Title 55--PUBLIC WELFARE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE [55 PA. CODE CH. 140] Federal Poverty Income Guidelines for 1996 [26 Pa.B. 2213] The Department of Public Welfare announces the implementation in this Commonwealth of the 1996 Federal Poverty Income Guidelines (FPIGs) which were issued by the Department of Health and Human Services and published at 61 FR 8286 on March 4, 1996.
The FPIGs are the basis for the income eligibility limits for serveral programs whose regulations are published in 55 Pa. Code and administered by the Department of Public Welfare. These programs include the Healthy Beginnings Program for Pregnant Women and Qualified Children, Chapter 140, Subchapter A; the Healthy Horizons Program for the Elderly and Disabled, Chapter 140, Subchapter B; Extended Medical Coverage under the Categorically Needy Program for AFDC/AFDC-U Related Categories, Chapter 140, Subchapter C; and Transitional Child Care Programs, Chapter 168.
The percentages for the Healthy Beginnings, Healthy Horizons and Transitional Child Care Programs are set forth as follows:
100% of FPIG 120% of FPIG 133% of FPIG 185% of FPIG Persons Mo. Annual Mo. Annual Mo. Annual Mo. Annual 1 $ 645 $ 7,740 $ 774 $ 9,288 $ 857 $10,294 $1,193 $14,319 2 $ 863 $10,360 $1,036 $12,432 $1,148 $13,779 $1,597 $19,166 3 $1,081 $12,980 $1,298 $15,576 $1,438 $17,263 $2,001 $24,013 4 $1,300 $15,600 $1,560 $18,720 $1,729 $20,748 $2,405 $28,860 5 $1,518 $18,220 $1,822 $21,864 $2,019 $24,233 $2,808 $33,707 6 $1,736 $20,840 $2,084 $25,008 $2,309 $27,717 $3,212 $38,554 7 $1,955 $23,460 $2,346 $28,152 $2,600 $31,202 $3,616 $43,401 8 $2,173 $26,080 $2,608 $31,296 $2,890 $34,686 $4,020 $48,248 Each
Additional Person$ 218 $ 2,620 $ 262 $ 3,144 $ 290 $ 3,485 $ 403 $ 4,847
These percentages apply as follows:
Healthy Beginnings--
a. 185% for pregnant women and infants up to 1 year of age.
b. 133% for children age 1 through 5 years of age; and
c. 100% for children age 6 and older who were born after September 30, 1983.
Healthy Horizons--
a. 100% for those persons eligible for the categorically needy and Medicare cost-sharing programs.
b. 120% for those persons eligible for the Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries and Medically Needy Only Programs.
(There are different resource limits for each of these programs.)
Transitional Child Care--185%
Additional information on the specific programs is available at the county assistance offices.
Effective Date
This statement of policy shall take effect upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and apply retroactively to March 4, 1996.
SecretaryFiscal Note: 14-NOT-118. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption. Increased costs have been included in estimated caseload projections.
Annex A TITLE 55. PUBLIC WELFARE PART II. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE MANUAL Subpart C. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS CHAPTER 140. SPECIAL MA ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX A EXTENDING MEDICAL COVERAGE (EMC) MONTHLY INCOME LIMITS 185% OF THE 1996 FEDERAL POVERTY INCOME GUIDELINES Family Size 185% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines 1 $1,193 2 $1,597 3 $2,001 4 $2,405 5 $2,808 6 $3,212 7 $3,616 8 $4,020 Each Additional Person $ 403 [Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-763. Filed for public inspection May 10, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]