Title 4--ADMINISTRATION PART I. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE [4 PA. CODE CH. 5] [EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 1998-3, AMENDED] [29 Pa.B. 2570] Pennsylvania Greenways Partnership Commission April 7, 1999
Whereas, under Article I, Section 27 of The Pennsylvania Constitution, the people have the right to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and aesthetic value of the environment; and
Whereas, Pennsylvania is blessed with a scenic beauty, a rich cultural heritage, and an environment of waterways, forests, farms, natural areas and open space lands; and
Whereas, a network of greenways across the State will help to preserve environmental values and protect these natural, cultural, historic and scenic assets for future generations; and
Whereas, a network of greenways across the State will enhance outdoor recreation opportunities; provide wildlife corridors and habitat; provide intermodal transportation options; stimulate our tourism industry; contribute to environmentally sensitive growth strategies; and improve the quality of life and livability of our neighborhoods, communities and regions; and
Whereas, developing a network of greenways requires the formulation of partnerships which include government agencies, nonprofit organizations, business interests and property owners; and
Whereas, the concept of creating greenway connections through public and private partnerships was addressed at the Governor's Conference on Greenways and Trails in April 1997 and creation of a Greenways Commission was a high priority of conference attendees.
Now, Therefore, I, Thomas J. Ridge, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws of the Commonwealth, do hereby establish The Pennsylvania Greenways Partnership Commission (hereafter referred to as ''Commission'') as hereinafter set forth:
Fiscal Note: GOV 99-3. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.
(a) The Pennsylvania Greenways Partnership Commission (Commission) consists of 22 individuals who are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The membership of the Commission shall reflect a cross section of greenway interests and the geographic diversity of the Commonwealth.
(1) The Commission shall be comprised of the Secretary of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), the Secretary of the Department of Transportation (PennDOT), the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and one representative from each of the following organizations:
(i) The Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
(ii) The Conservation Fund.
(iii) The Pennsylvania Rails-to-Trails Conservancy.
(iv) The Pennsylvania Recreation and Parks Society.
(v) The Pennsylvania Planning Association.
(vi) The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry.
(vii) The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association.
(viii) The Pennsylvania Heritage Parks Association.
(ix) The Pennsylvania Recreational Trails Advisory Board.
(x) The National Parks Service.
(2) The remaining nine members of the Commission will be selected from a diversity of greenway interests.
(b) The Secretary of DCNR and the Secretary of PennDOT shall serve as the Commission's chairs for 1 year, after which time, the Governor will select a chair or cochairs or extend the term of the existing cochairs.
(c) DCNR, PennDOT and DEP shall be the primary State agencies for the planning and coordination of the Commission and shall provide administrative support services.
(d) Each Commission member may designate an alternate to represent him on the Commission.
§ 5.983. Functions and scope.
The Pennsylvania Greenways Commission (Commission) will advise and assist the Secretaries of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Department of Transportation and Department of Environmental Protection in carrying out the following responsibilities:
(1) Developing an action plan for advancing a Pennsylvania greenways partnership program into the 21st century. This action plan will include related recommendations from the 21st Century Environment Commission.
(2) Pursuing the creation of partnership opportunities to plan, implement, maintain and fund a greenways network for this Commonwealth.
(3) Maintaining an inventory, catalog and map of the network of greenways and trails in this Commonwealth.
(4) Exploring creative financial and technical assistance programs and strategies to benefit the creation and sustainability of State and local greenway efforts.
(5) Researching and identifying ''best practices'' of existing greenways efforts within this Commonwealth and other states.
(6) Creating a Statewide clearinghouse system for collecting, maintaining and disseminating materials on greenways and trails legal, design and mapping information.
(7) Developing a public education, outreach and coalition building strategy (including local government) for greenways and trails.
(8) Developing strategies for incorporating greenways opportunities into Federal, State and local planning efforts dealing with issues such as land use/smart growth, open space preservation, watershed protection, natural areas protection, heritage conservation, recreation, tourism development, intermodal transportation systems and brownfields development.
(9) Coordinating existing State agency initiatives dealing with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, disposition of crossing structures and existing funding programs.
§ 5.984. State agency coordination.
All State agencies shall cooperate with and provide assistance as needed to the Pennsylvania Greenways Partnership Commission (Commission) in performing its mission and functions. The following State agencies shall designate a liaison to the Commission who will serve as the coordinator of greenway-related activities and primary contact for the Commission:
(1) Department of Agriculture.
(2) Department of Community and Economic Development.
(3) Department of Education.
(4) Fish and Boat Commission.
(5) Game Commission.
(6) Department of Health
(7) Historical and Museum Commission.
(8) Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-779. Filed for public inspection May 14, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]