Retention of Engineering Firms [29 Pa.B. 2726] Delaware and Philadelphia Counties
Project Reference No. 08430AG2350The Department will retain an engineering firm to perform construction management support services for S.R. 0095, Sections DES, FUN, STL and CON, the reconstruction and improvement of I-95 in the City of Philadelphia and Delaware County.
The project is proposed to have three (3) separate construction contracts with a total cost of approximately $80 million dollars.
I-95 is a high-speed limited-access eight (8) to ten (10) lane interstate highway, located within the commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential areas in Delaware and Philadelphia Counties. This interstate highway has a high volume of traffic with closely spaced interchanges and provides the major access to Philadelphia International Airport. The project will begin at the intersection of I-95 with Bartram Avenue and extend northward virtually to the interchange of I-95 with Island Avenue. The project will provide for the construction of approximately six (6) bridges, six (6) retaining walls, and various lengths of one (1) lane to two (2) lane ramps with associated widenings of I-95. Major construction items of work will be the demolition of a concrete curved girder bridge over I-95, roadway demolition and reconstruction, signing, sign structures, lighting, drainage, and landscaping, all being done while maintaining vehicular traffic on I-05 and to the airport.
The anticipated design duration of the I-95 - Airport construction is approximately eighteen (18) months.
The required Construction Management Services will include, but not be limited to, the following:
Analyze contractor's CPM schedules and monitor progress during construction, facilitate at progress meetings and record minutes; attend meetings; review and make recommendations on construction and design problems; review design changes and make recommendations; evaluate value engineering proposals; perform constructability reviews; prepare correspondence for signature on all issues; track submissions including shop drawings; review and prepare responses on potential claims and assist in resolving claims; furnish change order evaluations and assist in their preparation; coordinate and participate in community relations including personal contacts with community representatives and community meetings; coordinate work with other agencies and utility companies; and assist in highway construction related problem-solving with the Department's field and office staff as well as the consultant designer.
The I-95/Airport project will require Construction Management Support Services during the design phase as well as the construction phase.
The consultant will be required to establish a field office in Pennsylvania within approximately one mile from I-95 and the Airport. This field office will be fully equipped to meet the needs of the Construction Management Staff and will contain office equipment, furniture, photocopying capabilities, telephones, fax facilities, and a conference room able to accommodate twenty (20) people. One (1) desk with a telephone and two (2) parking spaces is to be provided for use by Department and Federal Highway Administration personnel.
Firms who are performing work for contractors presently working on Department construction contracts, or firms who intend to perform work for contractors during the time period of the Construction Management Agreement, cannot be a member of the Construction Management Team.
The active members of the Construction Management Support Team may vary depending on the work schedule, but the following personnel will be required:
One Project Manager (Must be a PA Professional Engineer)
One Construction Engineer (Must be a Professional Engineer)
One Schedule Engineer
One Technician and a Secretary/Receptionist
The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the committee during its evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:
a. Specific experience of the individuals listed for each position with emphasis on their background in coordinating construction projects, working for the owner in an Owner-in-Charge environment, and familiarity with PennDOT procedures and specifications.
b. Firm's specific public relations experience and technical competence which would demonstrate the ability to communicate the Department's message to the public.
c. Firm's past record of performance with the Department or similar agencies with an emphasis on the quality of the work and ability to meet deadlines.
d. Firm's experience in similar types of construction management assignments.
e. Firm's responsiveness to the requirements of this proposal and its knowledge of the construction to take place on the projects. (Shortlisted firms will be required to make an oral presentation)
The District will announce the firms that have been shortlisted at an open public meeting scheduled for June 30, 1999 at 10:00 A.M. in Engineering District 6-0's Large Conference Room.
The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen (15%) percent of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information section after the advertised project(s).
This project reference assignment is considered complex. The letter of interest shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) pages, 8 1/2" x 11", one sided, plus an organizational chart (up to 11" x 17" size), required information, and additional resumes, if applicable. (See the General Requirements and Information Section).
