Retention of Engineering Firms [27 Pa.B. 2587] Cameron, Centre, Clearfield,
Elk and Juniata Counties
Project Reference No. 08430AG2069The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to perform periodic NBIS inspections for various locally owned bridges in Engineering District 2-0, that is Cameron, Centre, Clearfield, Elk and Juniata Counties. Approximately 212 bridges to be inspected bi-annually during the years of 1998, 2000 and 2002 and approximately 29 Yearly Frequency Inspections during the years of 1999 and 2001 are involved. These structures will be of various structure type and material; that is, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, steel beams, steel truss and others. A detailed listing of bridges will be distributed during the scope of work meeting.
These inspections are of locally owned bridges at various locations with inspection due dates from December 30, 1997, to March 11, 2002. The selected engineering firm will be required to provide updated inspection reports including a bridge load capacity rating/rerating and/or posting recommendation as warranted, furnish bridge inventory and appraisal data, and completed BMS coding sheets, to provide inventory and operating ratings based on existing conditions for H, HS, and ML 80 loading using the Department's BAR 7 computer program for all of the newly inspected bridges and for some previously inspected bridges, and to provide load posting recommendations in accordance with the Department's current load posting policy.
The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms, (see general requirements and information section) shall be sent to: Vasco Ordnoez, P.E., District 2-0, 1924-30 Daisy Street, P. O. Box 342, Clearfield, PA 16830.
Technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to C. David Lynn, P.E., District 2-0, at (814) 765-0581.
Questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.
Washington, Green and Westmoreland Counties
Project Reference No. 08430AG2070The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to provide supplementary construction inspection staff of approximately 13 inspectors, under the Department's Inspector-in-Charge, for construction inspection and documentation services on the following 7 projects:
1. S. R. 3003, Section A01, Westmoreland County. Local Name: Speers Run Bridge. This project involves replacement of the existing structures.
2. S. R. 0188, Section B10, Greene County. Local Name: Ten Mile Creek Bridge No. 1. This project involves replacement of the existing structure.
3. S. R. 0188, Section F11, Greene County. Local Name: Ten Mile Creek Bridge No. 2. This project involves replacement of the existing structure.
4. S. R. 0019, Section 08R, Greene County. Local Name: TR 19. This project involves drainage improvements, new guide rail and resurfacing of the pavement and shoulders.
5. S. R. 0221, Section 01R, Greene County. Local Name: TR 221 Curve. This project involves vertical and horizontal adjustments to Traffic Route 221.
6. S. R. 0088, Section 115, Washington County. Local Name: California Park 'N' Ride. This project involves construction of a Park 'N' Ride lot in California Borough.
7. S. R. 0018, Section 18R, Washington County. Local Name: Atlasburg Road. This project involves drainage improvements, new guide rail and resurfacing of the pavement and shoulders.
The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three firms for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.
The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:
a. Number of qualified and experienced inspectors in each payroll classification.
b. Number of NICET certified inspectors in each payroll classification.
c. Understanding of Department's requirements, policies and specifications.
d. Past Performance.
e. Availability of Inspectors.
The qualifications and experience required of the firm's inspectors will be established by the Department, and the qualifications of the firm's proposed employes will be reviewed and approved by the Department.
It is anticipated that the supplementary construction inspection staff for this assignment will consist of the following number of inspectors who meet the requirements for the following inspection classifications:
No. of Classification Inspectors Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI) 13 (8) (NICET Highway Construction Level 2 or equivalent) The number in parenthesis above indicate the number of inspectors in each Classification that must meet at least one of the following requirements:
1. Be certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) in the field of Transportation Engineering Technology, subfield of Highway Construction, or subfield of Highway Materials, at the Level required for the Inspection Classification.
2. Be registered as a Professional Engineer by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.
3. Be certified as an Engineer-in-Training by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.
4. Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.
5. Hold an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.
The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for each Department Payroll Classification for calendar year 1997:
Maximum Straight Time Reimbursement Per Hour Payroll Classification of Inspection (TCI) $33.44 The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection includes all costs for providing construction inspection services at the project site during the normal work week.
Maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for subsequent calendar years, if applicable, will be established at the scope of work meeting.
The firm selected may be required to attend a preconstruction conference with the Department and the construction contractor for this project. Under the supervision and direction of the Department, the selected firm will be required to keep records and document the construction work; prepare current and final estimates for payment to the construction contractor; assist the Department in obtaining compliance with the labor standards, safety and accident prevention, and equal opportunity provisions of the contract item; and perform other duties as may be required. Firms applying must have qualified personnel capable of climbing structures during painting, rehabilitation, or construction.
The firm selected will be required to supply the following equipment at no direct cost to the Department:
3 Nuclear Densometer Gauges/License 3 Vehicles for the Transportation of Nuclear Gauges The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be 15% of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information section after the advertised projects.
The maximum number of resumes to be included in the letter of interest shall be as follows:
Classification No. of Resumes TCI 16 The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms (see general requirements and information section) shall be sent to: Michael H. Dufalla, P.E., District Engineer, District 12-0, P. O. Box 459, Uniontown, PA 15401.
Technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Anthony M. Dzurko, P. E., District 12-0, at (412) 439-7137.
Questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.
Dauphin, Cumberland and Lebanon Counties
Project Reference No. 08430AG2071The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to develop an Early Deployment Program for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies in the Harrisburg Metropolitan Area and Engineering District 8-0. Each component of ITI (Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure) is to be addressed in the strategic deployment plan. The project requires public and agency input and must address institutional issues.
The firm will be required to define problems and needs, investigate all applicable ITS user services and each component of ITI, establish performance criteria, develop a User Service Plan, define functional requirements and system architecture, and prepare a Strategic Deployment Plan for the Harrisburg, Lebanon and Carlisle Metropolitan area. The strategic plan for deployment should yield a wide array of services that provide measurable benefits for the Harrisburg area. This plan must be an evolving document with the flexibility to incorporate advances in technology.
The required tasks include defining problems and establishing institutional framework; defining current infrastructure system; defining institutional roles and responsibilities; identifying user services; developing performance criteria; drafting user service plan; circulating draft user service plan with agencies and public and documenting public input process; identifying required functional areas; defining functional requirements and system architecture; identifying and screening alternative technologies; identifying institutional responsibilities and recommendations; and developing a strategic deployment plan.
Key elements of the Department's consultant selection criteria include past experience of the project team, project understanding, software development capabilities, knowledge of State-of-the-Art hardware, knowledge of wire/wireless communication technologies, systems integration experience and public/agency involvement qualifications.
The work is anticipated to start the beginning of 1998 and be completed within 18 months.
The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms (see general requirements and information section) shall be sent to John Bachman, District 8-0, 2140 Herr Street, Harrisburg, PA 17103-1699.
Technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Michael S. Gillespie, District 8-0, at (717) 787-7144.
Questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.
Tioga County
Project Reference No. 08430AG2072The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm for a multi-part, specific project to: undertake environmental and preliminary engineering studies; prepare final bridge and roadway plans, specifications and estimates; and perform engineering services during construction for S. R. 6015, Section E61, and S. R. 0015, Sections F12 and F13. The project is located in Richmond and Tioga Townships in north-central Tioga County and encompasses design activities for the completion of three existing 2 on 4 lane limited access sections of relocated U. S. 15. From south to north, the sections involved are: S. R. 6015, Section E61 extending approximately 3.6 miles from Canoe Camp to north of Mansfield (i.e., the Mansfield Bypass); S. R. 0015, Section F12 from north of Mansfield approximately 7.9 miles northward to north of Tioga Borough at S. R. 287; and S. R. 0015, Section F13, the companion structure to the existing 8 span, 1500 foot bridge over Mill Creek. The design portion of this multi-part project is expected to have an overall duration of up to 48 months with shorter, varying schedules for individual parts. The estimated aggregate construction cost of the project is $75 million.
