Title 204—JUDICIAL SYSTEM GENERAL PROVISIONS PART IV. ADMISSION TO PRACTICE LAW [ 204 PA. CODE CH. 71 ] Adoption of Rule 206 of the Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rules; No. 596 Supreme Court Rules Doc. [43 Pa.B. 2559]
[Saturday, May 11, 2013]Order Per Curiam
And Now, this 24th day of April, 2013, upon the recommendation of the Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners; the proposal having been submitted without publication pursuant to Pa.R.J.A. No. 103(a)(3):
It Is Ordered pursuant to Article V, Section 10 of the Constitution of Pennsylvania that Rule 206 of the Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rules is adopted as set forth in the following form.
This Order shall be processed in accordance with Pa.R.J.A. No. 103(b), and shall be effective in 30 days.
(a) Automatic Disqualification. An applicant who is found to have:
(1) obtained, used, or attempted to obtain or use answers or written or oral information or materials relating to the subjects tested on the bar examination from another applicant or any other person or source while taking the bar examination;
(2) brought in to the bar examination any personal notes relating to the subjects tested on the bar examination and used or attempted to use such notes while taking the bar examination;
(3) secreted any answers, information, materials, or personal notes relating to the subjects tested on the bar examination with the intent to review or use such information while taking the bar examination;
(4) received advance knowledge or information about the questions or the answers to the questions that are included on the bar examination being taken;
(5) written any notes or unauthorized information relating to the subjects tested on the bar examination on any examination materials prior to the beginning of the examination session; or
(6) given or attempted to give answers or information relating to the bar examination being taken to another applicant
shall be disqualified from the bar examination and will not receive a score for the bar examination, or if a score had already been determined such score will be invalidated. Such applicant shall not be eligible to file an application to sit for another bar examination for a period of three years from the date of the disqualification. If such applicant successfully completes a subsequent bar examination, the conduct underlying the disqualification will be considered by the Board in determining whether the applicant has the requisite character to be a member of the bar.
(b) Discretionary Disqualification. An applicant who is found to have violated or attempted to violate any other rule or restriction established by the Board related to taking the bar examination, including but not limited to bringing any item or material prohibited by the Board into the examination room, failure to follow instructions concerning the beginning or end of the examination, communicating with another applicant or external source during the examination, violating any oral or written instructions given in connection with the administration of the bar examination, compromising or disrupting the process for administration of the bar examination, failure to cooperate in the investigation of any conduct in connection with the administration of the bar examination, or otherwise failing to make a good faith effort to take the bar examination may be disqualified from the examination. An applicant who is disqualified under this section will not receive a score for the bar examination, or if a score had already been determined such score will be invalidated. If an applicant is not disqualified under this section for a violation of any rule or restriction, or if such applicant is disqualified and successfully completes a subsequent bar examination, the conduct underlying the violation of the rules and restrictions will be considered by the Board in determining whether the applicant has the requisite character to be a member of the bar.
(c) The initial determination as to the disqualification of an applicant shall be made by the Executive Director. An applicant receiving notice of the disqualification shall have the right to request in writing, within 10 days of the disqualification, a hearing before the Board, which hearing shall be governed by the general procedures set forth in Rule 213.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 13-847. Filed for public inspection May 10, 2013, 9:00 a.m.]