Title 255—LOCAL
COURT RULESDELAWARE COUNTY Cemetery Trust Account Filing Fees; File No. 150-2011 [41 Pa.B. 1896]
[Saturday, April 9, 2011]Order And Now, To Wit, this 22nd day of March, 2011, it is hereby Ordered and Decreed that the following fees are to be adopted as the filing fees for Accounts for Audit that are filed by Cemetery Companies. These fees are to be incorporated into the Fee Schedule of the Orphans' Court Division established per Order dated January 31, 2007, signed by Past President Judge Edward J. Zetusky, Jr., in accordance with the provisions of Act 18 of April 21, 1994, which became effective on March 19, 2007:
Accounts filed formally by cemetery trustees are to be charged as follows:
In Accounts not exceeding in value $5,000..........$116.00 would become $150.00
Over $ 5,000 and not exceeding $10,000..........$149.00 would become $200.00
Over $10,000 and not exceeding $25,000..........$198.00 would become $250.00
Over $25,000 and not exceeding $50,000..........$231.00 would become $350.00
Over $50,000 and not exceeding $100,000..........$281.00 would become $400.00
Over $100,000 and not exceeding $250,000..........$400.00 would become $550.00
Over $250,000 and not exceeding $500,000..........$500.00 would become $650.00
Over $500,000 and not exceeding $750,000..........$600.00 would become $750.00
Over $750,000 and not exceeding $1,000,000..........$800.00 would become $1,000.00
Each succeeding $500,000 or fraction thereof, $350 additional up to $10 million in value.
All accountings in excess of $10 million in value will be charged a flat fee of $7,500.00.
It Is Further Ordered that two (2) certified copies and one (1) diskette shall be filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in The Pennsylvania Bulletin; one (1) copy to the Delaware County Legal Journal for publication; and one (1) copy to The Legal Intelligencer for publication.
The effective date of this Order shall be: May 20, 2011.
By the Court
President JudgeNotice of Fees The following Order of Court incorporating a set of filing fees for Cemetery Trust Accounts for Audit into the existing Fee Schedule of the Orphans' Court Division (which went into effect on March 19, 2007), will become effective on May 20, 2011.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 11-603. Filed for public inspection April 8, 2011, 9:00 a.m.]