899 Establishing uniform costs for specialized urinalysis testing and confirmation by the adult probation/ parole office; no. AD 2-2012
LEHIGH COUNTY Establishing Uniform Costs for Specialized Urinalysis Testing and Confirmation by the Adult Probation/Parole Office; No. AD 2-2012 [42 Pa.B. 2728]
[Saturday, May 19, 2012]Administrative Order And Now, this 18th day of April, 2012, It Is Hereby Ordered that the following procedures be put into place and become effective as of June 1, 2012:
1. Every person placed on probation, parole, accelerated rehabilitative disposition, probation without verdict, or intermediate punishment, shall pay, in addition to the costs of prosecution, fines and restitution, and other costs, a fee of $30.00 for each urinalysis test administered by the Lehigh County Adult Probation Department for the detection of synthetic cannabinoids and a fee of $40.00 for each urinalysis test administered by the Lehigh County Adult Probation Department for the detection of synthetic amphetamines.
2. Every person placed on probation, parole, accelerated rehabilitative disposition, probation without verdict, or intermediate punishment, shall pay, in addition to the costs of prosecution, fines and restitution, and other costs, a fee of $12.50 for confirmation testing of each/any urinalysis test administered by the Lehigh County Adult Probation Department.
It Is Further Ordered that one (1) certified copy of this Order shall be filed by the Court Administrator of Lehigh County with the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts; that two (2) certified copies and a CD-ROM copy that complies with the requirement of Pa. Code § 13.11(b) shall be filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin; that one (1) certified copy shall be file with the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee, which Committee has certified to this court that this Administrative Order is not inconsistent with any general rule of the Supreme Court. Finally, it is ordered that the Court Administrator of Lehigh County publish a copy of this Order on the Unified Judicial System's web site at http://ujsportal.pacourts.us/localrules/ruleselection.aspx.
By the Court
President Judge[Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-899. Filed for public inspection May 18, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]