Title 4--GOVERNOR'S OFFICE [4 PA. CODE CH. 6] [EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2001-3] [31 Pa.B. 2546] Voting Modernization Task Force April 25, 2001
Whereas, National events in the 2000 General Election have created an environment replete with opportunities and challenges to improve the means by which elections are conducted throughout this Commonwealth; and
Whereas, Article I, Section 5 of the Pennsylvania Constitution states ''Elections shall be free and equal; and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage''; and
Whereas, recent developments in technology provide opportunities to improve this Commonwealth's voting systems; and
Whereas, each of Pennsylvania's 67 counties has significant authority in the administration of the Commonwealth's elections; and
Whereas, each county selects and maintains its own voting equipment and conducts elections; and
Whereas, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, by law, serves as Pennsylvania's chief election officer; and
Whereas, the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provide that elections are the shared responsibility of the county Boards of Election and the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Now, Therefore, I, Thomas J. Ridge, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Laws of the Commonwealth, do hereby establish the Voting Modernization Task Force (Task Force).
GovernorFiscal Note: GOV 01-03. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.
6.31. Mission. 6.32. Functions. 6.33. Composition. 6.34. Terms of membership. 6.35. Compensation. 6.36. Reports. 6.37. Executive agencies. 6.38. Termination date. § 6.31. Mission.
The mission of the Voting Modernization Task Force shall be to make recommendations to modernize the voting systems and machinery throughout this Commonwealth.
§ 6.32. Functions.
The functions of the Voter Modernization Task Force shall be to:
(1) Evaluate the voting systems available in this Commonwealth, including:
(i) The merits of various types of voting machinery and technology.
(ii) The speed and accuracy of vote counting.
(iii) The integrity and security of voting systems, including ballot secrecy.
(iv) The feasibility of establishing uniform guidelines for vote tabulations on various voting systems and associated standards for recounts.
(v) Recommendations regarding effective ballot design.
(vi) The accessibility of voting machines to elderly and disabled Pennsylvanians.
(vii) The methods by which the Internet can add value to elections.
(viii) The viability of a standardized voting system to be utilized throughout this Commonwealth.
(2) Recommend changes, if necessary, to the current approval process in this Commonwealth for voting systems.
§ 6.33. Composition.
The Voting Modernization Task Force includes the following members:
(1) The Secretary of the Commonwealth, who serves as the chairperson.
(2) The Commissioner of Elections for the Department of State.
(3) The Chairperson of the Western Pennsylvania Election Personnel Association and the Chairperson of the Association of Eastern Pennsylvania County Election Personnel, or their designees.
(4) Two representatives of the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania.
(5) A representative from the Office of Administration's Office of Information Technology.
(6) The Governor's Director of Policy or a designee.
(7) At least three members from the public at large.
(8) Additional representatives, appointed by the Governor as deemed necessary, as nonvoting exofficio members.
§ 6.34. Terms of membership.
The terms of membership shall be as follows:
(1) The members serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
(2) If a vacancy occurs on the Voting Modernization Task Force due to resignation, disability or death of a member, the Governor will appoint a successor as expeditiously as possible.
§ 6.35. Compensation.
The members of the Voting Modernization Task Force receive no compensation for their service, except that the members may be reimbursed for actual travel and related expenses in accordance with the Commonwealth Travel and Subsistence Regulations. (See Chapter 40 (relating to travel and subsistence).)
§ 6.36. Reports.
The Task Force shall present a final report to the Governor by November 30, 2001.
§ 6.37. Executive agencies.
The agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction shall cooperate with and provide assistance as needed by the Voting Modernization Task Force (Task Force) in performing its functions. The Task Force will receive administrative services from the Department of State.
§ 6.38. Termination date.
This subchapter will terminate on December 31, 2001, unless reestablished or sooner rescinded.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 01-848. Filed for public inspection May 18, 2001, 9:00 a.m.]