The Letter of Interest submission shall be sent to:
Mr. Andrew L. Warren, District Administrator
Engineering District 6-0
200 Radnor-Chester Road
St. Davids, PA 19087The Letter of Interest submission for this project reference number must be received at the address listed above by 4:30 P.M. prevailing time on the twentieth (20th) day following the date of this Notice.
Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. Rex Mackey, P.E., District 6-0, at (610) 964-6556 or Mr. Marshall Linton, P.E., District 6-0, (610) 964-6684.
Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe,
Northampton and Schuylkill Counties
Project Reference No. 08430AG2351The Department will retain an engineering firm for an Open-End Contract for various engineering and/or environmental services on various projects located in Engineering District 5-0, that is Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton and Schuylkill Counties. The Contract will be for a sixty (60) month period with projects assigned on an as-needed basis. The maximum amount of the Open-End Contract will be $1.0 million.
The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Open-End Contract based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the acceptable letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.
The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:
a. Past record of performance (timeliness, responsiveness, quality, cost control, and ability to meet schedules.
b. Diversity of experience and technical competence.
c. Location of consultant with respect to the District.
d. Relative size of firm to potential assignments.
The work and services required under this Contract may encompass a wide range of environmental studies and engineering efforts with the possibility of several different types of projects with short completion schedules being assigned concurrently. The anticipated types of projects include, but not limited to, bridge replacements or bridge rehabilitation with minor approach work, environmental studies, roadway betterments (3R type,) minor capital improvement projects (bridges or roadway), railroad grade crossing projects, and minor location studies, etc.
The engineering work and services which may be required under this Contract include, but are not limited to, perform field surveys; plot topography and cross sections; prepare submission for utility verification and relocations engineering; prepare all pertinent submissions and materials necessary for the Department to prepare the application to PUC and for the PUC field conference; attend and supply any required information for all PUC meetings and hearings during the design of the project; develop erosion control details and narrative; prepare right of way plans; complete structure designs including type, size and location reports, core boring layouts and foundation designs and reports; develop traffic control plans with narratives; conduct soils investigations and prepare soils reports; investigate utility involvement on projects; provide material for and participate in value engineering reviews; coordinate contacts with railroad officials and procure railroad related costs, permits, and insurance; collect signal timing, accident data and other traffic flow data; document engineering study findings and activities; alternative analysis to assess impacts and mitigation; and prepare construction plans, specifications, and estimates.
The areas of environmental study required under the Contract may include, but are not limited to: air quality; noise; energy; vibration; hazardous waste; surface water and ground water quality; surface water and ground water hydrology; terrestrial ecology including threatened and endangered species; wetlands; soils; geology; farmlands; visual quality; socio-economic resources; cultural resources; Section 4(f) Evaluations; early coordination and; scoping correspondence; meeting minutes; public meeting and hearing presentations; visualization materials, handouts and displays; technical basis reports (TBRs) and/or technical files; NEPA environmental documents; Section 106 documents; mitigation plans and reports; wetland and floodplain findings; and preliminary engineering plans, and remote sensing/mapping innovations; The format and content of all documents will be consistent with applicable State and Federal regulations, policies and guidelines.
The engineering services and environmental studies identified above are the general work activities that can be expected under this Open-End Contract. A more specific and project-related Scope of Work will be outlined for each individual Work Order developed under this Open-End Contract.
This project reference assignment is considered non-complex. The letter of interest shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) pages, 8 1/2" x 11", one sided, plus an organizational chart (up to 11" x 17" size), required information, and additional resumes, if applicable. (See the General Requirements and Information Section).
The Letter of Interest submission shall be sent to:
Mr. Walter E. Bortree, P.E., District Engineer
Engineering District 5-0
1713 Lehigh Street
Allentown, PA 18103
Attention: Mr. David A. Earp, P.E.The Letter of Interest submission for this project reference number must be received at the address listed above by 4:30 P.M. prevailing time on the twentieth (20th) day following the date of this Notice.
Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. David A. Earp, P.E., District 5-0, at (610) 791-6021.
Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe,
Northampton and Schuylkill Counties
Project Reference No. 08430AG2352The Department will retain an engineering firm for an Open-End Contract for various engineering and/or environmental services on various projects located in Engineering District 5-0, that is Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton and Schuylkill Counties. The Contract will be for a sixty (60) month period with projects assigned on an as-needed basis. The maximum amount of the Open-End Contract will be $1.0 million.
The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Open-End Contract based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the acceptable letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.
The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:
a. Past record of performance (timeliness, responsiveness, quality, cost control, and ability to meet schedules.
b. Diversity of experience and technical competence.
c. Location of consultant with respect to the District.
d. Relative size of firm to potential assignments.
e. Avoidance of potential conflict on interest in review tasks.
The work and services required under this Contract may encompass a wide range of environmental studies and engineering efforts with the possibility of several different types of projects with short completion schedules being assigned concurrently. The anticipated types of projects include, but not limited to, bridge replacements or bridge rehabilitation with minor approach work, environmental studies, roadway betterments (3R type,) minor capital improvement projects (bridges or roadway), railroad grade crossing projects, and minor location studies, etc.
The engineering work and services which may be required under this Contract include, but are not limited to, perform field surveys; plot topography and cross sections; prepare submission for utility verification and relocations engineering; prepare all pertinent submissions and materials necessary for the Department to prepare the application to PUC and for the PUC field conference; attend and supply any required information for all PUC meetings and hearings during the design of the project; develop erosion control details and narrative; prepare right of way plans; complete structure designs including type, size and location reports, core boring layouts and foundation designs and reports; develop traffic control plans with narratives; conduct soils investigations and prepare soils reports; investigate utility involvement on projects; provide material for and participate in value engineering reviews; coordinate contacts with railroad officials and procure railroad related costs, permits, and insurance; collect signal timing, accident data and other traffic flow data; document engineering study findings and activities; alternative analysis to assess impacts and mitigation; however, the majority of work performed under this Open-End Contract will be areas of geotechnical reviews; bridge reviews; and the preparation of construction contract documents.
Review tasks will be subject to the condition that the selected consultant (or any subconsultant retained to perform work under this Open-End Contact) will not be permitted to review any work performed by the selected consultant (or any subconsultant) under any other contract or for any other project.
The areas of environmental study required under the Contract may include, but are not limited to: air quality; noise; energy; vibration; hazardous waste; surface water and ground water quality; surface water and ground water hydrology; terrestrial ecology including threatened and endangered species; wetlands; soils; geology; farmlands; visual quality; socio-economic resources; cultural resources; Section 4(f) Evaluations; early coordination and; scoping correspondence; meeting minutes; public meeting and hearing presentations; visualization materials, handouts and displays; technical basis reports (TBRs) and/or technical files; NEPA environmental documents; Section 106 documents; mitigation plans and reports; wetland and floodplain findings; and preliminary engineering plans, and remote sensing/mapping innovations; The format and content of all documents will be consistent with applicable State and Federal regulations, policies and guidelines.
The engineering services and environmental studies identified above are the general work activities that can be expected under this Open-End Contract. A more specific and project-related Scope of Work will be outlined for each individual Work Order developed under this Open-End Contract.
This project reference assignment is considered non-complex. The letter of interest shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) pages, 8 1/2" x 11", one sided, plus an organizational chart (up to 11" x 17" size), required information, and additional resumes, if applicable. (See the General Requirements and Information Section).
The Letter of Interest submission shall be sent to:
Mr. Walter E. Bortree, P.E., District Engineer
Engineering District 5-0
1713 Lehigh Street
Allentown, PA 18103
Attention: Mr. David A. Earp, P.E.The Letter of Interest submission for this project reference number must be received at the address listed above by 4:30 P.M. prevailing time on the twentieth (20th) day following the date of this Notice.
Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. David A. Earp, P.E., District 5-0, at (610) 791-6021.
Berks County
Project Reference No. 08430AG2353The Department will retain an engineering firm for a multi-phase, specific project agreement to conduct environmental studies, prepare preliminary engineering plans, perform final design and provide services during construction (shop drawing reviews and consultation during construction) for S.R. 0082, Section 10B, the proposed bridge replacement over the Schuylkill River and ConRail tracks located in the Borough of Birdsboro and Township of Exeter, Berks County. The design of this project is expected to have an overall duration of approximately twenty-seven (27) months with shorter, varying schedules for individual phases. This multi-phase agreement will be administered by Engineering District 5-0. The estimated construction cost of the project is $2.0 million.
The existing structure is a nine (9) span, 342-meter long, concrete open spandrel arch structure with two (2) 3.6 meter lanes and two (2) 1.8 meter sidewalks. S.R. 0082 in the project area is a two (2) lane minor arterial highway that extends north and south through southern Berks County. The project study limits will extend 150 meters on each end of the existing structure. The structure is bounded by mature forest and commercial structures on the north and by commercial and residential structures on the south.
The selected engineering firm will be required to provide a variety of engineering services as indicated below, but not limited to:
1. All studies necessary for the preparation of a Categorical Exclusion Evaluation Level 3 (or Level 4 if there are archeological findings or if the project requires additional right-of-way) and associated documents including: cultural resource surveys; wetlands delineation and evaluation; Section 106 documents; hazardous waste reports; archeological surveys, etc.
2. Preliminary engineering including, but not limited to: type, size, and location drawings; Step 9 submission; roadway design; E & S plans; soils and geotechnical reconnaissance; maintenance and protection of traffic; right-of-way investigation; and coordination with utility companies. Another consultant is performing some preliminary engineering work (field surveying and hydrologic and hydraulic reporting). The selected consultant will verify and incorporate this work into the preliminary engineering efforts.
3. Preparation of final roadway and structure plans, including, but not limited to: roadway and structure borings; final design; and preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates.
4. Consultation during construction.
All engineering services for this project will be performed in accordance with current Department Metric Design Standards.
The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during evaluation of the firms submitting acceptable Letters of Interest:
a. Specialized expertise and technical compliance.
b. Project team composition.
c. Project team experience.
d. Ability to expedite project and maintain schedule and budget.
e. Past performance.
f. Location of consultant.
The District will announce the shortlisted firms at an open public meeting to be held in Engineering District 5-0, 1713 Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA, 18103. All candidates that have submitted a Letter of Interest will be notified of the date. Specify a contact person in the letter of interest submission.
The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen (15%) percent of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information section after the advertised project(s).
This project reference assignment is considered moderately complex. The letter of interest shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) pages, 8 1/2" x 11", one sided, plus an organizational chart (up to 11" x 17" size), required information, and additional resumes, if applicable. (See the General Requirements and Information Section).
The Letter of Interest submission shall be sent to:
Mr. Walter E. Bortree, P.E., District Engineer
Engineering District 5-0
1713 Lehigh Street
Allentown, PA 18103
Attention: Mr. David A. Earp, P.E.The Letter of Interest submission for this project reference number must be received at the address listed above by 4:30 P.M. prevailing time on the twentieth (20th) day following the date of this Notice.
Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. David A. Earp, P.E., District 5-0, at (610) 791-6021 or Mr. Kenneth M. McClain, District 5-0, at (610) 791-6037.
Allegheny County
Project Reference No. 08430AG2354The Department will retain an engineering firm to provide supplementary construction inspection staff of approximately nineteen (19 ) inspectors, under the Department's Inspector(s)-in-Charge for construction inspection and documentation services on the following projects:
1. S.R. 0079, Section A19, Allegheny County Local Name: Neville Island Bridge Phase 1 This project involves a bridge rehabilitation - fatigue crack repairs.
