvania's General Performance Level Descriptors and PSSA Performance Level Scores, as approved by the State Board of Education, are as follows:
General Performance Level Descriptors Advanced--The Advanced Level reflects superior academic performance. Advanced work indicates an in-depth understanding and exemplary display of the skills included in the Pennsylvania Academic Content Standards.
Proficient--The Proficient Level reflects satisfactory academic performance. Proficient work indicates a solid understanding and adequate display of the skills included in the Pennsylvania Academic Content Standards.
Basic--The Basic Level reflects marginal academic performance. Basic work indicates a partial understanding and limited display of the skills included in the Pennsylvania Academic Content Standards. This work is approaching satisfactory performance but has not yet reached it. There is a need for additional instructional opportunities and/or increased student academic commitment to achieve the Proficient Level.
Below Basic--The Below Basic Level reflects inadequate academic performance. Below Basic work indicates little understanding and minimal display of the skills included in the Pennsylvania Academic Content Standards. There is a major need for additional instructional opportunities and/or increased student academic commitment to achieve the Proficient Level.
Performance Level Scores Grade 5 Mathematics Reading Advanced 1460 1480 Proficient 1300 1300 Basic 1170 1160 Below Basic Grade 8 Mathematics Reading Advanced 1510 1490 Proficient 1300 1280 Basic 1180 1130 Below Basic Grade 11 Mathematics Reading Advanced 1490 1520 Proficient 1310 1290 Basic 1180 1140 Below Basic [Pa.B. Doc. No. 01-928. Filed for public inspection may 25, 2001, 9:00 a.m.]