756 Rescission of local rule of criminal procedure Rule 101A; adoption of local rule of criminal procedure Rule 107*  


    Rescission of Local Rule of Criminal Procedure Rule 101A; Adoption of Local Rule of Criminal Procedure Rule 107*

    [26 Pa.B. 2183]


       And Now, this 11th day of April, 1996, the Court rescinds Montgomery County Local Rule of Criminal Procedure 101A, and approves and adopts the following Montgomery County Local Rule of Criminal Procedure 107*--Approval of Police Complaints and Arrest Warrant Affidavits By Attorney for The Commowealth, effective May 1, 1996.

       The Court Administrator is directed to publish this Order once in the Montgomery County Law Reporter and in the Legal Intelligencer. In conformity with Pa.R.C.P. 239, seven (7) certified copies of the within Order shall be filed by the Court Administrator with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. Two (2) certified copies shall be distributed to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. One (1) certified copy shall be filed with the Criminal Procedural Rules Committee. One (1) copy shall be filed with the Prothonotary, one (1) copy with the Clerk of Courts, and (1) copy with the Court Administrator of Montgomery County, one (1) copy with the Law Library of Montgomery County and one (1) copy with each Judge of this Court.

    By the Court

    President Judge

    Rule 101A.  [Rescinded]

    Rule 107*.  Approval of Police Complaints and Arrest Warrant Affidavits By Attorney for the Commonwealth.

       The District Attorney of Montgomery County, having filed a certificate pursuant to Pennsylvania Rule of Criminal Procedure 107(b), Criminal Complaints and Arrest Warrant Affidavits by police officers, as defined in the Rules of Criminal Procedure, charging criminal homicide offenses (including homicide by vehicle) shall not hereafter be accepted by any judicial officer unless the Complaint and Affidavit have the approval of an attorney for the Commonwealth prior to filing.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-756. Filed for public inspection May 10, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]

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