772 Retention of a professional design firm; project reference no. FDC-500-444  


    Retention of a Professional Design Firm; Project Reference No. FDC-500-444

    [28 Pa.B. 2292]

       The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (Department) will retain a professional design firm to perform various building and engineering designs. The professional design firm may be an engineering/architectural firm, an architectural/engineering firm or an engineering firm with an architectural subconsultant. This open-ended design services work shall consist of building mechanical, plumbing and electrical designs, tie-ins to site utilities, major maintenance repairs, renovations to existing buildings and additions to existing buildings. This firm's area of responsibility shall include projects throughout the entire Commonwealth. Bureau of Facility Design and Construction personnel will do project work in conjunction with this professional design firm. Many of these projects may be for building less than 5,000 square feet in size and small in terms of project scope.

       These design projects will be constructed by separate construction contracts for general, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, sewer and water work. General construction work for projects could be done under the direction of Bureau of State Parks personnel or bid contracts.

       The services may encompass a wide range of evaluation and design efforts with the possibility of multiple projects being designed simultaneously under short completion schedules. The anticipated work of the projects may include, but are not limited to, evaluations of the electrical, heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, as well as the architectural and structural conditions of the subject buildings. Also, the selected firm may be required to present alternative design solutions to solve existing deficiencies, as well as the ramifications of the solutions in relation to architectural and engineering revisions required by each solution. The contract will be a multiple year contract for a period of 3 years. The maximum amount of the contract is $150,000 for each year. The extent of the work for the second and third year will be dependent on the availability of additional funds and additional projects.

       The selected firm may be required to perform any or all of the following duties: attend site visits; prepare minutes; perform necessary field surveys; develop details and narratives; prepare reports; prepare construction drawings, specifications and estimates; investigate utility involvement; and evaluate alternatives using benefit/cost analysis. Also, the review of shop drawings, catalog cuts and occasional attendance at job conferences will be required.

       The services shall include, but not be limited to, a preliminary meeting in the Bureau of Facility Design and Construction, 8th Floor, Market Street State Office Building, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, for each project. The contract shall be based on the hours of service and qualifying expenses not exceeding the contract amount. Work may be done on an hourly basis or a maximum cost work order for the individual design project. The design work will be reviewed by the architectural and engineering staff of the Bureau of Facility Design and Construction, and when acceptable, approved by same staff.

    General Requirements and Information

       Firms interested in performing the required services for this project are invited to submit Letters of Interest to Eugene J. Comoss, P.E., Director, Bureau of Facility Design and Construction, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 8th Floor, 400 Market Street, P.O. Box 8451, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8451.

       The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania strongly encourages the submission of proposals by Socially/Economically Restricted Businesses (SERB).

       Proposers not considered to be socially/economically restricted businesses seeking to identify the businesses for joint venture and subcontracting opportunities are encouraged to contact: Department of General Services, Office of Minority and Women Business Enterprise, Room 502, North Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17125, (717) 787-7380.

       Each Letter of Interest must include the firm's Federal identification number and the project reference number. The Letter of Interest shall also include a description of the firm's three most recently completed projects similar to the project being proposed. The description shall include the client, contact person and phone number, the estimated or actual construction cost of the portion of the work which the firm designed, the project manager and the names of all personnel who made major contributions to the project. The Letter of Interest shall indicate the firm's capability of working on multiple small projects at the same time and understanding of the Department's needs.

       A standard current revised 1994 DGS Form 150-S must accompany the Letter of Interest and shall indicate the individual in charge. A standard current revised 1994 DGS Form 150 must also accompany the Letter of Interest. Additional information pertinent to the firm's qualifications to do the work of this contract may be included.

       In addition to the required numbers of the Letter of Interest, DGS Form 150 and DGS Form 150-S, copies of the hourly rates of the position titles for persons who will be working on the projects shall be submitted. The copies shall be in envelopes clearly identified as to its contents. Should hourly rates change during the second year and/or third year of the contract, these rates must also be included in the proposal. Hourly rates for subconsultants shall also be included.

       The hourly rates shall be itemized to show the basic rates plus fringe benefits, profits, administrative costs, and the like for the position titles. Examples of such people shall include a firm principal, project engineer, engineering technician, staff engineers, staff architects, draftpersons and secretary. Travel expenses shall be based on the current State rate per mile of automobile travel. Miscellaneous expenses such as printing and mailing shall be reimbursed at cost upon approval by the Department.

       The following factors will be considered during the evaluation of the firm's Letter of Interest:

       A.  Criteria evaluated by the technical review will include:

       1.  Professional's understanding of the various design requirements for this project as demonstrated in the Letter of Interest.

       2.  Qualifications of firm.

       3.  Professional personnel in firm.

       4.  Soundness of approach as demonstrated in Letter of Interest.

       5.  SERB participation. (Evaluated by DGS)

       6.  Cost.

       B.  The criteria that will be evaluated by the Secretary or his designee will include:

       1.  An equitable distribution of contracts to architects and engineers.

       2.  Particular capability of professional to perform the design services for the contract being considered. In all cases, it is understood that any firm recommended by the Technical Review Committee is capable of performing the work. The priority order of the Technical Review Committee will only be used when evaluation of the other factors results in a tie evaluation.

       3.  Geographic proximity of the professional to the facility or study area.

       4.  Available manpower to perform the services required.

       5.  Other relevant circumstances peculiar to the proposed contract.

       Each proposer shall relate their proposal to the above criteria.

       Six copies of the Letter of Interest and the required forms and six copies of the hourly rate information must be received no later than 4 p.m. on June 9, 1998. The six copies shall be submitted in six complete sets that shall be spiral bound or in folders or secured by binder clips. The assignment and services will be made to one of the firms responding to this notice. However, the Department reserves the right to reject all letters of interest submitted, cancel the solicitation requested under this notice, and/or readvertise solicitation for this service.

       The Department will not offer a debriefing session to the unsuccessful firms. The Department disclaims any liability whatsoever to its review of the proposal submitted and in formulating a recommendation for selections. Recommendations made by the Department shall be final.

    JOHN C. OLIVER,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 98-772. Filed for public inspection May 15, 1998, 9:00 a.m.]

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