2. S.R. 3048, Section A05, Allegheny County Local Name: Mansfield Blvd. This project involves a bridge deck replacement with minor approach work.
3. S.R. 0019, Section 062, Allegheny County Local Name: Perry Highway Bridge This project involves replacing an existing bridge over S.R. 0910 and widening approaches.
4. S.R. 0051, Section A44, Allegheny County Local Name: Fleming Park Road This project involves a bituminous overlay, paved shoulders, guide rail and drainage.
The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.
The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:
a. Review of inspectors' resumes with emphasis on construction inspection capabilities and specialized experience in the Maintenance and Protection of Traffic, soils, structures, concrete, asphalt paving, and drainage, milling, guiderail, and superpave asphalt mixtures.
b. Understanding of Department's requirements, policies, and specifications.
c. Past performance.
d. Number of NICET certified inspectors in each payroll classification.
e. Number of available inspectors in each payroll classification.
The qualifications and experience required of the firm's inspectors will be established by the Department, and the qualifications of the firm's proposed employees will be reviewed and approved by the Department.
It is anticipated that the supplementary construction inspection staff for this assignment will consist of the following number of inspectors who meet the requirements for the following inspection classifications:
No. of Classification Inspectors Transportation Construction Ins. Super. (TCIS) (NICET Highway Construction Level 3 or equivalent) 4 (3) Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI) (NICET Highway Construction Level 2 or equivalent) 11 (7) Technical Assistant (TA) (NICET Highway Construction Level 1 or equivalent) 4 (0) The number(s) in parenthesis above indicate the number of inspectors in each Classification that must meet at least one of the following requirements:
1. Be certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) in the field of Transportation Engineering Technology, subfield of Highway Construction, or subfield of Highway Materials, at the Level required for the Inspection Classification.
2. Be registered as a Professional Engineer by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.
3. Be certified as an Engineer-in-Training by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.
4. Hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.
5. Hold an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.
The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for each Department Payroll Classification for calendar year of 1999:
Maximum Straight Time Reimbursement Per Hour Payroll Classification Of Inspection (TCIS) $40.54 (TCI) $35.47 (TA) $24.39 The maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection includes all costs for providing construction inspection services at the project site during the normal work week.
Maximum reimbursement per hour of inspection for subsequent calendar years, if applicable, will be established at the scope of work meeting.
The firm selected may be required to attend a pre-construction conference with the Department and the construction contractor for this project. Under the supervision and direction of the Department, the selected firm will be required to keep records and document the construction work; prepare current and final estimates for payment to the construction contractor; assist the Department in obtaining compliance with the labor standards, safety and accident prevention, and equal opportunity provisions of the contract item; four (4) inspectors certified in computer documentation; and perform other duties as may be required. Firms applying must have qualified personnel capable of climbing structures during painting, rehabilitation, or construction.
The firm selected will be required to supply the following equipment at no direct cost to the Department:
1 Nuclear Densometer Gauges/License**** 1 Vehicle for the Transportation of Nuclear Gauges**** 19 Cellular Telephones (Two-way Radios also acceptable) **** At point of need when needed
The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information Section after the advertised project(s).
Letters of interest for this project must include a letter, signed by the individuals you propose for all TCIS positions, giving their approval to use their name in your letter of interest for this specific project.
The maximum number of resumes to be included in the letter of interest shall be as follows:
No. of Resumes TCIS 5 TCI 14 No resumes are required for the TA Classification.
This project reference assignment is considered non-complex. The letter of interest shall be limited to a maximum of three (3)pages, 8 1/2" x 11", one sided, plus an organizational chart (up to 11" x 17" size), required information, and additional resumes, if applicable. (See the General Requirements and Information Section).
