1084 Order amending rule of civil procedure 1018.1; no. 5705 of 2014  


    Order Amending Rule of Civil Procedure 1018.1; No. 5705 of 2014

    [44 Pa.B. 3089]
    [Saturday, May 24, 2014]


    And Now, this 2nd day of May, 2014, the Luzerne County Rules of Civil Procedure (Luz.Co.R.Civ.P.) are hereby revised as follows:

     1. Luzerne County Rule of Civil Procedure (Luz.Co.R.Civ.P.) 1018.1 is hereby amended as provided in the following copy of the same.

     2. It is further Ordered that the Court Administrator shall file seven (7) certified copies of this Rule with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, two (2) copies to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, one (1) certified copy to the Civil Procedural Rules Committee, one (1) certified copy to the Judicial Council of Pennsylvania Statewide Rules Committee, and one (1) copy to the Luzerne Legal Register for publication in the next issue.

     3. It is further Ordered that the effective date of this order shall be thirty (30) days after the date of publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

     4. It is further Ordered that these local rules shall be kept continuously available for public inspection and copying in the Office of Judicial Services and Records of Luzerne County.

    By the Court

    THOMAS F. BURKE, Jr., 
    President Judge

    Luz.Co.R.Civ.P. Rule 1018.1. Notice to Defend. Form.

     (a) In accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 1018.1, every complaint filed by a plaintiff and every complaint filed by a defendant against an additional defendant shall begin with a Notice to Defend.

     (b) The Notice to Defend shall be in both English and Spanish.

     (c) The required Notice to Defend shall be in substantially the following form:



     YOU HAVE BEEN SUED IN COURT. If you wish to defend against the claim set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after this complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by an attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the court without further notice for any money claimed in the complaint or for any other claim or relief requested by the plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED RATE OR NO FEE.


     A USTED SE LE HA DEMANDADO EN LA CORTE. Si usted quiere defenderse contra la demanda expuesta en las siguientes páginas, tiene que tomar acción en un plazo de veinte (20) días después que reciba esta demanda y aviso, por presentar una notificación de comparecencia escrita personalmente o por un abogado y radicar por escrito en la Corte sus defensas u objeciones a las demandas presentadas en su contra. Se le advierte que si falla en hacerlo, el caso podría seguir adelante sin usted y un fallo podría ser dictado en su contra por la Corte sin previo aviso por cualquier dinero reclamado en la demanda o por cualquier otro reclamo o desagravio pedido por el/la demandante. Puede que usted pierda dinero o propiedad u otros derechos importantes para usted. USTED DEBE LLEVAR ESTE DOCUMENTO A SU ABOGADO INMEDIATAMENTE. SI NO TIENE ABOGADO, DIRÍJASE O LLAME POR TELÉFONO A LA OFICINA CUYA DIRECCIóN SE ENCUENTRA ABAJO. ESTA OFICINA PUEDE PROVEERLE CON INFORMACIóN SOBRE COMO CONTRATAR UN ABOGADO. SI NO TIENE LOS FONDOS SUFICIENTES PARA CONTRATAR UN ABOGADO, ESTA OFICINA PODRÍA PROPORCIONARLE INFORMACIóN ACERCA DE AGENCIAS QUE PUEDAN OFRECERLES SERVICIOS LEGALES A PERSONAS QUE REÚNAN LOS REQEQUISITOS A UN HONORARIO REDUCIDO O GRATIS.

    North Penn Legal Services, Inc.
    33 N. Main Street,
    Suite 200
    Pittston, PA 18640
    (570) 299-4100
    (877) 953-4250 Toll free
    (570) 824-0001 Fax
    Servicios Legales de North Penn, Inc.
    33 la Calle Main del Norte, Oficina 200
    Pittston, PA 18640
    (570) 299-4100
    (877) 953-4250 Llamada gratuita
    (570) 824-0001 Fax
    101 West Broad Street
    Suite 513
    Hazleton, PA 18201
    (570) 455-9512
    (877) 953-4250 Toll free
    (570) 455-3625 Fax
    101 la Calle Broad del Oeste
    Oficina 513
    Hazleton, PA 18201
    (570) 455-9512
    (877) 953-4250 Llamada gratuita
    (570) 455-3625 Fax
    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 14-1084. Filed for public inspection May 23, 2014, 9:00 a.m.]

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