The selected firm will be required to provide a variety of engineering services including the following: categorical exclusion preparation and supporting environmental studies including air, noise, cultural resources and wetlands; preliminary engineering studies involving field surveys, utility contacts, H&H studies, joint permit preparation, line, grade and typical section development, type, size and location submissions, geologic studies, boring contract administration, erosion and sedimentation control plans and narratives, hydraulic computations, safety reviews, Step 9 submissions, and public involvement; final design activities including pavement designs and analyses, drainage design, right-of-way and traffic control plans, foundation submissions, structure designs and plans preparation, roadway designs and plans preparation, various field and office meetings, and plans, specifications, and estimates preparation; and engineering services during construction including shop drawing, possible contractors redesign reviews and consultation services.
The Department is seeking a moderate to large, multi discipline firm with major highway and multi-span bridge design and rehabilitation, and environmental document preparation experience and/or capability.
Letters of interest will be evaluated at the Engineering District 3-0 office with emphasis on the following factors:
* Preparation of various environmental documents including high level Categorical Exclusions and supporting documents
* New design and rehabilitation of major roadways and multi-span bridges
* Past Performance, if any, on similar PennDOT and/or other public improvement assignments
* Workload; and
* Subconsultants, if any
The District will announce the firms that have been shortlisted at an open public meeting scheduled for June 27, 1997, at 10 a.m. at Engineering District 3-0, 715 Jordan Avenue, Montoursville, PA 17754.
The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be 15% of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information section after the advertised projects.
The second copy of the letter of interest and required forms (see general requirements and information section) shall be sent to: Paul E. Heise, P. E., District Engineer, District 3-0, 715 Jordan Avenue, Montoursville, PA 17754.
Technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to John W. Elwell, District 3-0, at (717) 368-4256.
Questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.
General Requirements and Information Firms interested in providing the above work and services are invited to submit two copies of a letter of interest and required information for each Project Reference Number for which the applicant wishes to be considered.
The first copy of the letter of interest and required information must be submitted to Charles W. Allwein, P.E., Chief, Consultant Agreement Division, 7th Floor, Forum Place, 555 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101-1900.
The letter of interest and required information must be received within 13 calendar days of this notice. The deadline for receipt of a letter of interest at the above address is 4:30 p.m. prevailing time of the thirteenth day.
The second copy of the letter of interest and required information must be submitted to the appropriate District Engineer/Administrator or the Bureau Director as indicated in the individual advertisement. This copy must be postmarked or delivered on or before the deadline indicated above.
If an individual, firm or corporation not authorized to engage in the practice of engineering desires to submit a letter of interest, said individual, firm or corporation may do so as part of a Joint Venture with an individual, firm or corporation which is permitted under the State law to engage in the practice of engineering.
If a Joint Venture responds to a project advertisement, the Department of Transportation will not accept separate letters of interest from the Joint Venture constituents. A firm will not be permitted to submit on more than one Joint Venture for the same Project Reference Number. Also a firm that responds to a project as a prime may not be included as a designated subcontractor to another firm that responds as a prime to the project. Multiple responses under any of the foregoing situations will cause the rejection of all responses of the firm or firms involved. The above does not preclude a firm from being set forth as a designated subcontractor to more than one prime responding to the project advertisement.
If a goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation is established for an advertised project, firms expressing interest in the project must agree to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms as defined in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 and currently certified by the Department of Transportation, shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in any subcontracting or furnishing supplies or services approved under Form 442, Section 1.10(a). The act requires that firms owned and controlled by women (WBEs) be included, as a presumptive group, within the definition of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). The goal for DBE participation shall be as stated in the individual project advertisement. Responding firms shall make good faith efforts to meet the DBE goal using DBEs (as they were defined prior to the act), WBEs or combinations thereof.
Proposing DBE firms must be certified at the time of submission of the letter of interest. If the selected firm fails to meet the established DBE participation goal, it shall be required to demonstrate its good faith efforts to attain the goal.
Responses are encouraged by small firms, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms, and other firms who previously have not performed work for the Department of Transportation.
