992 VHS-susceptible species of fish; correction  

  • VHS-Susceptible Species of Fish; Correction

    [38 Pa.B. 2425]
    [Saturday, May 24, 2008]

       The Fish and Boat Commission (Commission) previously published a notice pertaining to species of fish that are susceptible to Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) at 38 Pa.B. 2126 (May 3, 2008). However, the Commission has discovered that a portion of that notice was inadvertently omitted. Therefore, the Commission is republishing the notice as follows:

       Under 58 Pa. Code § 69.3 (relating to transportation of VHS-susceptible fish out of the Lake Erie watershed), which went into effect on January 1, 2008, it is unlawful to transport or cause the transportation of fish susceptible to VHS out of the portion of the Lake Erie watershed in this Commonwealth into other watersheds of this Commonwealth except when certain conditions are met. Section 69.3 further provides that for purposes of the section, species of fish that are VHS-susceptible are those species that the Commission has defined as such by notice published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. By notice published at 37 Pa.B. 6478 (December 8, 2007), the Commission provided an initial list of species that are susceptible to VHS.

       For purposes of § 69.3, the Commission has defined the following additional species as those that are VHS-susceptible, effective May 3, 2008: Common carp (Cyprinus carpio); Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush); Round goby (Apollonia melanostoma); and White sucker (Catostomus commersonii).

    DOUGLAS J. AUSTEN, Ph.D.,   
    Executive Director

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 08-992. Filed for public inspection May 23, 2008, 9:00 a.m.]

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