The Letter of Interest submission shall be sent to:
Mr. Raymond S. Hack, P.E., District Engineer
Engineering District 11-0
45 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017The Letter of Interest submission for this project reference number must be received at the address listed above by 4:30 P.M. prevailing time on the twentieth (20th) day following the date of this Notice.
Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. Brian A. Krul, District 11-0, at (412) 429-3801.
Greene County
Project Reference No. 08430AG2355The Department will retain an engineering firm to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and perform preliminary design activities for the Morrisville relocation and/or widening project on S.R. 0019, Section P02, located in Franklin Township and the Borough of Waynesburg, Greene County, Engineering District 12-0. The estimated construction cost is $12 million.
The project consists of relocating and/or widening a 1000 meter section of roadway beginning near the intersection of S.R. 0019 and S.R. 0021 and proceeding west crossing over the South Fork of Ten Mile Creek and beneath Conrail's tracks and terminating near the intersection of Woodland Avenue (T-728) and Green Street (S.R. 0019). Possible northern and southern limits of the study area are the South Fork of Ten Mile Creek and Morris Street (T-541) respectively. Included in the project are two (2) structures, a concrete arch over the South Fork of Ten Mile Creek and an overhead steel truss structure owned by Conrail. Widening or replacement of these two structures or the addition of two (2) new structures may be required depending upon the selection relocation of S.R. 0019.
The selected firm will be required to provide: environmental impact statement; preliminary and detailed alternatives analysis; design field view submission; field survey; public involvement; utility and PUC coordination; hydrologic and hydraulic studies; right-of-way plans; traffic control plans; erosion and sedimentation control plans; type, size and location submission; pavement design; geotechnical/foundation submission and project management. A project needs analysis and a portion of the preliminary alternatives analysis has been completed by others. The needs presentation report and all relevant preliminary design data will be provided by the Department to the selected firm.
The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting acceptable letters of interest:
a. Specialized experience and technical competence of firm. The specific experience of individuals who constitute the firms will be considered.
b. Understanding of the Department's requirements, Design Manuals, policies and specifications.
c. Past record of performance with respect to cost control, work quality, ability to meet schedules.
d. Location of consultant with respect to the District. This will include ability/provisions for quick responses to District requests.
e. Method of controlling quality of projects and submissions. Consideration will be given to coordination between disciplines, subconsultants, etc.
The District will announce the firms that have been shortlisted at an open public meeting to be held in Engineering District 12-0, North Gallatin Avenue Extension, P. O. Box 459, Uniontown, PA 15401. All candidates that have submitted a letter of interest will be notified of the date. Specify a contact person in the letter of interest.
The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen (15%) percent of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information section after the advertised project(s).
This project reference assignment is considered complex. The letter of interest shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) pages, 8 1/2" x 11", one sided, plus an organizational chart (up to 11" x 17" size), required information, and additional resumes, if applicable. (See the General Requirements and Information Section).
The Letter of Interest submission shall be sent to:
Mr. Michael H. Dufalla, P.E., District Engineer
Engineering District 12-0
N. Gallatin Avenue Extension
Uniontown, PA 15401
Attention: Mr. Jerome F. BendoThe Letter of Interest submission for this project reference number must be received at the address listed above by 4:30 P.M. prevailing time on the twentieth (20) day following the date of this Notice.
Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. Jerry F. Bendo, District 12-0, at (724) 439-7377.
Monroe County
Project Reference No. 08430AG2356The Department will retain an engineering firm for a multi-phase, specific project agreement to conduct environmental studies, prepare preliminary engineering plans, perform final design and provide services during construction (shop drawing reviews and consultation during construction) for the proposed bridge clearance resolutions of two (2) bridges over S.R. 0080 in Monroe County. One bridge is located on S.R. 0209 at Exit 52 (Marshalls Creek exit) in Smithfield Township and the other bridge is located on S.R. 2017 at Exit 51 (East Stroudsburg exit) in East Stroudsburg. This project will also involve the preparation of a feasibility study for the improvement of the existing intersection between S.R. 0209 and S.R. 0447 located approximately 100 meters northeast of the interchange between S.R. 0209 and S.R. 0080 (Exit 52). The design of this project is expected to have an overall duration of approximately twenty-seven (27) months with shorter, varying schedules for individual phases. This multi-phase agreement will be administered by Engineering District 5-0. The estimated construction cost of the project is $8.0 million.
