Recent Actions during the 2012 Regular Session of the General Assembly [42 Pa.B. 2463]
[Saturday, May 12, 2012]The following is a summary of recent actions of the General Assembly during the 2012 Regular Session.
Doc. Date of Bill Printer's Effective Subject Matter No. Action Number Number Date 2012 GENERAL ACTS of Regular Session ENACTED—ACT 021 through 033
021 Apr 3 HB0424 PN3197 180 days Public Adjuster Licensing Law—omnibus amendments 022 Apr 3 SB0818 PN2007 Immediately Judicial Code (42 Pa.C.S.)—disposition of delinquent child 023 Apr 9 SB0815 PN2033 60 days Judicial Code (42 Pa.C.S.)—right to counsel for children in dependency and delinquency proceedings 024 Apr 12 HB1054 PN3214 60 days Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law—continuing professional competency requirements 025 Apr 12 HB1203 PN1598 120 days Vehicle Code (75 Pa.C.S.)—antique, classic and collectible plates 026 Apr 12 SB0110 PN2051 60 days Transportation (74 Pa.C.S.)—authority of department and logging of certain aircraft flights 027 Apr 12 SB0304 PN0281 60 days Air Pollution Control Act—public review of State implementation plans 028 Apr 12 SB0473 PN0468 Immediately Fish and Boat Code (30 Pa.C.S.)—license fee for deployed Pennsylvania National Guard members, resident license and fee exemptions 029 Apr 12 SB0560 PN0728 Immediately State Military College Legislative Appointment Initiative Program Act—enactment 030 Apr 12 SB0730 PN2034 60 days Second Class Township Code—real property, personal property and letting contracts 031 Apr 12 SB0743 PN1843 60 days Public School Code of 1949—teaching safe driving of motor vehicles 032 Apr 12 SB1167 PN1947 60 days Domestic Relations Code (23 Pa.C.S.) and Military and Veterans Code (51 Pa.C.S.)— consideration of criminal conviction, modification of existing orders, child custody proceeding during military deployment and expedited or electronic hearing 033 Apr 12 SB1228 PN1716 60 days Automobile Lemon Law—presumption of a reasonable number of attempts * denotes an effective date with exceptions
Effective Dates of Statutes The effective dates specified previously for laws and appropriation acts were contained in the applicable law or appropriation act. Where no date is specified or where the effective date specified is prior to the date of enactment, the effective date is 60 days after final enactment except for statutes making appropriations or affecting budgets of political subdivisions. See 1 Pa.C.S. §§ 1701—1704 (relating to effective dates of statutes).
Advance Copies of Statutes Section 1106 of Title 1 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes provides that the prothonotaries of each county shall file advance copies of statutes in their offices for public inspection until the Laws of Pennsylvania are generally available. Section 2406(h) of The Administrative Code of 1929 provides that the Department of General Services (Department) shall distribute advance sheets of the Laws of Pennsylvania to each law judge of the courts, to every county and public library of this Commonwealth and to each member of the General Assembly. These copies shall be furnished without charge. The Department shall also mail one copy of each law enacted during any legislative session to any person who pays to it the sum of $25.
Requests for annual subscriptions for advance copies of statutes should be sent to the State Bookstore, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120, accompanied by a check or money order in the sum of $25, payable to the ''Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.''
Legislative Reference Bureau[Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-824. Filed for public inspection May 11, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]