844 Stream redesignation evaluations; water quality standards review?  

  • Stream Redesignation Evaluations; Water Quality Standards Review

    [42 Pa.B. 2539]
    [Saturday, May 12, 2012]

     Under 25 Pa. Code § 93.4d (relating to processing of petitions, evaluations and assessments to change a designated use), the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) gives notice that an evaluation will be conducted on all or portions of the following streams to determine the proper Aquatic Life Use or Special Protection designations in this Commonwealth's Water Quality Standards.

    Stream Name County Tributary To
    Lycoming Creek, Basin Lycoming, Tioga West Branch Susquehanna River
    West Branch Susquehanna River tributaries, Basins from Sinnemahoning Creek to Pine Creek Clinton West Branch Susquehanna River
    Council Run, Basin Centre Beech Creek
    Mehoopany Creek, Basin from source to the confluence with the North Fork Mehoopany Creek Wyoming, Sullivan Susquehanna River
    UNT (unnamed tributary) 08187 to South Branch Codorus Creek (locally known as Shaeffer Hollow), Basin York South Branch Codorus Creek
    Beaver Creek, Basin York Susquehanna River
    Cabin Creek, Basin York Susquehanna River
    Mitchell Run, UNTs 17754 and 17777 to Middle Creek, Basins Snyder Middle Creek
    Swiftwater Creek, Basin Monroe Forest Hills Run
    UNT 01714 to Schuylkill River (locally known as Mill Creek), Basin Berks Schuylkill River
    Perry Magee Run, Basin Warren Allegheny River
    Camp Run, Basin Armstrong Mahoning Creek

     Persons who have technical data concerning the water quality, instream habitat or biological condition of these stream sections are encouraged to make it available to the Department for consideration in the assessment. These assessments may lead to recommendations to the Environmental Quality Board for redesignation.

     Data should be submitted to Tony Shaw, Division of Water Quality Standards, Bureau of Point and Non-Point Source Management, P. O. Box 8774, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8774, tshaw@pa.gov. Data should be submitted no later than 30 days following publication of this notice. Questions concerning this evaluation can be directed to Tony Shaw at (717) 787-9637.

     More information on stream redesignation notifications is available online at www.dep.state.pa.us (DEP Keyword: ''Stream Assessment Notification'').

     Lycoming Creek mainstem is currently designated Cold Water Fishes, Migratory Fishes (CWF, MF) from the source to Long Run. Tributaries to Lycoming Creek from source to Long Run are currently designated High Quality-Cold Water Fishes, Migratory Fishes (HQ-CWF, MF). Lycoming Creek basin is currently designated Warm Water Fishes, Migratory Fishes (WWF, MF) from Long Run to the mouth. The study area will include the entire Lycoming Creek basin.

     West Branch Susquehanna River tributaries from Sinnemahoning Creek to Queens Run are currently designated HQ-CWF, MF with the exception of the following named tributaries that are currently designated Exceptional Value: Fish Dam, Barney and Paddy Runs, Boggs Hollow, Young Womans Creek basin from source to Left Branch Young Woman and Lick Run basin from source to the uppermost SR 1001 crossing; and the following named tributaries which are currently designated CWF, MF: Cooks Run, the lower reaches of Drury Run and Tangascootack Creek. West Branch Susquehanna River tributaries from Queens Run to Pine Creek (not including Bald Eagle Creek) are currently designated CWF, MF with the exception of Love and Henry Runs, which are designated HQ-CWF, MF. The study area will include West Branch Susquehanna River tributary basins from Sinnemahoning Creek to Pine Creek, with the exception of Kettle, Tangascootack and Bald Eagle Creeks.

     UNT 08187 to South Branch Codorus Creek basin (locally known as Shaeffer Hollow), Cabin Creek and UNT 01714 to Schuylkill River (locally known as Mill Creek) basins are currently designated WWF, MF. These study areas will include each basin in its entirety.

     The Mehoopany Creek basin from the source to the confluence with the North Fork Mehoopany Creek is currently designated HQ-CWF, MF. The study area will include the entire Mehoopany Creek basin from the source to the confluence with the North Fork.

     The Swiftwater Creek basin is currently designated HQ-CWF, MF. The study area will include the entire Swiftwater Creek basin.

     Beaver Creek, Mitchell Run, UNTs 17754 and 1777 to Middle Creek and Council Run basins are currently designated CWF, MF. These study areas will include each basin in its entirety.

     Camp and Perry Magee Runs basins are currently designated CWF. These study areas will include each basin in its entirety.

     Persons in need of accommodations as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 should contact Tony Shaw directly at (717) 787-9637 or through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD) to discuss how the Department may accommodate their needs.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-844. Filed for public inspection May 11, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]

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