S.R. 0209 in the project area is a two (2) lane, rural, minor arterial highway that extends northeast and southwest through Monroe County. The structures is part of the Exit 52 configuration that connects the two-lane portion of Route 209 with a four-lane, divided, limited access highway that carries both Interstate 80 and Route 209 designations. The project study limits will extend throughout the interchange area and extend 1000 meters east and west and 770 meters north and south of the exiting structure. The purpose of the project is to increase the existing vertical clearances under the structure (14`8" over westbound I-80 and 15`0" over eastbound I-80) to the design standard of 16`6". The existing structure, which was built in 1958, is a single span, steel structure with two 3.6-meter lanes separated by a mountable median. The total width is 16.5 meters and the overall length is 31.4 meters.
S.R. 2017 in the project area is a two-lane, urban, minor arterial highway that extends north and south through in the Borough of East Stroudsburg. The structure is part of the Exit 51 interchange of S.R. 2017 (Prospect Street) with Interstate 80. The project study limits will extend throughout the interchange area and extend 1000 meters east and west and 300 meters north and south of the exiting structure. The purpose of the project is to increase the existing vertical clearances under the structure (14`6" over westbound I-80 and 14`10" over eastbound I-80) to the design standard of 16`6". The existing structure, which was built in 1958, is a single span, steel, structure with two 3.6-meter lanes and one 1.5-meter sidewalk. The total width is 13.7 meters and the overall length is 20.9 meters.
S.R. 0209 intersects S.R. 0447 approximately 100 meters northeast of the interchange between S.R. 0209 and S.R. 0080 (Exit 52). S.R. 0209 is a two lane minor arterial highway that runs northeast and southwest through Monroe County. S.R. 0447 is a two lane minor arterial highway that runs north and south through central Monroe County. The goal of this project is to prepare a feasibility study for improvements to this intersection, develop a preferred alternative, and prepare a preliminary roadway design (line and grade) for the preferred alignment to the extent that the environmental documentation can be completed.
The selected engineering firm will be required to provide a variety of engineering services as indicted below, but not limited to:
1. All studies necessary for the preparation of a Categorical Exclusion Evaluation Level 3 (or Level 4 if there are archaeological findings or if the project requires additional right of way) and associated documents including: cultural resource surveys, wetlands delineation and evaluation, Section 106 documents, hazardous waste reports, archaeological surveys, etc.
2. Preliminary engineering including, but not limited to: field surveys; type, size and location; Step 9; roadway design; hydrologic and hydraulic report; E & S plans; soils and geological reconnaissance; maintenance and protection of traffic plans; right-of-way investigation and coordination with utility companies.
3. Preparation of final roadway and structure plans, including, but not limited to: roadway and structure borings; final design; and preparation of plans, specifications and estimates
4. Consultation during construction.
5. Preparation of a feasibility study for intersection improvements, including, but not limited to: researching existing intersection accident, traffic, and geometric data; preparation of alternative improvement concepts; selection of a preferred alternative; preparation of all necessary environmental documentation; and preliminary roadway design to the extent that the environmental documentation can be prepared.
All engineering services for this project will be performed in accordance with current Department Metric Design Standards.
The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting acceptable Letters of Interest:
a. Specialized experience and technical competence.
b. Project team composition.
c. Project team experience
d. Ability to expedite project and maintain schedule and budget.
e. Past performance.
f. Location of consultant.
