834 Sheep and Lamb Marketing Program; termination notice  


    Sheep and Lamb Marketing Program; Termination Notice

    [27 Pa.B. 2558]

       Under the applicable provisions of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Commodities Marketing Act of 1968 (act), the Pennsylvania Sheep and Lamb Marketing Program (Program) has been terminated effective June 30, 1998. This termination is the result of a resolution of the Commodity Marketing Board of the Program at their meeting on March 27, 1997, requesting the termination of the Program. The Program was created in 1989 and continued in 1993 by the favorable votes of the majority of the Pennsylvania sheep producers voting in referendums conducted by the Department. However, the inability of the Program to achieve widespread support among producers and, therefore, payment of the assessment, has limited its effectiveness. The act authorizes the Secretary, with the approval of the appropriate commodity marketing board, to terminate a commodity marketing program that does not tend to effectuate the act. These criteria for the termination of the Program have been met. Collecting sales agents should cease collecting the Program checkoff and remit to the Program any checkoff moneys they are currently holding. No further collections of the producer assessment shall be made. The Program Board will utilize the remaining fund balance of the Program to promote the use and consumption of sheep and lamb products in this Commonwealth.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-834. Filed for public inspection May 23, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

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