DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY Current Prevailing Wage Act Debarments [29 Pa.B. 2725] The contractors referenced as follows have been determined to have intentionally violated the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act (act) (43 P. S. §§ 165-1--165-17). This notice is published for the information and convenience of public bodies subject to the act. Under section 11(e) of the act (43 P. S. § 165-11(e)), this firm or this person, or any firms, corporations or partnerships in which such firm or person has an interest, shall be awarded no contract for 3 years after the date listed.
Date of Contractor Address Debarment Douglas R. Hughes, Inc. R.D. 1, Box 22 May 5, 1999 (Fed. ER I.D. No.
25-1327715)Sycamore, PA 15364 and Douglas R. Hughes, individually JOHNNY J. BUTLER,
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-829. Filed for public inspection May 21, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]