The District will announce the firms that have been shortlisted at an open public meeting to be held in Engineering District 5-0, 1713 Lehigh Street, Allentown, PA 18103. All candidates that have submitted a letter of interest will be notified of the date. Specify a contact person in the letter of interest submission.
By submitting a letter of interest for the project, the consulting firm is certifying that the firm is qualified to perform engineering services in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this Agreement shall be fifteen (15%) percent of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this Agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information section after the advertised project(s).
This project reference assignment is considered complex. The letter of interest shall be limited to a maximum of five (5)pages, 8 1/2" x 11", one sided, plus an organizational chart (up to 11" x 17" size), required information, and additional resumes, if applicable. (See the General Requirements and Information Section).
The Letter of Interest submission shall be sent to:
Mr. Walter E. Bortree, P.E., District Engineer
Engineering District 5-0
1713 Lehigh Street
Allentown, PA 18103The Letter of Interest submission for this project reference number must be received at the address listed above by 4:30 P.M. prevailing time on the twentieth (20th) day following the date of this Notice.
Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to: Mr. David A. Earp, P.E., District 5-0, at (610) 791-6021 or Mr. Jack W. Hubbard, District 5-0, at (610) 791-6021.
General Requirements and Information Firms interested in providing the above work and services are invited to submit a Letter of Interest with the required information for each Project Reference Number for which the applicant wishes to be considered.
The Letter of Interest and required information must be submitted to the person designated in the individual advertisement.
The Letter of Interest and required information must be received by the Deadline indicated in the individual advertisement.
All consultants, both prime consultants and subconsultants, who desire to be included in a Letter of Interest must have an Annual Qualification Package on file with the appropriate District Office, by the deadline stipulated in the individual advertisements.
For Statewide projects, all consultants, both prime consultants and subconsultants, who desire to be included in a Letter of Interest must have an Annual Qualification Package on file with the Central Office, Bureau of Design by the deadline stipulated in the individual advertisements.
By submitting a letter of interest for the projects that requests engineering services, the consulting firm is certifying that the firm is qualified to perform engineering services in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Information concerning the Annual Qualification Package can be found in Strike-off Letter No. 433-99-04 or under the Notice to all Consultants published in the February 27, 1999 issue of the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
If a Joint Venture responds to a project advertisement, the Department of Transportation will not accept separate Letters of Interest from the Joint Venture constituents. A firm will not be permitted to submit a Letter of Interest on more than one (1) Joint Venture for the same Project Reference Number. Also a firm that responds to a project as a prime may not be included as a designated subcontractor to another firm that responds as a prime to the project. Multiple responses under any of the foregoing situations will cause the rejection of all responses of the firm or firms involved. The above does not preclude a firm from being set forth as a designated subcontractor to more than one (1) prime responding to the project advertisement.
If a goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation is established for an advertised project, firms expressing interest in the project must agree to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms as defined in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st century (TEA-21) and currently certified by the Department of Transportation shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in any subcontracting or furnishing supplies or services approved under Form 442, Section 1.10(a). The TEA-21 requires that firms owned and controlled by women (WBEs) be included, as a presumptive group, within the definition of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). The goal for DBE participation shall be as stated in the individual project advertisement. Responding firms shall make good faith efforts to meet the DBE goal using DBEs (as they are defined prior to the act, WEBs or combinations thereof).
Proposing DBE firms must be certified at the time of submission of the Letter of Interest. If the selected firm fails to meet the established DBE participation goal, it shall be required to demonstrate its good faith efforts to attain the goal.
Responses are encouraged by small firms, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms, and other firms who have not previously performed work for the Department of Transportation.
The assignment of the agreement/contract for the above advertisement(s) will be made to one of the firms who submitted an acceptable Letter of Interest in response to the project advertisement. The assignment will be made based on the Department's evaluation of the firm's qualification and capabilities. The Department reserves the right to reject all letters submitted, to cancel the solicitations requested under this Notice, and/or to readvertise solicitation for the work and services.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-833. Filed for public inspection May 21, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]