Each letter of interest must include the following information, and the information must be packaged and presented in the following order:
1. Transmittal Letter (maximum of two typed pages, one side)
The subject heading of the transmittal letter must include the project reference number for which the applicant wishes to be considered, the firm's legal name, fictitious name (if applicable) and the firm's Federal identification number. If the project advertisement indicated the Department will retain an engineering firm for the project, the applicant must indicate in the body of their transmittal letter the names and Professional Engineer License Number of individuals who are directing heads or employes of the firm who have responsible charge of the firm's engineering activities, and whose names and seals shall be stamped on all plans, specifications, plats and reports issued by the firm.
2. Project Organization Chart (one page, one side)
This chart should show key staff from the prime and each subconsultant and their area of responsibility.
3. Standard Form 255, ''Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project'' (one Form 255 for the project team)
The Standard Form 255 must be signed, dated and filled out in its entirety, including Item No. 6 listing the proposed subconsultants and the type of work or service they will perform on the project. Under Item 4 of this form, Column A should include the number of subconsultant personnel and Column B should include the number of prime consultant personnel to be assigned to work on this project reference number.
If a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal is specified for the project, the DBE must be currently certified by the Department of Transportation, and the name of the DBE and the work to be performed must be indicated in Item No. 6. If a Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) firm is substituted for the DBE, the WBE firm must also be presently certified by the Department of Transportation and indicated in Item 6.
4. Standard Form 254, ''Architect-Engineer for Related Services Questionnaire''
A Standard Form 254, not more than 1 year old as of the date of this advertisement, must accompany each letter of interest for the firm, each party to a Joint Venture, and for each subconsultant the firm or Joint Venture is proposing to use for the performance of professional services regardless of whether the subconsultant is an individual, a college professor or a company, unless an acceptable Standard Form 254 for the prime and each subconsultant/subcontractor is on file in both the Bureau of Design and the Engineering District Office or Central Office Bureau identified in the individual project advertisement.
If the Standard Form 254 is not submitted with the letter of interest, the transmittal letter shall indicate the dates that the Standard Forms 254 were submitted to the Bureau of Design and appropriate Engineering District/Central Office Bureau.
These forms shall be assembled with the prime's first, followed by the subconsultant's in the same order as they appear in Item 6 of Form 255.
5. Workload Projection Graph (not required for Construction Inspection Services)
A Workload Projection Graph for the prime and each subconsultant should indicate the firm's current and anticipated workload compared to the anticipated capacity available for the next 2-year time frame. The Workload Projection Graph should be submitted for the offices where the work would be performed and should only include the personnel classifications required for providing the advertised services and work.
6. Authorization Letters (if required)
If the advertisement requires a letter signed by individuals giving their approval to use their names in the letter of interest, the letters from proposed prime employes should be first, followed by subconsultant employes, in the same order as shown in Item 6 of Form 255.
7. Registration To Do Business
Firms with out-of-State headquarters or corporations not incorporated in this Commonwealth must include, with each letter of interest, a copy of their registration to do business in this Commonwealth as provided by the Department of State. Firms who are not registered to do business in this Commonwealth at the time of this advertisement must document that they have applied for registration to the Department of State, Corporation Bureau. The telephone number for the Corporation Bureau is (717) 787-1057 or (717) 787-2004.
8. Overhead Rates (one page)
This page must show the latest audited overhead rate developed in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) for the prime consultant and each subconsultant. If a FAR rate is not available, the latest rate available from a Certified Public Account must be indicated. New firms should indicate how long the firm has been in existence and when an audited overhead rate would be available.
9. Additional Information
Additional information, not to exceed ten one sided pages or five double sided pages may be included at the discretion of the submitting firm.
The assignment of the agreement/contract for the above advertisements will be made to one of the firms who submitted an acceptable letter of interest in response to the project advertisement. The assignment will be made based on the Department's evaluation of the firm's qualification and capabilities. The Department reserves the right to reject all letters submitted, to cancel the solicitations requested under this notice and/or to readvertise solicitation for the work and services.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-843. Filed for public inspection May 23, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]